What's New in Ellgar
3rd quarter 2004

Time for a little update... Simon Barber send some more taur drawings, but
it wasn't possible to get them online as the time for the other update was short...
So here they are now, and remember that this drawings you will not find
anywhere else... Easiest way to go to Simon Barbers index is to
click on this button here . Notice that Simon Barber have a
new index as it was time to sort the drawings a little better. /Aradd


Angus didn't looked up from his computer screen when he hearing the door open.
He know who it was, and without looking up he just say:
"Hi, Jim. No, I have nothing new to report to you... sorry..."
"Oh shit!" said Jim. He was a police officer and the case he got for 5 days ago was
someting that bothers him.
"Okey, I am not suprised, I have nothing more to come with myself. Shall we make a quick check?"
"Yeah, for the hundred times..." Angus smiled. "Well the obduction didn't tell anything more,
and that was a suprise for me, as you remember. I have make a second check today and there is nothing.
No drugs, no alcohol, this young man didn't even smoke." Jim sighted.
"Okey, so this is the story: For 5 days ago his mother was missing him as he didn't
come in the evening to help her with her car. After several phone calls she decided to get to his
departement. The door was locked and as she got a own key she opened it. But the security chain was on from the inside so she decided to call a locksmith. When she was inside she found her son dead. He was sitting in his computer chair, but the computer was not turned on. She call ambulance and police and when I arrived I must say that I don't know so much more now than then..."
"Yeah," said Angus. "How ever, if I should make a guess, I should have said, heart attack, but
there is not possible..."
"I know what you mean, his face..."
"Yes, his face... That was strange..."
"Hm... But you found no drugs so I have no idéa, have you?"
"No, he was looking so happy so I can not understand why, it seems... how
shall I say... well, it seems that he have being amused to death..."

Good evening and welcome to this Amused to death update...
With this update the new furry equine section is online, and you can go to it if you
want to take a look...
In this update is it the horses that rules, as the horses won the poll in my yahoo group for the
animal section. There you will find and update for around 270 mb of movies...
Here we start with dogs... and if you click on this button you will come to Aeryns section. There you will find a new dog drawing,
as usual very well done...
Notice that Aeryns cool zebra girl drawing is moved to the Furry Equine section!
Then we have a new artist... well, he is not new on internet. I download the first drawing made of him the 14 february 1996. Lucky for us all, he have a suprise. It seems that some artist have drawings that they not have online, and Simon Barber have a suprise for you all. If you click on thisbutton you will be there fast as lightning... He have also some more drawings that will be added in the next update, as there is another update later this week...
So there is also so that you need something more to do, isn't it?
Chien Fou is back, and he have some new 3D movies in the movie section.
You can get there by using this button:

Well, then the must be something more...  So there is 2 new movies in the 2d movies section. Surfing Charizard sended me a clip from the movie Urotsukidoji_New_Saga_-_2_-_Ultra God rape and then there is a clip from the movie Evil Toon. I have heard that this is the best part in the movie, but I have not see the complete movie myself. You can click here and go and take a look

In the comix section you can go to the latest additions for the Beast Comix (Non Japan) Thanx to Nefer-Ka-Re we now have the Tranceptor comic and you will find it there. For a long time I got some comics from Japan. Cyber Iguana sended me several comics so with the Tranceptor comixs this is 100 mb for you to download...

Also notice that there was a link that was not correct so now all gif animations are online... there is more than one in that section you know...

If you want it all, it is around 150 mb to download in this section, 270 mb in the animal section and 130 in the furry equine section... so take it little easy as there is a risk that you can be amused to death... /Aradd


Okey, so we make a extra update here. The reason is that Anaktis send me
a new drawing... Those that are members in my Yahoo group have maybe already
seeing it, but for your others here: If you click on
button that is added
to my fanarchive, you will come to the new drawing... as you can see that it me. Well it is not so often I have some fun
as this website takes so much time. .. Very much thanx Anaktis!


