What New in Ellgar
4th quarter 2004


...It is time for the last update here... for this year... We start with a new artist: Guntz. I got a mail from Guntz and he told me that if I liked the drawing, I could put it here. Of course I liked it, and I am sure that you also do it. It is also nice to have some artists and visitors here from Japan, they are also very welcome. The easy way to take a look at Guntz new drawing, is to click on this button here: .
We continue with a update for the cartoon movies, and this is a cut from a movie with the name of Family of Debauchery and it is the Part1 of this movie. It is only a cut with the dog scene in it and the file is a little over 22 mb in size. Notice that if you got a error message, just wait and try on a different time, as the server only send a error message that the file doesn't exist if it is overloaded. You can go and take a look at it here: To run a server like this, costs around 150 US dollar/month, so we can hope that Techwolf can support the site further now in 2005. And with this update I wish you all a Happy New Year! /Aradd


So I am back! This is the delayed update that should have being online december the 13. But I haven't the time to do it then, as there is much to do, as always. I hope you had a nice xmas. We start with Damiano that have made a new serie with a furry wolfette and a male human. Lucky for us that think it is to little male humans with female furrys/ animals this is something for you and the fastes way to see it is to click on this button here: .
It is also time for a new artist: Melandra. I got a mail from the artist and this is something likely Nudelias artwork. Melandra have done some more than this, but we start with this and if you like what you see, you can send Melandra a mail... Now to see the artwork, just click here: . This was all for this time... /Aradd


We continue with a new serie made by Simon Barber. Well, new for us but not for him as he done it for 10 years ago. And this is something for you here that like snakes. Yeah. Snakes rules... hm... and unicorns. But to read the first 8 drawings of this serie, you can just click here: .
So more nice things: I got permission to add a drawing that I got from Martin Haussler for
over a year ago. I promise you that if you got a report on your desk that looks like this ones,
you should not believe your eyes... or should you? Notice also that I have reupload a old
flash animation made by M. H, so you can go to the index and take a look and remember
that the flash animation file is VERY large, over 3 mb: .
So there is another old artist that I have reupload some old drawings: The Magician have not
made anything new for the internet for 8 years. Today it seems that the artwork he have done,
is not online in so many places. So I decided to upload and change his section. Now you find
also the animation made by other and also drawings coloured by other. So for you that have not
seeing the rest of Magicians artwork that have being here before I recommend that you take a
look here: . The visitors here that have followed my travells around the net,
already know that one of the reasons to have this website and offer so much work on it, is
to track artists. We have now come to a point that we make a very little start in the new section:
The Misc Beast section is now online, and there you will find 2 drawings made by a artist I want
to get in contact with. You can go and take a look and the easy way to do it is to click on this button here:  (link removed). And with this we stop this update... /Aradd


A small update: Page 6 and 7 in the Japan Comix section is fixed. The files was corrupt and are now fixed so it shall work correctly.


Now also the comix section should work. It took a while and it was needed to reupload the complete japan section. If there is something that don't work, or is correct, send me a mail. /Aradd


So now I am back with the promised Isprecolen update. He have now a new index in 4 sections and notice that the drawing aradd request, was not requested by me. But it is a nice drawing and I recommend that you don't miss it. It is okey to 'use' Black Unicorn, but remember that he is not easy to handle... even the devil give up and returned to hell... So there is also some more drawings that are new from Isprecolen. The easy way to see them is to click on this button here: .
The Belore comix is fixed, as the links was corrupt. /Aradd


I got some new drawings made of the artist Nudeleia. Sorry to say we have not yet any information about the artist. If you click on this button here: you will come to Nudeleia's index. The drawings is now sorted out, but of course the new one's have the 'new' icon added. Lucky for us, Aeryn is back. This time with a sealion drawing. Well, that is not what we see every day, isn't it? As usually her drawings is very good and now you can go right here: to see it. Isprecolen will be back with some new drawings, but before they will be added there was needed to send a mail about some of them... His drawings will be online as soon I got some information from him. /Aradd


