What's New in Ellgar


Time for the last update for november... The comic No Mercy is reuploaded in a better version and moved to the Japan comic section with known name, also another missing comic is uploaded: Manga Nippon H Na Hanasi 3. You can start with page 6 and then page 7:
The webcounter seems not work anylonger. I have added a new on the main page, the other will be replaced later, if it works okey. /Aradd


It is time for a comic update... again... The Dolpin comic have being moved to the Know Name Section and the comic is a part of Kemono for Essential 1.
You can check it here:
Then the Formula Piropon Patent - Record of Lodoss War is uploaded in a english version, it is also completed as the last page was missing. Argon pointed out this at the forum, as for the Dolphin comic, but this is a better version than the link that was in the forum and you can see it here:
Then a werewolf comic was posted on a forum. I like werewolf's so I decided to make a quick update and as you can see if you look at the page numbers this is a part of a comic book. Now you can check it here: Link removed.
Also several big bugs is fixed, the reason was that several pages in a erlier update was missing. Remember to report all bugs to me or add the information in the forum. Thanx./Aradd


Well, for those that have visit the forum, have maybe already taked a look at this update, of course there is more added. You can go and take a look and remember that this update is possible as George was sending me this by mail. He is now added in the The Brotherhoond of Aradd The Black Unicorn. You can use this button here: and you will be on your way.
This is not the complete update as there is other comics that also will be added, but that will be later... /Aradd


So, it was very late to get this update online. One of my friends was here and we played The Witcher 2 and we played it out, oh yes. I liked the dragon that is in the game at the end, cool. However, back to this update:
As some here have read in the forum, Argon is working with the maze here in Ellgar, but also in the other lands. Some artist is now added in this update, but first we shall go and take a look at Gdane's new drawings and you can do it here:
I got a mail from Liquidgold and he have done some new drawings and stories. His section is now reconstructed and you can see the new drawings and stories if you use this button here:
Then there is a update in the P-R section. Both new artist and updated artist: Updated artist is on page 1 - 3, 5, 7 - 8. And new artist is on 1 - 2, 4 - 6, 8 - 9. It was needed to change the amount on artist on each page from 10 to 12. The reason is that otherway it will be to many pages and there is only todays webmasters that want the visitors to use the mousebuttons 1000 time to reach the contents. I am to old kind of webmaster so the lesser clicks, the better. Now, go and take a look and start with page 1 here:
Information about the next updates will be added in the forum. /Aradd


This update is not so big, well we can call it small, yes...
Thanx to Argon it have being needed to resort and reupload some things here and there. One drawing is added to Darksilver, you can see it if you use this button:
Then I found one animation that was not sorted correct. It is now added in Chien Fou's section and it is for those of you that like snakes...
In the cinema a new movie have being added, maybe it is from a game, I don't know, but you can see it if you use this button here:
Also the misc gif section have being changed, you can check it but it is mostly gif animation that have being removed:
Some gif animations is added in the Viper1 section and also a new section is added: The Misc Game Screenshot's section. This is drawings moved from The Maze, thanx to Argon, and I have rename the drawings to match the name as it is not needed to add a subsection for each screenshot. You can go and take a look here:
Also notice that The Maze is cleaned out. Also some pages in the comic section is changed as Argon have found some information. The rest of the links will be changed when the comic sections will be updated. Notice that the Japan comic section that is now offline, will be updated first. Information will be posted in the forum. /Aradd


So it is time for a new artist... Well, new here but i think well known for many of you: Buttercup Sayian have done a few drawings that will fit here in Ellgar. Yes, it could have being more, but you can not blame me, as usually unicorns is always inocent. Now, here is the button that will take you right on the spot:
Then I shall add the information that the Japan comic section is now offline as it is needed for a bigger reconstruction and update. I can not say when the update will be avaible online, but I will try to add some information in the forum, for those that want to know. /Aradd


So time for a artist update. It is not possible to add quicklinks to all updates but some help on your way is possible to give...
We start with Beasty Master that is updated with some drawings that erlier was in The Maze. They are now added in his section. You can use this button to take a look:
Also Brian Swords is updated with one drawing from The Maze. Here is the button:
Thanx to Argon for his help.
Gdane's section is also updated. Three new drawings is added. You can use this button: to take a look.
Then you need to go on for yourself. The P-R section have updates in several artists sections. Page  4, 6, 8, 10 & 11 is update.
Then there is some new artist. Argon found that some artwork was done by a artist with the name Calibos. It seems that the artist is not possible to get in contact with anylonger, so I have added his artwork in a own section. Remember to contact me if anyone have any contact with the artist. Here is the button:
Then there is also a artist update in the P-R section. Page 2, 3, 5 & 11 have new artist added. Next update will be as soon I have some time... /Aradd


