What's new in Ellgar
2nd quarter 2003


So, someone you have waited for, but didn't know that you do. Strange isn't it? Well, as I told you here before, I got some drawings on my hard disk, and also some artist, not so many, just around 900. One of, was a little strange:  It seems that he have many different names, but I and maybe you; will remember his artwork from Bestiality.com. So it was a nice surprice when I got a mail from him. His name for now, :-), is Cringer 990, and from the beginning I thought we should have around 65 of his drawings here. But when I checked my hard disk, 6 of them was the same, of course with different file names... Yeah, I relly hate when people change the orignal file names... But it is 59 drawings there, and Cringer 990 have send me some new ones, and it is only them that is marked with the 'new' sign. And so a notice: No, the black unicorn you see on one of the new drawings, is not me, Aradd, but it is still cool. :-) Cringer 990 work for a pay site, but he have promised that he will send us some more free drawings, but if you want a complete collection of his artwork, you have to join, and that means that you have to pay for it... You can go to Cringer 990 if you click on 'Go to the latest additions', from the choose menu. And with Cringer 990 we now have 97 artists here. If you have any suggestions, or are an artist yourself, send me a mail. 3 more and it will be 100 artist here, and that is really cool, isn't it? /Aradd


So, got a little time over here! Decided to put a new artist online. His name is Jace, and he is a friend to Pan. He suggest that I instead of Pan's artwork, put his online. Some days I nearly laugh me to death, so it is lucky that unicorns live forever... :-) Jace thought I didn't know who he was, but I already have 199 of his drawings, so when he contact me, only 1 drawing was new. So if you want to see Jace artwork, just click on go to the new additions on the beast artist section... and I think you all want to see it... also got a mail from Michael Sherman. He send some missing scenes from Aristocats. Very cool. So go and take a look, they are all in colour. Got much to do, but I hope the next update shall be on thusday. If so, you will be lucky. Got contact from a professional beast artist. He have some artwork for us here, but he have also done many old drawings, so I need to rescan my humble hard disk and I think it will be around 65 drawings in his section... Also a short notice to you all out there: I have soon reach my goal with my site, no it was not to have so many visitors, but to have 100 artist. And if you start to count them all here, you see that I am nearly there.../Aradd


Well... now the night is soon end and I have completed another update: A big update for Surfing Charizard, I shall not tell you here, but he got some stuff that are new, and I have also added new sections for him... Adrian Fields have also 3 new drawings. And you can click on the latest additions in the 'beast' section. And of course for all 3 artist: The new drawings are marked with...eh...yeah: new. Strange, isn't it... Well, I got very little time, but I hope that I shall have another update in the end of the week, and yes...again...new artists. And one of them is professional. He have done work for some pay sites, and for some of you here, you will recognize his artwork and the other artist is a friend to Pan, and he suggest that I should replace Pan with his artwork, and why not? It was a good thinking, wasn't it? And the update will be around 70 drawings. No it is not necessary, but I think we must do it, just so some people there on the net... know that they are not safe...it can stand a unicorn behind you. Have you turn around and look? Or are you not brave enough.../Aradd


Got mail from a friend to the artist Pan. And he doesn't want to be on this site, or any site, with his artwork. So Pan are removed from wereanimal.net. Pan said that he liked the site, so that was nice comment from him, anyway... Gabriel Logan have begin a new serie: Special edition. I have made a new section for it so go there and take a look. Also 1 new drawing in the misc horse section... Michael Sherman have done some new artwork, and he have a new index also. Don't miss his new artwork, nice that he doing some different stuff here. And of course, both Michaels and Gabriels new drawings are marked with 'new'. If you click on the 'Go to the new additions' you will be in Michaels index... The site have now passed 335 000 visitors, and that also means that the server is a little overloaded. I got some mail that it is problems with download the movies and the reason is that we got some problem with the bandwith. Also notice that you can give some help: It is only 2 sites that have permission to have the link to this site. The first one is Ian's Zoolinks and the second is Tom Aults matings. Of course the artist have permission to add a link to this site, hehehe, other wise it should be a little strange, wouldn't it? But if you find links to the site, the first thing you can do is to send the webmaster for the site a mail and tell him that I nearly never give any permission to have a link to this site. If that not working, you can send me a mail and I shall check it up. If I have time, it will be another update tomorrow, but I  can not promise anything, because I have much to do.../Aradd


Seems that the time isn't on my side... Fixed the broken links in the comix section: Naomi shall now work. Added a link to Sinners artwork on XXX Puppy Farm. A friend have some problems with the computer and it have taking the complete day to fix it. And this day was the only day I have some time...sigh... Also got a mail from &S and he thought the Pika 3D is made by Karabiner, (Den). If anyone have his mail address, send it to me, thanx. Also seems that the server is very busy, so if you got problems try again. /Aradd


