What's New in Ellgar
October - December 2010

So, this update is a little bit different, but first we shall start with AdobeFats new stories. The button will take you to his main index and then you are on your own. Three new stories are added and the button here will take you to his index page one and then you need to continue yourself to page two, if you are brave enough... .
We shall then continue with a comic update. It was a comic I like, well, that don't happen often, I promise you, I think if you read this comic I am sure that you understand what I liked, welcome to Vampire City: Then it is time to take a look with a reuploaded comic: Gaby. The real name is Gaby and the goat and when i first look at it i thought it was complete. But so it wasn't: The pages have being numbered wrong and after some work, the pages have correct number but there is some that is missing. You can check the comic and if you want it, download it as a zip file. Here is the button:
Then we shall add only new artist in this update and they are all from Pixiv.net. Pixiv.net don't post photos or stories, just drawings and they have soon reach 14 000 000 drawings. Hard to believe, isn't it? Well, as it can be someway different to see what's there, I add some artists for you here to see. Notice that you need to continue to page 3 - 7 as it is several new artist added.
This is the last update for Ellgar. /Aradd


So time for a update. We must start with a error: Huthro's section was not updated as it should be. That is now fixed and information about this have being sent to him. Sorry for that. Here is the button:
Then I got a mail from Ghostwalker. He have found a new movie for you all. Well, there is a problem: Usually it is easiest to just cut out the sex scenes, that is what I think the dirty minded travellers here only look at anyway, well, most of you... But this movie seems to have mostly sex scenes and that means that it was needed to post it complete. The movie is not small, nearly 300 mb in size, but I hope the server can handle it, maybe not. Well, here is the button:
Then we have a new artist, can you guess who? Well, for those that have being in Kandor, and now also in Kondor, already know Todd Dharken. He have done some artwork that fits very well here in Ellgar and I am sure that you want to see them. Todd Dharken's sections is linked with the teleporter buttons, as usual, so it will be easy for you to go ahead to see other artwork made by him. Here is the button: I hope it will be another update here in Ellgar, but it will not be until the last week in october as a update in Kandor is needed to be done. /Aradd