What's New in Ellgar
October - December 2009


So we have come to the end of the year and we will finished this year with a update from Fullytank. His new character seems to be very popular, more popular than Fullytank himself, maybe... Well, one of the drawings is made specially for Ellgar, but I will not tell you which one it is. Fullytank have also done some new wallpaper, one is nearly non adult and the button here will take you to the wallpaper section. From there you can use the travelling button to go on to see Fullytank's new drawings:
And with this update, I wish all of you travellers A Happy New Year. /Aradd


A promise is a promise. And I promised all of you that this should be your worst christmas ever and it is important, at least for unicorns, to keep their promises. But before you move on, a few words of information: This update is dedicated to all that are alone for xmas. I really hope that you will enjoy the new comic section here in Ellgar. So, for those that have read the story in the forum, maybe have a litte idéa what this is. The name for this update is twice as nice and how do we the comic section twice as nice? Yes, it is simple. We now go from 4756 pages to 9512. But that is not all as it not includes some of the comics that are replaced. Now I hope you will have some fun and I hope you will enjoy this update, it took some time to fix this and with this I wish you all here, a very, very nice xmas. And here is the button to the comic section: /Aradd


So it was needed for a rework of Nudeleia's section. He sent me some artwork, but I also noticed that I got some old artwork that have not being posted here, so this update was not so small and it was needed to make some changes. You can go to Nudeleia's new section, if you use this button;
Well, Reva Diehard have done a drawing with one of Gabe's characters... Yes, yes, she have big tits... Don't worry, it is a Gabe character, remember that...hehehe, well, if you use this button here: you will be on your way...
Fullytank have worked with a new serie that includes his elf warrior character... She is very popular, I understand, but lucky for the monsters, she is not so good to fight. Now you can see the new serie here: /Aradd


First blah-blah, then artwork!: Well, the blah-blah is popular in several places, but not here.  The artist Nightshroud also uses the name Vermilion. The name here in The Forgotten Empire is now changed to that and also Vermilion have done some new artwork. This time inspired by another artist, who that is, well, you can guess yourself, now time for you to see the new drawings and here is the button:
I also got a mail from NLB, well, it took some time to understand that the user is Nudeleia. He usually post at Beastforum and I don't think I am the only one that can not download anything there. So he sent this new artwork by mail. They are all added in a own section and here is the direct button to it: /Aradd


I got a mail from Fullytank and I think some of you know him, even as he have not doing anything new for over a year. Funny that he call himself a lazy artist, but maybe that can be correct. However, now Fullytank is back and notice that the drawing ElfWarrior02-alpha shall be a little dark as we know are in front of the gates to hell. Yes, we all as you will be there as soon you have click on the button here: /Aradd


It is time to add a new artist here in Ellgar. For those that is following the other lands here in The Forgotten Empire, will notice that Reva Diehard is added in both Kondor and Kandor. Reva Diehard makes several diffrent kind of artwork, but of course here in Ellgar, you know what you will see, don't you? Well, if you use this button here, you will be on your way: /Aradd