So...now is the most stuff fixed on the server... I got a mail from Nico that he have found a very cool 3D animation of a male human fucking a dolphin. He send it to me and wanted me to upload it at once so you all can take a look. I also added four 3D movies with dolphins, but I must say that the male human with the dolphin was the coolest...
Also added a new artist that some of you have waited for: Joseph Jones. You find him in the beast artist section, side 18. Also notice that either his own website and/or mail address is working. So if Joseph read this, contact me again and check that your mail address is working...this wasn't all, but it is all for today. If I have time, it will be more tomorrow.../Aradd


Just refixed the comix section. Decided to move the Zodiac comix to the furry/human section. The reason is that it is nearly only sex with 2 legged animals... Sinner invented something new: A downdate. All his dog drawings are removed since he had promised just to have it on xxx puppy farm. It is also some thumbs and so on that is not working. It will be fixed tomorrow, and also there will be a new artist and some new drawings.../Aradd


Spiderman JR is updated with 2 Windows Media player movies. I have understand that he have done a very much more, but it seems that he keep it on his hard disk. But he have promised me that he shall send me some new stuff soon... we have to wait... You find Spiderman JR in the Artist Beast Drawings Side 7.../Aradd


So, time for a little update... For those that followed the story in the update 2003-06-08 already know that this was the last big update. It is now only a few smaller update to be done here. There are several reasons about it, the very badly feedback to the artist are one of them, but also that I have to wait for some replys from the new artists, if they want to be here or not. There is not so easy to get any new artists here, because they got nothing back here, and that is bad news. I shall now start to check some stuff and it will be some smaller updates here. Of course it will be updates with the artist that already here, but I don't think there is any reason to add anyone new here, if they don't contact me, and want to be here. Of course all artists are welcome here. But I don't add any new for know by myself... Well, Chiun Fou have done a new little part 2 of the black unicorn 3d animation, and you find it in his section, but of course also in the 3d movie section, and as it is the black unicorn you also find it in my fan archive. Furronika have a new index, and the reason is that he also make furrys with humans artwork. So I have done a new index to him. Also one new drawing are added in the Dungeon and Dragons section. I hade thought that I should add the Quick index to the site, but I don't want to make any, until I know if some of the artist want to be here or if they want to leave. Until then, I will wait with it. /Aradd


Well, it seems that we got a problem... and I know it would come sooner or later: As the most of the visitors here have understand, this is an site for adults only. Of course it is easy for people that are not old enough to get in here. Just a simply mouse click and so on... What has happend is that some children have been on this site and they have, of course, download some of the drawings here. The results are that the parents send a note to Dream Works about the Spirit character. So Klaus Dobermann now got a mail and DreamWorks told him that we must remove the Spirit and Rain drawings. And of course we must do it, so that is what this update is about. But it it also importen that you that are here now, and not are old enough, just get out of here. Because you are not old enough to be here, and when you will be old enough, you are welcome. Maybe it is time to add some kind of protection, because it seems that the parents nearly never know what their children is doing. The easiest way for them, is of course that they sit beside their children when they are online. But that will should never works in real, because many children also want to be online several hours. We can now only hope that this not will happend again, because if so, it can be needed to password protect the server. /Aradd


...some times Death wished he had lips. 'Okey,' he tought. 'He could take without tounge, and see
without eyes. But to make a evil smile...? Well, that wasn't possible without lips.'
The black unicorn that was standing on his left side, have a very evil smile on his horse
lips. They watched out over the battle field. Both could see the visitors. They sat there,
in front of their monitors. Waiting. But they have no idéa what was waiting on them.
The unicorn turned his head to Death: "It is time to start."
"Yeah," said Death. "Go ahead!"
The unicorn lowered his head a little and then his horn started to glow. A short
lightning comes from it and then the glowing light fades off.
"Was that all?" said Death.
"Wait and see," said the unicorn.
And after a few seconds the screen for the visitors was changing...
The number of the beast is:
and it is a non-human number.
It's the number for he that are not welcome in either Heaven or Hell.
It's The Black Unicorn's number, but it is also the number of the files in this update.
"Cool," said Death.
"Yeah, this is something to see," said the Unicorn.
And we start with the old artists here: Klaus Dobermann have a new index and also 6
new drawings. His new Spirit & Rain drawing are very cool. Don't miss it!
If you to Surfing Charizards section, you will find 28 new animations and drawings.
But I also notice some fun: As you know Surfing Charizard makes animations to many
artists, and you know he is doing it well. But it seems that he have forgott to make any
animations of his own drawings...hehehehe...I shall send him a mail about that, it is going to
be very fun...:-). As you see, he also have a new index, easier to navigate. Another that also
have a new index is Gabriel Logan. There is also 14 new drawings, and as you see, his
section is in 16 parts now. It seems that he still is making new drawings. Very nice.
We also have Chien Fou. He have make another commission. This new 3d drawing
is very cool, so just go and take a look. He have also a own website with some
drawings, link to it you will find on his index side.
So if you take a look in the comix section, you will find 2 new comixs:
Young witches 2 and a comix called Naomi.
In the Misc animal erotic drawing section, you will find some bear drawings.
Seems that Baloo and some other bears have a fun time...:-)
There is some people that think it is nice that I have so many artists on this
site. Well, that is another story, that comes here...

