What's new in Ellgar
1st quarter 2004


Time for a small update: Got a new drawing from Nightshroud, and I know you want to see it...
So just click go to the latest additions and you will be on index 19...
On index 1 you find Furronika, and I guess nearly all have seeing his artwork...
I have make a new section with sketches, and I recommend that you take a look at them.../Aradd


The castle was in ruins.
The people and also the paladins and magicians thought the have won the battle when the
castle have fall. Only to see that it was not so much in there exept some trapped humans.
So it was a lot of people that now started the travel back to Miliaria, the capital town of the kingdom.
A short distans from the city it was some large fields for farmers. The way follow the fields and
when they large amount of people was on their way they could hear a sound of wings.
As they looked up to the sky, they could see something that they doesn't liked at all:
A dragon. They know the name of it: Shania. It was the largest dragon ever. In her
mouth she could easily swallow 2 horses at once. There was no problem for her to land on the
large field and some of the people escaped into the woods that was near the field. But the
magicians and the paladin knights prepared for a battle. But fight this dragon,
even as they was over 150 paladins, was nearly suicide.
"Human's," said Shania. "Where do you think you are going?"
"To the city, Miliaria," said Alvaiz. One of the magicians.
"I don't think that is any idéa for you," said Shania.
"Why not?"
"Well, Aradd was tired of the little castle so he have taking over the entire kingdom. The king is
dead, and his wife also. Their daughter is still living, but he have trapped her in a spell."
The men looked at each other. Was this a nightmare?
Alvaiz looked at the dragon: "How can this be possible?"
"We know Aradd since a long time ago, a very long time. He asked if we could protect the kingdom.
He have much to do. So I and my friends is a kind of frontier guards."
"Your friends?!" said captain Sheergarth.
"Let me guess," said Alvaiz. "Your friends is the other dragons...or?"
"Yes, that is correct. We are 8 togheter and I will not recommend you to fight against us.
If so, we will kill you all. Other way, Aradd and we will not harm you. He send his
thanx to you all that you destroyed the old castle. Also kind of you to take all visitors and
artist back here. That save him a lot of time..."
The men looked at each other. What should they do now?
"They wanted us back, strange isn't it?" said Death.
But the large black unicorn was interrupted:
"I know, I know; They are humans..."
"Correct. And it seems that it will be a time for an update."
"Yeah, but first we must mentioned the problems with the bandwith," said Death.
"Yes, when you read this you should know that this update is only possible to those that have
donate some money to the site. We use all money to pay the bandwith. Without bandwith, no site."
"That was easy to understand, do you think they do that?"
"Some of them, other don't understand until it is down again, but I hope we can keep
it online now."
Suggestions about banners or other thing that can help us keep the site online should be send to the webmaster Sean. Just click here! If you have any suggestions.
Got a mail from Nightshroud, and I already know that talent artist, if you not know, you have missed something and of course he is welcome to the site. I like his dragons...hehehehe...
Nightshroud have 9 drawings so go and take a look...
The other new artist is a 'old' artist: Doug Winger. I think many already know him. He do mostly furry artwork, but have also done some other stuff, so I added 44 drawings with him... but he have done over 800 drawings that you can find online. Just click on the link, only notice that a few of his artwork you see here, is not aviable on the velar server.
You will find both these artist easy: just click on go to the latest additions, for the Beast Artist.
And then we have Julius Zimmerman. A artist that seems to draw 24 hours/day, every day...hehehe. His fans have not easy to sort his drawing out but of course I have done it. In his section before you could find 20 drawings, but know you can find 350 more... and with Doug Winger and Nightshroud we could see that this is around 400 new drawings... some of this update is a part from the Amused to death update that shall be in mars. But that will only be possible if we can afford the money to pay the bandwith.
Sometimes the site is very slow, and the reason is the bandwith!
Also rememeber to take a look at the forum.
Just notice that it is in 3 sections: Drawings, Animal and Beast./Aradd