So... time for a update... We start with Aeryn, and she is back
with a doggy drawing... as usually it is very good... easiest you
go there by clicking on the
button in
the choose menu... as usual... If you click on the

button you will go to The Wishmasters index... The update there is not so small.
There is 2 comix series and two 3D movies added there. Notice also that
the 3D movies also are added to the 3D movie section. The movies is around 2 x 11 mb
and the comix archive around 16 mb...
We continue with a little information: Those that have being banned from my Yahoo group have
not being 21 years old or more. The rules there is the same as the rules here. Or is it anyone that
have missed that it is 21 years old that is needed to enter the adult section here?
There is easy to change the info for your Yahoo profile so make sure to do that.
Also a notice that between the september 20-26 the animal mating section will go down.
The reason is the heavy update so it is needed to be a reconstruction to it.
There will be a poll in my Yahoo group so it will give the members there a chance to
vote what they want to see... I also notice that there is many that want to rpg play.
If there is any interest we can create a rpg yahoo group and I will also add a poll to that.
...I don't think there is needed to tell that the rpg group in the case there will be one,
will be for all kind of creatures and if you want to play as human, that is also okey.
The polls will be added tomorrow by the moderator Nico. Notice that he told me that it is
not possible to add to large polls. As the species I will suggest is many it will be split to 3 polls.
There will be okey to vote in all 3. + the rpg poll. /Aradd


I got a mail from Esperanza... He was back from his vacation.
Before he leave he asked me if I have something I wanted to see.
Of course I have. Don't we all have something in our minds?
I mention that it was very little male human with animals so he
make a comix. I also add the text to it so you can read the back ground,
as I thought it was a cool idéa he have there...
There was also needed to change his section with a index as Esperanza
now have done several different kind of artwork... So for those that
like furry female equines, and I know there is many that do it, just go to
the drawings section and click on the button.
I hope you enjoy the story.... I did.../Aradd


Time for an update and some information:
Isprecolen have send 4 new drawings, and as usual, they are very good...
3 are requests and one of them are his own idéa. You will be there if you
click on the button in the drawings section...
I was suprised when I for a few day visited my own group at yahoo. I thought it
was deleted as I have not time for it and was suprised that is was still alive and
so... Now it is so that the drawings in the file section will very soon be removed and
if you want to download them, just join the group.
Easiest way is to click here: (Link removed. Group deleted.)
Notice that you need to be at least 21 years or more. So make sure that you
have add your age in the yahoo profile. /Aradd


...back from a vacation. 8 days in Paris was very nice...
Unfortunatily there was a problem with the server when I should make a
update on the site the 19:th so it was not possible to fix anything before I
was leaving. Otherway now when it was nothing happend here, I hope you took
 a tour around the internet and take a look at other websites...
If you click on the in the drawing section, you
can see a drawing in colour version from Weredragon Crodile...
Thanx to Surfing Charizard we now have new animations for the main
website and both the beast drawing index and the animal index. As you
can see, it looks very nice. But don't worry, it will be not so much more graphics
here, it just takes time for you to download, and the contents here is still more
important. Hm... And I don't know when the next update will be. /Aradd


Aeryn send a new drawing, this time it is not so usual drawing that to be on
this site. It is a furry drawing, but I know that many of the visitors here will like it.
Later this year a new section will be opening with drawings like this one.
Easiest is to click on the latest addition button 2.
The drawing will then be moved to the new section when it will be aviable online.
I got a mail from Timelord, and I added the missing page of Zelda the Zookeeper.
He also mentioned that page 16 was upside down. This is now fixed so you don't
need to turn your monitors updside down... He also tell me that the missing page was
no. 22 not 33. So if you have the serie before, you need to download page 16,
22 and 33. Sorry that we not have found the artist that have made this
comix. As usual, if you have any information about something that I am
searching for, just send a mail...
Timelord is added to The Brotherhood of The Black Unicorn section.
If you click on go to the latest addition button for the comix section, you will be there.../Aradd