...he hade lock the front door of the house, and what to do next?
As usually he hade worked in his parents garden. He tried to help them sometimes under
the summer and today he have a day off his job. Ofcourse his parents was on their works and
when they arrived at home after their works, it was always nice to have a dinner together.
After a short time in the garden he looked up and there a few metres stands a very
large black horse. It looked like a draft horse, but when he looked he also saw that
it hade a horn on his head. He first thought was that someone have make a joke.
But the glowing red eyes was strange. It hade been more strange when the eyes shifted to yellow
and the animal started to speak. Not only that, it hade the knowlegde of he's name also.
He feel that it was time to move inside the house, so he maked a quick run and closed the door.
But what now? Call the police? Well, even if he called some of his friends they should
think he was crazy. Hm, better to call and just say it was a horse in the garden...
"That is not any good idéa."
He nearly jumps out of his shoes, because the voice come behind him. When he
turned around, he saw the unicorn standing there. The hall was not so small,
but how did the creature get in?
"No problem," said the black unicorn. "I can get in where I want... But know
to the question, as I asked when you was running in here: I wonder why you
didn't answer my mail I send to you."
"Eh? Mail?"
"Yeah, the name is Aradd."
'Yes, he remember it...he have forgott it.'
"Yes, I remember now," he said. "Sorry that I didn't remember to send a reply..."
"Well, that is okey. I just want you to sign this license that will get me the
permission to add your artwork to my homepage."
The unicorn point his horn to the table that was standing in the hall. A paper apeared on it.
"Take it and read it. It is called 'Blue paper of death,' " said the unicorn.
He took it and of course it was a blue paper, but when he read it he couldn't
believe his eyes.
"It is nearly a user licence that software company's uses, I have just changed a few words
here and there... If you agree to the license you just sign on the right side there, and
if not, just sign on the left side," said the unicorn.
"But here it says that if I not agree, you will kill me?!"
"Well, you got a point there. But also notice that you have still 7 days to live after that
you have signed, if you not give permission. This is new in this version of the
contract. In the old version, 1.0, I have killed you directly. But I think it was
little more user friendly to add that in the new version. Now you are able to
take goodbye of your friends and end your business and so."
"But this is insane."
"Do you think that," answer the unicorn. " I thought it was a good idéa to give the artist
7 days extra to live."
"Well, I didn't mean that. I mean everything with this. This is crazy."
"It is a crazy world. Do you agree or not?"
"Okey, okey."
He signed the paper, on the right side.
"Yes, as usual," said the unicorn with a disapointed voice.
"As usual?" he asked.
"Well, so far, all artist have signed on the right side. So I haven't to kill anyone of them.
I am very disapointed. But I guess that it is not possible to have fun all time..."
He put down the paper on the table and a few seconds later it just disappear in the air.
"I follow the same rules that the software house do, so I don't give you
any copy. If there will be any problem, I be back."
With those worlds the unicorn pointed his horn to the door, and he heared the 'click'
from the lock and then the door opened.
"Good buy for now, and remember to send me your drawings. I hope that I don't need
to come back to you and get them myself..."
"Of course not," answer quick. "I shall send them right away this evening."
"Thank you. I know the visitors one my site will like them."
And with these worlds the unicorn walked out of the door. The animal was so big, that
it was exacly he could got through the door.

