What's New in Ellgar


The server is online again and there is time for this delyed update...
I think we start with Huthro, one of the artist that have being here for a while. Huthro have done one new drawing and you can use this button here: to take a look. Then there is time to take a look at Wolfwood's section. After a long time, he have done three new drawings and I am sure you want to see them, and you can just use this button here: to take a look.
Then we have the artist from Pixiv.net. Well, there is update on pages 2, 8, 5 - 7 & 13. The button here: will take you to page 2, then you know the rules... Yes, you will be on your own...
Then there is time to go and take a look at the new artist. Siyah is a well known artist in Kandor, but the artist have also done some artwork that is added here, lucky us, isn't it? Well, just use this button here: I am sure you will like it. Then, I think you know what will happen now, yes, back to the artist on Pixiv.net. The new artists there, is on pages: 2, 8-9, 11-14. Here is the button to page two:
Well, thanx to Argon some artist have being added at The Forgotten Empire, and also he have posted some information about some comics and artists in the forum. Now that is fixed so there is some update information that is needed to add here: The Dog and girl 09 in Japan comics with unknown name, is now changed to it's correct name and moved. Here is the button to the comic:
Two new pages is added. Also another comic is moved, that is Dog and girl 01 that is renamed to correct name. Notice that it is not update, but you can take a look at it here: : Check so you have a correct name for it.
In Japan comics with known name, english versions there is two comics added: Poyopacho MP by Oneshot and you can use this button to see it:
And the you can use this button: to see Hellsing by Miharu Fakestar
Chaos Step. They are added with information from Argon.
Then there is of course other comic update, and the button here: will take you to the index.
Argon have also added some information that several drawings that was in The Maze, was from games. They have now being added in the Misc Game Screenshots section and you can go and take a look right here:
And with that we have come to the end of this update. This was the last update for this year. I wish you all a Happy New Year!/Aradd


Finally! The last part of the october comic update, this is also the last update for october. Kemokko Lover 4 is not a small comic as it is over 400 pages and the size is over 200 mb. You can go and take a look here: Notice that there is a few pages in english. Then there is a another comic added there: Mare Holic 1 & 2 Kemolover Ex. If I remember this correct there is two releases of one of them, but this should be the extended version. You can go and take a look yourself: Then we have another page from Epic Furry Studio. It have being a time from the last update but he have being sick, yes, that also happens to artists, sometimes... Here is the button so you can go and see the new page: /Aradd


It seems that the server works as it should. I have now uploaded some of the missing comics that should have being in the erlier update. First we have Inraku Werewolf, and you can take a look at the comic if you use this button here:
Then the comic Mare Holic 1 & 2 is a comic that many want too see, so it is now added also here in Ellgar. You can use the button here:
Notice that the comics togheter is over 400 mb. /Aradd


Finally, the server is working again. However, a few comics are missing and they will be added as soon as possible. This update is a little more than five hundred pages. Next update will be as soon as possible. Now, a point with this update I really like, I can just add one update button then you all, will be on your own. I wish you luck.   I also got a mail from Phil the Cat about some drawings in The Maze. They are now removed... It seems to be time for a update in The Maze...


It is time for a extra update, and the reason is that I noticed a error in the Dragon Fellatio by Epic Furry Studio. The comic have now also being updated but as it was one error in the page numbers, those that have download it from Ellgar, need to download the complete comic again. You can use this button here:
Well, I also decided to add two other updates, they are both in the CG section. The first one is Madamme of Beasts by Sayuri and you can use this button here: The other one is Troll Rape - Dragon Quest - DQ3. You can use this button here: and go and take a look. So, well, this was not the real update. I am working on a comic update and information will be posted in the forum, as usually. /Aradd


Finally... It was not easy with this update, my internet was down for a complete day and that didn't make this update to go faster... Well, the good news, for me, is that in this update you traveller mostly will be on your own, so far, no one have ever come back. Well we start with a update for the artist Extro, I am sure you know him as he have being here for some time, go and take a look and the button is here:
Then we continue to the artist Gdane that have done some new drawings, yes maybe to few, but so it is, here is the button:
Well, Huthro have also done some new drawings and I shall point out that the comic serie E F P have being moved to the comic section, use the teleporter button that is added to Huthro's section if you want to see it. I send a notice to Huthro about that the page numbers is not correct, but I haven't got any reply, unlucky that is happen often, but we must remember that this is the Forgotten Empire. Well, here is the button:
Mark Stretch have done one new drawing, yes I know that is not much, don't tell me, I browse through thousands of drawings on websites as Furaffinity and find ten drawings that is worth to download, if I am lucky, now you are lucky as you can see the new drawing if you just use this button here:
Vermilion is one of the old artist here, and one different version of a drawing was in the maze. I shall point out that Argon, you know him if you have visit the forum, have done a very great work to find missing artist. Several of the updates today, is thanx to him. Now I think there is time for you and go to see the new drawing by Vermilion:
Some artist don't need to colouring their artwork, other is doing that to them. One artist that have that easy way, is Wolfwood. Shaffer have now made a coloured version of one of his drawings, and you can go to take a look, just use this button here:
Then AdobeFats aka Vaulthurst have done three new stories, well, one is rewritten as some people wanted it. Well, now it is story time. Just use this button here:
So, now there is time for some new artist here, they are not few but we shall start with Dayelyte. I noticed a gif animation that was posted for some months ago, and I like it. It belongs to the rpg game Skyrim. It was not easy to get the textures the way I wanted it, but after several hours of work, it was working. This is for those that like werewolfes and I have also added one m/m version. You can go and take a look at Dayelyte's section and he have done this animations very good. Here is the button:
One thing I like is size differens, and it was lucky that the artist Epic93 have done some drawings, but also a comic, with this contents. Very nice to see, isn't it? The button will take you to Epic93's section, and from there, you can use the traveller button to go and see his comic, it is in very high resolution, you don't need your glasses... Well, here is the button, no you are on your own, watch out for dragons:
Argon found that two drawings in The Maze was made by Fuusa Ryouiki. They are now added in the D-F section. You can use the button here: and take a look.
In the M-O section it is also added four new artist, some of the is thanx to Argon. The button will take you to page one, and the new artists are on page four and five. Here is the button:
In the S-U section there is also four new artists. The artist there is on page one, three and five and the button will take you to page one: This is also artist that have erlier their artwork in The Maze.
In the V-Z section there is two new artist and they are on page two. You can use this button to go and take a look:
Then we have the section P-R and maybe some of you have not coming back after the last visit for over a half year ago. Well, unlucky it is not time for another travelling and this will not be easy. I will only add a new artist button here, and the you are on your own. The section also include updates and if you survive to page three and on, you will also see them. Now here is the button and now your are on your own:
I wish you a nice journey. /Aradd