This time there is some movements between the sections but also that includes updates. For those that have visit the forum already know that Argon have being in duty again. So several of the changes here, is his fault... hehehe...
I don't have so many latest addition buttons that should be needed so this time, you need to continue alone. I will only point the way for you. Well, if you start with the men with animal comic section, it have being some changes there. The button will take you to the main index, then you can continue yourself:
Then we shall continue in the comic section. Several of the cat comics are now moved and updated. They are moved from the unknown to the known section and you can check it here: . Remember to also check page 2...
It was two drawings that have the name Centauress 02, they are now in the game section... Seems that the most funny games come from Japan... Well, here is the button: . Some CG sets is also added. Some drawings was erlier in The Maze, but as Argon found some information I have added more complete sets of the CG sets and notice that both page 1 & 2 is updated. Here is the button to page 1: . The artist update will be added later. If you are unlucky, it will be at sunday night. /Aradd


So, this time there is only one artist update, or writers, should I say. AdobeFats & Vaulthurst have write a new story for you so you have something to read, before you go to bed... Use this button and you will be on your way:
Then there is a update in the comic section: Blue horse, yes, strange colour, you can read the story here: Then there is old comic added. I decided to add it as it is now in colour version. I don't know who have done it, but I upload it in both b/w and colour versions and you can see the old comic Dream or Daydream if you use this button here:
Then a comic with a character i like is added... Hm, maybe that's why I added it. For those that know me, know that the first thing i look at in a drawing, is the characters. If I don't like the character, I don't keep it. No matter how good quality the artwork is. So, here is a character I like:
Then there is a update in the CG Sets section. For those of you that like big cats and girls with big tits, so you like both? Well, then you should use this button: . So, this was the update for now, but the update is not complete. After the weekend it will be a new update. Information about it will be added in the forum. Also notice that the artwork that Argon have found, is removed. He have done a very good work. /Aradd


Well, I think it is time for a update in the CG Sets section. There is six CG sets that is added. As usually, if there is to many pages, you can download them as zipfile. Notice that some of the zipfiles are not so small, so I hope the server can handle it. You can check it here:
Then Argon is added in The Brotherhood of The Black Unicorn. Also some information about the Forgotten Empire is added in The Castle. For those that want to read it, you can go to The Castle, use this button here:
It will be a artist update here in Ellgar, but I can not tell when, information will be added in The Forum.
The correct amount of comic series and pages is added, also the viper series is removed in the screenshoot section. It will be update and reuploaded in a later update. /Aradd


So, well, there is no artist updates this time. It is needed to add some comics and the button will take you to the main comic index and from there you can choose the fresch added updated buttons. Start with this button:
Then a first preview for the chapter two of the brainjacker movie. It is called: brainjacker 02 yokoku. Unlucky as usually it is heave censored, but you can check it out here: .
This was all for now, and next update will be as soon as possible. /Aradd


So time for a update... First we start with two drawings made by Empty Set. It was important that I pointed out that the brian 2 sketch is a old sketch... Well, I am sure that many of you don't think that is important. If a drawing is good, it is good, no matter how old it is. Then there is also one other new drawing and you can use this button: to go and take a look.
I decíded that it was time for a comic update. So there is one new comic in the furry section: Jenseits. You can go and take a look if you use this button here: Then there is three new comics in the dog and wolf section. You can use this buttons here to see Tales of the Whorehouse by Deuce: Then I suggest that you take a look at Three Vampires by Frank Lee:
Then we have a comic that could have fit in the furry section, but as it is a wolf i decided to put it in the wolf and dog section. The name of the comic is Wolfghanster. Here is a button: . Information about next coming updates will be added in The Forum. /Aradd


Yes, it was some work with the servers, again. The site was down for a day but it was not possible to upload anything to it the days before. But now we are back here again and for those that have visit the forum, already know that page 9 for Gargoyle - Day at the zoo is found thanx to the traveller NT. You can go and take a look here:
Then there is a new story by AdobeFats. He have rewrite a old story, but the plot is changed and i think there is many that will like this new version. You can go and read it yourself by using this button here:
Then we shall say welcome to two new artist. Well, i think many already know them. We start with Gdane and you can use this button to go his section: .
Well, the other artist is Hybred Vigor. He is also a well known artist and you can use this button here: to go to his section. Also notice that both Gdane and Hybred Vigor is also added in Kandor and Kondor. Remember to use the teleporter button if you want to see their other artwork. Well, this was everything for this update, but next update will be as soon as possible. The comic section will be updated next time. /Aradd


So, after the server is back online again, there is really time for this update. So, this time we shall take a closer look at artist from Japan. Pixiv.net is one of the biggest artwork server and even as this update is big, it is not all kind of beast artwork. It is not possible to add everything, but maybe we can add a few more artist from Pixiv.net in the future. Well, now you will be at your own and as this update is so big, all artist that is new or updated have a red font colour, so it will be a little more easy for you to see. Remember also that the 'new' icon is added on the artist name, if the artist is new. Otherway the 'new' icon is added on the drawings that is new. Here is now the button: . Next update will be as soon as possible. /Aradd