"A very nice story," said Death. "But it have been better if he died. That have make
the story any better."
"Well, you can't get all you want. But it is time for the visitors to start to run..."
Yes, can you hear it? Sound of hooves, and in the distance: Barking dogs!
Yes, the few visitors that have follow the hint and have some carrotts and candy,
just throw them to the approaching ponies and dogs that come from every corner of
the battle field. But carrotts and candy wasn't to any help, if they not run fast also.
So there was not many that survived, because the dogs and ponies was terrible... cute!!:-)
So it is time to present some new artists here:
I first think that I should add around 15 new artists here. But I change my mind.
Instead I will now add 28 new artists here.
And if you like ponies I think you shall start in the Artist erotic animal drawings with:
Mayra Boyle, is a artist that makes also furry drawings. But this pony drawings are very cool.
We also have Buttercup Saiyan and Lusty Void. Don't miss this artists. Then we have Smallhorse,Monique Servant and Flinthoof. Well, Smallhorse have only make a few drawings, and also Monique, but is nearly so with all those artist that draw those erotic my little pony drawings. Flinthoof is a very known furry artist, but he is also doing some more real animal drawings. So don't miss them. If you like dogs, I think you shall take a closer look at Prime Evil, Liquid Fox, Black Husky and Bachalon.
Very good artists all of them. But as usual, they have only make a few drawings each...sigh.
Comus is an artist that I found on the internet for many years ago. I don't know if he is still
online. Many websites and artist are gone from the internet when you come back...
Pickle Juice is a artist that makes transformation drawings and he do it good. S Depres have not
drawing anything new for a long time. He almost does furry artwork, but I have read that he have some problems with his hand. FillyFoal is also a new artist. The artist promised me around 10
drawings, so we can only hope that I got some more, so far it is just 1.
In the beast drawing section we will find some new artists: And when I send a mail to Sherman, I got a reply that he already know my website, but he haven't contact me, because he didn't think his drawings was good enough. Bah! Nonsens. When you see his drawings, you will like them.
Even more if you like lions and deers...:-) Bob Hershley is the moderator for the my adult little pony club on Yahoo. If you like those drawings and animations, I recommend that you join the club.
Chris Sawyer and Ek Goya is 2 well known furry artists, but they also do some
different drawings. Chris Sawyer have promised that he will do some special artwork just for
this site, and don't miss his comix in the his comix section. Ek Goya have already send 2
special drawings to this site, and we can only hope that he will continue and send some more.
MLP Ponyman is a good artist, and as you see what he call himself, you can guess what he is
drawing. And he do it good. Billie H is an artist that I have found drawing from here and there.
But I have no information about him. But take a look! Sinner is an artist that have no own
website. He is good and he tell me that he later should take permissions. We can hope that
he will remember it, and if and when; I will add a comment on his section about it.
Howard Vernen is also an artist that is not online any longer. We can only hope that he will
return, but as usual: There is many artist that are stop drawing.
Brian Sword, Fuzz and G Jensen are all good artist. Fuzz hade a own website on Furnation.
But it is gone now. Rave Roo likes dogs. So if you like dogs and ofcourse you do, just take
a look. Pouncer is drawing my little ponies and Erik the Red are drawing dogs. So there is
something behind this dogs and pony attack. IcyFlamez-the-Tie-Dyed is an artist that
also drawing furry artwork. But lucky for us, the artist also make some 'other' kind of
artwork, guess what...hehehe......
..."so," said Death. "And that's all?"
"No," said the unicorn. "This was 664 files, and I promised 666. The last 2 files
is a little fun. We shall make a experiment."
"Oh! I like that things!! Is it a new tortur machine?"
"No it is better than that: A computer and server experiment."
"That I really like," said Death.
Thanx to Equin we know shall test a new server. I have uploaded 2 movies and they are around 7 mb each. You find his mail address on the 2d movie index side 3 and
4 and if there is any problem: Just send him a mail and he will try to fix it.
Also send a mail if it works, so he know. He will send me a mail and tell me later in this week.
"And know?" said Death.
"Well, it is time to say farewell. I have keep my promise about these update."
"I think it is strange that you keep your promises. Evil beings doesn't do that," said Death.
"Bah, they are only amateurs. If I promise to kill someone, I do it. Just because
I promised it."
"Well if you point it that way," said Death. "It have being a fun time."
"Much work and so on," said the unicorn. "But this latest update took a little to much
time, over 75 hours of work. And I shall see what the artist here said now."
"Farewell, and if you need me, just call me, okey?"
"I will," said the black unicorn and then he turned around and trotted away.
Soon the sound of his hooves have faded away, Death turned around and looked at
the battle field.
'Good bye, black unicorn,' he think. 'And I am glad that I never will see you at my home,
because you will live forever...'


