What's New in Ellgar!

If you want to read about the old updates, just click here!

I do the work here, for free. But we need some money to the artist. Even as many artist is doing artwork for free, we must, sometimes, give them a hope to earn some money. All donations will go to the artist here in The Forgotten Empire. The goal is to reach around 150 dollar/month. If we can reach that goal we can get more artwork and stories here. Thanx for your help! Aradd
The contents of Ellgar!
Maybe there is some of you that would live in a land when animals, beasts and humans lived together? Well, if so, welcome to Ellgar. Here all kind of animals, that including anthro and non-anthro and also monsters, aliens and so on. Also all kind of human, white, black, male or female, it doesn't matter.
Maybe that could be something to think of in these days of racism...
But there is one rule!
You need to be at least 18 and for some of you 21 years old!

Well, this update is around 4 weeks late and the reason is that my old computer got a problem with one of the mother board.
We start backwards today!
That means two new artist in section S: First Shimaenaga. I found this artist when I was looking at another members postings on X. So I decided to post Shimaenaga's artwork here in Ellgar, want to see? Okey, here is the button:
Then another artist that is already in Kandor: Snakegood. It is only one drawing, but it is better than none, isnt it? Go and take a look here:
In section M there is one new artist: Mitabi. He have done several drawings so I think you should just go and take a look, here:
In section K there is one new artist, that seems only be on X. Kazhijun is his name, go and take look at once:
In this section we also find Kikurage that have one new drawing, use this button to take a look:
Time to move on to section J. Jakatoshi is another new artist that have only made one drawing that will fit here in Ellgar, but it is a good one! So take a look:
In section I we have Inumatori and he have done several new drawings. Just go and take a look using this button here:
In section G we find another new artist: Gomsin940, and as for some other artists these days, he seems only to have a X account, well two, it seems. Go and take a look here:
There is also a update as Gonster have made several new drawings. I recommend you to take a look:
Cheotdo you find in section C, of course, and he is a new artist, just use this button here: He also call himself Dorian.
Then we have Asuka Kurehito... Well, with 302 drawings his section is not small. If you download his artwork from FurAffinity, the files is in Japanese language and not correct renamed, of course they are here. Maybe I will try to put his artwork togheter in a zip file, not sure it will work on the server, but it can
be worth a try... But right now, use this button to take a look:
Then we have the artist 68. He have done 2 new drawings, as always very good ones, and you can see them here:
This could be the end of this update, but it isn't...
The artist section L is now online and you need to go there by yourself.
Don't be afraid, there is no reason for... Or is it? Well, this update is to big to mention here in What's New so I just put this button here:
And you will be on your own. Remember to report any bugs to me, you can use the forum and also check there for information about the work with The Forgotten Empire. /Aradd


I decided to add this update here in Ellgar, before the release of the Kandor update. Some changes is made as many artist have a X account today. Sometimes that also can tell us what the artist name is as many artist in Japan, and some other countries, have not add any names to their Pixiv account and so...
But we start with Aoino Broome that have three new drawings. You can take a look by using this button here:
Cang Jian Bird have also a update, thanks to Argon, as some of the was in The Maze earlier. Yes, there is a lot of new drawings, use this button and take a look:
Mortal Shinobi have only one drawing in his section, but now there is six more added. You can take a look here:
Shaolin Bones have four new drawings all with Loona. Don't miss them, just use this button here:
Idobata Hp seems prefer to call himself Takeaki so he is moved from artist section I to T. His section is updated from four to twelve drawings. Go and take a look here:
Then there is some new artists. We start with Sususuigi. He have done drawing that fits very well here in Ellgar. Check it out here:
Another new artist is Tadhkm8330. He have done a serie with a pokemon, I think... Well, go and check it yourself:
Another new artist is Zakuro. This is a old sketch but I don't think you have seeing it before, so use this button here: and take a look.
Then we end this update with a small update in The Maze. You can take a look here to see if you know anything about this drawings:
Well, some other changes is made here and there, but maybe you notice them, or not. It is not so important, you know... /Aradd


So time for another update. Some artist change/make new names...
Dejaguar is now using a new name, Jellcaps. So he will be added in the sectioln J instead of D. You can take a look here:
Then the situation is the same for Donvoy. He now also use the name Kishin Ryu. Of course he is in the artist section K, you can take a look by using this button here:
Then the artist section D is online. Go and take a look:
Now it will take some time before next update here in Ellgar as I think next update will be in Kandor, but I am not sure... Have a nice summer. /Aradd


Time for a update in Civasco's B/W section. Last time was for 19 years ago...
You can see the updated drawings here: Some drawings are replaced with higher resolution.
Then the artist section T is online. You can go and take a look here:
Next update will be artist section D. /Aradd


Now the Artist section V is online. Check it here: /Aradd


As it will take some time more with the work here in Ellgar, I decided to add the update in 2 or 3 parts. We start with artist section C. I have tried to find so many links to the arist as possible, but some have no information. Lets hope that Argon have some time to check it out. Next update will be artist section V. So use this button to go to Artist section C.
Have a nice summer. /Aradd


