What's new in Ellgar
1 st quarter 2005


Back from the dead? Well, not really, but one of the hard disk, the newest ones, is
now out of order... Well, that was bad, as it is my second hard disk from the same factory that
is doing the same thing: Serious hardware failure. So I lost some mail addresses and when we
now start with the update here, we start with: Redemtion, a new artist that started to send some
samples, I recommend you to take a look, and a notice to Redemtion: I lost your mail in this hard disk crash, so just contact me again, thanx. You can see Redemtion's artwork when you click here: .
We continue with another artist: Amarok. Well, I have no information about this artist, but if you have...
Yes, you guess right: Just contact me, and now you can go and take a look here:
Techwolf have worked with the server and now it is as it should be again. So there is a new
movie to you: Hellpit. This is a clip from the movie, and I have not seeing it complete.
You can go and take a look here: .
There is also added a information about how many artist there is in the beast section and drawings, that is also including gif animations. I have not yet added the rest of the
information, but it will be added here later. There is 95 artists and 2852 drawings in the beast artist section.
The rumours that the kingdom shall disappear is true, because everything on internet is not for ever. But the site will not go down now, it will still be online for sometime. I don't now how far, but it will still be here for a few month more. /Aradd


Notice also that since 2 weeks back there is some problems with the server software. I can not upload larger files than 5 mb then it just stops with an error: To many connections from your computer. Of course I have only one connection. Mail about this problem is sent to Techwolf and I am waiting for a reply what to do about this problem. Techwolf changed the software for the server for a time ago, and it seems that this is not working as it should. The new update for the 2D movie is therefore cancelled. Next update here, will be some drawings, and I hope, also some information about the contents of this section.  /Aradd


Time to make a update here: I got some new drawings made by Nudeleia. Her, or his, section have now being so large so it was needed to create a new index. You can go and take a look here: . Nice with the new drawings, isn't it? /Aradd


Well it is time for a update. We start with Aeryn. She have done a close up drawing of the Aradd the Black Unicorn drawing. She also changed the view a little. Very nice close up and I think you want to see it and the easy way is just to click on this button here: .
I got a new drawing from Dennis Cours. The drawings name is doggy, so I think you can guess what it is in it... :-) Well, I am sure you want to take a closer look at it and the easy way is to do it right here: .
So, now we have a new artist here. Or shall I say old? Equlibr is mostly known for all his mating movies, but he have also done some centauress photos and he have done them well. There is many that like centauress here and I am also one of them. So if you want to see some, you can just go and take a look here: .
So, now the short information: As many already know, there is problems with the transfer rate here. I am not sure how we shall solve this but maybe it will be better in the nearest week. It is not possible to add anymore movie right now, instead it is needed to replace the movies here with zip-ed versions. The reason is that some people can not download any movies even when the transfer rate here is okey. No one knows why, but that problem will be solved when all movies are online in zip-ed versions. /Aradd


We take a little extra update here. I got a new drawing from Aeryn and this time she have now make a horse drawing... It is not a regular horse... It is a unicorn and you can now think who it is. This time, it seems that I have to choose both heaven & hell,
and that must be the best choice, or what? Now you can go and take a look here: .
I also got a new drawing from The Magician. This is a kind of test as he is still testing something, but as you can see, it is very high quality on this drawing and I know there is many that are missing this centauress here on internet, lucky for you here you have a new one: . I think this 3D drawings have better quality and many commersial sites have...
Well that will be all... for this time. /Aradd


If you got a error message when you trying to download any of the movies, just try later and a different time. Techwolf send me a mail and this site have now passed 300 gb/months in transfer rate. If you got a error message when you are trying to download any of the drawings here, just send me a mail about it. Cringer 990's errors is fixed.
Yes, The Magician is back. And he have also done 2 drawings with the black evil unicorn... eh, well you know him, don't you? But also some other artwork, and the easy way to see it, is to click on this link here: .
And with this, we ends this update. Remember to send some feedback to the artists if you like what you see, and if you got a error message, just send a mail to me, as it is important that the mail addresses here is correctly. /Aradd