So...it seems that the artists here are to kindly... Also that they seems to like this site more than the visitors, so they want to give you all a second chance. Well, okey it is the artist that rules here. If I it have been my way, it have been closed now, but okey. I was nearly 100% sure that we should have closed, so I haven't prepared for any bigger update, also there is a very big work to do an update now. The reason is that the site have been so big, that it is time for some reconstruction work here. I have to start with it now, and it will be around 30 hours of work. This update have 3 new drawings from Adrian Fields. And as I told you before, this drawings he have not on velar. And when you see the 3 new one's you understand why...:-) Click on go to the latest additions, and you will be there. 1 new drawing from Lunarwolf. If you like m/m stuff, this is something or you. Now we can hope that the response to the artist will be better. I made a check with, for example Klaus Dobermann. One of his drawings takes around 6-8 hours and as you see, he have 52 drawings here. Lets say 7 hours/drawing. 7 x 52 is 364 hours. And people here can not even send a thanx. It takes around 60 seconds. That is only one example. But okey, I will give the visitors here a second chance, but they don't deserved it. There is also a new story index. 1367 stories is online and you can read them all online. I make this changes for the webtv users. The winrar packed story archive is deleted.
This website is working this way:
Techwolf is the sponsor of this site. If I have to pay for a server like this, it will cost around
40 US$ / month. Thanx to Techwolf, this site is for free.
Myself spend around, 10 hours/week to keep the site updated.
And you already guess now, after the little example with Klaus, that the artists spend many hours to make the drawings. I have seen, since 1995 many site goes down,  and the reason have always being something like this:

1) the webmaster have being tired of the site, also sometime that it is to expensive to
keep the website running for free.
2) The artist have being tired to draw, because the lack of support have make
them spend their hours with friends/family and so on, instead of sitting alone and drawing
pictures they don't get any money for and even not a thanx for...
So it is up to the visitors here. I should not say anything if the artist got some mail, but
now after checking with a few of them, either Gabriel Logan or Loke for example,
got any mail at all. And with around 1000 / day that is horrible bad.
But myself want to thanx those people that have give me some support and
feedback. It is also nice that I now know got contact with the most artist here,
and all of them are very nice. So here we go:
I will now give the site a second chance, as the artist wishes...

The number of the beast:
and the second chance is the update 2003-06-08, I hope...
And a little warning: The update 2003-06-08 means that this website not any longer will be one of the best on the internet with these kinds of drawings. With the next update, this site will be the number one site of them all. For those that are brave enough to enter here that date, they have a little chance to survive. But I shall give you all a fair chance: Don't use your seatbelt. You need to run fast! Go and buy some carrots and candy. You gonna need it! And the name of the update is: The number of the beast! And if you know the number, you know that you are in a serious trouble.../Aradd


Well, the comix update yesterday doesn't worked as I wanted. It is replaced.
Also the gif animation on the main site is changed to the right one.
A bug in the choose menu also fixed. /Aradd


Hm...well, don't know if there is anyone that still is visiting this site, but if it is I hope someone have Darkwolfes and/or Ladyhawk's mail addresses. Their old ones, is not working and are removed. Also fixed Julius Zimmermans mail address. It seems that the artist got not so much response for this site, so I don't think there are so many people that still visiting this site. So I just changed the main index and also the there is a new comix index. Just for know, there is no updates planned for a while. It think it is time for you to take care of your boyfriend/girlfriend, instead of just sitting there with only a Black Unicorn as company. /Aradd.


Today just a small update. A visitor, Niko, send me a mail and told me about The wishmaster, so I decided to add him today. And Niko is added to the Brotherhood of The Black Unicorn. Now it will be some time to the next update. I hope that I can get some new drawings from a few of the artist here. I also need some time to check some stuff here and there. But if so, I shall give you a hint: Take of your seatbelt. Go and buy some carrotts, candy and so on, maybe some mint will help you... and then wait. But I don't know how long it will take to the next update... /Aradd.


An extra update: Got a mail from Andreas Larsson with some new drawings. When I take a look I saw that I have forgott to update his section with some new drawings he send to me for around 2 weeks ago. Sorry for that Andreas. It is much to do here, so I forgott this new ones... But don't just sit there I have already take a look at his new drawing, and I know there is a lot of people that really gonna like this new ones. So 8 new drawings from Andreas is waiting for you, just click on go to the latest additions in the Artist Beast Drawings section, and you will be there. /Aradd


Just a quick update: Added Ncg65 to the website. I got it from a visitor, andit was a long time ago. Sorry to say I have some problems in that time with winxp and Opera v. 6. Winxp deleted all mail for me 2 times so I have lost the name of the sender, he send me some new files with Ncg65, so I decided it is time to make an update. The visitor also mailed me some new animations made of Baest, and the new one is marked, oh yeah, with 'new'. You could guess that...:-) If the visitor contact me again, I can add him to the Brotherhood of the Black Unicorn section, as a little thanx for his help. It should also have being an update to Surfing Charizard, but I have not time to do it, need to take a closer look at all his animations and artwork, so it will be next time. Also should have update Aprokto Agamo, but one drawings are missing, so I will wait to he send it to me. We have now passed one year online for this site on Wereanimal.net. For those very old visitors, that have follow me from the begining, are maybe, a little nervous now. They know that I the least times have closed down the site after a year. The reason is that it take much time to have a website like this. There is not only the time to fix links and so on, it take times to check the artists and get permission to add their artwork and so on. Therefore it is nice when people send me some drawings, because it is always quicker to get in a zip file, than download it here and there and so on... I decided to get this site online, at least for a while. I have added a special file on the server, so if about 4 weeks this site will disappear from Google search engine.  /Aradd


