What's new in Ellgar
1 st quarter 2003


...seems that some people here feel they are safe, not only in their real life as on the internet...
So it seems to be time for the Black Unicorn to strike back with another update...
We start with a little information:
I got a request from a visitor to add some program that can tell when this site is updated.
Techwolf have send me a mail and recommend to use ChangeDetection.
I have configure it so it shall send you a mail when this site is update.
The program ChangeDetection, is monitoring the main site,
and I hope it shall work when I changes the date on the main site.
As for now it is monitoring both the sites: This and the Animal Mating site.
If you join now, remember to tell me if it won't work when the next update will be here.
I also got a mail from Techwolf, and maybe some of you have read it
on the What's New for the Animal Mating site, if not, I add a part of it here:

I've got things set up to really restrict bandwidth, it was getting way out of paw there.
I've notice that it lets a burst through at first then slow things down.
Tell them just be patient as the first timer is pausing things. And it appears to do this at 100K.
There is no restriction on FTP other then bandwidth management and blocking of more
then one connection.
For the long term solution and I can lift the restrictions somewhat.
Sense 99% of users are just leeching off it, redo the movies to playback
just about 5-10 seconds just before the money shot and play with the
resolution and compression to try to get them all under 200K.

So to the updates here. It have take much time to do this, but we start with the "old" artists:
We continue to the Artists Beast Drawings and there we find Surfing Charizard that
have made 3 new drawings and 2 animations. The horse animation have he
done to me, the orginal artwork is from Gabriel Logan. Very cool with 2 stallions at the same time.:-)
Also notice that the new drawing and animations are marked in red colour.
Also notice that it have been an update to the stories in the Erotic Centauress archive.
So to the new artist on this site:
So for an artist I think many visitors already know: TOR. He have give me  permission to add his artwork here on my site. And if you not have take a look at his drawings, this is a must see. Sorry to say is that TOR have not make any new drawings that he have released here online for many years. He have not give me permission to add his new mail address so notice also that the  mail address on Furnation isn't correct. Here we also find Reno. I think the most visitors here already know his comix. He only make pictures to commersial sites, so it is not sure that we can have his pictures here. I have seen many "freebees" from other sites,  and I don't know if they have bought it from him or if they have stolen it. Yes,  many sex sites just take stuff from others...
I have add Reno's comix special for the WebTV users, because there is not zipped, so you can watch them online.
Also added some flashgames for you...
Another "old" artist send me a mail, very nice. He call himself Swamprat, and I know many visitors here thinks, 'what's know', because he is a writer. Well, that's correct, but he also make 3d drawings and he have send me 30 drawings that I have put online for you. Also another news: Later his story archive will be online. It will be possible to read all his stories online. But that will be in a update later.
The last artist in the Artist Beast Drawings Index is a furry artist. I have told you long ago, that it is some furry artist, that also make some other drawings. Sans Souci have made one "beast" drawings. Also add a link the the artists homepage on Furnation.
So now we go to the Comix section and in the Comix index 2 we start with an old, but good comix: A girl and her dog by Schmidt. Then we have a strange comix, and I am not sure that the name is Balance. It is not complete, but it seems to be a good story... On comix index 3 we find some stuff from BeastArt.net.
What I have understand is this a new cartoon movie, but I am not sure, if you know anything, just
send me a mail. Le grand chaperon rouge is a Red riding Hood story. I don't think it is complete,
seems that it should continue little more...or? So time to go to Japan again: Les animal and
Midnight panther you find on comix index 3. In comix index 4 you will find a story with name Shin.
It is with centaurs. Si ki and si ki ru and Trance is comix from Japan. I have not count the pictures exacly, but it is over 1000 pictures. And you guess right again: this wasn't all, but it is all for this time.


