What's New in Ellgar

They say it is christmas... Well, let's say welcome to Santa Claus and also some artists...
We start with two drawings by Mark Stretch. One is new and the other is old, it doesn't matter, both drawings are good, and you can use this button to go and see: Well, I got a mail from Ncg65. He doesn't do so much new drawings and animations anylonger. But he send me some he have done and I am sure you want to see them. If you use the button here: you will be on your way. Chris Sawyer have not done so much new drawings that will fit here in Ellgar, but I noticed that one of his drawings was missing. That is now fixed and you can see it here:
Then a new drawing by I Ate Your Kit Kat is added. The artist also call herself I Ate Your Cookie, well that is okey as long she's not eat our candy, isn' it? Well, now use this button and go and take a look:
Then there will be a short travel to the comic section. There is a comic serie with the name The Claw Beast People. I don't know how many parts it will be but you can read part 1 - 3 here: . Then there is something for the pony lovers. Royal - Is a female horse... Well, you didn't know that, didn't you? You can read a comic with Royal fun right here:
A new CG serie is added. It is a 3D serie that was posted on a forum for some months ago. I got the idéa that you here should like it so go and take a look here: Yes, hope you like werewolfs and vampires...
Thanx to Argon it have being a update for the Misc Game Screenshoot section. Notice that he have done some more research and you can find information about that in the forum. The links and drawings will be fixed later, but I will leave it for some days so you can check it yourself. But the update in the Mics Game Screenshoot section is not small, you can use this button here:
So, then we have the last button and as usually when you think it was over, you was wrong... I will add the 'new artist' button here but this also including a update for several artist. It was also needed to remake the index pages and add more artist on each page. The links to go to next or previous pages have also being added between the rows as when you are on websites, that is good, you can easy check it as the lesser you need to move around with your pointer, the better. I will also point out that on all pages there the gif animation: Welcome to Ellgar, traveller is added you can click on it and it will take you back to Ellgar's main index. So now it is time, fasten your seatbelts:
For the new ones here I can tell you that the Xmas update, is dedicated to those that are alone for Xmas and the reasons for that can be different, maybe there is a long way to travel and it is not possible to get it work to see eash other, I hope this will give you something to do for some time and that the server will work as it should. With this update I wish all traveller's a very nice Xmas and A Happy New Your. Remember to check the forum for information about updates. /Aradd


Well, there is really time for a update here in Ellgar. Now we shall start with some of the artist here and first we have Buttercup Saiyan and before you go and take a look i will point out that several of the drawings in this update, have erlier being in The Maze. Thanx to Argon it is now possible to put them where they belongs. Buttercup Saiyan is a well known artist and I am sure you like this drawings and the easy way to go is to use this button here:
I don't think Cool Cat is still doing new drawings, but a old one was in The Maze and it is now moved to his section, you can use this button here:
Remember Huthro? Well, he is one of the artist that is mostly in Kandor, but he also is here. Huthro have done some new drawings and comic pages, you can go and take a look and to do that, use this button here:
I Ate Your Kit Kat got the good idéa to fix some of her old drawings and one of them is now replaced here in Ellgar. You can take a look if you use this button here:
One of NCG65's drawings was also in The Maze and now it is moved to his section. I am not sure that NCG65 is still doing artwork. The Forgotten Empire have being online for 15 years now and several artist have quit. That is not fun, maybe it is time for us oldtimers to stop this and leave the show... However, if you use this button here: it will take you to NCG65's section.
Well, as Argon found out some artists name there is time to add them in Ellgar's artist section. We start with Matenlaw that have done a very good drawing, don't you think? Well, use this button and take a look:
Then we shall go to the V-Z section. There we find Warusaki. It look like someone have a good time with Renamon. That's nice, isn't it? Take a look just use this button here:
Well, next artist, it is not easy to spell his name, you know: Yukijirushi
Nyugyou. Well, this time it is Fran from Final Fantasy, one character that I like, don't you? Well, use this button and take a look:
Then there is a game update, now don't get me disappointed and fail these games. Remember, winner takes it all. Here is the button to the game section:
This is all for now. Let us hope that the server is with us as god have abandoned this place for a long time ago... /Aradd