Got a mail from the proofreader: Adrian Fields. Nice of him to help with the english... I have changed some text here and there: warnings page and the index to the drawings and so on. He also send me 2 old drawings, and they are added in his section. Also notice that all other drawings of Adrian Fields are deleted. You find them on velar, just follow the link in his section. He have some adult artworks there and he told me that he will have some more adult artwork here at wereanimal.net. So the contents are not the same here as on velar... Got a mail from a vistiors that was missing Greedy Woozle, also known as Strega. I got his permission for a few weeks ago, but I have told you that it is not easy to find time to fix all stuff here. Now he is online, so don't miss him. I also got permission from Loki to have his artwork here. Maybe you don't know who he is, but I know many have seing his Devil dog serie, but they don't know who have done it. Now you know and don't miss his other artwork also. No this wasn't all, but it was all for tonight, enjoy! Aradd.


So, as usual; much to do, and little time... But we start with:
As a told you in a earlier update Zakanfien send me some comix. I have added one more RedXIII comix, and this one is better that the first one, so don't miss it. So in the Artist Beast Drawings we find something special: Thanx to Silver Panther we have a new Reno comix. Rachel's Romp 2. Silver Panther also send a missing drawing in the Annie and the animals. The serie is now 19 drawings instead of 18 as it was before. If you download annie14-annie19 and replace them, you got it correct. And also some new information: I decided to add some drawings with humans and furrys, and also animal with furrys. There is not so many drawings with that kind of contents. Just to show some visitors what it is, I have added a artist with name Pan. Don't have any information about that artist. It also seems that some people wonder what a "furry" is. The easiest way to show people is to prefer to Disney. For example; take the fox in Robin Hood. There you have it: This is a furry:
Walk on 2 legs, even if it have 4.
Can wear clothes, but we here prefer them without...:-)
A centaur, for example is not a furry. Because it have a human face.
But ofcourse you all need something to think about, hehehe...
A 'taur' stands for something with four legs. So why do 's Bevery
artist draw the minotaur with 2 legs?
I read in a book that the original minotaur was a bull with human head,
and you all know that a bull have four legs...
Oh, by the way; also added a cool 3d animation with a human girl and
a troll. You find it in the 3d movie section... And with this update, we
passed 860 mb online... Enjoy the show! /Aradd


A quick fix: Got a mail from a visitor that the Words worth movies doesn't work correct. That was true. It seems that it was something wrong with the rendering program so I used another. The movies shall now work, but the files are a little bigger. Also tested my Yahoo group and uploaded a file to it. No, you don't need to guess I can tell you: The files that is in my yahoo group is not aviable here. /Aradd


This is a very small update. I have added a comix serie with RedXIII. I got it from Zakanfien, he send it to me by mail. Hi also send me anther comix that will be uploaded next update. I think next update will be friday night. Need to check some stuff here. There is time to update some artists and also add some new ones... I'll be back.../Aradd


So, another day, another update...
So I make this as a quick update. First we have, again, a new artist online. In the Artist Beast section, you will find Adrian Fields. It is not so easy to sort his drawings, because even his "furry" drawings are at the "animal" side. And they are good. He send a comment about that I should need a 'proofreader for your site -to fix spelling and grammar.' Bwhahahahaha, yes he have right, but shall we offer him the work? He say in his mail that he have artwork that won't fit at velar, but could fit here. Well, we will see when he send me the files...Just click "Go to the latest additions" and you will be there. Also added Convent of hell in the comix section. A little more than 150 pictures, so you have something to do until tomorrow, because tomorrow is anther day, and another update. I also added a link to my group at Yahoo. The visitors here are welcome to join, but before you even think of it, make sure about this:
You must have that you are at least 21 years old in your profile.
Spam and stuff like that will not be tolerated!
You can join now, if you want, but I will not start the group now.
It have to wait to the end of this week, or maybe next, but I think I shall
have some time this week to start it...
And the link, well we're do you think it is?
Yeah, right, in my fan archive.../Aradd


