What's new in Ellgar


So we take one update more... Got a new version from Surfing Charizard. He have make a few changes. Go to the Beast Artist section and click on go to the latest additions and you will be there. Just replace it over your old version. And this is the latest update this year, but i don't promise anything.../Aradd


And now the very last update for this year.  And I know there is a xmas, and also something from the Black Unicorn. I know there is many that really enjoy the cartoon movies. And for them there is now a very special xmas: Over 100 mb of movies. Also know that many like the 3d horse animation, so now you have a new one, but this time it is doggy time...
As you know there is also many cartoon albums for sale around the world. Many are not worth the money, if I shall be honest, but know you can take a look yourself. I have add as a special xmas update, over 100 albums. If you want to download them all, there are around 263 mb, so you have something to do. Also add 2 links to beast drawings. If you go there and take a look, you will find around 100 beast drawings. And with this it is time for me to wish all visitors a very nice xmas and a Happy New Year. Also we must remember to thank Techwolf, without him, there shouldn't be any site for you to visit at all... /Aradd


Add 2 new artists. One I think you already know: Steven S Crompton, maker of the Demi the Demoness albums. He have give me permission to add 3 pages of Demi The Demoness vol. 1. We can only hope that we can get permission to add something more from him later.
We also got a artist that have only make one picture so far, but if you like it, as I say before, send him a mail. If we have some luck, maybe he will make some more. He's name is Andreas Larsson. You will find him and Steven in the Beast Artist section. Click on the latest addition.
Of course Chien Fou is not sleeping...:-) He have make the fourth picture of me and the princess. It is cool, as always. :-) I shall add a fan archive soon, it will be cool.
Got a mail from Shokoshu, and he told me that more information about Shaundra it is aviable at demicomix.com, so now you know, if you want some more information about that album. Also got information about Karel Appel, he is alive, :-), and is from Germany, but he lives in USA.
Next update, will be that last for this year. Also the Animal Mating site will be updated. For those "drawings freaks" here, I just want to say: Don't, and I mean: DON'T, miss this update. The update will be 2002-12-22. I will add some special for you here. Until that...enjoy the show! Aradd.


A small update: Add 2 animations from Surfing Charizard and 8 new drawings from Marlow. Next update will be as soon as I have any time left.../Aradd


Well, now this time a very little update: One new picture from Furronika. Happy to say, that it is a drawing with a female animal and male human. There is not so many pictures of this kind... Also added Marlow mail address. I hope it will be another update in the end of the week.../Aradd


Now it is time again, for a update... Added some new drawings from Klaus Dobermann. As usual very cool... The new pictures have their names in green colour.
Surfing Charizard have done some animations. The new animations have their names in green colour. He promised some new ones in the nearest time. We can only hope that he will keep that promise...I have also added his mail address.
A new artist, I think (?) he call him Lycanthropy. I can't remember were I found these 3 pictures and I have download them from a friend. As many other he use pc and Windows, and in this case is wasn't good, because my computer make a comment where I download files from... I shall show in the computer side how it looks like, so you know how easy it can be when your computer can remember where your files have been downloaded from.
Also download a snake anime cartoon from the yahoo groups. I have join it togheter so now it is only to download. It is with english subtitles.
This and the animal movie site is now as large as 249 mb togheter. I hope in the next update that I can add a new Choose menu, there will be a few more choices. I have also deleted the "old" part of this Drawing News. So 2002-09-20 is the oldest you can read from now. Anyway, as always:
Enjoy the show! Aradd.


So, time for a update. In the Beast Drawing gallery there is 2 new artists: Marlow, who make 3d drawings and Surfing Charizard and he make some very cool animations. So this is 44 new pictures. Also added some "new" stories to the storie site. As you know, some stories is new, and some is old. I added the in the orginal html format. You have to download and sort it out ourself.
I have around 1500 more beast, furry, transformation stories, but I will just upload a few of them later. That also including around 500 stories that is not sorted out yet, and I don't know if they are any good. There will be another update in the middle of the week. Meantime: Enjoy the show! /Aradd.


Fixed the beast story archive. Index 2 is now fixed with the Equine Fiction story in it. So the new visitors don't need to download it separately. I also got the cd cover picture from Chiun Fou, but this picture will not be uploaded to the server. It is a non adult picture that will be on my Horse mating cd:s...when they now will be finnished.../Aradd.


Time for a new update. Chien Fou send me a new cool picture, and this seems to be better and better. If you take the look from my side...:-) The new picture is aradd3.jpg, marked in red colour. Chien Fou have also promised to do the cd cover for my Horse breeding cd:s 1 & 2. The cd cover will be a non adult picture of the black unicorn.
Also added a new picture from Lunarwolf. The new picture is chavall-mounted-x-small.jpg, marked in red colour.
Also added a new artist: Julius Zimmerman. He have made a lot of drawings, and I mean a lot! But very few beast drawings. But don't miss them. It is Scooby Doo time. Click on lates additions to get to drawings index 7.
Also a correct version of Sharpfangs Equine Fiction. Go to the Beast stories Index and download the correct version.


