What's New in Ellgar
January - Mars 2008


It was a traveller, his name is CorvusHoax that contacted me about the Les Centaures comic. As some of you know, there was not three, it was four missing pages, they are now added and of course they are marked with the 'new' icon. For you that have the rest, just download the new pages, for your other, you can download the comic in a zip file. Remember that the file is over 52 mb in size. Here is the link: . CorvusHoax is added to the Brotherhood of Aradd the Black Unicorn in The Castle. All other sections in The Castle is taken down for reconstruction. /Aradd


I got a mail from Zebu Rider with four new drawings. This time it is two legged horses that rules and you can go directly to Zebu Riders section if you just click on this button here:
For some time I got a mail from a artist, but this is not by him. It was new for me, so maybe it is new for you here also. It is time to visit Beast Boy, and the link is here: Aradd


Yes, new month, new updates...
I send a notice to a artist that was trying to do a own website. It didn't worked as it should so I think it is better to welcome the artist here. Beast Artist is already known for those of you that have visit the forum he posts on. Now you can see the artwork a little more easy. As Beast Artist have no own website, some of topic artwork have being added also. Now you can go and take a look here: .
We end this update with a notice to Beast Artist himself: Your mail address is not working. I have tried to send you a mail that your artwork is now online. /Aradd


So time again... For those of you that visit Kandor knowns that one artwork added there was made by Ek Goya. When I send him a mail about that, I got this drawing in return that you can see here: . Nice isn't it?
I also got a mail from a traveller about one of the 2D movie clip. I got this version from the kind visitor and the clips Lizf is removed and replaced with one complete movie clip, also with the correct movie name. You can see it here:
Got a mail from Ikari Hi Okami and one of his drawings is added here. The rest you can find in Kondor. Ikari Hi Okami also mentioned that he should start to do a comic. If so I look forward to see it. Meantime you can take a look here: /Aradd


So, some of the traveller's here sent a mail to The Magician... The result is a update in The Magician's section. One new artwork is added in the 3D section, you can use this button here: The new serie, Gold, can you find in index 2 so just be on your way now... The reconstruction for The Castle is not finished yet, but one of the new thing that will be added is just that it is The Magician and Furronika you can thank for that Ellgar is aviable for you today, that also, of course, including Techwolf, that is doing his very best to keep the big empire online... Now we shall continue with a more new artist: Zebu Rider. His new artwork is added in the 2 legged section, and is of course marked with the 'new' icon. You can make a fast travel just use this button here: .
The epilogue for the Welcome to your nightmare part 2 will be added in the forum as soon I have sent it to Golder for checking. /Aradd


We start with some artworks by Zebu Rider. It was now in need to change his section so now it is sorted in 2 and 4 legged animals... Notice that some of the artwork is reuploaded so just replace them with this versions. Here is the button:
Then it is a new version of the Alraune number 7. It is two versions of this serie, one in english language, in lesser resolution, but also a little cleaned up. Then it is a version, that was here in Ellgar before, that have higher resolution but it is in German language. I decided to fix this version in english and also make a lesser refix of it. I must also tell you that it is only in this issue that it have any contents like this. The other issues have standard human sex. This is one of the few comics I have read as usually I only take a quick look to see what species it is in the serie so I can put it in the correct section. Here is the button: /Aradd