So... there is needed with a xtra update:
I got some new drawings from Michael Sherman, and  as usually they are marked with the 'new' icon. But notice that the tightcatC drawing is not new, but Michael have send it in a higher resolution. So download it, and replace it on your hard disk... The easy way to go to Michael Shermans archive, is to click on this button here .
So, now you have something more to do... Enjoy. /Aradd


Dennis Cours is back with a new drawing and the cool with it, is that I got some comments that there is very little male humans with animals. But here you have one drawing. The easy way to see it, is to click on this button .
Lucky for us, Nepparica have found 4 new pages to the Le grand chaperon rouge comix and they are market with the new icon, so you can not miss them... If you just click here
you can easy take a look at it. /Aradd


So, seems that we are lucky as Simon Barber is working overtime to do some new drawings for this site. Very nice and this time it is... well, it is me, that can have some fun, that what
I always have told Death: Werewolf have a howling good time... Unicorns have fucking good time... and that is some different, you know... So... There is also 3 new drawings with Nirini and Flinthoof and you find them in a new section. The easy way to see this, is to click on this
button here:
. Notice that the drawings with Aradd is also added to the fan archive./Aradd


There is time for a little larger update here. We start with the new drawings that is added to Nudeleias section. Thanx to some visitors here we now have some more drawings to add. The update is so large so it was more easy to create a new section and the easy way is to click on this button here:
Well then it is time to add some new drawings from the artist Liquidgold. He have made also a drawing in a new drawing style and I must say that I like his new style and I am sure that the mostly of you here agree with me... But there is also some more new drawings added in his section and easiest to go there, is to click here:
So, then we have a new artist that I found on my hard disk, usually I not use windows and pc to download drawings one of the point is that my other computer always save the link to the drawing, that is the only way that I can have a little chance to get back and search for the artist. But this is downloaded with windows and I don't remember where I downloaded this artist. His name is Fritz and if you like tentacle sex, this is a artist for you. The easy way is to click here:
Notice that with the new artist section the buttons in the main section have being
removed. There is no use to have them there and now you find buttons to each section. Now there is a request: If there is any writer from BE Addventure here, contact me at once as later it is time to add some of the chapter here. But if it is possible I want contact with some of you writers from BE Addventure. That is all for this time... /Aradd


Welcome back!
So, this was a large work, as usually on this website, maybe one of the reasons is that the site is a little larger than a standard homepage...
Anyway, time for those that have waited for to see Simon Barbers new drawing with the Black Unicorn. The more good news is that he have a idéa to make a short comix using his and Flinthoofs characters. You can see the first and second drawings and the characters is Kazuko, Nirini and Mare-e. If you just click on this button:
you will be right there. Well, I like that Mare-e is in the playground here, she is one of my favorite characters.  I also hope that you like her... If you have any suggestions how this shall continue, just send a mail to me, or to Simon, so can we see what he can do here. Otherway, those that have followed Simons artwork knows that he have some humour himself, so maybe it can be both fun and sex... :-) Notice that this drawings and Simon Barber is now also added in the fan archive.
If we traveller on, we can notice that Cringer 990 is back with 2 new drawings. I know his artwork is very popular, and if you want all his drawings, you can join his commersial website, and the link to it you find in his section. If you want to see the new drawings, I suggest that you click here:
Then Gabriel Logan's section is updated. His section is not small, but as you can see he have not done so many new drawings that can fit on this homepage, but the new ones is good so just click here and take a look.
We have also 2 new artists here... Well one complete new and one is new in this section. We start with Dennis Cours that you now also find here and in the Furry Equine section. He have started to do drawings that fit here and as you can see when you soon take a look, it seems that we can hope he will do some more.
The fun things here, is that the other artist have the name that is starting with the same letter, D, so we can find them on the same main page: Damiano sended me a mail and asked if his drawings could fit here. Of course they could and this will be good news for those here that like gargoyles. The drawings is nice and you can go and take a look at Damiano and Dennis Cours drawings
just click here:
So now we have come just to point out the two 3D movies I promised Weredragon Crodile... You can go and take a look at them here:
So we stop this update with a thanx to Surfing Charizard that have, as usually, made the new gif animations that you find in the new Beast Artist section.../Aradd