Just a little update. Chien Fou send me a picture with me and the princess. Well, now it seems that it is time to be really naughty. /Aradd


Okey, now to something very, very special. Maybe you already have checked Chien Fou's drawing with me and the princess. If not do so now, and this is a offer you can get if you are quick:
Chien Fou give those visitors here a free picture, yes, you read right, a free picture.
And this is how you do:
1) Well, first of all: It had to be a animal/animal or animal/human picture,
but I think you already guess that....
2) Decide what you want on the picture you want him to draw, for example:
A bound centauress who is mounted by a centaur.
3) Also tell if you wanted to be one of the animal/human on the picture. The reason
is if Chien Fou will add a comment, he need to know from witch point he, and yourself of course,
shall see it.
4) This free comission is only aviable so long you can read this on the drawing news. When the comission time is over,
 it will be replaced with a text:
"Chien Fou will not accept any more comissions!"
When he send me a mail and
say he got enough comissions.
5) The picture you will get, is yours. But Chien Fou have the permission to
send a copy to me, so I can add it in his folder.
6) Make sure that your mail address is correct when you send your request to
Chien Fou. He will send you a reply to you, and then you will know how long
it will take for him to draw your picture.
If you want a picture for free, just click on the mail below:

(mail removed)


So, a little update, but a important one. :-) Chien Fou send me a new drawing. And the drawing is me! Yeah it is very cool. And I think you will enjoy it too, because I am not alone... If you click on latest addition you will find it easy...:-) Also made a new choose menu. The reason is that it later will be a new misc drawing section.


I hope this site shall be so good, that the artist come here and take a look. Okey, you think, but if they don't want you to have their pictures here? Yeah, I know. But that's a risk we all have to take. And remember; the most artists make their drawings for free. But of course I think there are a few, that don't agree with that I have their drawings here. Maybe they can get some response from the people that are here and download the stuff? Well, I hope that.
So know to another problem. I searching for the album Demi the demoness vol. 1. I am missing a few sides and if you have the complete album, I hope you can send me a mail. I hope I can get a permission from Steven S Crompton to upload some stuff from it, but first I need the missing sides. If you have it.
Send me a mail. Thanx! Aradd.


So, time for a update. Well, the reason is that the same week Tripodnet/Spray closed down my site, it was meaning that I should update my site with these two artists: Lunarwolf is a artist that have make very many furry drawings. He do very many m and m/m drawings.He had give me permission to change one of he's orginal art, but sorry to say I haven't have time to finished it yet. The few drawing I have here is the only one he show for the public. And then we have Spiderman JR. He can't draw, (?) yeah, but he can make cool animations of others artwork. Also he is very good to colour other artists b/w drawings. Maybe we shall give him a hint that both Magicians and Furronika's artwork is free to colour, if he want to...:-)
In drawings index 3, you will find that one artist have been renamed. S.D, as he call himself know, have send me 2 new pictures. Don't miss them. And also Klaus Doberman have done a new picture it is marked in red. You find Klaus in the animal drawing index.
Next update will be soon, this time with artist from Japan.../Aradd


Good Evening. Well, it is 4 o´clock in the morning and this update is big, so you better read this carefully so you know what's new here. First off all a short info about my old site: In middle of june I've got a email from Spray/Tripodnet that they have closed down my site. The reason the say, was the copyright law. I send a mail and tell them that the artists have give me their permissions to have their pictures on my website. I never got any answers from them. I think the reasons are 2: Either the didn't like the contents in my website, or the site have been to popular = many visitor's = they use some bandwith, and that is not popular. They only want that you do a little website about your family, and it is nothing wrong with that, only that nearly nobody visit it, and that is perfect for the most internet providers.
But thanx to Techwolf I now have some server space here on wereanimal.net and it have worked very well. Also if there have been some problem, Techwolf have fixed it faster than many professional webmaster could do. You allready know that, because the site have only been down a few hours. So the update:
We start with the sad news that Stellos and his wife died in the beginning of this summer. You can read the terrible news if you click at the text file at Stellos. He is in Drawing index 3. Of course I had to take down his mail address. But we all here, I am sure, will not forgett him and our thoughts is with his family...
I send a mail and asked Techwolf what he thinks about some stories. I said that it was a great idéa, so know I have upload my story archive. How it works and how you shall do, you find in the Storie area from the Beast Gallery Index: Well, it is over 1300 stories, but they are easy to download, because they are packed with winrar. Winrar packed it so good that the files only are 17 mb in size. But you need around 62 mb when you unpack them... The stories is also the reason that I renamed the Drawings Gallery to Beast Gallery.
So too the Artist area:
Martin Haeussler (H.T) have send me a Flash animation movie. A 3D movie with a wolf and a woman. (Yes, I think Techwolf will love it, I did) so don't miss it. It is around 3,5 mb in size..
Got a mail from Jean Mitchell that he hade changed his name to Chien Fou. There is no update so far, but he promised to send some new pictures and even a animation in Divx format. We all see forward to it. Also added his email address, so you can mail and ask where the new pictures are...
Well, that was some mb for you to download, but it isn't enough so I just put a Reno movie for you. It is around 17 mb in size and ofcourse you will find it in the cartoon movies section.
Also renamed the Index side to Aradd the Black Unicorn's Den. It seems that some people thought I was I white unicorn, but that was wrong...
Also updated the Beast Drawings with a new artist: Karel Appel.
And now...enjoy the show! /Aradd