Got a mail about the beast story section. This is now fixed and shall now work.
Surfing Charizard made a special mail animation for me: It is added to those sections that I have a request about information.
Thanx to Surfing Charizard for that, and he knows the reason:
It seems that some people doesn't run fast enough when they hear the sound of hooves...
So this is the final warning!
The next update that will be in next week...
Will give your hard disk a nervous break down...
Make your girl/boy friend said that it is enough, when you have seat in front of your computer the whole weekend,  and take her/his suitcase and walk through the door...
Make you think that it maybe it is someone, on four legs, waiting for you, out there in the dark
and then you know...this time the Black Unicorn gives no mercy...
The update will be so large, so you will never understand what's happening, until it is to late... until then, you can feel a little safe... /Aradd


Read on the internet that Vince Reno is not the "professional" beast artist Reno. He have just done one cartoon in "Reno Style". But I think it is good so it is online in the Beast Artist section. Also another new artist: Bog. Well, just for know only one drawing, but he told me he have some more later. We can only hope he will keep his promises. Also a update in the Beast story section. This time there is a online reading style. So the web tv users can also read it. It is a online rpg game, and if you want to join it, it is easy. But in my site, you can read it as a story. Of course it is for adult only...:-) So at last: I have no response for a message board. So there will not be any. ./Aradd


Ebon Lupus and Klaus Dobermann send me some new drawings. When you take a look at Ebon Lupus artwork, don't be fooled that some drawings looks the same on the thumbnails. When you take a closer look, you will see that there is some small, but importent, changes...:-) So for Ebon I have not marked the changed and new ones in red colour, I think you better take a close look at them, so you don't miss any. Klaus Dobermanns artwork you find in page 3 in his section. It is the 5 last drawings, and they are marked in red. /Aradd


I got a mail from Techwolf and he told me that if someone wants it, he can fix a message board here. In that case notice this: If anyone is interested in this, send me a mail
The message board will be the same for this site and for the animal mating site.
I think it must be some mails, because there is no reason for Techwolf to add a message board if no one use it. I also hope that the artists here will think it is a nice idea.../Aradd


So there is much to do now, so just a little quick update and some information. First the update: Surfing Charizard have made 3 new animations and they are the 3 last ones, on page 2, also marked in red. But notice that he have make a new version of animdigimon00401 on page 1. So the information: As it seems this page have been to popular, so that means that my Fantasy site is cancelled. I don't know when I can open it. The reason is that this site consumes a lot of bandwith, last month over 50 gb, yeah you read right, the last 7 days it have consumed over 10 gb. The updates here will continue, and we can hope that Techwolf can fix this very high bandwith use.
I also got a request about the Reno toons. I shall think about to put them online. But the risk is that Reno or Bestiallity ask us to remove them. If anyone here have contact with Reno, send me the mail address or send him a mail and ask him to contact me. Maybe we can get a permission to add some of the Reno toons here.
I don't know when the next update will be, but I think it will take some time, I must make a backup on my unix computer. Next week it will be a year from the last backup, and you never know: The software I use are 100% safety, but there is always a risk with a hardware failure. And in that case, no software can fix it. So I will be back with a new update as soon I got time. /Aradd.


So, again...time for a update... There is a man that call himself Moawi. He have promised to help me with the comix from Japan. I hope he will do so, when he is back from a trip to, yeah: Japan. Well, he promised me to send some of his artwork when he got back. Sorry for him, the unicorn already find the only one that is on the net for now. It is uploaded to Moawi, and to find him, just click on the latest additions in the Beast Artist Section. Easy, isn't it? When you are there I recommend that you take a closer look at Kovu Lions artwork. If you like lions, from Lion King, this is something for you, but not for the kids...:-). Hope you enjoy his 59 drawings... Also you can find another artist there: Pandoras box. He is a very talent artist so take a close look at it. He also make other drawings, the most of them are  only for adults. I have added the 18 "beast" drawings he have make. Also got a mail from Steven S Crompton. You know, he that have make the Demi comix. He gave me permission to add another 3 pages of Demi vol 1. I haven't the complete album, but I added 3 cool pages. Take a look. Also a notice: The comic collection with Demi that I, and Steven recommends is out of stock. I have told Steven that if he send me a mail, I shall notice it here. It seems today, that the Demi comic is one of the few that have a high quality on both the story and the drawings. The most comic books often have only a few good sides, and the rest is not so much to read... Well with these 81 drawings we stop tonight. Yes it could be more, but I have also some other stuff to do: If we have luck, specially the web-tv users, it will be some stories to read online here later. But it seems that it was a very large job to get this to work. Well, we will see. The next update? When you don't expect it...:-) /Aradd


