What's New In Ellgar
3rd quarter 2005


So, it is 24th august and here is the update:
We start and end this update with some information:
Randy send a mail and told me that the commersial sites not paid so much today.
They use artist from Eastern Europe and Russia and they takes not so much money.
I told Randy that he could finished the comics and then sell it himself. If he can sell it in several copy's I think he can get some money for it. The comic is not finished yet, and it will take some months before it will be ready to sell.
I also got a mail from
Mr.Noriaki Kondo. He is the creator for the comic that have the name 01, as I can not read Japanese language. He told me that the orginal title is:
Juukan Hakubutsugaku"(Natural science of Beastiality) and of course it is changed to that.
You can look here: . I recommend that those that have download it, rename the comic to the correct name. I have send a mail to Mr.Noriaki Kondo if he wanted to have some link or other thing added, but I have not got any reply so far.
I also got a mail from Martin and he told me that the comic: Jomoi Blue Eyes that is here:
is issue 4 and it is only the pages we have here, that have bestiallity. The orginal comic is made by Mr. Tohru Nishinaki.
So now we have some new drawings, and we start with FillyFoal that have made 43 new
drawings, and 5 of them is with me. You can go now and take a look at all the new drawings by FillyFoal if you just click here: . The other is added in Kondor.
We continue with me, nice, isn't it? Aeryn have done a new drawing. And if you want to see it, okey, well, then you can go to the Fanarchive, and the easy way to do that, is to click here: .
I got a mail from Melandra and he wanted to do a last drawing, so I added it in his section here: . Yeah, Anubis, I know it should scary you, I like that!
Kasumi have make a new drawing. Amy is playing with her pussy cat and it is a cool drawing, now go and take a look here: . Nice pussy cat, isn't it... Well the girl is not so bad either... hehehe...
So then we have Damiano. I like his new horse drawings. This is the best he have done...
so far... :-) and he have also make some orc drawings... After you have seeing this
one I am sure that orcs not will scary you any longer: .
So we could have stop here but there is some new artists here also:  In the beast section we have Pes. He have made a animation of a drawing he found on internet. He don't know the orginal artist, and I don't know it either. Pes told me that he should do some drawings himself later. But now, you can go and take a look here: .
So now was this the end of this update, and for those that want, there is some information here
below. /Aradd

This information, is only for the visitors that want to know:
I started this site in the summer -98. It have being on and off line sometimes as it is not easy to find a free server that can handle it. Today, it is 139 artists with 3660 drawings here. The bad thing is that it is only a few that is active here. The reason for this, well, we can only guess: Some artist make mostly furry/furry drawings and even if the drawings is very good, it is nothing for this section. Other have maybe not any time today as life goes on and things changes. Otherway it can also be that reason: I send a mail for a very long time ago, and asked what feedback the artist have from this site. The answer was that the feedback was not bad, is was nothing. If it is so today I don't know, but in the commersial sites, no one need to say anything as the money talks there. Here it is no money, only to much work: With this section, and the animal mating section and the Furry Equine section, it is around 60 hours/month with work for me. Today the animal mating section is closed, and the 20th september, this section closing also. The reason is not only the things I mentioned above here, it is also so that I think the artist have forgott this site and also when it now have being online for so long time, I still see that it is not so easy to find new artists that wants to be here. Yes, there is 139 artists here today, but I have send a request and asked around 115 of them to be here. I have hope that some artist could contact me, as it takes very much time to search and contact artists around the net. Some artists mail address is not easy to find. So in may I decided that it is time to do someting more fun than track artist around the internet. Some of the problems here, is also the same for the Furry Equine section, but I decided to run that section for a time longer. I have not decided if I shall also closing that section yet, but if so, the closing time for the Furry Equine section is the 31th december. Another problem is that even if the section here should be online, it is needed for a reconstruction. That work, with the animal mating section and the Furry Equine section, is over 150 hours of unpaid work. With the problems that is here now, I don't feel to offer so much time for it. It is also so that today it is the forums that rules. And also other sites that you need to register and login to. For example: Beastforum that you need to register and then login. But it seems that people like it as it is very popular. Then also people offer much time to repost things that is for example already here. Myself think it is a waste of time, but that is only my comment... Then other sites seems to be commersial, for example: Pureyiff. The site have being closed for a year, and now when it is returning, you can not access all artists sections without paying... As some artist here have no own website, I shall contact them and see if the site later can return in a light version. That means with only a few artists and no comics and movies at all. The work with this section and the furry equine section will be so that it will not take more than 30 hours/month.
As for end of this information I wish to thanks:
The artist that have send me the new drawings they have done, you have saved me much time. Thank you! And also a thank you to Surfing Charizard for all his animations! They are all very good. Also you that have being a visitor here and have contacted me about links that not working, information about artists and drawings and so. Sorry that it was not more humans like you out there as your help have also make me save some time.
The information and the update here, that you now have reading, will be complete removed with the contents here the 20th september. It will be replaced with a short story: Chapter 1: Leaving Kandor. Yes, the kingdoms name is Kandor, so now you know. The same story will also be added in the animal mating section the 4th september.
So a notice to the artist, if there is any here still left: If you are a artist that have send me drawings by mail the latest time, you will got a mail with information about the light version of this that will be restarted here maybe next year. If you are a artist that have not being in contact with me for a longer time, just send a mail and I will contact you later. Now I think it is time to watch some TV and take a cold beer, it was a long time since I have time to do that...:-) And if the light version will be here some sunny day... Well, that will be your nightmare, not mine... Now I wish you all a nice autumn and have a nice day! /Aradd


