What's new in Ellgar
3rd quarter 2003


So... Surfing Charizard have a big update. 2 new sections is added. One of them is called 'Lazy Days', after that Surfing Charizard told me that he feel a little lazy. But there is good drawings, and maybe later, he will add a background to them... Just click on 'go to the latest additions', and you are there...
On page 1 you find Furronika, and one new drawing are added there. It is the Dungeon & Dragons serie that continue, very nice. Why don't anyone make a roll play game like this?... :-) /Aradd


Well... I got a mail from Cranphin. He have done 2 of the dolphin 3D movies.
They are good, you can go and take a look at them if you click on go to the latest additions...
But sorry to say, it is not easy to download them... the reason is that the servers bandwith is overloaded... the transfer for the last day is a little more than 5 gb. So just take it cool and it will be better... I have send a mail to Techwolf and asked him what we shall do. There bandwith problem is still very hard to get a solution for... Next update will be late on sunday night... I hope.../Aradd


Well, it shouldn't have being any update today... but okey here we go:
Cringer 990 send me 3 new drawing, and I know many love them, so do I. :-) You can click on go to the latest additons, and you be there... Also got a mail from Surfing Charizard. I have missed one of his Simpson drawings. So you can go on to his section and take a look. Also notice that the drawing simpsons01lisamargecolfull have being renamed to: simpsons001lisamargecolfull, so you know that it is the same drawing. I have send a note to Surfing Charizard about it.../Aradd


Got a mail from Neofitos. He send me some pages from The Golden Ass comix. You find these in the comix section. Also added another comix: Belore. Well, I am not sure that this really is the complete comix, but it is cool so take a look. If you know anyting about it, just let me know.
Also update Klaus Dobermanns section. If you click on 'go to the latest additions' you will be there! /Aradd


Here we go again... But first a cool thing: Got a post card from Adrian Fields. It is from Canada and he is in the wilderness, and it was very nice of him to send me a post card... As you already guess, the bad news is that it will take some time before he got back home, and meantime there will be no drawings from him...
But we got some more artist here... We start with Surfing Charizard that have send me some new drawings and animations... yes you find him on page 8, as usual.... Also notice that I have added a new section: Simpsons... And yes, 2 of the new drawings are Simpsons... so don't miss it...
If you click on go to the latest additions, you will be at Michael Shermans section. You find 5 new drawings, or shall I say 4 new and 1 old that he have colored...hehehe it seems that it is the rats time to have some fun there...:-)
Also got a new writer here: Daedalus. He send me the story for a few weeks ago, and it shall be some drawings to the story, but it will take the artists so long time, so I think that we can not wait any longer, and there fore I will add the drawings later, when they are sent to me.../Aradd


So, it is time again... and we take the good news first...well, if we look from our point: Chien Fou have some problems with his own website, and there is so that it isn't easy to find servers to have site for free today. Anyway; the good news is that he send me the drawings and if you click on go to the latest additions, you will be there. And there is 10 new drawings. I think the most here will like them, but for those that like dragons, will love them... Chien also send a notice that he know that they are people here waiting for some new movies and also some commissions. He take it as soon he got time...
Also got a new drawing from Gabriel Logan. It seems that Jessie have some fun. Maybe I can join also? Hehehehe. You find Gabriel on side 9.
Got some cool drawings from Surfing Charizard. As you see, the more he is drawing, the better he is doing it. So go and take a look. For those Simpson fans will love when Lisa have a nice time with the dog. Myself like his raptor and dragon drawings better. But as you know, the taste is different... You find Surfing Charizard on side 8.
The bad news, as all artists here already know... But you can not see if you just sit there looking at your monitor. Take a look around you... ...and you will see that you are on a field. Not the battle field. This time it is it a large field. In the north you can see a large castle. The draw bridge is down, and on it stands two figures that many doesn't want to meet. Sorry to say it seems that they have being some people and artist that want them back...
"Strange, isn't it?" said Death. "We leave here, and they want us back!"
The Black Unicorn looked at him and the with a evil smile on his horse lips he said:
"No, I am not surprised."
"No, they are humans. If they can do anything more bad, they do it. So I am not really surprised..."
"Is it time for a new attack?" asked Death.
"Yes, later, but not now. Let them think they are safe..."
"And then we strike back! Yeah, I like it. More work for me, but I can take it..."
The Black Unicorn doesn't answer.
He knows they know. And when they will know, it would be to late.../Aradd


