What's New in Ellgar


It is very nice that some people offer the time to translate the comics in Japan language to english. However, unlucky often the english versions is in lesser resolution and that is something I don't like. So this time, I have put the translate text to the higher resolution pages. This is a work that take some time to do, and time is something we don't have, or...? Well, there is also a update, but start with, take a look at the translated pages for Beef Jam, here is the button: .
Then some pages from Kemokko Lovers 3 is replaced, it is Pages 5-20 & 31 - 36. You can go and take a look here:
Mare Holic 3 is now added online. I think Mare Holic 2 was better, but however, this is good enough! So use this button and take a look:
I will continue to take a look at the comic section here in Ellgar. As usually I shall try and add some information in the forum. /Aradd


So thanx to Argon it was needed for a change in The Maze. Several artwork is now removed. A update have being done and you can use this button to take a look:
Argon also noticed one drawing was a part of a game cg and I decided to add the game cg complete. However, the ftp part of wereanimal.net is not working as it should since may, so it is not possible to add any zip file for this, or other new artwork. Here is the button so you can take a look:
The Claw Beast People Change is a very popular comic it have now being replaced with a english version, the name is now: Human-lovers
Committee by HitoMoe Iinkai and translation is made by MintVoid.
You can use this button to take a look; /Aradd


This summer there is 18 years since this never ending nightmare website started. In that time, I got 30 mb of server space... Well, today, I don't know how many of the old travellers or artist that is still remember this old empire... Well, otherway, that is the reason that I changed the name to The Forgotten Empire for some years ago. Well, there is time for a update and some of the new artist is earlier in The Maze, but thanks to Argon, the artwork is now moved from The Maze to their own secions. Well, we start with some updates:
Huthro have done several drawings that is now added to his section here in Ellgar. He also did a comission for a long time ago, and even that commission is now added. Also a direct link is added from The Castle. But you can go direct to Huthro's section if you use this button here:
Matenlaw is one of the artist we don't have any information about. But three drawings is now added in his section, you can see them here:
Siyah is also one artist that have done some new drawings, very good, I must say, I think many of you agreed with me. Use this button here to take a look:
Wolfwood is a well known artist, but like many other, he don't do much new drawings, very bad, isn't it? But there is a few new one's, so use this button to take a look:
Then we have the artist from Pixiv, well, we start with Jadf, two new drawings. Use this button:
Then we have Aoino Broome. Notice that one drawing is a edit, and I have added it here, even as I think Aoino Broome was not so happy with it, don't remember the reason for it, it was a long time since I read it on a forum. I have added edited by unknown in the filename. Here is the button:
Pixiv member 393655 have also made some new drawings. I am sure you will like them so go and take a look:
As usually it was some extra work as Nightmare Doom have closed his old account and now only use the new one. But he have done some new drawings and you can see them here:
Then there is time to take a look at the new artists here in Ellgar. We start with E-jin, one artist that erlier have his artwork in The Maze but now have his own section. You can take a look here:
Another artist that is added from The Maze is Kanda. Maybe you have seeing this drawing before, but why not take a look:
Kojirou is another new artist and this is a new way to ride on dragons, see now how you should do it:
Then we have the artists in the section P-R. It was needed to add a new page, 15, to get this update to work. There is many new artist there, added from The Maze, but also a few others. The updates is on page 2 - 3, 6, 11 - 15.
The button will take you to page 2, then you will be on your own. Well, I don't expect that you will survive this, but at least, you can try, can't you?
This was the last artist this time. As many old artist is not active anylonger, and we don't have so many new ones, it can take a long time before next artist update. But there is other things that will be update... Well, as soon I have time... and the server works... and the sun shines... /Aradd


Thanx to Argon there is now possible to move several artwork from The Maze to the correct artist. That means that this update is mostly new artist, but we start with to artist that is updated:
Pixiv member 103703 - Abubu have being updated with two new drawings, and you can see
them here:
Then there is another pixiv member, that is 2304478 - Zhean Li. Notice that some drawings is replaced with higher resolution versions, so just download and overwrite the files. Here is the button:
Then there is the new artist. I decided to this the funny way, yes, that is the way that you traveller will have to take a tour yourself. Well, as not many return, I think this is one of my best idéas, so far. But okey, I feel nice today so I will give a little help. Thanx to Argon this artist is now here, even as there is not much information about them. We start with G sun and you can use this button here:
Then there is also another artist: Imanaka Koutarou that have one drawing in his section:
So, that was nice of me, wasn't it? Now back to reality! For the M-O section pages 2-6 is updated with new artists and you can use this button and start on page 2:
Then for the P-R section, new artists is added on pages:
1, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12 -14.
You will be on your own now, and your mother, well, let me take care of her, now you are all alone and here is the button:
This is all for today, there is a lot of more to add and for those that have visiting the forum, knows that there is a problem with the ftp server on wereanimal.net.
I am not sure if this will be fixed as I have not got any information from the website sponsor: Techwolf. That means that there is CG sets and comics and so on that is not online, maybe it will be possible to fix that later...
However, it will be a artist update as soon I have time for it. I wish you all a nice summer! /Aradd


So, a new version of The Claw Beast comic is now avaible. It took some time as first I uploaded the new version. but after that some pages was transleted to english so I need to remake a part of the work and also reupload the zip file. The comic is not small as it is 343 mb and the zip file is also that big. Check it here:
No zip file is avaible because of server problem.
Also a some drawings in The Maze have being removed thanx to Argon, and myself as I found some artist also. That update is now added in blue colour as show that drawings is removed. Next update will be as soon as possible, well, if the server works... We hope for that!  /Aradd


The first update for 2015 is thanx to Argon. It was needed to fix some updates and lesser changes in The Maze. You can take a tour and see yourself: /Aradd