Aeryn have a suprise, and that one was that she also have 2 drawings more. The 2 ones, and this time it is the horses that have the fun... is added in her section. Easiest way to get there
is to click on go to the latest addition button 2...
We can hope that Aeryn have more suprises for us...
There is sometimes a good idéa to put some comments here.
Weredragon Crodile have understand that it was time to do something about the drawing that he not have in colour...yes, I know that it is you visitors most popular drawing in Weredragon Crodiles section, so just go and take a look. He also added a complete new drawing. Easiest way to go there is to click on go to the latest addition button 1...
In the comix section, we have thanx to Cyber Iguana, a better version and also complete of RedXIII and Aeris. We thanx him for that. It is bad that we have so little visitors from Japan. The site is easy to navigate on, I hope, so there should be no problem even if you not understand the language here.

And the site: I like websites that is easy to navigate and also fast to download.
Okey, sometime it can be cool to see the design and so. But heavy flash animations,
and things like that is not so fun for people that have slow connections. For modem users
even these index sites takes nearly 30 seconds to get on your monitor. This site have over 600
html sides and if you now take a look it will be so: 600 x 30 seconds is = 18 000 seconds.
That is 5 hours... and they still have not upload anything else than the thumbnails...
Also the transfer rate: The thumbnails here is around 30 mb. But let us say that you only
uses 5 mb to see some stuff and download a few files... (that is not much as the site is around
1 gb), 5 mb x 2000 visitors is 1000 mb /day... and so on. Okey a little fun we must have, so
a  few gif animations and sound is added, but not to much... the important here, is the
artist and their work... and so it will still be as long as I have this site... also another thing
is that it doesn't matter if you don't use Internet Explorer or Netscape, the site should
work with all web browsers... That is also one of the reasons for the 'go to the latest
addition' buttons. I could have them here, but it is not possible because the visitors must
pass the warning page... that is a point of that I like, fast in and fast out...
Hey, I don't mean what you thinking of, I mention the website here... hm... humans always
have dirty thoughts... it is not easy to be a unicorn in this world.../Aradd


This is a extra update... Aeryn send me a new 3D drawing...
and as you will see if you click on the latest additions button 2, you can see that the dogs have more fun than we have...
The comix section is updated. If you click on the new addition button, on the comix section, of course, you will be right there. The serie is now complete and it is also in high resolution. We thanx Cyber Iguana for the complete comix.
I call the comix NG, but I don't know the orginal name of it. If you know, just send me a mail. Thanx. /Aradd


Weredragon Crodile send a old gif animation. I added it to his section, and if you click on go to the latest additions 1 button you will be there...
...Yes... It is time to add a new artist. Lucky for us, Aeryn have give her permission to have her drawings here. And I think you remember the 3D drawings with the centaur and centauress... She also send a new drawing, so if you click on go to the latest addition button 2,
you will be there. Also some minor changes with websites and so, but that you can see yourself. Remember to send a mail, if something is not working. /Aradd


I have that feeling... you know... wasn't it a loooong time, since we added a new artist here? Well, it is time again... On page 21 you will find a new artist: Weredragon Crodile. I know that you will like one of the drawings best, but it is sad that he haven't coloured it.
We can hope that Weredragon Crodile will do it another time...
Click on go to the latest additions 1 button, and you are there.
The button 2 goes to Anaktis and if you want to see Isprecolens artwork with me, you can click on the latest addition button on my fan archive. /Aradd


Thanx to Isprecolen it seems that it is my time to have some fun... and I need it,
because I have very much to do. If you click on the latest additions 1, or
the latest additions for The Black Unicorns fanarchive, you will be there...
This should have being in the last update, but I didn't get the mail from Isprecolen. Anyway, I know you will like the new drawing...I do... :-) /Aradd