So, time for another little update... Ek Goya have send me 2 new drawings...
Yeah, I know you want to see them, so just click on go to the latest additions, and you will be there. Also notice that I have a new mail address. The reason was that I got around 125
virus mail/day, so I have to close it. Now I have a new mail address and you will find it on the main site... /Aradd


Yeah, time for a quick update and then it is time to leave...
Martin Haussler send me one new 2d drawing. And I have make a new index to him, so it is easier to navigate... Hope you like Jasmine and... her friend...you know who, do you?
Surfing Charizard send me some new drawing and animations. For the old visitors I don't need to tell that Surfing Charizard have a very large archive here, around 20 mb, so you have to go and take a look. If you click on go to the latest additions you will come to Martin Hausslers new drawing. After that, I think you better spend some time in Surfing Charizards section... You find him on page 8.
So the importent information: My mail address:
aradd@telia.com is CLOSED!
I got to much virus to it. Over 100/day. I will open a new mail address next week. I am not at home for a few days and when I am back it will be a new update and also I will then add the new mail address. /Aradd


So, after a long wait: A new unicorn drawing. This time from Gabriel Logan. You can see it in his archive, and of course you get there if you click on 'got to the latest additions', as usual. He have also 2 other new drawings, one in Jessie's section and the other in Misc other drawings section.
Also a importent notice: I think you all have notice that large amout of virus, that we have now on the internet. Very bad, for everyone, as you know. If you have send me a mail and got a error message back, that my mail account is full, just send it again. I got around 100 virus mail/day for now. I have the latest virus programs that are aviable, so if you got a virus mail that have me as sender; I have not send it to you. Also see that yourself have some virus program installed. I hope we soon can get rid of this virus attack... This attack was not from the Black Unicorn.../Aradd


Time for an update, again. Michael Sherman send me 5 new drawings and they are now online. I have also split his beast section in 2; one for the colour artwork and another for the b/w artwork.
If you click on go to the latest additions, you will be there... so don't miss them...
Also some of the movies are back online, but as I think the most visitors here already know here; there is no bandwith for the large 2d movies, so they will be offline until we got some solutions what we shall do. /Aradd


It is a little strange that some people still visiting this site... more strange is that some people can sit and take so much time to creating virus. Well, I don't know what is so fun with that. Here we have, at last, got some new drawings from Lunarwolf.
As usual, click on go to the new additions, and you are there.  Also got one new drawing from Adrian Fields. Well, now he shall go on a vaccation and he will be gone one month. Hm, wondering where my vaccation is... Have anyone seeing it? Adrian Fields can you find on page13.
Well, it is time to wish you all here a welcome, so I hope you like the welcome speach I have added. The unicorn have talked! Also another speach is added to the Fan Archive. So you know you are welcomed...hehehe.../Aradd


Got a mail from a visitor that one of the drawing made of Flinthoof was a
request and should not be aviable here on the website. So the drawing is removed.
A mail is also send to Flinthoof about it. Also notice that I have not changed the last update
on Flinthoof section, there is no reason to do it with this little "down date". /Aradd


