What's New in Ellgar


Time to add the men section in The Maze.
You can use this button here: if you want to take a look. /Aradd


So, after 3 weeks wereanimal.net is back again.
I think it is time for some good news for you all that still visit this old place.
The updates here will start at once and we start with a lesser update in The Maze.
Argon have give some very good help to find several artists and that means there is time to fix some stuff in The Maze. First online is the woman and you can check this update here:
There is much more to update here but first The Maze must be fixed. Next update will of course be the men section. /Aradd


As usually the work with the updates is much bigger and take a lot of time to do. However, now we are here, at least... The update and new artist buttons will not be enough so we need to reuse them...
We start with the artist from the letter A...
If I said Icy Flamez the Tie Dyed I am sure that many of you here don't know the artist... But if I say Chewtoy there is a lot more of you that already know this artist. Icy Flamez the Tie Dyed is Chewtoy's old artist alias. Well, as the last update was for 14 years ago I think there is time for a new update, and use this button to see Chewtoy's new drawings:
Chris Sawyer... Well, mostly of you know him and he have being here for the nearly 20 years this website have being online as Chris Sawyer is mostly known for his anthro artwork. But, he have also done some drawings that fits very well here in Ellgar. Two drawings is added in his section you can use this button and take a look:
In the D-F section we find Epic Furry Studio that have done one new drawing that is now added in his section. It was some minor error at his new comics at SoFurry and I have hope that he have the time to check that up. But I haven't got any reply, that happens often
unfortunately, so the comic is not added in this update. But you can see the new drawing if you use this button here:
In the G-I section we find Gdane that have done several new drawings and sketches. Gdane is one of the artist that is not doing so much furry artwork, but mostly of his drawings fits here or in Kondor. Now you can use this button to take a look:
In this section we also find Huthro. He have done some new drawings and also a few pages from a old comic is added. I am sure that you will see this so use this button here:
In the L - L section we find Lady Hawk. There is soon 9 years since she died but I notice that one drawing was not added so that is now fixed. This will be checked with here mate, Darkwolfe, to see so it is added to the correct artist.
So... In the M - O section we find a artist that have made artwork for many years.
Marian0 Kleisner's section is now updated with some more comics and also some misc drawings that was not added before. The button will take you to his main index, don't miss this:
Nekozawa is one of many artist that I not have any information about. But one drawing made by him was posted for many years ago. Now we now that Nekozawa have done it, it is of course posted in his section. You can go and take a look here:
It is soon 2 years since last update for the artist Siyah was done. Of course he have done some more artwork and that is very nice to see. I am sure that you want to see the 8 new drawings... Well, one of the is a animation, very nice an here is the button:
Vermilion is another artist that have being doing artwork for many years. Even as it is not possible to add movie files here at wereanimal.net as there is a problem with the ftp server, it is still possible to add gif animations. So Vermilion's section have being remade with one section for the animations and another for the drawings. Sure you don't want to miss this and here is the button:
Wolfwood is mostly know for his furry comic series with well known dizney characters and other anthro character. But he have also done other comics and drawings. Wolfwood do his drawings in b/w but then he have some luck that Shaffer coloured them. And he made a great work with that. I am sure that you all want to see the new comic and artwork so just use this button here:
Then I don't think there is time for you to go to bed, but maybe some stories for the night could be a nice choice... or not... As Hooves is back with several new stories and if you like neutering, gay and some other fetish, this is something for you. There many new stories and you use this button to go and read them:

Well, the update could have come to an ending here, but lucky for you, now there is time to continue with the new artists. Many of these artists artwork was posted on different forum, some for many years ago. Now, at least, I hope the correct artists name is added to the artwork. Remember to contact me if you have more information about anyone of them.
Now we start with:
Akane Serizawa. One drawing made by him is now posted and you can see it in his section here:
Then we continue with Chaso Tapioca. He have also done one drawing that is added here in Ellgar. You can see it here:

Darekawa Iwanai is another artist with no information. You can see his drawings if you use this button here:
Dieselmine is another artist that I found on a forum for a not so long time ago. I decided to add them here so if you want to see them, use this button here:
Eliskalti is another artist that was posted on a forum last year. I hope the name of the artist is correct. You can go and take a look here:
Well, Freckles is already know artist here in The Forgotten Empire. He is already in Kandor and Kondor, and of course Teleporter buttons have being added to his section for fast travel, if you want to see other artwork as well. Now you can use this button here:
Some artist have strange name, and Frfr is one of them... But I have no information about this artist. The button here will take you to his section:
In the G - I section we find Halsione, another artist that I have no information about. You can use this button here to take a look:
The same thing is with the artist Haruhisky. You can see a drawing made by him if you use this button here:
In the J - L section we find the artist Kagemusha (Dai Gaijin). Well, take a look yourself. Here is the button:
Kikunyi is another artist with no information. You can take a look at the drawing I found made by him here:
Max Black Rabbit is one of the artist that already is here in The Forgotten Empire. You will find more of his artwork in Kandor, but now I am sure you want to take a look what he have done that can fit here in Ellgar. So use this button here:
Nexus Jubatus is also one of the artist that is already here in Ellgar with a comic he made for 3 years ago. But Nexus Jubatus makes mostly furry artwork so you can also find him in Kandor. But right now, use this button to take a look at his drawing here in Ellgar, it is a commission:
Then we have one more artist without any information: Okayado. Well, you can use this button to take a look:
So, to the S - U section. Sasamino is one of the many unknown artist that is included in this update. You can use this button here to take a look:
Shaman & Shiyusu is another 2 artist that also is added here with no information. For Shaman's section, use this button: and for Shiyusu's section, use this button:
Then we have Souko Souji with 6 drawings. Downloaded from Tumblr somewhere... Eh... Well, use this button to take a look:
Tuupushi13 have made one drawing that I found posted on a forum for a year ago. You can see it here:
Yuko Maussi is another artist with no information and you can see his artwork if you use this button here:
We end this update with Zen. I think this artist have some website somewhere but this was downloaded from a forum. You can check the drawings if you use the button here:
So also after some years the correct amount of artist and artwork is now added at Ellgar's main index. /Aradd


Yeah. Better late than ever, or what they say. Before you go on your own, I shall point out some of the artists here in this update...
Purple Griffin's update is a replacement that one drawing is added with higher resolution, and ofcourse we need to have the highest resolution versions here... Don't we? Go here and take a look:
Another artist that I am sure you know already is Reva Diehard. She have done six new drawings, you can see them by using this button here:
But now I suggest that you go to page one to start to check the updated artists.
New artists starts on page two.
I know that you must be brave but remember that it is not for real and you are out there alone... and no one can help you... /Aradd


For those that have visited the forum, knowns the reason for the delay with this update. However, now the update for The Maze, men with animal section, is online.
You can go and take a look if you use this button here:
Next update will be a artist update here in Ellgar. Information about this update will be added in the forum later this week. /Aradd