What's New In Ellgar
August 2006

So after 11 months of down time there is time for your nightmare's to come... Yes, they have waited for so long, but now it is time. And it is also to late for you to run....
First there is something I want you to read and notice that the text between the lines here, is the same here, as in Kondor. Some parts of it, is also the same in Kandor.


This is a small update.  I have fixed a bug in the
2D Movies
Hentai / Mangas & Doujins section. Thanx to Phoenix Wolf we have now also a new movie added there: Sex Demon Queen Beast. The movie is around 10 mb and you can just click here to go and take a look:
Have you being in the Japan Comics with unknown name, the horse section... Well I can see that you have being there, you know. In the misc section there it was 2 pages:
post163.jpg + post164.jpg now you shall delete the files and then thanx to falke we now have all 12 pages. Want to see them? Well, if you just click on this button here: As there is a dog also in the comic, is it moved to the misc animal section. I still don't have the correct name of it, but if you have, remember to contact me. So, we shall end this small update with a comics by Simon Barber... Well, I think you easy can see that this is only a little part of it, but it was all Simon have sent to me, so you can not blame me for it... But you can blame Simon for it... :-) Now this seems to be something with tentacle, and here is the button:
Phoenix Wolf and flake is also added in The Brotherhood of The Black Unicorn as thanx for their help. /Aradd


For seven years ago, I got the idéa for what you now can see. I wanted to do something that is as you read a very good book, or look at a very good movie. This experiment means a lot of me and I also hope that both you as a visitor and the artist will like this.
Because both artists and visitors here, means a lot more than they go to other sites.
The reason is that here you know what you can see. If you want to see other artwork you should not be here. So no one of the artists here will never be one by many. I have noticed through the years that the sites visitors seems to take a tour from one end of it to the other. That I think is not what many do on other sites. Also the sites that is today, many is not very user friendly: You need to regist and login. It is not possible to right click and save the drawings directly to the hardisk and so on. I shall now tell you shortly how this is working. The only thing here that can take a time to upload is the Main Artists section. The reason is that the gif animations there, will take some time to download for your browser. But then you can just watch as all gif's are showing. One drawing of each artist that is in the sections are there, so just wait and let the thumbnails go a complete circle. Then we have the
icon. If this icon is for a artist or drawing section, it means that the complete section is new. Otherway the new icon is added to the new drawings. Then there is working so that either you just click and choose 'save as' and download the drawing you want direct to you hard disk. If you click on it, it will open in a new window. The reason for it that this is much better and faster than you should hit the back button on your web browser. If so, the browser need the rechache all thumbnails and that will take a few seconds more than just close the new window. To follow a artist, that have done different artwork, just use the teleporter buttons. Then you can use another one to go back, or if you want to continue your travel in another land.
Notice that even as Techwolf, the sponsor of  Ellgar, is doing his very best, it is not easy to handle a land big as this one. If you got a error for the movies; file not found, or permission denied, that means that the transfer rate have passed  the limit. If that happen, the server cuts off the links to the movies, but all other things here should work. Any bug reports should be send to me as soon as possible as it is important that everything is working correct here. /Aradd

Now we shall continue with the update. Well the update here is so large so it is not possible to use the quick jump buttons this time. I shall just now mention the new artist here in Kondor.
I am sure that you will like them and as you maybe think, it is not so many that are doing non-erotic artwork, so it is very nice to have them here in Ellgar.
To make it a little easier we start with the letter A and so on...
We start with Admiral. He is doing very good photo artwork, and I know that I am not the only one that like centauress. So just go and take a look right now.
Arakupa is doing artwork with male humans and that is also nice to see here in Ellgar.
I think there is many that will like this one's... Yes, you to?!
Fullytank is another good artist: Don't miss this. And his 2D artwork will be added in the next update as it was no time for it right now...
Heather Bruton is mostly known as a anthro artist. So I think some of you will be suprised to see her here in Ellgar. But I know that many of you want to see this so we keep Bruton here also... Yeah, and throw away the key... hehehe... Well, that we do for all artists? :-)
Then we have Jes, I think many will like his artwork as I also do it. He have also done a animation that you will find in Kondor, so don't miss that one, or shall I say two?
Jeso is a artist that maybe some of you remember from Kandor. He have not doing any new artwork for a long time, bad when that happens with the artist, isn't it?
Well, don't miss him, you find him next to Jes...
Then we have Kami. Kami have done several series of 3D artwork and they are good. Yes, the tiger is the best! Good that you agree with me... Now don't miss that one, and the others...
Marelover3 is one of the many banned people from Beastforum. I have no information but if the artist reads this, I want you to take contact with me... I think many here will like your artwork so remember to contact me.
MisterEnigmatic is a new artist and so far he have only made 2 drawings, but that is a very good start. A drawing a day, keeps the doctor away. Unlucky it will not keep the unicorns away...
Then we also find Misty from Mo. She is also in Kondor, so remember to use the teleporter button. Misty from Mo is a artist from Beastforum... But I can promise you that here you can download more than 5 files/day...
Muffy is also a new artist. She have not using the 3D software for so long, but as you can see, her artwork have a very high quality. She have also, as Jes, doing artwork with Aradd the Black Unicorn. So remember to take a look at me in both Muffy's and Jes's section. (Jes section is in Kondor.) Antoher artist from Kandor is Orena. I like the goat drawing. Cool size different, isn't it?
So then we have Pommelover. He is an artist from Beastforum. You will also find him in Kondor. I like his M/F drawings very much, you too? Oh, then we are many!!
Did you know that Portia is doing animal and human drawings? Well, she do. The thumbnail is one of my favorite... Good to have airbags if a accident will happen.... Hehehe...
Schatten have started one project that I think many want to see. One of the most popular comics is Sacramento, with the lioness and the stallion. Schatten have started to do a new, longer version, of it. He want to have it in japanese language so if you can understand that language, contact Schatten as soon as possible. Use the teleporter button to go to his section in Kondor.
SkyShadow is another new artist here, he is also in Ellgar. He have not done so many drawings... yet... Eh, I hope he will do some more, don't you? Go now and take a look.
Svarog is a very well known 3D artist. He contact me and commersial artist are welcome here in Ellgar, Kondor and Kandor as long as they give away something for free. Svarog have given away around 120 mb of 3D movies, so he is very welcome here. More information you can find on his own website.
Like minotaurs? Yeah. Me too. Toro is doing them very good, and he also done some centaur artwork. So go there and take a look right away. And then we have a very cool drawing from Unicornskool. I got it for a long time ago, but as Ellgar was not accessable for visitors it is first now you can see it. Unicornskool is also in Kandor.
So that was the new artist here, other is also updated.
Then we shall end this update information to tell you that one new story is added in the story section: Mare Mistress by
HorseyButts DriveMeNuts.
I liked the story he have done and I hope you also will do it.
Your nightmare? Well, she is waiting, shall I tell you?
Okey: The update here and in Kondor is togheter over 1000 mb. That means that you from now,
can download over 2000 mb of movies, drawings and photos.
But that will not be my nightmare to sort out, it will be yours!
So welcome to your nightmare, and enjoy the land of animals and humans. /Aradd