Hm, yes, time for another update.
Got 2 new drawings from Cringer 990 and if you like dogs, yes I am sure that you do, go there and take a look. As always: click on go to the latest additions and you are there.
After that I recommend that you go to page 19 and there you find Kadabra 4. He send me 2 new drawings, and one of them is the black unicorn, so you also find it in the fan archive.
Kadabra 4 have also got a new index, as you see. And so a notice to the game fans here. If you want to play cool games, and like roleplaying games, there is only 2 games you need to have:
For the PC it is Gothic 2, and I hope later that I can add a screenshot of one of the dragons there. The other is Drakan 2. Drakan 1 is also aviable for PC but Drakan 2 is only for Playstation 2. This girl have a cool friend: Yeah, a dragon! I have played computer games for over 13 years and nothing can beat those 2 games. Also with Gothic 2, I must say that those that have programmed the game, knows what they are doing, and thrust me, there aint many in the computer world that know so much... /Aradd


So...last monday it was some problems with the phone line and after that, it was this new virus, I think the most of you know it for know. I didn't got it, but my internet provider got it and therefore it was not possible to access the internet, after that I haven' t the time until now.
Got a mail from a visitor here about the Misc Bear drawings. I sended a mail and it was the artist that have done them. He call himself for Fuzzy, sorry to say he didn't wanted us to have them here on wereanimal.net so  I have now removed them. But you can go and get some new drawings
Of course you need to choose the adult section, but he have also done some good other bear drawings. Feeling hungry? Well, this time when you go down to the cellar, you will be a little surprised. Kadabra 4 have doing a request drawing and if you go to his section, page 19, you can take a look at it, and it looks good, didn't it?
After that you can click on go to the latest additions, and you will be at Michael Shermans beast drawings page 2. There you find 4 new drawings. As you see they are very nice, I have also send a mail to Michael and asked about the anala6 drawing. As you see 1-5 is missing. Well for now we 'only' got 98 artists here and to solve that problem, 2 new artist will be added later. /Aradd


Time for next update... Surfing Charizard have made some new drawings and 2 new animations. He have learned that size matters, and I think that is the reason he know have made some Godzilla drawings... You find Surfing Charizard easy, just click 'go to the latest additions' on the beast artists section. And tomorrow there will be another update. /Aradd.


Techwolf have got some mails with complaints about the commercial drawings we have here, but not have permission to have. So the artist Reno and Steven Saber is removed. But there is still 98 other good artists here. That was the bad news. Also it seems to be problem to get the movies online again. Maybe it is time to see if we can move to another server. If anyone here have some suggestions, they are welcome to contact me. But remember that this site have a traffic around 50 gb/week. Maybe one solution can be to have banner from paying companys. I shall see if it can be a solution and it is not meaning that Techwolf shall have problems with this site.
The good news is that Runepriest send me 2 new 3D drawings, and you must go and take a look. He also tell me that it was okey to put his mail address here. Also a special notice; he also take commissions. Send him a note, and he can see what he can do, and we also have Chien Fou and Kadabra 4. I think this must be one of the few sites there anyone can get a 3D drawing for free. Also remember to send your comment if there is something you like to see. Many times that can be to help for the artist. One problem is to make the drawing, but the first problem can be to have an idéa to start with. Anyway...enjoy the show! /Aradd


Seems that Kadabra 4 is still awaken. I have done a 'quick' 3D drawing and of course he send it to me. It is marked with 'new', as usual. You find Kadabra 4 in the Artist Beast Drawings on page 19.
I got a mail from another artist, Oddball. He have done some drawings, and I already got many of them, but I didn't know that it was he that have done them. There was also some new ones, so this is the changes: 18 new drawings are added to his section.
Also added a link to Knight Studios website. I send a mail but got it back. But thanx to Hawkeye for the link to Knight's website. If anyone have his mail address, just let me know.../Aradd


So, this is a very quick update: Kadabra 4 send me a new version of the Aradd 2 drawing, download it and replace it. Can you see what he have changed? He hehehe, take a close look and you will see. Also a new drawing: Aradd 3. As you can see from the comment in the drawings, I also can be kind. :-) Kadabra 4 say that he takes commissions for free, that was good news.
That also mean that we have 2 artist that are making artwork for free: Chien Fou and Kadabra 4. That is cool. Click on 'go to the latest additions' and you will be there.../Aradd


