What's new in Ellgar
2nd quarter 2004


Hm... we continue with an update in Michael Shermans section... Lucky for us, it seems that
he is drawing 24 hours/day. That is very good. But it seems that there is some stuff to be
checked in Michaels section: Some times I find some of Michaels artwork on internet, and
it seems that some of his drawings is with different file names and also sometimes, different
resolutions. One drawing: liontamer for example, is now in the new section, what is new with it,
is that this version is in higher resolution. Go and take a look in the new section.. you will not be disappointed.  And the fastest way to get to Michael's section, is just click on 'go to the newest additions'. /Aradd

Well, some day when it is bad news. This is a one of these days...
Last year I got in contact with a writer, Daedalus, and I added a section here to him... I now got a mail from one of his friends that told me that Daedalus now not is with us anymore. Daedalus wrote some more stories when this site was offline, and he's friend wanted me to know if I wanted them. Of course we want them! So in the beast history section you now will find part 2 and 3 of the The Arena. Also 2 other storys is added: Video Stud Whore and Xho. Even now when Daedalus is not with us anymore, I am sure that he wanted to have the stories here for you all to read. But notice that he's stories is for very adult readers only...
I think we all  now send a though not only to him, also to his friends and other people
that knowed him...  


Well, time for you to welcome a new artist...
Chanta Ra is here, and I think you all will like his artwork. He send me a mail and told me that he will continue to draw, but of course, we don't know when something new will arrive from him.
But we can hope that we not have to wait to long. If you click on go to the latest additions, on the beast artist section, you will be there. /Aradd


Okey... It seems that some people is still on this homepage... so I decided that it is time for a bedtime story... the story section is online. The contents is around 1400 stories, so I hope you find some that you like... /Aradd


Well, it was a long time since the last update, so here is another one:
Got a mail about the Trolled 3D movie. Thanx to Salt16cay, I have now get in touch with Morph, the new artist here. Usually the 3d movies are short... but not this one, it is over 12 minutes.
You can go direct to Morphs section if you Just click on 'go to the latest additions' on the beast artist section. Hope you enjoy... Hm... well, if we take a look at the web counter,  it seems that some here have else nothing to do... So all comix are also online now... /Aradd


All cartoon movies is now online.
Also the Misc animal drawings archive is online./Aradd


At the top of the hill stands 2 strange figures, one of them was a black unicorn, the other, well, mostly people now how death looks...
"We shouldn't be here," said Death.
"Yeah, I know." The black unicorn looked at the visitors that travel into the kingdom...
"Don't know what they all come from," he continued. "More than 3000 / day is much..."
"Hm, yeah. What shall we do? Continue?"
"Well, it seems that the artist have learn their lessons well."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I asked them what they thought we should do, it is much work with this,
but they wanted the site be online so far."
"They did?"
"Well, if they have put it only that way, I don't think I have continued with it, but
they told me that there is only one thing to do."
"And...?" said Death. "That is?"
Aradd looked at Death a few seconds, then a evil smile was on his lips;
"They said that they should give the poor visitors a hell of a show..."
"That is to do it my way," said Death.
For a long time, he could feel that this could be really fun...
Good evening... and welcome back!!
I was surprised when I got a mail from Techwolf that he have put this old site online again.
But okey, it seems that many people was missing it, maybe therefore it have being over 12000 visitors here since wednesday. But what is more fun is that the artist also like that the site is back. At Seanspc it was big problems with the transfer rate and bandwith. It was not possible for him to upgrade it without very large costs, so it was better to take the site down.
So this update is from january also. The reason is that it was many visitors that couldn't not visit the site, before it was down. Therefore I have added 2004-06-18 as date for also that old update. But if we take it from the beginning, one artist is needed your help.
I have heard some comment about the web design here, and I think mostly people think it is okey.
It should work with any webbrower and that is important for me, because much today only works with new versions of web browsers and also there is much cool design that just take much time for people to download with slow connections.
One artist spend so much time with a flash animation, instead of upgrade his website, so after several weeks, his hard disk desided to say goodbye, for ever... What was gone forever was some of Furronikas artwork: Now the point; I know you like Furronikas drawings and he have not a own website, so when he made his drawings, he send them to others, and then deleted them on his own computer. So now you can guess what's happend... Yes, some of Furronikas drawings is missing since a long time, but there is hope: He also send them to a few people with mail (of course). IF you have, or know anyone that can have drawings with these numbers,  send them direct to Furronika. (Link removed) 108 / 129 / 134 / 141 / 142 / 143 / 144 / 172 & 173.
So what I mean is, that it is not so important with the webdesign, exept that it is easy to
navigate. The important is the contents and we continue with it right now:
Furronika have send me 2 drawings that is only aviable here. Also he's sketches is uploaded, also notice that a few of them you also only find here. Also Surfing Charizard have a update and you find him in beast artist page 8. On page 9 you can take a look at Gabriel Logans artwork that is updated. So on page 12 we have Jonathan Rich, I recommend that you take a look at his
section. On page 15 you find Michael Sherman, and as you can see, he have made a lot of drawings of all kind, so don't miss his drawings. But notice (this is a comment to you also Michael) if you send a mail to him: sometimes it seems that his mail server doesn't work. I hope he can contact his internet provider and check it out, I have send a mail to him... and got a error message back...:-)
An artist that have many fans, is Cringer 990. So I think you will be glad to hear that he already have send me some new drawings, as usual in very high resolution. Don't miss them! This time misc and dog drawings... hm... I have told him that I like his unicorn drawings best... hehehe... You will also come to his section if you click on "go to the latest additions".
On page 19 you can find Isprecolen. Unlucky for the visitors that are here right now, like you are,
he doesn't take any commission now. He did it for free, and if you take a look at his section, he do it very good. He doesn't want his mail address online right now, but we can hope he will change his mind...
On page 19 you also find 2 new artist. Okey, mostly people know who Doug Winger is. He do much furry artwork, but also some other kind of artwork, and you will find it here.
Nightshroud is a talent artist, as you will see, so don't miss him!
All 3d movies should now work, and as you can see Techwolfs new server is very fast.
But as usual we must take a look at the transfer rate and so on. If it is possible I will
upload the comix and stories later.../Aradd