Can you feel that feeling...? Yeah, it was a long time since added a new artist here...
But before we do that, some information about the unknown artist:
Thanx to ZogFotPik I have now got in contact with the artist. It is also so that the drawings in that section, is made by 2 artists, so some of them is removed, and I hope they will be back online when I have got in contact with the artist. Beowulf39 as the artist name is, have give me permission to have his drawings here. But he don't want his mail address online at all.
Yes, you need to go there and take a look, because they are now uploaded in a higher resolution. ZogFotPik is also added to the Brotherhood of the Black Unicorn.
As I mentioned for a long time here, it is sometimes so that artists keep their drawings on their own hard disk, and in this case, it is not easy for us to see the drawings. Anaktis is one of those artists. Lucky for us, he decided now to send 2 drawings and I can recommend you to see them...hm...it seems that the dragon and the centauress have more fun than we have... :-)
Easiest to go to Anaktis drawings is to click on the latest additions button 1.
And if you click on the addition button 2, you are at Beowulf39 drawings.
The donation button is taken down. So far not a single dollar have being send to the site, lucky for us, Techwolf still sponsering the site... This is all for this time.../Aradd


I...have a feeling... wasn't it a long time since last time we added a new artist here...? Yeah... so here is one new: I have keeping an eye on Mario. He uses a paint bbs to draw on and he can do it good, so don't miss his 3 comix series I have uploaded, they are much easier to see here and
on the paint board...:-) Just click on go to the latest additions 1,  and you will be on page 21 Marios mail address is added also,  he have no own website... /Aradd


I got a mail from Windpaw. That was nice, because he's old mail address didn't work.
Now he also send me a new drawing, and for you that likes dogs, yeah I know there is
many... this is one for you. Easiest to get to Windpaw's work is just to click on go to the
latest additions for the Animal Artist section...
And then something more...
An artist that many knows, Martin Haussler (HT). I know many love his artwork so I think
you all should read this...:

hello aradd!
good to see your site again.
im requesting a little change on my gallery.
could you add a notice that i am not alowing to post my material ot other places, especialy at beastforum.com? 
 I AM STRICTLY NOT ALOWING THIS!  you are the only one who host my pictures,
youre a great guy,doing this for us for free. those beastforum jerks have a upload download ratio system,
upload new and rare pics to get picture downloads. when you pay you get free downloads.... 
its like a self growing paysite with idiots filling it with copyright material of artist not even
given the permission to host the pics there.the owner of the forum is one of
those bestiality com bastards who troubled you with those reno comics.
and now some idiots feeding bestiality.com via beastforum.com with free and rare pics just to get some downloads..
i am so pissed. those guys throwing around with my stuff without even crediting me,
my hard work is just used to get some crappy pics from there.they always asking where this artist(me) got
 his site and stuff. ive joined this board and got banned because ive claimed these pics as mine. 
this board got a strict rule that forbids to post material that is restricted by the author with a comment.
so i want to ask you that you post a statement that forbids to post my pictures elsewhere.
i will add in the future to every picture your url
thank you
Martin Haeussler

...Suprised? No I am not.
The artists on wwoec.com have the same problems...
And now something you all can do here: Spread this to other people on the internet,
so other people also know about this problem.
You can also help the artists here:
If you see their artwork in the yahoo groups, or onpaysites,
without permission, just send a mail to the artist and tell the artist that.
That a little thing we can do as they give so much artwork here for free.../Aradd


Got a mail from God of Boredom, that he wasn't the artist that have done the drawings that was in Erotic Centauress rpg group. He just uploaded them to the group. Go and take a look at page 20 in the Beast Artist section. Right now I have renamed the artist, to Unknow Artist. It is not so easy to get in contact with an artist when we now not even know his name... God of Boredom told me that he have found the drawing on renderotica.com. Now there is not allowed with beast drawings there, so maybe the artist isn't there at all. Well, as you all can see, there is a minor changes to the sections: I needed to add some new buttons. Now when some artist here have
Yahoo groups, websites, mail addesses and also uses furbid and so on, it is better, to have these buttons because it is easier to see.
So the to the update: It seems that Jonathan Rich understanded the comment that it wasn't so much new so he sended me some more drawings. Those that not was furry/furry artwork, can you find if you just click on go to the latest addition 2 button.
If you click on the other button, you will come to a new artist:  White horse is another artist from the Erotic Centauress rpg group. He have done some more drawings and he told me he will be sending them to me, we hope he do it very soon, /Aradd