Time for another update: Fhones send me 4 new drawings and I recommend that you don't miss them. Just click on go to the latest additions as usual, and you will be there, and he is in the beast artist section... also a thanx to Distefano for sending me the missing drawing 9 in Stephie and the stray's section. You find it in Reno's comix section. Reno is on index 11, and there on page 1, just click on go to the latest additions and you will be there... Distefano is added to the Brotherhood of the Black Unicorn for sending the drawing.
No this wasn't all, so if you're lucky and I got some time... it will be some more tomorrow.../Aradd


Seems that some artist still drawing now in the middle of the summer... But that is very nice, and this time you can see me, Aradd The Black Unicorn... Well, this time it with a virgin, and you all know that unicorns likes virgins... The 2 new drawings is made by Kadabra4. But he also send me 2 other drawings and one of them Princess Kara is very dark. It should be so, because it is in an dungeon, but it isn't easy to get it right with the darkness. The Princess Kara 1 is a little brighter version of it and Princess Kara 2 is another version, as you will see when you take a look. This also means that Kadabra4 is added to the Fan archive, so there you also find the 2 unicorn drawings.
Another artist: Ek Goya have made a very cool dino drawing. So just go to Beast Drawing index 15 and take a look... And if you want to go to Kadabra4, just click on 'Go to the latest additions', as usual. If you're lucky, it will maybe be another update tomorrow, I hope I shall have the time.../Aradd


Well, the most of you have already seeing the banners. Techwolf asked me if he could have them here and I think we must agree to it. There is a auction for artist to sell beast, fantasy and furry artwork. I have no idéa how it works, but I hope those artists and visitors here that gonna test it, just remember to send me a note. One complaint I got, okey maybe we shall not call it complaint, but there is as usual, expensive for the artist that not live in USA. I shall check that, and the reason is, what I believe, the shipping costs, money transfers costs and so on. I shall send a mail to Techwolf and ask him about it. Also a notice to a few: I have not being online with  icq so much the latests weeks and the reason is that I have very much to do. I will be more online as soon as I have some time to be that. /Aradd


So, anther small update: Added a new section för Gabriel Logan. He is drawing a serie about the Princess Iliona and the 12 stallions. The 3 old drawings are removed from the misc horse section and added in this new section, with one new drawing. Also got permission from Klaus Dobermann to add 2 of his process drawings. So you can see how it looks when he are creating his drawings. And to get to the new drawnings, just click on 'go to latest additions,' as usual.../Aradd


I mentioned the Quick index, and now it is online for the erotic animal artists. The only thing you need to know, is that the index opens in a new window. So when you don't want it anymore, just click the close button on the window. /Aradd


and now... time for another update:
I know there is some here that like Cringer 990's artwork, and as he promised, some new stuff and only for this site... If you click on go to the latest additions in the beast artist section, you will be there...
Also Gabriel Logan have made some new stuff, 2 new drawings and you find him on Drawings index 9. And of course the new drawings are marked with... new, strange isn't it?
Also a notice for those that have downloaded the raptor series made by Surfing Charizard: He wanted me to rename the raptor 1-7 to 01-07. So check that on your hard disk. Yeah, what would Surfing Charizard do without us? /Aradd