So. Now there is needed to add a little update here:
I got a mail from Liquidgold. He have done a new drawing and the idéa is that it shall be a new serie. He have also made 2 new stories and his section is changed a little so it shall be still easy to navigate. The easy way, is to click on this button here: .
So we have another kind of update: The artist Randy Muledeer is a friend of TOR. Well, TOR haven't any contact with Randy Muledeer but he have some of his drawings without the copyright text. So if you want to see them... hm... yes, I know you will, you can just click on this button here: .
So that was what I have for you today. Right now I don't know when the next update will be. It also of course depends if there is some new artwork to add here. So maybe it can take some
time before the next update will be aviable...  anyway it is nice with a vaccation, sometimes, isn't it? /Aradd


"Didn't you read the warning from yesterday?"
You turned around and see Death looking at you. Beside him, stands a large black unicorn.
"But I just read it right now," you said. "And is it already the twenty..."
"Yes, since over a minute ago," the unicorn said.
"We could have waited a little longer, but it is more fun to start earlie as there is easy to
capture more visitors... You know... to get the big fish, you must be up in the morning..."
"But one minute past midnite, is not in the morning," you argument.
"Maybe, maybe not," said Death. "And you are not alone..."
When you look around the hill, you saw that you where not alone. All over the place
it was people, but not only humans this time, also other creatures have come to see what was
ongoing... Because in some places nearly nothing happend, but in this kingdom, well let see what
can happen here...
"We can start the show," said Death. "I have a feeling that this will be overtime for me... And I like it..."
"Yeah," said the big black unicorn... "I also like it... I mean to see you working... I prefer to work with the mare's and so..."
"Hm... that sound not fair... but we start right...now..."
Lucky for us, Aeryn have send 4 new drawings to me. 3 is the puppy serie, and one is, well, I must admit that I have not seeing a drawing like this before... Curious? Well, just click here:
and you will be on your way...
We continue with Damiano. He have done a new serie... Gargoyles - The sex slave... Oh, so with
that name I think you will read it? Someone here have a dirty mind... and it is not me...
The easy way to see it, is to click here:
I think you must see Dennis Cours new drawing. He got the idéa from Jyu-Han, also known as Sacrament... You can just click on this link and you are on your way. We continue with Melandra: I have added some stand alone drawings made by him, and if you just click on this button: you will be there...
"Eh, it seems that we are out of latest additions buttons," said Death.
"I know, but there is still a few visitors over there that is still alive..." the
black unicorn replied.
"Hm, you are right. Let's give them a new attack."
"Sure, I really like this..."
We start again with the latest addition button here:
and you will come to
Nudeleia's ape section. There is still no information about the artist...
"That was a good attack. Only some brave one's there at the end of the meadow seems
to still be live..."
"So that was very sorry for them..." The unicorn looked the way Death pointed.
"Because now their time is end..."

"Hm..., seems that this was to much for the most of the visitors here," said Death.
"Hehehe... I like to have something extra when they think they are safe..." the unicorn laughed.
"But what the..." said Death.
They saw a few visitors that was trying to stand up and both the Death and the unicorn was
a little impressed that they was still alive...
"Well, sorry for them, I have something more," said the unicorn.
"I was afraid of that," sighted Death...
"Well, it seems that we now not have any visitors here that still is alive..." said Death.
"I love when the updates works as we planned..." the unicorn replied as they started to walk back to the forrest... /Aradd


Well, I got invitations to Yahoo groups sometimes... But it is not often I got a invitation to my own group (?). But this time it was so. The group is added to my own section and my fanarchive.
You can also click on this button: (link removed) if you want to take a look... So, just now remember that you shall not be here tomorrow... Okey? /Aradd


So it is needed to take a look at the dogs:  They seems to be the man's or shall we say,
woman's best friend. Aeryn is back with the 3:rd drawing in the sweet scent serie.
Very nice, isn't it? Oh, yeah. And you can go and take a look at it right here: .
Well, nice isn't it? So, Furronika is back with a new drawing. You can go and see what help
a furry stallion gets from a boy. Also notice that Furronka also have release 2 other drawings.
But they is fur/fur drawings, so if you want them, go to Furronika's Velar archive and get them.
But you can go and get the new furry stallion with the boy drawing if you just click here:
Now Weredragon Crodile is back. This time with a new drawing... Yes, you don't need to
point it out for me: I think this is his best drawing so far, and I know you will see it.
The easy way to do it is to click here: .
So and then... eh, well it seems that we have no the latest additions buttons left here.
Okey, we stop here, for this time... /Aradd