Some small fixes: Changed Chien Fou's mail address, also changed his section to 2, one for the drawings and one for the animations. But nothing new uploaded there...yet...:-) Some small fixes in the Cartoon movies index: Changing colours for some stuff, and other smaller changes. Nothing new uploaded there either... One of the Surfing Charizards animation wasn't made by him. That have Gabe already seeing. Nice that someone are awake here...:-) The animaton have been moved to a own folder: Nova Dragon. You find him in the Beast artist section.
Well, this was all for today, but if you are lucky and I have the time, it will be a update tomorrow; 2003-02-08 with around 100 new drawings... But that is if I have the time.../Aradd

2003-02-05 (Second update)

Well, a quick update: It seems that it was some people that really like Martins 3D animation with the girl and tiger. He got so many mail, so he send me a new longer version of it. Now with sound from the girl also. You find it in Martins section and in the Movies 3D section... DivX codec needed! Hm, when i started this homepage I didn't know it can be so much work to have simple homepage...:-) /Aradd


Time to leave your computer? No? That's nice. I was worried a short while. Well, got a few minutes left, so I made a small update here: We start in the Artist Beast Drawings Section: Add one new animation from Surfing Charizard... but to be honest: It isn't new, he have forgott to send it to me. I think it is time for his fan club to send him a mail and tell him that send the new animations he have to The Black Unicorn is the most important. It is okey if i he forgott to make them...:-) The new animation is the last one on page 2 in his section, marked with red colour. Also add a new artist: Mare. Got a mail from her husband, but I haven't hear anything more after that. Anyway, cool drawings you better take a look... Next update will be in the end of the week.../Aradd


Okey, I know there is anoying to wait, so when I got a few minutes left before I shall go to my work, I upload a new 3d animation from Martin Haussler. You can see it in his section or in the 3D Movies section. Next update in the end of the week. Best wishes! /Aradd


When I look at this website and all the artists work, I think we have passed the most commersial beast sites with drawings. One of the reasons is that the pay sites can not pay so many good artists that we have here. And they do everything for free. Also Techwolf's server makes this possible. With this update we now passed 550 mb online, and that is not bad for a simple homepage... One of my first artist on my old website from -99 was Martin Hauessler, and I have not hear from him for a long time. So it was very nice that he now have wake up and send me 5 new drawings, and also a new very cool 3D animation with sound. You find him in the beast drawing section on page 1. Don't miss this, but when I checked my old archive on my unix hard disk I was a little suprise that I have some more of his artwork. So before you find 17 drawings and 1 flash animation but now you will find 43 drawings and also the 3D movie. The very new ones are marked in red colour. So with this 40 drawings we end this update. And no this wasn't all, there is more, but I have no time to update this site for now. Next update is, I hope, on Sunday...Meanwhile: Don't go out in the dark, there can be a unicorn there...just waiting for you.. Better you stay tuned with your computer..../Aradd


So, time for another update. There have been some problem with this update, one reason was that winxp deleted my mails.  In the beast artist section: I have add 2 new animations in Surfing Charizards section. But he have also start to draw, very nice idea! So I have add a new section with him, for his drawings. So far he have done 5 drawings. I have also removed some animations that wasn't really "beast". Surfing Charizard have a own website, and you find the link to it in his section. He have done many animations in many different category's, so take a look. In the Beast drawings 9 section you will find Gabriel Logan. He is drawing a lot. I have add all he's beast drawings, but he draws some other stuff also. If you want to take a look, just check his complete website. So far he have done 44 beast drawings. So 35 + 5 +  44 means that I have now add 84 drawings. So, one left: In the end of 2001 a got permission from Lunarwolf to remix one of his drawings. Lunarwolf does mostly m/m drawings so when I find this I asked and now it is finished. Yeah, it have take a long time to do it, but I have very little time left and I can't draw, so it will take some time for me to fix anything. So you now find a new drawing in my own section also. Iy is marked in red colour. The first for nearly 3 years... So with this last drawing I have now added 85 drawings, and if you guess it was not all, you guess right. It will be another update... /Aradd


Also a very big thanx to Jakjak for sending me the Stallions and the girls comix. Also in his new sending it was one new drawing with Randy Muledeer that was very cool to see. Thanx for that Jakjak! /Aradd!