I got a mail from Michael Sherman, and I know that it is many here that have waited for something new from him. Now your wait is over. Also notice that it is a new index added to Michaels section. As usually, the new drawings are marked with the icon.
There is 12 new drawings in Michael Shermans section.
The easy way to get it, is to click on this button here:

Also Simon Barber send some new drawings. His section is also changed. The new drawings you will find in the comix section. The comix serie including Flinthoof and is uploaded with his permission.
Lucky for you, Simon Barber is working with a new drawing with The Black Unicorn. The drawings also including one of my favorite character: Mare-e.  This drawing will be in the next update... I suggest that you don't miss it... Well, if you click here
you will be on your way to Simon Barber's new comix serie. /Aradd


Time for a new update: Aeryn is back again, and this time it is the
a stallion that will have a good time... As usual Aeryn drawings have a high quality, so don't miss it. The easy way to see it, is to click on this button here:
I got a mail with drawings made by a artist I have not seeing anything before off...
Nudeleia is the name of the artist, and the only information I have, is that the artist have stop doing artwork like this. That is bad news for us, as you will see when you take a look in Nudeleia's section. If you know anything about this artist, just let me know. If you like dogs and apes I am sure that you will like Nudeleia's 3D drawings and the easy way to go there, is just to click on this button here:
I got some mail about that some people have problems with downloading movies from the site, I will add a sort information about it in the nearest day's how you can check that your internet connection and web browser is okey. Of course there is no need to log in here, as also some visitors have got a request about. In that case, there is something wrong with their web browsers or internet connection settings. /Aradd


Hm... I guess that it isn't so many sites that have artist that do drawings for free... also that you can send a request what you want to see. Lucky for us, we have some here, and that means that Isprecolen is back again. He have a doggy drawing for you in the request section. Also several new drawings in the misc drawing section. If you are brave you can click on this button

and you will come directly to your nightmare. /Aradd


Well, I got a mail from Aeryn and when I checked her section, it was wrong on the links so now I recommend to go there and see her new drawing, this time it is the bears that have some fun...
Also the missing drawing puppytime is added. To go to Aeryns section the easy way, just click on this button:
. There is soon time to start to change some in my system map, and when I start with that, it can be so that several back grounds and so, will not be correct here online. But I am working with it and notice that all links shall work as usually. /Aradd


Yeah. It doesn't happen much on internet... There is so it is, but lucky for you, I decided to add something new...
In october last year I downloaded some drawings made by a artist with the name Yolfa. I don't know so anything about the artist execpt that this drawings is given away for free from a commersial site. I saw a repost of the drawings for a few days ago, and of course it is the same 10 drawings, so I decided that it could be a good idéa to put the artist here and see if we can get some more information about him... Easiest way to teleport to Yolfa is to click on this button:
I also added another free thing from a commersial site: A 3D beast movie. What I didn't understand is why they have done it so dark, so you can not see nearly anything. Of course this is fixed in this version, so why don't enjoy the show? And you do it easiest by clicking on this button here:
. /Aradd


So, saturday night and nothing to do? Lucky for you that your most evil friend Aradd is here... Also that we have Nepparica. He contacted me and asked if I want some more pages for the Le grand chaperon rouge comic...
Of course we want that, want we? Notice now before you go the section, that you need to reload all files as it was needed to rename the few old that was there. Here is the button:
Simon Barber seems to hide many cool drawings in his hard disk. The new drawings...
Well, if you we could hear a discussion like that one, I should be suprised and you should too...
The easy way to go to Simons section is to click on this button:
There is people that wanted to know how large the site is, but I have not the time to give a correct answer, as you can see on the main index site, I have 1680 mb online, and there is 19 466 files in 2 253 maps... I just got a mail from Techwolf that the transfer rate for the site the latest day was over 100 gb/day. That is much! Techwolf have made some changes and now we can continue to have the site and the movies here. Without Techwolf and the artists here, it would be no website at all, so I think you all can think about to give some feedback to the people that deserv it.
I also offer much time with this, and I thanx for the mails I got that people here like the site. /Aradd