What's New in Ellgar
October - December 2007
(It was no updates in october)


Now we have come to the end of the year. And from the beginning it should have also being the end for the updates here in The Forgotten Empire. As it  seems that it is still a few travellers that is around here in the dark woods and the, sometimes, dangerous citys, yes, maybe you all should have a werewolf as protector... that could help you sometimes... Well, today a new movie is added in the 3D section. The rest of the movies will be added later, but it maybe is a little need of some recontstruction first. So we start with not a black unicorn, it is a white one, and here is the teleporter button:
With this update I also wish you all A Happy New Year! /Aradd


Now, I want to know... Is you all prepared for your nightmare's? Well, I don't think so, but it is to late for you to run now. But we start with five new drawings from Cringer 990. This time I added them in a own new section so it should be a little more easier for you to see them. Here is the button:
Then Vagabundo send me some new artwork. He is now added in a own section and I think some of you remember that he is a big lion fan. So you maybe can guess what the artwork is, can't you? Well, here is the button:
Then we have the Nightmare update: Fear the frames. So, I hope you will find something you like in the new cinema section. The old cinema have hade just a few movie clip so it is now added some more. The new 2D movie section have now 100 movie clip, and you can take a look here:
This update is dedicated for you that is alone for chrismas. I hope you will enjoy your stay here! You are very welcomed!
It is also a celebration as the site for a time ago, passed one million visitors.
I wish you all a nice Xmas! /Aradd


Got a mail from Melandra. He sent some artwork that is a little of topic, but I think there is some here that will like this anyway. Series 02 Lecptis Lovers is added and also his misc artwork section is added. Now you can see the new artwork if you just use this button here:
Then I got a mail from Zebu Rider. Some artwork is added here, the rest is added in Kandor. Don't miss that. Here is the button: .
Equlibr is back with a new artwork. He sent me a preview of it, so this final version is my choice. Hope you will like it and here is the button: /Aradd


Got a mail from Melandra and as you can guess it was about some new photo manipulations. Also the Deer Hunter series is now added in a new version. One of the artwork was a anthro horse, and that is now added in Kandor. Here is the button to Melandra's section here in Ellgar /Aradd


So, time for a update. Got a mail from Zebu Rider. As you can see, it is many new drawings. Some of them is now added in Kandor, the rest is here. Zebu Rider have some interesting idéas, haven't he? Yes, I could thought so, just go and take a look yourself, here is the button: /Aradd


For a long time ago I was contacted on Icq from a artist. Yesterday he contact me again and I suggest that we now put him here in Ellgar. Before you go, I will just tell you that his dragon character should have no wings, but as you can see, the character looks very good. Yes, I also like big dragons as I think that is the size they should have... :-) Here is the button:
The chapter 2 - The Werewolf is now added to the forum. Chapter 3 - Arriving to Draxia will be posted in the forum the 21th of december. The same day will The Forgotten Empire close. I hope that it soon will return, but the information about that will be added in the forum, hopefully the 23th of december. /Aradd


Time for a lesser update. I had hope that Equlibr should have done a new artwork that he sent a idá about, but unlucky it is not finished as I hope. Well, but he have done another artwork, so for you that like big centauress, should go and take a look here: ...
I got a notice from a traveller that some pages was missing in the Ice Queens 01 comic, that was correct and it is good that he have noticed that as I usually don't read the comics myself. Now it have being replaced with a correct version, so just delete the old version and replaced with this: . Maybe some of you remember the one page named alientendrils.gif? Well, as usally when humans rename files, it is never the original name. The name of the comic is To live and let di, and it is made by Penthouse comix. You can read the complete comic here: . So that was all for this time and there is no date decided for the next update as this is The Forgotten Empire. When the date is decided it will be posted in the forum. The 27th of november chapter 2 in the ongoing story will be added in the forum. The name will be: Chapter 2 - The Werewolf. /Aradd