What's New in Ellgar
April - June 2010


I got a mail from a new artist. He have started to do some 3D artwork and of course he is welcome here in Ellgar. For now, it isn't so many drawings but he is working on a serie that we call; Sarah. Well, I suggest that you all move on to Banshee89's section, and the easiest way, is to use this button here:
Then I want you all to take a look at a flash movie that i downloaded as I liked it. Bear love have no information who have done it, but if you have, remember to contact me. Here is the button: /Aradd


Time for another update, and it is not so small... We shall start with the artists here and first we have Zebu Rider that have done some new artwork. Also a new serie is added and the button here, will take you direct to his index:
We shall still be there in the V-Z section as we also have Wolfwood there. Yakodav is still doing coloured versions of Wolfwood's drawings and he do it well. He have doing some new drawings and the button here will take you direct to them:
Then we shall go to Huthro's comic section there some more pages is added. Also one page is moved from Kandor and added here instead. The reason is that they belongs to the same serie. Here is the button to Huthro's comic section:
Ghostwalker sent me two movie clips and they are of course added here. The movie should have the name Ikusa Otome Suvia and as usually it is the monsters that have all the fun... Here is the button:
Well, then we shall go to Japan. They have a big artist site that works nearly as FurAffinity do. The name is Pixiv.net and you know the rules: You need to register and login to see adult artwork. It is needed to click so many time to download the drawings so you nearly need to go to your computer store and by a new mouse... and so on... But then it is also some other diffrences: Pixiv.net only add a number for all registered members. All artwork that is added also only have a number. Today they have passed 9 900 000 drawings and it also seems that they not add any photos there. Yes, that is good also...If there is a serie, it ends with a 'p' and the page number. They also always start with 0, not 1. So ready to go? This is 8 artist added, and I have only created 7 new artist buttons, lazy me... So, in the P section page 2 & 3 you will find them all, remember now that all filenames here, is the correct filenames. Here is the button for page 2: and then you need to go to page 3 yourself... /Aradd