Remember George? Well, he have now sent me some more comics... So I decided to add some more comics and make this update. This is a easy update for me to add here in What's New, as I only need to add one teleporter button for you... Otherway, you will be at your own, and when you now walk around in Ellgar, don't look back, you can have a black unicorn behind you...
Also notice that Argon have give some help with the maze again, so several drawings is removed. Thanx Argon, for your help. /Aradd


Remember George? Well, he is one of the traveller's that previously was added in The Brotherhood of the Black Unicorn, you find it in The Castle. Traveller's that help with the Forgotten Empire is added there. But now there is time to see what George sent:
He send me some Dragon Blood comics for some time ago, but it was not possible to get them online as it have being some problems with the server. I hope it will be better now and you all here will soon see if the server will work, or not... Well, the strange things was that I got some more Dragon Blood comics from George, yesterday, that is right in time, isn't it?
But of course some other comics is also added and with this update there is 484 comics with 13654 pages. Mostly of them is also avaible as zip files even as that takes a lot of transfer rate. Now over to the fun part:
The button will take you to the main comic index, then you are alone, yes, your mother is not here to hold your hand...
Remember to check the forum for update information... /Aradd


It have being some problems with the server and I the reason is that The Forgotten Empire is not so small. We will soon reach 23 gb online. This update is some kind of small, but big. I got a mail from one of the lost travellers, I think some of you have notice that the counter for lost travellers have going mad, however, the mail was a guestion why Kemokko Lovers 1 & 3 was missing. The reason was the size. As a few pages of Kemokko Lovers 2 was translated in english, I decided that add all three issues. They take 475 mb in size and with the zip files is it 475 mb more. Now we shall see how the server is handling this update, and after that another update will follow. You can use this button here: to go and take a look at Kemokko Lovers.
Then it seems that Argon is working overtime to check the artwork in The Maze. He is doing a very good work and several drawings is now removed. /Aradd


So, very welcome to the There is no exit update, and for the old travellers here, already know that updates with names, is never small. The update is dedicated to Argon as thanx for all his help. As a special gift, The Maze is now update, more about that later...
We start with Wolfwood that also have some help by Shaffer, and there is nice to see something new, as it was a very long time since Wolfwood did something new. Anyway, Wolfwood's section in now reconstructed and Shaffer's new coloured versions are added. You can use this button and go and take a look:
Then there is time to go the P-R section. There we have the artist from Pixiv that is working overtime. It was not possible to add the new artist this time, I shall see if it is possible to add new artist to section P-R in the next update. Now you can start with artist 533764 - Ingi and you can use this button: . Then we have artist 762618 - Gotobeido. One old drawing was missing, it is now added and here is the button:
Then on page 8 we will find artist 896909 - Nabesiki. He have done a new gif animation, wan't to see it? Well, use this button here:
Then a short trip to page 10, there is 1578906 - Snk. He have done one new drawing, and use this button and you will be on your way: .
The artist 6196435 changed to this account from his old ones. Several new drawings is added. If you like anthro horses, this is something for you: So, then you can take a tour to the CG Sets section. Some 3D artwork is added. I think they was posted on a forum for some years ago. Here is the button for The Zoosex 01: and The Zoosex 03 is here: Well. The Zoosex 02... Well, I don't know what they are... So, now you will be at your own! The comic section is updated and also a lesser reconstruction is made. The button will only take you to the main index, the you are on your own. Here is the button:
So, and of course, as this update is dedicated to Argon, The Maze is updated. The button will take you to the new main index and from that point, it is no return. Over 1000 drawings is added, and notice that it can be some lesser errors in the sections. So if you find for example a dragon in the dog or wolf section, just don't stand there, run for your life! The new maze should have being updated for a long time ago, and now, as I am worried that Argon should not have anything to do, it was time to add it. Now, you are on your own, here is the button and good luck, you will need it:
I hope the server can handle this update, as some of you know, it have being some problems the last days. If things will work, you can read about the updates in the forum. /Aradd


