What's New in Ellgar
April - June 2007


So I think it is time for your bedtime story. Arkayik is back with a new story, it is time for something new in the story section. It was right in time, isn't it? Well, here is the button to Darke Mating: . Well, there was in need for a change in Furronika's section so the furry / furry section and the comic: Bovine Lust, is now moved to kondor. There you can also see Vagabundo's new drawing. One 'new' drawing is added: A coloured version of the sketch 037. The sketch was released in january 2004, yes it was some time since... eh, well, I have not so much time to try to do things like this, but I hope I can get some more time for it in the future. Well, here is the link: /Aradd


It is time for a small fix here: I realised that one of Furronika's drawing was missing. Now before you go, you should notice that this drawing is a newer version so just download it and replace it, okey? Here is the link: . Just for fun: Another flash is added, you can play it here: /Aradd


So back again... You too? Well, that is nice as this is not a small update...
We start with Cringer 990 that told me that his site admin have finally switched the card service so people can sign up easily. Now you can go to Cringer 990's new index and look at the new artwork, enjoy and here is the button:
The we shall continue with Furronika but before you go, there is something Furronika want you to know: Don't send mail about that you want to send you new artwork. Furronika have not time for that and I can promise you that the artwork Furronika will have official online, will sooner or later be here, or in Kondor or Kandor. So now you can go and take a look at some new comic pages, and you can just use this button here: . So we also need to add some information before we run further: For those that have visit my forum, knowns that it is a post that someone tell that Michael Sherman is not dead, but we let his section with the info be here, until we can get some more exacly info if it is so or not. Now I think we shall thanx Kitsuneyoukai as he have sent me some comics I didn't have, exept for a stand alone page. Kitsuneyoukai is added to The Brotherhood of The Black Unicorn as thanx for his help. The new comic is called: Gyouetsu Shigoku Juujin H! and this comic is in 2 parts, the first part is with male humans and female furry cats, you can see it here: . Then we have a girl with a hamster, yes, that is true, and here is the link: . So then Kitsuneyoukai also send another comic that was also added in the misc alone pages. You can see it in the cat section and the name is Help Me: . Then I got some information from another traveller... Tigris: The wolf and girl 02 comic is moved to comic with known names as he told me that this comic's name is Night Head. That is correct and I also find a better version on one of my cd:s so that is now added, here is the link: ... /Aradd


Time for a extra update: I got a mail from NCG65 and he have done a new drawing... Seems that Jane have some fun when Tarzan is not in there. Well, as usually the female have the fun, and I am sure that you want to see Jane and Simba, here is the link: ...
I also got a mail about a comic that is in the Japan section. The comic was just called orange, but that is not the correct name for it. Thanx to this traveller, we now know the real name: Yes, I am a serpent and it is made by Hohayo. So the comic is moved from Unknown names to Known Names section. Also three pages is added and here is the link: . Yes, also a bug is fixed in this section. Also notice that in the rest of this comic, there is no beast contents.../Aradd

2007-05-24 Second Update

Second update: I got some more coloured drawings from Vagabundo, yes not Vababundo, as he write in the mail he sent... hehehe... Also notice that updates have done again in Furronika's Furry - Furry and Furry - Human section. Furronika have added the name fur in the drawings with the furry - furry contents but also when it is furry - human contents. In Furronika's section this kind of drawings is sorted in two different sections. Here is the link: . /Aradd


I got a new drawing from Furronika and I think there is some of you that want to see it... Just when I started this work, I got a mail from a artist that is colouring other artists artwork. He call himself Scar the lion, or Vababundo, I prefer the last name as that is what he have added in the coloured versions. Vababundo have done some coloured versions of Furronika's artwork so you can see both Furronika's new drawing and Vababundo's coloured versions if you just click here: ... Hm, I must say that i was in the woods today, but I didn't have this fun there... /Aradd


Back and black... Well, information: It was needed to close the site as a java script was not working and it is now removed. I prefer to use a non-java web browser as it is much safer, so I don't like java scripts myself. So don't worry we will avoid that... Now we take the very bad news as it seems that it is truth that Michael Sherman died last year. I have now with some help of his fans, collect some more of his artwork and also notice that Michael's section in Kondor is updated. I know that Michael will be missed of many of us here, but even as he is not with us anylonger, his artwork will still be here as long as The Forgotten Empire will exist. Now you can take a tour to Michael's new index. Enjoy: /Aradd


I noticed a artist that I thought could be here in Ellgar, and I am sure that you all agree with that. Blacktail have done some drawings and I am sure that you want to see them. I must check if Blacktail will have any links added to his section and they will be added later. Now I think you should use this button here:
So, then it is time for, well, maybe not a bedtime story, but another one: I got a mail from sludawg he have noticed that it was a long time since the library was updated. sludawg have done a nice story with dragons and other speices. The story is in four chapters and you will of course read it. Well then you can use this button here:
Remember to give the artists some feedback if it is something you like. Don't send mail just to ask about more artwork, that is welcomed if you pay for them, but when you got it for free... well, guess yourself... In other websites when it is possible to add comments I have often noticed that the comments that is given, is from other artist. I think the least visitors can do, is to give some feedback, that is not needed in pay sites as your money do the talk.../Aradd