Sorry for the delay with this update. Techwolf  had some problems with the server so I couln't get any access to it for the last 48 hours. Also there have not been possible to download any movie or file above 1 mb in size. Now this is fixed. If you want to see Techwolf in work: Click on the link to see one of his photos, you find it on the main site here. Don't miss it and remember that the photo is copyrighted to Techwolf, if you want to use it, remember to ask for his permission. I put it up to scary people of... but that reason I didn't tell him, when I asked for his permission. Also you have notice that the name on the site is changed from "Den" to "Stable".
And we are still back in Japan. It is a very cool comix with 2 girls and 2 stallions. I don't know the orginal name, so I just call it The stallions and the girls. You find it in the comix archive. I don't remember the name of the guy that sent it because Win xp crashed and scandisk deleted all mails for me. For now I can not use my old unix computer online, because I have no ethernet card in it, but as soon I have money I shall buy one to it, and after that there is no risk that this will happend. But thanx to the guy for the comix anyway. Hope hear from you again. :-). If you go to the Beast artist archive you will find a new artist: Beasty Master. Well, I haven't find any mail address to him, and maybe he don't want to get in touch with, but if you know anything about him, just send me a mail. Also a little update for the Fan Archive: I have added a description for the Black Unicorn. It is a cool song clip, the orginal is made by Marillion.
So for the bad news...:-) This was not all, and that means that your evening with your boy/girl friend will be spoiled later again...hope that is okey that you have a visit soon again from a black unicorn.../Aradd


Just a little update: Changes in the cartoon movie section. Also make a update: 2 gif animations make by unknow artist. Reason is that it now should be more easy to navigate. This site know is really huge. And it will be bigger...:-) /Aradd


Just another update: Add a new artist in the Beast Artist Gallery: Mark Stretch. Some of you have maybe already seen his farmgirl drawings. He made them as a experiment, and sorry to say, he have not done anymore of drawing like that. But he also make cool other horse drawings, ofcourse only for adult to view...:-) You can find more adult furry drawings and stuff on his own site. If you like Stellos artwork, this is something for you. /Aradd.


Time for another update: Add 3 new animations from Surfing Charizard. Also add a new artist: Oddball. They are old, but they are good. :-)
It seems to be time to take a trip to Japan. In the new section, the comix section, we have the old Red riding hood story and Shaundra. But also 2 new: Blue eyes and another story that I don't know the name of. But they are good so take a look. Maybe we can get some help from visitors from Japan? I hope so, because it seems that they have a lot of artist there that are drawing beast art. If we are lucky, there will be another update very soon... /Aradd


Well, this isn't any update...it is a...well...a downdate?, anyway: The x-mas gift is now removed.
There will be a update in the nearest days. I hope now on friday. But I don't promise anything. I must see if I have the time. I wish you all that this year will be a good year. Also a hint: Do you know who have just celebrated his birthday? Klaus Dobermann. And if you send him a happy birthday mail, remember to use large fonts, because now I think he is so old that he have difficult to see.  :-) /Aradd


Just a small changes: Opened the Fan Archive. Just for now, we have Chien Fou's artwork of The Black Unicorn. We can hope that he make some more pictures, but also that other artists and writers will enjoy the show. Later here there will be some work for the visitors here also.../Aradd


Yeah, I know. It shouldn't be any update know. But you know how it is with unicorns... if they are black I think... Sometimes we have a nice surprise: Chien Fou have make his first, and we all hope not his last, animation. I already know that the 3D animations and cartoon movies are very, very popular here. So if you like the other 3D animations, don't miss this. You find it in the Cartoon movies section. Click on the latest additions and you are on side 3.
And some little information about the site. It isn't so small anymore:
The artist section uses 61 mb.
The story section uses 18 mb.
The Cartoon movies section uses 204 mb.
The Xmas update uses 263 mb.
So the Beast Drawing site are now using around 546 mb online.
And that's not including the Animal mating section...
The Xmas section will be deleted 2003-01-07 as I told before. And it will not be online again, so if you want anything from it, you have to download it now. I have got some very nice response from people on the internet and also some of the artists. The most of them are very kind, as we all know; we got their works for free. So I decided to continue this site online, but we can also hope that Techwolf is aviable to help us to keep it online.
Also notice that it will be some changes in the choose menu later, but that doesn't mean that it are anything new online. But know I think it is time for you to take a look at the new animation.../ Aradd