Well, I think mostly of us, want to be artist in our next life. It was posted a request on the forum about the artist Zebu Rider. I contacted him and got a reply that he have only done four new drawings. The last update, that is nearly three years ago, tell us that Zebu Rider make one drawing every ninth month. Yes, some artist is working very hard... hehehe... Now, the button here will take you to Zebu Riders main index.
Well, some artist are working around the clock and I Ate Your Kit Kat is one of them. First it was only one drawing here in Ellgar, but now there is five more added. I am sure that you want to see them and here is the button:
So then we have the artists from Japan. Well, there is a update for the Pixiv artist 393655. Here is the button: and also one drawing is added to Pixiv artist 793603 - Xelvy. You can use this button here: .
So, then there is some new artist added from Pixiv.net.
We start on page 3 with Pixiv artist 30242 and you can use this button here: then we have artist 58254 and you can use this button here:
On page 5 there is the new artist 314223 - Jadf and you can use this button: Then we move to page ten, there the artist 2304478 - Zhean Li is new. You can use this button here: So at last there is also a new artist on page 11. Pixiv artist 4592657 and you can use this button here:
This was all for today. Next update will be in the comic section, and maybe some more artwork from artist... /Aradd


Okey. We take another fast update. Some comics is now added. You can go and see this one first, that was erlier in Yuuiti Hosaka's section. Now it is in english and I decided to add the english version in the Japan comic section. The original Japan language version in Yuuiti Hosaka section, is removed. You can check this:
Then it is a new werewolf comic in the wolf and dog section. I am not sure that it have the correct name, you can check it here: Wouldn't it nice to have a own werewolf, instead of a dog...?
Then the comic Jungle Book 1 is added. I decided to add it in the men's section, but there is also some woman's in it. You can check it here:
Then at last, there is a english version of a comic, Angels Stroke 48. You can check it here: And with that, there we have come to the end of this short extra update.../Aradd


Time for a fast and short update: Three movies are renamed and moved from the animal section to the monster section, you can check it here:
Then a new movie is added in the 2D animal section, for those that like bulls...

The real update will be added as soon as possible, but maybe it will be a update in Kandor before next update here in Ellgar. For those that want to keep themself up to date, go to the forum. /Aradd


So, finally there is time for the update. Unlucky it was not possible to get the special Xmas update online this Xmas as I was working all the time. That was very bad as the update, as usually, always is dedicated to those that are alone for Xmas. However, now I hope you all will like this very big update but before you continue, I will point out that we got a donation that made it possible to get a paid commission. Remember to add your comment in the forum what you like to see. But remember that the last commission was for Kandor, so this time it is Ellgar or Kondor turn to get some comissioned artwork. Last date for those that want to add suggestions is sunday the 27th of january.

But now there is time, well, we start with the artists...
Gdane did some sketches and they are of course added in his section, you can go and take a look if you use this button here:
Then there is a bigger update in the P-R section. It is not possible to add a direct button to all of the updates so I will only say that you can start with page 3 and continue to page 6, then jump to page 9 and continue to page 11. Here is the button to page 3:

Vaulthurst have done 4 new stories. This if for you that like tranformation stories, and if so, you should not miss them. Here is a button to Vaulthurst's section:

Then we shall check the new artists...
We start with I Ate Your Kit Kat's character Cotton Candy that have meet Hitman... Well, I am not sure who the winner will be, but you can take a look at the drawing if you use this button here: The rest of I Ate Your Kit Kat is in Kandor and just use the teleporter button if you want to go there and take a look... Not all horses will bite you...
In the P-R section there is several new artist and it is not possible to add a direct button to all of them. If you start on page 5 you have to continue all the way to page 10. The button here will take you to page 5 then you will be on your own: ...and no, your parents can not save you, this time...

Then there is time for your nightmare... The updates for the CG Sets and comic sections togheter, is over 1 gb is size.
First I think you should go to the Game & CG Sets section. If you use this button here: you will see one new artwork.
Then you can take a walk, it is not so far, to the CG set section. The update there is not small, so the button here will only take you to page 1 Rember to check all 5 pages...
The comix section is reconstructed and  the button will only take you to the main index and then you will be on your loose... I mean, on your way...The mostly part of the comics and CG Sets is possible to download as a zip file, that means 1 gb more that was added. But it can be problems with the servers transfer rate and bandwith, but if so, just calm down. The animals and monsters will wait for you, don't worry. Here is the button:
Everything should work correct, but if not, add a notice in the forum... You know that we leave the bugs to other websites.../Aradd