Hm, this update wasn't so big that I wanted it to be.
You know, as stallions know: Size matters. :-) So, I have some questions about a anime movie: Words Worth. In part 1 there is a furry stallion with anime girl, and in part 2 there is 2 furry male pigs, with anime girl. The rest of the movie part 3-5, there is no furry animals in erotic situations. There have been some comments on the net about a other part, with the furry stallion. If you know something about it, send me a a mail. You find these 2 parts, of course, in the cartoon 2D movie section. Also added Zelda the Zookeeper. And I don´t know so much about it. There is a few pages in b/w but the most of them are in colour. Got a mail from an artist, we can call him Runepriest. He send me 2 of his 3D drawings, because he like this site. Nice that there is someone, that do it, but he didn't allow me to add his mail address here. And of course you will find him in the Beast section, just click 'go to the latest additions', and you will be there... This was all for today, there will be another update very soon. I hope tomorrow. I have more stuff to add... it seems that this site have been a "never ending story..." I have also maked a Yahoo group. It is a secret group, you know. :-) It is so secret that it doesn't have any members. That is what I call a secret group! Maybe I add a link to it in the next update.../Aradd


Time for a quick update.
Got a mail from Chien Fou, he have done 2 of his commissions and if you go to the Artist Beast Drawings and click on go to the latest additions you will be there.
I have told Chiun that he shall not do his commissions, as he does it for free, to good, because in that case maybe he can get to many to do... But he never listening to unicorns... very well. Our friend Zakanfien have send me some more cool mangas. You find 2 of them in the comix section. One with a tiger and one with a lion. Both are very good so don't miss them... Now I have not time to upload some more, but I hope I'll be back friday night... /Aradd


So this update is not so large that I have think from the beginning.
The reason is simple; the time...
So, thanx to Zakanfien we now got the complete Midnight Panther comix. You find it in the Comix Series section. There you also find 2 other, new comix series: Mad dog that was posted by Chisum1964. I also added a story that is not complete and the file names call it gsiz. So do I also, but If you know what it is, just send me a mail... In the 3D section you find a new 3d movie. It is made, like the other tenctacle animation I added a few days before, by Mr X. I got a mail from Drunken Dragon about it and we thanx for the information. I have send a mail to Mr X so we can only hope that we can have it online here. Also added a link to his website, so you can take a look at his other work, if you want to. So this was around 170 pictures. I also added Swamprats stories. If you go to the Artist Beast Drawings, you will be there. It is nearly 300 stories and I have add them on a simply way. Hope it shall work, if not, send me a mail... There will be more cool comix, artists, movies when I have time to add them online here. Also notice that the server have problem with all visitors. If you have problems with downloading stuff, just wait and try later. /Aradd


Well, another small update...
Surfing Charizard send me 6 more drawings, marked with the logo,so you can't miss them.
He have also made a new logo animation to the main site. Hope you like it. Gabriel Logan have 2 new drawings and the they are marked with the logo. When I check the stats for this site, I see that many visitors have used Google search engine, and they search for Furronika. I have added a link to his artwork, as the visitors here already know, I only have the beast or animal selection from the artists. You must also notice that there is another problem. Also added a new rpg storie to to the Erotic centauress section, and a update to another. As you can see in the Main Drawings Index there is a new "banner". It is also made by Surfing Charizard and I decided to add it as a thanx for those people that have send me some stuff and also those that have give some other help to this humble website... It is not complete updated yet, so a few people may be missing their names on it, but don't worry, they will be added soon. I am preparing another big update, but I don't know when it will be online yet.
I have also not yet decided how big it will be.../Aradd


Yeah, I know; it was a long time since the last update. So some information:
The server here is very heavy visited. If you have problems with your downloads, or if it is very slow, just try later. I have upload the BeastArt.net movie in mpg 2 format. For those that not like divx... So, to the webtv users: If you are a webtv user, I need some help. Contact me here. Thanx! And, yes...hehehe! Couldn't resist a little update: We start with a new animation from Surfing Charizard. He are aslo working with a new animation for the main site here. And some other stuff for this site also. But you can see his new animation in his section. Just click on 'go to the latest additions' in the Artist Beast Drawings section. Also added a new 3D movie, a girl being raped by a tenctacle... Also added some flash animations. One new from Reno. The flash animation page are now open. You find it in the movie section. Also added a 'new' gif animation so it is easier for visitors to see what is new... Maybe there will be some more lesser update. I don't know, but it will take some time until it will be some larger update.../Aradd


Still alive? Wondering why? Okey...here we go:
Only 2 characters stand on their feet. No one of them was human.

The Black Unicorn looked at Death and then to the battlefield. The last attack was a success. No one had survived.
"This was what you planned for," said Death.
"Yes, indeed," answered the Unicorn. "But know the really fun starts..."
"Yes," said Death. "This is the first time I will not let the dead allowed any further then here."
With that he raised his arms over his head and a white flash come from both his
hands, after a few seconds it turned to red and then it disapeared.
All visitors was alive again... The Black Unicorn said:
"We gave you the life back... so we can kill you again...bhahahahahaha...."
And the Black Unicorn turns to the north and soon the sound of his hooves have disapeared, the visitors know; They must go back to their computers, it is time for another update, something to celebrate that they still was alive...

