What's New in Ellgar
January - Mars 2010


Well, time for some drama... Eh, I mean, drawings. I got a mail from Raoulster. He have done two new drawings and now also his mail address is added, I mean if you want to blame him that he have only done 2 new drawings in 1 1/2 year... hehehe... Well, now just use the button here and you will be on your way:
Then we shall continue with another update: In november 2006 Michael Sherman died but his fans is still out there. I am one of them but we have others that are trying to see if it is possible find something to add to his section. I downloaded a file I got from a fan of Michael Sherman and the artwork there have a little larger file size. The drawings is in the same resolution. A few new have also being added. Many drawings was also in lower resolutions and of course they the best avaible versions is added here. The changed drawings are marked with the 'new' icon. Also some duplicates is removed so even as a few drawings are new, there is one drawing lesser than before. The zipfile is also updated. Here is the button:
I am checking the archive and I noticed one drawing that was not added in Misty of Mo's section. Better late than ever. It is now added and here is the button:
One of the travellers pointed out that some of the Zoophilia Syndrome Homeroom series was missing. That is correct and now 3 more of them are added in the Japan misc section. The button will take you to page 4. Notice that you also need to go to page 5. Here is the button:
It is more to add, but that will be done later. Information will be added in the forum. /Aradd


Time for a new artist here in Ellgar. Robert L Huth, aka Huthro is a well known artist in Kandor. It is also time to add his artwork that not fit there here in Ellgar. Now I think some of you will notice that some of the filenames is not correct and the reason is that Huthro seems to just add the scan number. I hope that will be fixed in a update later. Now you can use the button here to go and see Huthro's drawings and comics, I am sure that many will like this:
It was one traveller that is more awaken that others... He noticed that some of the Homeroom series was missing. They was not added in the xmas update as it was needed to stop at 4756 pages. We start with another part of the Homeroom series and it will be added more pages in a later update. Xmas have already passed, but I think some girls really like pigs... but they do not eat them... and here is the button: /Aradd


Yeah! Back again. Well, we shall start with a little comic but first I shall just mentioned that I have not removed the information who have done this comic. But I liked it and I think it is some other of you that also will do that, yes, it is time for Little Red Riding Hood. And here is the button:
We shall continue with Red Riding Hood and that is in the flash section. It is in two parts and I think many of you want to see this:
Hm... At mostly websites and forums it is to much drama today. I know internet is not so fun these days and sometimes I got the feeling that it is also time for me to leave the stage, I don't need any 15 minutes in the spotlight. However, the show will go on here in 2010... /Aradd


Yes, now I am back. In this update only new artists will be added. The update is one day delayed and I shall tell you the reason soon. But first we shall have some fun: Mostly humans use alias names on internet and sometimes the problem is that other is using the same name. That have happen several times before and the problem is when artist changes their names. Darksilver is a artist that is already in Kandor & Kondor. When she decided to join FurAffinity the name Darksilver was already in use. Darksilver now use the name Fezdani on FurAffinity. But I decided that we should have some fun here, so I have added another Darksilver... I mean you more Darksilver there is, the better it is, isn't it? Well, for those that like Red Riding Hood, this is something for you, and I will only add one travelling button as then you need to go on yourself. Here is the button:
Then we shall continue with some more good news... Wolfwood have agree to be here in Ellgar and that also including Yakodav that colouring Wolfwood's artwork. I shall also point out that Wolfwood that is on FurAffinity is the real Wolfwood. It have being some rumours that it is not the real artist and I understand that. It is no problem to join with a not correct name as it is easy to say that you are at least 18 years old, but you aint. Now here is the button to Wolfwood's section, enjoy: /Aradd


Well, some days it should have being more easy to have a 'old' icon to add, instead of the 'new' icon. Canis Three send me 64 new drawings so this is much new for all of you to see. Here is the button:
Then I got a mail from Zee. Well, this time it is no comic, instead it is a stand alone drawing and it seems that the males have some fun here, or is it only one of them..? Here is the button to Zee's new section: /Aradd


Yes, a new year... and a new update. I was checking the sections here and noticed that Awe's section was strange. Three drawings was not added and I contacted him about that. He told me that it was really time to add them and that is now done. Here is  the button:
I also got a mail from Simon Barber. A old artist on internet and he have also being here in Ellgar for some time. Isn't it nice when artist stay for a long, long time? Yes, it is. Now you can use this button to go and see Simon Barber's new artwork, or at least, they are new for us. Here is the button:
Cringer 990 wished me a happy new year and his not forgott his fans either as four new drawing is added to his section. Horse, dog and misc animals section is updated. Here is the button:
Then we have a old update... For several years i have noticed the requests for Devil Dog, but before you go there, you should remember that Loki have stop doing this kind of artwork as sometimes your life changes. It can be to something better, but it is needed to leave the old things behind. Also Lok's mail address is removed as it is not working anylonger. Here is the link to his comic Devil Dog as many have requested:
I also got a mail from a new artist, Canis Three. He have done more artwork and just the two that is added here in Ellgar, but he got some problems to send files by mail. If that will be solved a new update will be to his section as soon as possible. I am sure that the dog lovers want to see this, so here is the button to Canis Three's section: /Aradd