What's new in Ellgar
4th quarter 2003


It seems that it is not possible for an update and the reason is this:
It seems that the site is to popular... and the problems is the bandwith. Sean send me a mail that as it looks for now, the site can not be online so much longer if it will continue to use so much bandwith. There is some solutions about this:
Well the easiest way is to close the site.
The second is if people can donate to Sean, using Paypal...
On 2 days there have being around 7000 visitors here.
If they could give 1 $ each, we could have, yes, 7000 $ and that could be enough to run the site for 5 years...
Another solution is to add banners that will give money to pay for the traffic. We should think what we should do a few days.
I hope you all will have a nice xmas! /Aradd


Hm...so we are back online... Seems that some people is missing this site, so I decided to put it online. For those that have some questions what happend on the old site, at  wereanimal.net can read the mail from Lars Finch. I have added some comment on it, so take a look here! But I can already now tell you that Lars Finch didn't want the site go down, so we should not blame him for that. Of course the Reno artwork is not online, but otherway, there is so much other drawings here so I hope some people will find something they like. The old site was nearly to go down anyway, and one of the reason was that this takes so much time. The other is that I have understand that many artists don't get any feedback and as many know: with around 2500 visitors/day it is very bad that very many didn't get any mail with feedback. Of course it was very much comments on the net, when this site didn't exist anymore... Anyway: We start with a little update:
Cringer 990 send me 3 new drawings, and you find him on beast drawings index 18. Don't miss the new black unicorn drawing...hehehe...
If you click on go to the latest additions, you will go to Jonathan Rich artwork. There you find 2 new drawings, both in 3D.  As you see, not the complete site are online. It will be added later. This site shouldn't be online until next year, so we are a little early.
Also we must remember to thanx Sean for hosting this site. We can hope that it will give him some new customers. As many already know: Someone have to pay for the bandwith. Sean do that, but I hope some visitors here can mention that Sean can help companys with online storage. More information Sean and links will be added soon.  So we end this section with something scary... For those that want to see the Black Unicorn you can take a look here. It will open in a new window. I hope you like it, it was not so easy to do... /Aradd


Well, Surfing Charizard gives now mercy... and I like that...:-)
There are several new drawings, but only one new animation...:-(
Also notice that he have changed some of his drawings with new one that have his logo on it. The reason seems that some of the artists drawings here on the internet is taken. I think that is really bad. But so it is in the reallity.../Aradd


So, time for a update again.
Michael Sherman send me some new stuff, and I know he have a big fan club out there.
So you can go and take a look in his section. As usual, just click on go to the latest additions. There will be more updates, as soon as I got time. I hope it will be tomorrow.../Aradd.


Well, time for confusion: Cringer send me a drawing that I already have, but I then saw that it was missing online. So if you go to section 18 you can take a look at the 2 drawings in the dog section. Maybe you have one of them, but I don't think you have both...
I got a mail from Kadabra 4 and you can go to his section just click on go to the latest additions. There you will find 2 new drawings in the requested section and 1 new drawing in the misc section. So don't miss this new drawings from Cringer 990 and Kadabra 4. We are now soon reach 500 000 visitors. That's nice, and the good news is that I got a mail from Techwolf. He have much to do but in the beginning of november, he hope that he can add a new software so it will be more easy to download the movies here. Until then, the 'small' updates here will continue. We can only hope that he can do something about the bandwith problem for the movies, but I think even after that it will be some problem with download them. The reason is simply: Bandwith costs money, so it is not so easy to get it for free. Until next update, stay tuned! /Aradd