What's New in Ellgar
July - September 2010


Yeah. Some time for a update.. We start with Huthro. He have add two comic pages and a page to show the different between his old drawing and his new. Yes, I am sure that many, as I like the newer style better. Now I recommend that you use this button to go to Huthro's index: .
Then we must go to the comic section that is resorted and I don't think you can point out, if I don't show or tell you, what is removed. Well, some duplicates was removed and it will be needed for another update later, but now you should start to go to the Japan comic section. In the dog or wolf section three part is added and you can go to page nine and then continue to the new page ten. Here is the button:
Then you can also check the misc animal section as Demon Castle Dracula is added there, here is the direct button:
Also the correct numbers of pages and comic parts is added at the main index: 333 comic part and that will be 9674 pages... Mostly is avaible to download as zip files but remember that if the server is overloaded, it cuts of the zip file download... Now we shall add two 'new' artists in the artist sections. Hans Baldun Gien is dead since many years but his artwork still live. I have added it in his section, it should have being added for a long time ago, but now it is here: Then I think many of you remember the Taurid Tales that was added here for some time ago. I think it is really time to add some stand alone drawings, unlucky it is in not so high resolutions, but it is the only versions I have found from a forum for some years ago. Here is the button to go to Oscar Marcus section: Remember if you notice a error or have some information that could be useful for me and others of the lost travellers here in Ellgar and The Forgotten Empire, just send me a notice or add a comment at the forum. /Aradd


I got the information from a traveller, William, that the beauty and the beast real name is Space Pirate Sara episode 2. The flash movie is renamed and you if you already have download it, you can just rename it. Remember to check the link to the authors website if you want to see screenshots from the movie. The website is in japanese language so maybe some of you can not understand the rest of it. Here is the button to the renamed movie:
The other flash movie is removed after a request from the author. /Aradd


I got a mail from Ghostwalker. He sent 3 movie clips, but two of them was already added here in Ellgar. But we add one of them and you can see it if you use the button here:
I also decided that we must give some help to Ghostwalker, eh? Well, I have added two flashmovies, one is flash video format the other one is a 3D flash movie. I have no information about the movies, but if you have, send me a notice or add a comment in the forum. Well, you need to go to page one and four and the button here will take you to page one... That is not so bad... Unlucky the server seems to be very slow, sometimes or so... If so the server system cuts of the zip and movie archive and you need to wait and try later. I have not got any information from Techwolf, the sponsor of The Forgotten Empire so I don't know if this will be fixed or not. /Aradd


AdobeFats have made a new story. This is not short so the two chapters are added in two different pages. When you have read this long story I think it is time for mostly of the travellers here to go to sleep. Here is the button:
For those that is still alive...eh, I mean, still awake, you can take a look at this other version of The Taur Tales by Oscar Marcus. It is reuploaded in another version. It will replace the other one. Maybe this is better you think, maybe not. Well, here is the button if you want to see it: /Aradd


First AdobeFats is back with some more stories. I shall mention for those that already know the writer, that this is not anything new, it is stories he have writer earlier. When new stories, that have the contents that it fits here, they will of course be added. AdobeFats have a new index as we needed some more space and you can use this button to get to your bedtime story...
Then we have a replacement: I got the information that the comic No dog - no life was avaible in engish. I think mostly want to understand a little more than the sex parts... No... Could guess that... Seems that the travellers here have more idéas than the beasts in Ellgar themself... Well, here is the button: /Aradd


I got a mail from AdobeFats that he have some stories that could fit here in Ellgar. As you can read yourself, they do. If you want to read them now, it is most easy to use the direct button here:
Then we shall go to the comic section, and it is just a small update as it is still problems with the server and i don't know when, or if, it will be fixed. Otherway, it is now 12 years since I started this and as you know, sooner or later it is time to quit. But we can wait to see if the server will work better or not. Now you shall see a comic made by Oscar Marcus. One of my favorite artist and unlucky, he is not on internet. I hope we can get in contact with him, but it seems that he have no interest to be online. Now use the button here and go and take a look, and rememeber: It is not possible to download zip files if the server is overload. Now, here is the button: /Aradd


It is some server problem so I decided to add a small update instead of nothing at all... And I don't know if the server problem will be fixed or not...
I got a mail from Equlibr and I am sure that all of you agree that this is his best artwork... so far and maybe some of you remember the painting the centaur is doing... Well, here is the button so you can see Equlibr new artwork:
Then a new serie from the pixiv artist 68 is added. Also a another page in the uncensored version of the demoness is added. It should have being a zip file added also, for easy download, but as the server is not working as it should, I decided to not add the zip file. For those that want to see the new serie, you can use this button here: /Aradd


So, it have being some problems with the server and I am not sure that it is fixed yet. That maybe is bad as this update is not as big as it should be... We shall start with a new artwork from Equlibr. he also told me that he not have access to his own website, so he can not update it. Well, that is no problem as Equlibr is always welcomed at The Forgotten Empire, as long it exists... Well, now I think many want to see the new... centauress... well, you wasn't suprised, or? Here is the button: Notice that the file is over 3 mb in size... Yes, we still have no size limitations here...
That is good as Canis Three have doing a lot of new drawings... Very many... A complete new section is done to him as it was needed to sort all artwork out. As Canis Three do mostly dog artwork, I got the idéa to sort some of the artwork by the name of the girl that is in the scene. Also all Canis Three's artwork is uploaded in a zip file for more easy access. Here is the button to Canis Three's new section I am sure you will enjoy it:
Now remember to send me a mail or add a comment in the forum if there still is problem with the server. That also means that I don't know when the rest of the update will be added. First we must check that the site is working. /Aradd