What's New in Ellgar
April - June 2008


Hm... Lucky that someone's here is awaken... Got a mail from Tanialassie that three drawings was missed, that was also correct as they was in another computer. Now they are added in her section, and they are marked with the new' icon. Here is the link: /Aradd


So it is time to add something new here. Tanialassie is a artist that have make some reworked versions of Furronika's artwork. As some of you already known, Furronika have no copyright on his artwork. But don't say that to Bernal, he can get a heart attack, you know... So if you following this button, you can go to Tanialassie's section. She have write a very long story but it is in Germany language only. That story you will find in the Library section. Here is the button to Tanialassie's section: /Aradd


Time for a update... I notice that I have two drawings by Wolfebyte that was not added in his section. So I decided that it was time to put them online here. If you want to see them you can use this button here:
Then we have two new artists here in Ellgar, nice isn't it?
Extro is most known for be one of the two artist that made the zoorama comic for some years ago. But Extro is also doing artwork that belongs to Ellgar. I am sure that it is many of you that want to see it and I have not got any reply from Extro yet, so no links is added from his section. Here is the button:
Then we have a new artist and I must admit that I have not seeing his artwork before. This is mostly a commersial artist, but as I think mostly of you already know, also commersial artists are welcomed here, if they can give something for free. Awe have scanned his artwork and sent it to me, but before you go, I shall also mention that Awe also do non-erotic artwork, you can see that on his own website. Any questions? Just send him a mail. The artwork have his website added in easy to read fonts, exacly as it should be if they now will be reposted on internet, you all the forums that is... Here is the button: Awe will return in about two weeks with more artwork... /Aradd