Well, there is a need for a extra update here. The reason is that I got a mail from Randy. Well I guess that not many know who Randy is. But if I tell you that he is the creator of Zelda the Zookeeper? Well, now you know. Randy have now started to work with a new issue of Zelda the Zookeeper and the copyrights is for sale. If you are interested, or know anyone that is, just contact Randy. We have, of course, a preview page for the new comic, and notice also that Zelda the Zookeeper have move from the comics section, to Randy's section. You can go and take a look here: .
Now notice that the next update here, will be 24th of august. /Aradd


So, now it is time again. Another update. And this is not small. We start
with Posallion. He have done several new drawings, 49 to be exacly.
So it was also in need to make some new sections. Also a few drawings is removed, and
replaced with better versions. All new drawings are marked with the 'new' icon.
Posallion now takes requests, so if you have something you want to see, or a
idéa, just send him a mail as his mail address is now aviable in his section.
But remember that Posallion is not doing drawings with violence, drugs and so on.
Now you can go to his section and take a look, just click here: .
So, what now? Okey, we shall travelling to the S section in the Beast Artist section.
There we find Surfing Charizard, remember him?, he is the one that make the animations for
this website, but this time, he have done 3 new drawings, and as you can see, his drawing skill is
better and better. Training give some results... Very good. Now go and take a look here:
. Hm, those who knows me, know what drawing of the 3
Surfing Charizard I like most... So now we must go to the letter A.
I know that Aeryn's Sweet Scent serie is popular, so it is your lucky day today.
Drawing 8 is now online but also another misc drawing. Aeryn send a note in the
mail that she wasn't sure that I wanted to have it here. Of course we want and I think
many will have this drawing as Aeryn's best... so far... Now you can go and take a look here: .
So, another artist is here also. Now I shall add little information: SwampRat send me a drawing, and as you will see it looks that it is a part of more than this drawing. That is correct. The other drawings have now animal in them, and SwampRat was not satisfied with them, so he deleted them. You can now go and take a look at the new drawing here: .
I got a mail from Liquidgold. He told me that his new drawing have taking very long time to do.
I think you will understand that when you see it, and you can just take a look at Liquidgold's new
drawing, if you click here: .
A question I got several times, is how I look for real. I have never thought that is important.
But if you want to see, you can look at this photo here.
Last year, when I was working with the furry equine section, I got several questions, all from artist,
how it was possible for me to track artist on internet.
Well, I can't do it, it is my computer that do it.
I also added some other information, and you can read it here, if you want.
Now notice that the comix section is not updated, but I have added the correct number of pages: 1795.
Next update here, will be in the last week of august. I wish you a nice summer. /Aradd


We start with a bug fix: Ravn's section was not working as it should.
Thanx to a visitor that pointed it out, it is now fixed.
My yahoo group is deleted by yahoo. It is not the only one that is deleted...
I decided that I will not create a new one right now, as I not have any time for it. /Aradd


So time for another update and this time there is 2 new artists. One of them, was the artist that have make the 3D drawings in the misc section. The section is now closed and the drawings is moved to Posallion's own section. Yes, I think you can guess that there is some more drawings added to his section. 61 to be exacly. You can take a look here: .
So, it was little strange that I should be contacted by a new artist when it is not so many updates left on this site: It will be one update later now in july and another one in the end of august, but that depends of course, if we have something to update here with. From september the site will not have any regular update any more. The reason for that, is so many so I shall not bother you with this now. Instead, enjoy the show, as long as you can. /Aradd


So this is a kind of extra update. We start with Chris Sawyer.
If you like raptors, this is someting for you, but notice that this is a m/m drawing.
You can go and take a look at it here: .
Thanx to Shaun and another visitor we now got the Dolphin manga comics. Well, the name is
not correct as this is american comic. Cherry and the Dolphins is the correct name for it.
It is now moved to the correct section and those that want's it, can go and take a look here:
And then we have some other important information. Lucky for us, we have a visitor that have
some information about the japan comics and there is the info you should check now:
On page 3 the comics is renamed from the strange japanes letters to:
The New Master
From Anime Magic Knight Rayearth
on page 4
it is a comics that have also a correct name:
The horse and the schoolgirl
and on page 6 there is 2 comics that now have the
correct names:
Case 2:
The attraction of stray dog fucking
Black pleasure
Very nice with this information, as we know: all can collect drawings and comics. That is easy, but a few
know what they are doing... Now it will be another update here, maybe on sunday.
Also: The page information on the comic sections is not correct, it will be changed in the next update.
It will be some new artist here and I hope you will like what you see will see then.../Aradd