And here we are with a new cartoon movie. It is in 5 parts and together it is 20 mb in size. You need divx codec to play it. And we thanx Chisum1964 for upload it to the internet. Now I think you shall go to the cartoon movie section, and take a look.../Aradd


Well, this is a small fix update. I have add a update info on each artist section. Also find some info about the Artist Vince Reno. He have done some artwork that was in the Reno section. Go to Vince Reno's section and check this out. I think you already have downloaded the drawings to your hard disk so just move the pictures from Reno to Vince Reno. Also moved the Misc Horse Drawings to the new section in the main index, but there is no update there. So the updates: Surfing Charizard added 2 new drawings and if you click on the go to the latest additions you will be there. The 2 new ones is marked in red colour. Also changed one pictures in Jonathan Rich 3d artwork. The picture is marked in red, it is in a higher resolution. Also some changes in his 2d and furry section. The next update will be when I have time, but I don't know when for know.../Aradd


Death looked out over the battle field. He was disappointed. To many had survived the attack. On his right side the big black unicorn stand. He also looked out over the battle field. His eyes shifted from red to yellow, as he began to speak:
"I know you are disappointed, but this is what I thought should happend. As you see, the modem users are mostly gone, and also those that have cable connect with download limits."
Death look at him, and said:
"Yeah, nearly the only that is not injured are those that have a very fast connection. But they are not so many."
"That's right," said the Black Unicorn. "And you know what that means..."
Death know. Many thought they were safe know. But they were wrong...´The Black Unicorn's horn started to glow, it prepared for The Second Attack!...
And here it comes:
Hi there! Seems that some people have something to do to take a look at the update from the
Well, here is next update, and it is to late to fasten your seatbelt:
In the Beast Artist gallery BOG hade send me 3 new drawings, so don't miss them.
The new one's is marked in red colour.
Also Marlow have make5 new 3D drawings. They are marked in red.
Gabriel Logan works night and day, well, it seems, so he have 6 new drawings.
You find them on page 3 and they are marked in red colour.
So, time for some new artists: I saw 4, 3D artwork made by Jonathan Rich, and when I saw them, I think it was time to send him a mail and ask for permission to add him to this site. He's drawings with the furry stallion and the mare is really cool. Ofcourse he have done some other very cool artwork, don't miss his centauress drawings...He have no webpage on his own, so I also add a small collection of his furry artwork. If you want to see the rest, you have to join his 3 yahoo groups.
We also find a new artist and his name is Lane. Don't be affraid, when you take
a look at his drawings, remember it is just a nightmare...or is it? I really like his scary horses and werewolfes, very cool.
A artist many already know, is Steven Saber. I send him a mail for a months ago, but I got no response. Well, I have uploaded some of his artwork, and I am not sure that we can have them online, but go there and take a look. If you have any  drawing that is not in the archive, send it to me. Thanx.
Then we have a artist from Japan. U-Ho, I think that is his name, is the last artist in this update. Don't miss his artwork, because if you do, you make a really big misstake. I also added a link to his own website, but it is Japanese language only. I send him a mail, but I got no response... well, so far. Maybe he don't understand english? I don't know...maybe he will contact me later, I hope...
Eh! You didn't thought this was all? Or?
Now it is time to go to the Comix Gallery:
We start with a stallion and his name is Fucker, well, you can guess the rest of the storie yourself, or just take a look in his section...
We go further with a story called: Gargoyle day at the zoo. Well, some days,
it seems to be more safe to be at home...
After that you will find a comix called Zodiac. I got a mail from a visitor and he asked if I know what comix it was from, and the answer is Zodiac. Go and take a look, it is really worth it.
Little red riding hood is another story, but it is not much animal sex in it, but
I put it online, so you can take a look yourself.
Well, if you like pigs, I think zexest pigs comix could be something for you.
At last we have Alice in wonderland by Wallace Wood. I read that he is dead.
If you know any fact about it, just let me know.
Also; If you have submit to ChangeDetection and not get any information, for example, this update, just let me know. I hope it shall work so you don't need to visit the site every day...
Yes, know you guess right again; this whas not all, but it is all for this time.
Also a notice for the artists: I got problems with my special mail box for you. Techwolf have
installed a new very safe software. It is very safe, because not even I can access my own mail account.
He is working on it, and I hope it shall work in the nearest week. So, this was not all, but it is a little more than 500 pictures, so enjoy the show! /Aradd


I read a message that someone have notice that the Siki and si ki ru comix also are uploaded as Les Animal. If you have download them both, I recommend that you delete the Les animals
map on your hard disk and keep the Siki and Si ki ru map. Also add a Icq panel on the main site. /Aradd