So... I am member of around 300 groups on Yahoo. And to tell you the throuth: In many, or nearly the most of them, it is not happend very much. So there takes much time to check them, but it is nearly nothing to see. Of course the 300 groups are not only beast drawings, it is much other things also. So it seems that the easiest way, that one visitor pointed for a while ago, is to visit this site.
Somone else have wakening Surfing Charizard, and we thanx for that. So he have sending me some new animations and drawings. He got a new index, so just click on 'go to the latest additions' and take a look.
Chien Fou send me a mail and he says that he have started the part 3 of the 3d movie with the black unicorn, we will see how long time it will take Chien to do it. Got a mail that there is some people that like the sound for the choose menu. Well, the comment about to wake up we have guests, is from a friends pinball machine. We sample the complete, well nearly, there is one sample that are missing, and the idéa was not to have it here, no. The idéa was to make a computer theme to my computer, but first we must fix the missing sample. If you have not played the Family Addams pinball, you have missed something. It is one of the absolute best pinball machines that are ever made. My friend agree, and he would know, he got's over 100 pinball machines... /Aradd


Kadabra4 send me 2 new drawings... this seems to be better and better. Of course I upload them at once. And as usual: They are marked with 'new'. If you are lucky, it will be a new update tomorrow.
It is time for the QuickIndex. I am not so often in the commersial sites, the reason is that the mostly sites have not so good drawings that it is here. But when I take a look, there is many, many times that the websites are really crap: Difficult to navigate, links that are not working and so on. I think if they want money from people, the need to do a better work, but the years is going, and the sites are still bad done, the most of them... Many amateur sites are better done that what the professional sites are. But this site have also being large, so as I mentioned for a long time ago, it will be time for the QuickIndex. This index will make it easy for every visitor that have being here before, just to go to the artist they want. And it will be easy to use, of course... I will now start to work on it, and I hope that it will be online tomorrow.../Aradd


Well... seems that Kadabra4 suprise you all with a new 3d drawing. This time is it a spider and a girl, and I can promise you that the spider enjoy the meeting... As usual: If you click on go to the latest additons, you will be there..../Aradd


So...time for an update... and as you see, if you have checked the main site...
The stable is gone, instead: Welcome to the castle.
First the site was a den, and then a stable and now... a castle...
And thanx to Surfing Charizard for the new  text animation!
So! Got a mail from Kadabra4. He made 3D drawings, and  he told me that he is an amateur, so the drawings was not so good. Well, as usual the artist have wrong. If you click on go to the newest additions, you will be in Kadabra4's section. As you can see, the drawings are good. And if you like dragons, you gona love those!
Also got some new drawings from Michael Sherman, and you
know he made good stuff. I have added the new drawings in a section for itself.. I shall complete refix his section next update. You find Michael Sherman on side 15.
The quick index will soon be online. So it will be easy for 'old visitors' to go direct to their favorite artist. Oh! You like them all? So do I, but it will be easier to use the QuickIndex when you
want to go to the artist that have add new drawings and so on...
And Kadabra4 is artist 100. So now I have reached my goal! Well, if I shall tell you the throuth, the first goal. And the rest? Well, if the site shall continue depends of this: Help from the visitors! Help from the artists!
And of course; that Techwolf can keep the server and bandwith online here!
And the goal? Well, I will tell you later... but I think you better keep your seatbelt on, and that is also something for the artist here to think about. So enjoy the show, as long as you can! /Aradd.


Well, I got no suggestion of some new artist, but I am not surprised either.
Decided to add Randy Muledeer as artist no. 98. This artist have not made anything new, what a know, since around -97. He is a friend of TOR, but he have also lost contact with Randy. That's bad. If you know anything about Randy, or  have any missing drawings, just send me a mail...
You can go to his section, just click on go to the latest additions for the beast artist.
Also some bad news: We have now passed 45 gb/week in transfer. So I have to remove the movies. I don't know what all new visitors come from, and my request earlier have no one answer. The mostly mail I got have being just about that it is not possible to download the movies. I have mentioned the problem about that, well it feels around 1000 times, but anyway: some people doesn't read anything. So 2 artist left to 100.../Aradd.


Time for an update. Got some new drawings from Michael Sherman. I made it easy for you...I added them in a new section and you can go there by just clicking on the 'Go to the latest addition' link from the Beast artist section. /Aradd