There was time for some changes in Jonathan Rich section. There is also a few new drawings added, a few is removed and will be back in another section later. As usual you get there if you just click on 'go to the latest additions' at the beast artist section.../Aradd


We take a little update here: Got a mail from a new artist. He told me that he just started to draw. You will find Studman in the Animal Artist section. Just click on 'go to the latest additions' and you are there. As you can see it is not so bad for a beginner and with a little practice more, this will be very good.../Aradd


Time for another update. We start with 2 'old' artists here:
Nightshroud have send me some new drawings. But I also have some on my harddisk. The update is 9 new drawings, and they are very cool. You find Nightshroud in the beast artist section page 19... On page 1 you find Furronika, and in the D&D section there is 2 new drawings. One MF and one MM. If you click on go to the latest additions, you will come to page 20. There you find 2 new artist. Liquidgold was happy to be here, because he have an idéa that he could get more feedback for his comix and stories here. I haven't stop laughing yet... With 2500 visitors I have understand from the artist that it is around 2 that send any comment.
2 of 2500 is 0.1%. Bad? Well, that is only the first name of it! I am not surprised that many artist is getting tired to draw and never got any reply for it. I think you will like Liquidgolds comix and storys, so don't miss them. Another artist is added. He was in the now by Yahoo, deleted Erotic Centauress rpg group. If  you have any information, just contact me. Thanx! /Aradd


Isprecolen send me a mail. It is summer and maybe time to take a bath?
Anyway, a girl decided to do it, and she meet a very nice dolphin... hehehe... That is another requested drawing Isprecolen have done to his fans. As usual, a very good one... As usually you go there easiest by clicking on the 'go to the latest additions' link.
Another update: There is some rpg games online, just a kind of text adventures.
One of them was Erotic Centauress, yeah was, as usual with Yahoo, it was deleted last year. But I got the complete stories on my hard disk, so I think a few of the old members will be a little suprised when they now can read them again. For you others I recommend that you are old enough to read them, because it is, as the mostly here, for adults only. I shall see if there is possible to post the moderators mail to it, to those that want to join the new group... I, sorry
to say, have not the time to play this games, but I like to read them, and I think many of you also want to read about their adventures. Enjoy! Time for new artists? Okey, we take that in the next update.../Aradd


I got a mail from Ek Goya with 2 new 3D drawings. Of course you want to see them...:-)
Hm... it seems that there is some vixens that got all the fun with horses and dragons today, it isn't fair isn't it? If you click on go to the latest additions on the beast artists section, you will be there.../Aradd


Well, it should have being any updat today, but I got a mail from Nefer Ka Re. He told me that the comix Shin, that you earlier find in the comix section, was the same as the artist Shin. So I have uploaded some other drawings made by Shin, and now you also can find some newer comix series and artwork.
As usual you got there easiest by clicking on 'go to the latest additions' on the beast artist section. Enjoy. /Aradd


Okey with an update...? Okey: for those that like animal drawings, you have to return to Aprokto Agamo. There is some new drawings from him, but also that I have uploaded higher version of some of his drawings. They are all marked with the 'new' sign. Easiest you go there by clicking on the 'go to the latest additions' button.
Isprecolen send me 3 new drawings and a good news for you all: He takes now
commissions and one of the new drawings is a request. If he feels to do what you want to see, he do it for free. He also added 2 other drawings, it is the same drawing twice as the second one is a close up. It is something cool so don't miss it. /Aradd