So, it is time to add artist section H online. The update is to big to add the fast travel buttons here in the What's new section, so I will only give you, to the first page. Now use this button and get lost... eh, I mean don't get lost, use the main path... /Aradd


Decided to make this update today instead of next week. But this is also only a part of the update. The artist section H will be online next week...
But now we shall take a look at the artist section E and we start with a update for the artist Enigi09. You can check his new drawings if you use this button here:
So that is the updates... But we will continue this with the new artists. Argon found out the artist Eggle but there is no other information about this artist. You can see his drawing if you just use this button here:
Another new artist is eHada. You can use this button here and go to take a look:
Another new artist is Eight Fu. You can go and take a look right away. Just use this button here:
Ero Komu is also new here in Ellgar. I hope you will like what you see. Use this button here:
Well, the last new artist, well I think you know him, is Ero Enzo. He have done very many drawings, so just a very few is added here. You can use this button here to take a look:
This is the end of the update for today. Next update will be artist section H./Aradd


This time the update is so big so I can not add all fast travelling buttons here in the What's New section. On the Main Artist section the buttons are added for the update artist sections: G, I   & Z. But for the artist sections: K & M it is too many so you need to traveller on your own. Now remember that in Ellgar everyone can hear you scream... But no one cares... /Aradd


Time for a update...! Well, Argon found out that one drawing in The Maze is done by Panze, so it is ofcourse, moved to his section. You can check it here:
Kabosu was earlier in section P, but he have closed his Pixiv account. He have only one drawing, but now it is replaced with a uncensored version. You can check it here:
Soutaro Sasizume have being erlier added on different names, but his sections have being put toghetter. I make some problems that some artist use several different alias names. Check the update here:
Then there is some new artists... We start with Garouzuki. You can see his artwork here:
Then we continue with Gecotan. Take a look here:
Gegegenomin is also a new artist. Use the button here and take a look:
Ginko Sakaki is also new in the G section.
Goseido is also added new. As many artists he have only done one drawing that will fit here in Ellgar. Use this button here:
Gurandoherutu is also new and you can check his drawing here, yes, it is only one:
Time to take a ride to section S.  There we start with Shinichiro. You can use this button here: To take a look.
The same with Shirow, just one drawing. Use this button here:
In Sirokitten2's section it seems that someone have problems with a dragon... Go  and take a look yourself if you not believe me:
One drawing with some Pokemon training. Have not played any of those games, but if you look at this drawing here: by Sleazy Pikachu I think it looks interesting...
We end this update with... Centaurs, well there is a lot of them here. Why not in real life? Sunagawa Takaya have done some artwork and use this button here and take a look:
Notice that artists, often found by Argon, with not correct names, will be moved to correct section and they will not be added in a update information if it is not added any new drawing at the same time. Artist section K will be updated again next time also. The updates there is not finished. /Aradd


A big thanks to Argon for all his help to find several artists. Notice that artist that will be found online here will just be moved and renamed without it will be mentioned in the What's New section here. The reason is that I move them between the updates. If the artist have new artwork, they will be added with a update information...
So, time for this update and we start with section A. Ahobaka is updated and you can just use this button here and go and take a look:
Well that is the update... But we need to continue with the new artist, still in the A section, we start with Aerravon. He is a artist that made drawings with... Well, characters I am sure you recognize:
Then we have Aneky. If you like centaurs, this is something for you:
More centaurs? Okey, then you can take a look on the artist Annimeone7. It is only one drawing, but it is a centauress. Here is the button:
Aohige 606's drawing is a little bit... strange. You can take a look at it here:
Well, it seems that the centaurs rules this update... Aurahack have done one drawing and that is with a centauress. You can see the drawing if you just use this button here:
How could you guess that the artist Awa also have centaur drawings? Well, you guessed right. Use this button to take a look:
Then we go to section F. The artist Fusai have also done some centaurs, but watch out for the naga! Go and take a look yourself...
In the J section we find Jingu Ogawa. Centaurs? Yes! But also some other drawings. Notice that one of his drawings is from a comic serie. That section is not online, and as it looks now, it will not be as there is not server space enough for the comic section. But use this button here and take a look at Jingu Ogawa's drawings:
I shall end this update that those traveller's that still is alive... Can take a tour to The Maze.
Thanks to Argon several drawings is removed, but it was someone on furaffinity that uploaded some drawing that he couldn't remember who have done them. So ignore the names in files. That is not the artist name. You can see it here: For the other two you can use this button to go the the main index:
And this is the end for now. I will continue with the updates and as usually it will be announced at The Forum. Well, lets hope that The Forum will be online, it have being some lesser problem with that... /Aradd


We start the new year with to add the  artist section P online.
You can take a look if you use the button here: /Aradd