So back with another update...
We start with Aeryn that have done the second drawing in the
Sweet Scent serie. I have changed Aeryn's section so the Sweet Scent serie
is in a own section. I am sure that you want to take a look, and it is easy,
just click on this button here:
Well, we continue with another cool update: For the first time since 2002 there
is a update in Darkwolfe's section. And as you can see, there is added more than
one drawing. The drawings are old, but that doesn't matters as if you not
have seeing them before, it will be new for you. You can check
Darkwolfe's section by clicking here:
So, we continue with Melandra that have created another serie. This time
is it deer time, and that serie is also added in a own section, so you can
go and take a look at it here:
. I don't know if Melandra have
a idéa to continue with the serie or not, but we will soon see that, I hope.
We have now come to Furronika, and he have made 2 new drawings. Now you must
notice that the drawing vrnka198_MF_fur have here the correct file name. The
orginal filename was vrnka198_MM_fur and as you can see this is not a M/M
drawing. So, now you can take a look at the 2 new Furronika drawings,
and you do it the easy way by clicking on this button here:
So now there is no more latest additions buttons left, so we need to stop here.../Aradd


Got a mail from Chien Fou. He send a greetings for 2005
to me. Very nice! Because if it wasn't that the artists here, was
my friends, the site shouldn't have still being online, as it takes to much time.
Now you can go and take a look at Chien's new drawing here:


Time for a new update: Got a mail from Aeryn. She send a new drawing,
and when you see it  I think you got the same idéa as I: This could be
a start for a serie, couldn't it? Maybe we shall ask Aeryn about it, and
as she don't want to have her mail address online, I will send a mail, and
then we can see. Meantime you can go and take a look here: .
Well this update is with 2 1/2 artist... :-)
The second one, is one of the most popular artist on internet: Furronika is back.
Remember that you can give him some help to search of the missing artwork that
was lost in a hard disk crash for a long time ago. Remember to check with people on
yahoo groups, msn groups and so on... Well, I must say that he's furry female equine
he have done, is a must see... and there is more than that. The easy way is just to click here:
. So, that was 2 artist, and we got the 1/2 one left... and that is me.
I made a new version of Furronikas drawing 159 and maybe you here don't know, but
the empty bubbles that are in several of the drawings, is for you, to add a cool comment yourself.
The comment in this drawing is not what the male's want to hear... You can go and take a look
at it here:
. /Aradd


So, now there is good news...:
Got mail from NCG65 and he send 2 'new' drawings. He told me that he haven't
done so much new drawing for a while. Also added his mail address and a link to
his website. Notice that the link goes to a paysite.
Now to go NCG65's artwork, you just click on this button:
I also got a mail from Melandra. So if you like minotaurs, I suggest that you go and take a
look at Melandra's serie that continue with 5 new 'drawings'.
The easy way to see Melandra's artwork, is to click on this button:
As we all now; nothing on internet is forever, isn't so?
It is always nice to hear from the artist, and that is one of the reasons I offer so much time on this
website, as my friend thought it would be better to work overtime on my work instead...
Maybe they have right with that comment, but we can proceed with the site for a while more.
The link to my yahoo group is removed as Yahoo deleted my group. They also deleted
Julius Zimmermans group, but there is another group to join, so if you want, just go and
join it. Very nice group anyway... /Aradd


Time for the first update this year. It have taking a short while, as Techwolf, the server webmaster, have worked with the server, so it have not being possible to access it for a few days.
Guntz send me a mail with a new drawing, and it is very good. Now you can see it if
you just click here: .
Also notice that Yahoo have deleted my group there, and later I will create a new one.
It was not only my group that was deleted, but there is so it is with Yahoo, so the only
thing is to make a new one. /Aradd