We start with a update in the comic section. The Japan section is updated and this can be something for those that like horses... The comic is around 230 pages, so I guess that some here want to use the zip file instead that to download the pages one by one... Yes, you are lazy travellers... Here is the button: .
Then we shall continue to the flash section, there it is time for some animations. You can go and take a look if you use this button here: . Notice that the button will take you to page 1, then you need to continue to the rest by yourself...
Then we shall say, good evening, to a new artist: Aldergames is doing some free artwork and I send a notice to him, but that drawing, you will only find in The Dungeon, but the button will take you to his section here in Ellgar, also don't miss his drawing added in Kandor. Just use the fast travelling button added to his section, well, that if you return from The Dungeon, of course:
This was only a extra update, and information about the updates will be added to the forum. /Aradd


So it is time to update the Japan comic section... Heard that before? Well... We start with a little change in the Isle of Beast. One drawing is replaced with a high resolution version. You can check it out here: . Yes, also the zipfile is replaced...
I also found some drawings on my hard disk and I got no idéa where the name of the comic is, so i have added them in the Unknown comic section, you can use this button here:
Then a english version of a horse comic is added. Horse Riding Rape Club is added in the english section. You can check it here: /Aradd


Back already? Okey... Well, in that case we need to add something more in the comic sections. The beast misc animal section, in colour, there we have something for you... First it was a very boring work to rename the files in Naked Earth volume 1. But it was needed as I now discovered that volume 1 - 3 and the chapter 01-05a was nearly the same. Yes, nearly. Some pages was added and they are now with correct page number and the volume 1 is now updated. You need to download it again and replace it with the earlier version. Then if you still have the old chapter 01-05a you can just delete it. Also the zipfiles have being changed so there is one for each volume. Now you can go and check it here: Then we shall go to page 7 and there it is two comics added. You can go and take a look at them if you use this button here:
The update in the comic sections will continue and meantime it will be no updates to the artist sections. /Aradd


So, time for a update... Well, this update is not what it should be, but we start with something in the writers section: AdobeFats story should have being added in a erlier update, but I missed it as it was in a map that I didn't noticed. Sorry for that and I think someones here like horses and I think you will not miss AdobeFats story so just use this button here:
So, that was the easy part of the update... Now to something that have take so much time so this is a part of a part of the update... hehehe...
The comic update and changes is not complete yet. It is sometimes needed to remove duplicates, also other comics if it is better scanned versions avaible. Now, you should go and take a look at the Japan section. We start with the pigs and you can use this button here: . The Amor Haeresis comic is new and Factory43 is changed. Then if we take a look at the english section, a part of Kemono For Essential vol 7 have being translated and also a part of the big comic issues D O G. The part from the comic D O G have being added before, but now the pages is renumbered so it will fit in the original D O G comic issue. Go and take a look here: . In the horse section a new comic is added. You can see it if you use this button here: . In the misc animal section we have a duty of a summoner, I think there is some here that maybe wanted to know there reason why some summoners are better than others. Want to know? Well, use this button here: . So time to move on to the men and animal section...
It is not easy to be the king of the jungle, you know. Don't believe me? Check this out: . Unlucky the comic is only in french language... So you are from France, well, then you will be lucky. Then we shall go to the Japan section and there we have a comic serie with a being that is a part wolf and a part human. The serie is called The wild leg. So far it is three issues and you can check it here: . So that was the update, so far... The update will continue at the end of next week as there is much that is not added yet. /Aradd


Well, this update is not going the way I wanted it. There is some problems in the Japan comic section and the reason is that it happens that comics will be reprinted. For Japan comic that is a problem as the often give out issues with around 170 pages and so. In the issues there is several different stories and beast stories is often just a few. I must check the Japan section as some comics will be replaced with english versions but they are not from the same printed version as what is online here in Ellgar right now. We shall start with some werewolfes. Two new comic series is added and you can use this button: to see the first one. The second one is, I think, a old serie, but it is still good. Also there is female werewolfes and that is nice to see. You can use this button here: to go and take a look. Then we shall take some time to look at a complete post of 'King Kong' comic. Only a few pages was posted but now the comic is complete and translated to english. You can go and take a look at it here: . Now i shall take a look at the Japan comics as it is some comics there that will be added/replaced. Information about that update will be posted in the forum. Also notice that the Monitor Changes system that was avaible earlier is not working anylonger. The link is now removed. /Aradd


So, we start the new year with a little update for some of you that like 3d animations. The movie was posted on a forum for some time ago and if you like 3D animations maybe the site can be something for you, but this is, what i know, the only beast contents they have. But it is a good start, isn't it? Here is the button so you can go and see yourself: .
The Forgotten Empire now use over 15 gb of server space and so far the websponsor, Techwolf, have doing this very good. We hope it will continue.
Notice that the Monitor changes system is not working anylonger, so the link to it is removed. For those that was registered to it don't need to do anything just notice that you will not get any information about updates send to you by mail. /Aradd