What's New In Ellgar
November & December 2006


The preparations for 2007 is still on going. The beta version is now removed for the Lesser work for a unicorn story. For those that wants to know the rules for 2007, should use this button here: /Aradd


Furronika have made a new drawing and I am sure you want to see it. So it is added in the Furry with human drawings. One drawing is removed as it was a furry/furry drawing and the drawing vrnka_133_MM_fur.jpg is moved to Kondor as it was anthro with non-anthro characters.
Well, now it is just for you to click on this button here: and you will be on your way.../Aradd


Well, it is nice when artist check their old artwork. Even as it is old for them, it is new for us. Fullytank is back with 3 old drawings. The stand alone orc, okey, it maybe not fit here 100% but as Fullytank not have a own website, and I know this kind of artwork is popular, it is also added here. Well, go and take a look yourself, just click here: /Aradd


So it is time to add a new artist... or maybe not so new... Chris Wayan is a well known artist and maybe some of you already have take a look at Chris section in Kandor. Now Chris will be added here but also in Kondor. Remember to use the teleporter buttons if you want to see all of Chris Wayan's artwork. And here is the button:
As some of you can see a new 'new' icon is added. The reason is that the old one doesn't have the correct high. That is now fixed. /Aradd


I have something new for you: Melandra sent 2 new set of artwork for a long time ago. It is really time to get this online. If you want to have a own Equinoid, for example, I think you must contact Melandra as he is the creator of the pet. Also the misc artwork section is updated. You can check it here:
I also got a mail from Fullytank. He have done another 2D drawing and it is good as the other one he have done. Yes, there is many that likes dragons so I think you must see this and just click here: and you will be on your way. /Aradd