Time for a new update... Stingray sent some new drawings, nice to see. When I checked his archive on my hard disk I also noticed that he sent a few drawings earlier that was not added to his section. Now Stingray's section is updated and as his section is not small, the new drawings is added in a new section. You can see the new sections if you just click on this button here: . /Aradd


So, sometimes we have just in time mails... NCG65 just send me a new drawing when this update should go online so we just add his new drawing as I know there is many that want to see it. Seems that Jane have fun when Tarzan is out. Well, to see the new artwork from NCG65 just use this button here:
Well, then we have some other update here... In the summer 2003 I got 10 pages of the Les Centaures comic. As it was far for complete, I have not added it. I know got some more pages, so it is just a few that is missing. If you have them, remember to contact me. Also notice that this comic is in 2 sections: The left side of the pages is mythologic world and the right side is our world... Yes, I know that the mythologic world is much more fun, I think that is one of the reasons that you now are in Another World... Enjoy the show and here is the button:
With this update we reach 3000 drawings... I shall also tell you, that all you visitors here in Ellgar, Kandor and Kondor means much not only for me, also for all artists here. The reason is that when you enter this world, this is exacly what you want to see!
Notice that it still work with the bugs here, errors is not allowed, even as I don't think there is no one that can see them... /Aradd


So, remember Ghostwalker? Yes, he that have give you the Inyouchuu movie clips. Now he have sent me a better versions of them: Higher resolutions and also now they are complete. That also means that the files now is much bigger. The old versions was around 5 mb in size togheter. Now they are around 70 mb, but you know that size matters. Don't you? I suggest you go and take a look here: .
Then I
shall introduce you to Mr. Smith. He is a man a bit over the middle age, he have a day work at a office and in his house, well, there he have something that I think any of you have: A werewolf. So what is this? I have noticed that there is many artwork with 'tiny girls' in bondage and then we have the monster, yes we have... Well, the girl in the artwork is mostly so little and weak so I have often thinking of 'why use bondage?'. Seems that she can not do the monster any harm even if she try... So in this small gif animation, the monster, this werewolf, is in bondage. Mr. Smith have also invented something new, a remote controlled gag. Well, I guess that if the chains will break, Mr. Smith have lesser than 2 seconds to live. Well, I just call the animation Lick my balls and here is the link: /Aradd


So, already a little extra update. I have hope that it should being possible to upload this comic complete, but unlucky it seems not possible to find it. I am not sure about the name of it and I only have one page. Now you click on this button here: you will come direct to a centauress in problem... Then a new section is added in The Castle. It is the An artwork collectors nightmare that was online before. That is a short descripton the problems with this artwork we have. I also added a link to a very good software that I recommend you to use to easy find copies of pictures on your hard disk. The software is for free. Also the character sheet for Aradd the Black Unicorn is added. There is no drawing there yet, but it is some information for those that want to know... Here is the link to the castle for those that want to read: Remember to contact me if you have any information. /Aradd


So there is time for a update... It is needed to update some sections here but we start in the Cinema section. I read that it was a beast cartoon movie that was made 1925. I thought it was a joke but it wasn't. Notice that the thumbnail is only one of the beast scenes and the movie is in divx format and around 37 mb in size. You can take a look at it here: The name of the movie is Buried Treasure... Then I have updated one of the few sections I visit here in Ellgar myself. This is the male section in The Maze that is updated with some new drawings. You can see it here: . It was a nice suprice when I got a mail from Arkayik.  He is a writer. And this story is good, and have some suprise for you, so I can not tell you so much about it, as otherway I will spoil the suprise for you. Here is the the button: . /Aradd


Got a mail from atmans_20000. He was afraid that it should not happen so much here so he decided to send some comics. I already got some of them, but it was some that was new. Okey, it seems that atmans_20000 have understand why the name is changed to The Forgotten Empire... However, we start with to tell that atmans_20000 is now added in the Brotherhood of Aradd the Black Unicorn, and then we shall continue to see what atmans_20000 wanted us to see. We can start with the horse 3D section that we find in The Maze, you can go and take a look here: . The new ones are of course added with the new icon. Then we shall take a tour to the comics section... Yes, if you use the button you will come to the Ice Queens comic. Nice to see just a pity that the bitch didn't survive, isn't it? Then you can use this button to go to a new dog comic. I don't know the name of it, so I just call it The Dog Is Dead, I think that it is the same artist that made the Fucker comic that you find in the horse section. Here is the button: . So we shall not move to far, I know the mostly humans are lazy... More than 25 meters to go, they take the car, but now you can use the teleporter button to see this young girl and her teddy bear: . The original was in bmp format and each file was over 5 mb. As for you that is using slow modems it is better with the jpg format, the files is still large...
In 2004 I found a artists work on a site and they just call it egyptians. Well, as what I can see, it is added a sign, LAP on the drawings, so I just call the artist that. Any information, remember to contact me. Here is the link: . You will also find 3 drawings added in Kondor. atmans_20000 have also send 2 other comics, but it is needed to check them with the artist first, before we do anything with them... /Aradd