What's New in Ellgar
October - December 2008


So it is Xmas again... I got a mail from Ek Goya and I think that many of you will say that this is Ek Goya's best drawing... so far... Seems that werewolfs have fun these days and here is the button:
Then we shall say welcome to a new artist: Raw Darkness. I got a mail from him and I am sure that many of you will like his artwork. I liked the tiger best, so that is also added as thumbnail for Raw Darkness. And here is the button:
With this update I also wish all travellers here a very nice Xmas! /Aradd


Hooves did another story with the centaruess Honey, but this time she is not involved in the sex. Here it is m/m, a centaur and a giant. Yes, I know that many want Honey to be included in the sex scenes but don't blame me, blame Hooves, that is what i mostly do... hehehe... Well, here is the button: /Aradd


It is time for a lesser update as we must introduce a new writer. Some of you already know Hooves, he mostly write gay anthro stories but they are of course not added here in Ellgar. Hooves started to do some stories with a evil centauress and I told him that if he did some more, it will be needed to add them here. Also in Hooves stories someone loose his balls, so now you know what is waiting for you, or maybe not? Well, here is the button to Hooves section in The Library: /Aradd


I got a mail from Zee and now she have done part 2 of Wolfmate. Well, now there is also stallion and now you can see both m/m and m/f action. Here is the button to Zee's artwork section: . Zee have also made a story and that story is added in The Library. Here is the button to it: .
Then I also got a mail from Melandra. In his section it is added 38 artwork. Here is the button: . Then also a new artwork is added in The Dungeon. Here is the button to Melandra's section in The Dungeon: . Nice to see as it is only a few days left to my birthday... Aradd


I got a mail from Cringer 990 and I don't think it is needed to present him for you as if you don't know him, you have not being on internet for many years. Cringer 990 have done this kind of artwork for many years and it is in very high quality. The eight new drawings are, of course, marked with the 'new' icon. Here is the button:
Then it is a change in the comic section: Ken Jyuu 2 also known as Siki and Si-ku-ru 2, is now added in english. The japan language version is removed. Here is the button: /Aradd


We start with a new comic. I have no information about it but it is something for you that likes big cats. Here is the button for it:
I got a mail from a new artist. She have done a comic in 3D and this is m/m comic, wolf and human. I think it is many that will like it. You can contact Zee by mail if you want, as here in The Forgotten Empire it is no blah, blah, here it is only action. Here is the button: .
It should have being some more changes in the comics sections, but I have not any time to fix it right now, so that update will be done another time. /Aradd


For those of you that have visit the forum, it is not any new that the artist marelover3 have being renamed to Hlitg. But now it is needed with a update for Hlitg and as this update is so that you need to replace near all drawings from Hlitg, I decided to add Hlitg as a 'new' artist. Some lesser changes have being done to his artwork, mostly that Hlitg's fingers have being cut of the drawing. Yes, sorry to say, is that Hlitg don't have a scanner. But here is a link to his section:
Then we shall continue with a new artist. I noticed a artwork that I liked so I contacted the artist Boleynna and she have give permission to add it here. Well, save a horse, ride a cowboy is exacly what is ongoing here: /Aradd


So now I am back with the Run like hell update. Notice that in the artist section you have two buttons, one for new artist, the other for lates additions. Sometime only one of them is new and in the next change, they will be separated with own dates so it will be more easy to see. But it was no time to continue with this work as I have a feeling that some of you have waiting for around three months. So we shall now take a look at an artist that died in november 2006, yes, it is Michael Sherman. Even as he is not with us anylonger, his fans is. They are trying to get so many of Michael's artwork online as possible. Micheal was also a friend of mine, I sometimes got mail from him. So I will also try to help as this will do so many of you will still remember him. A new section for the of topic artwork is added in his section and Michael's artwork is also avaible to download as zip files. Two is here in Kondor, the third is in Ellgar. Here is the button to Michael's section:
Then we have a artist that drawings faster than you run. Some people have blamed Julius Zimmerman that many of his artwork looks the same. Well, when you have passed 14 000 drawings, it is not so easy to do something really new. I think it is okey and we must remember that there is no other artists that have done so much artwork as Julius Zimmerman. He also added a comment for a long time ago, that it maybe could be better to do the tits on the girls, a little more realistic... Eh, well, many of his fans nearly got a heart attack with that notice so Julius Zimmerman decided to continue with the oversized tits. I shall also tell you that for the last year, Zimmerman have not doing so much hardcore artwork. The reason is that the artwork often get a lower bid, and Zimmerman do this as his work. You know, no money, no funney. Now the upate also including many talent artist that have make coloured versions and animated versions of Zimmermans artwork. The section is so large, so it is also possible to download it as zip file. Here is the button:
Then there is a bigger update in Kovu Lion's section. Also a index is added. The button here will take you to his new section, don't miss it:
This is the only artwork update of the old artists here. Then it is time to add two new artist: We start with Drages. I got a comment in the forum that it was people that wanted to see him here. A very good choice, yes. Here you can also see his artwork without any register and login. Drages is also added in Kondor. Here is a button to his section here in Ellgar:
Then we shall continue with another artist. He is not exacly new... Tanialassie have returned as his section that was added in Furronika's section is removed as Furronika will not have his artwork online anylonger. Now you can see Tanialassie's new artwork if you use the button here:
Then we have another new artist. Purple Griffin is already in Kandor, but he have also done some artwork that will fit here in Ellgar. Very nice as I it including one of my favorite drawings by him. Here is the button:
I shall end the information that also that over 1000 pages is added in the comic section. The Maze is also updated as The Cinema section. There you also find the flash movies and games in different sections, as they are also updated. /Aradd