What's New in Ellgar


Now the rest of the comic update, for this time, is online. You can go and take a look here: . Thanx to Argon for his help. /Aradd


Thanx to Argon the misc western comic section is offline, both b/w and colour, and it will be reuploaded later. It was one comic that was missing from a earlier update, Monsterotica, and issue 1 & 2 is now online here:
As Argon added some links in the forum I stumbled over a better version of Lolita 1 and it is now online here:
This is not the real update for the comic section as the update there will be in the Japan comic section later. /Aradd


Time for a quick update! The comic section have being updated. One new comic in the Furry section, you can see it here:
Then there is a old comic made by Sieren. Fucknstones. You use this button to see one part of it: and this button for Pebbles weding:
Then I found some misc comic pages as I have not time to make a bigger check online, I just added them in a new section, you can use this button to go to the main index:
The updates in the comic section will continue as soon I have time for it! /Aradd


Time for another quick update. The artist section A-C and D-F is now updated. This is a update with only new artist with artwork added in The Maze. Thanx to Argon, it is now possible to move them to correct section here in Ellgar. But remember that if you have any more information about the artist in this update, or any other, that we are searching after, contact me. Thanx for your help. Now here is the button for the A - C section artists:
The new artists is on page 2 - 5 & 7.
Here is the button for the artist update in the D - F section:
The update is on page 2 & 5.
Updates will be done as soon I have time for it. /Aradd


I got a little time left over today so it is possible to make a small update, well, I noticed a error when I was working on this update so one artist was needed to remove as he is already in another section. However, thanx to Argon we start with a update in Machino Henmaru's section. Two drawings are added there:
Several drawings was made by Maris Comics and Argon have pointed them out so they are moved from The Maze to a own section for Maris Comics. Also travell buttons have being added for those that want to see the other comics from Maris Comics. Here is the button:
Maruke is another artist that was posted on a forum. I have no information about this artist, but you can see two drawings made by him here:
Noah Marugali is another artist without information and in his section is it only one drawing, you can see it here:
Argon find this artist information and his name is Oreteki. His drawing is now moved from The Maze to a own section. Also a link to Oreteki's website is added. Here is the button:
And this is the end of this small update. Bigger updates will follow as soon I have time to fix it. Have a nice summer! /Aradd


So, finally, another update. Sorry for the delay but I have much to do, well, as usually... I will start this update with some information:
I have a work for every travellers that is visiting Ellgar. Furronika have given permission to reupload his old archive here in Ellgar. This is the most complete collection of his artwork and several is in high resolution versions. Now for a long time ago, a friend to Furronika should post the artwork on his website and it was not done before a hard disk failure. Unlucky, some of Furronikas original artwork was on this hard disk and Furronika didn't have them himself. Lucky the drawings was sent to a few people by mail, but as Furronika don't have their mail addresses he don't know who they are. Now if you are travelling around internet, remember to see if you can get in contact with any that maybe can have those drawings.
The numbers is: 129, 141-144, 157, 172 & 173.
Here is the button to Furronika's archive:

Maybe it can be possible to make a update with some new drawings here in Ellgar later...

Now there is time for a update and this time it is only two artist that is updated:
Kagemusha Dai Gaijin have made one new drawing and it is now added in his section. You can see it by using this button here:
Then Huthro have done one new drawing and it is added in his section, you can take a look here:
Thanx to Argon, several artist have being moved from The Maze... Well, isn't it a litte unlucky that they find the way out? Anyway, that means that there is a lot of new artist that is needed to add here in Ellgar, some there is information about, others not. We start with:
Hmongt. He have a account on Deviantart, but as many other artist, this is the only drawing that can fit here in the Forgotten Empire. You can see it if you use this button here: Yes, I also like centaurs...
Inuiinuiinui Meisaikawaii was a artist that some drawings was posted on a forum. Thanx to Argon we now know his name and you can see his artwork if you use this button here:
J Binette is an artist with humor. I like that! You can see his drawings here: He was found thanx to Argon.
Another artist Argon found was Jakuhaienzeru. Also a link to a website. You can check his artwork if you use this button here:
Argon also found the artist Kappuku. But there is no more information about him. If you like MLP I am sure you want to see this:
Argon also found this artists: Kazuhiro, with no more information, you can see his artwork here:
Also anther artist without any information is added and his name is Kemonono. Only one drawing, but I think you will like it. Here is a button:
Kenkou Cross have also drawing that was in The Maze. Good that Argon find the  artist name. Well, you can use this button here:
Kora have only made one drawing, and this is also a MLP drawing. You can use the button here:
Lone Fox is a very well known artist. He have being for several years in Kandor. But he mostly done artwork that fits very well here in Ellgar so it is really time to add his artwork here. For those that also want to see his anthro horse artwork can use the teleporter button that is added to his section here in Ellgar. Now you can use this button and go and take a look:
This was the end of this update and next will be as soon I have time for it. So meantime, have a nice, very hot, summer... /Aradd


A quick update as this is the end of this month...
As preparation for a very big update, and a part of it is thanx to Argon, the CG Sets & Game Artwork section have being changed. I also found a CG set that was not added for a long time, so as a quick update I add it here today. Here is the button:
I shall also point out that Furronika have given permission to reupload his old archive so it is now online. /Aradd


So, time for a update. We shall start with the 'old' artists here. And first we have Chewtoy that have made 9 new drawings and I am sure that you want to see them, so here is the button:
The artist Frfr have not done any 'new' drawing, but Argon find one in The Maze that is made by him, so that drawing is now added in his section and you can check it here:
Extro have only one new drawing and I have replaced one old drawing with a little better version. You can check it in his section here:
Also Huthro have done a few new drawings and started a comic series. They are now added in his section and I know that you want to take a look, so just use this button here:
Then we have the new artist. Several of them is added here as they was before in The Maze. Thanx to Argon, now it is possible to add the artwork in the artist sections. However one artist is well know for his furry artwork and that is Alex Spastic, also teleporter buttons is added in Kondor and Kandor so it is easy to fast travel between the different places. Now you will only have a button for the artist index as it is 18 new artists.
Here is the button and I wish you luck: /Aradd


Well, Argon have already started to work in The Maze, but don't worry, many of the drawings there, will later be added in the correct artists section. But this time there is another update, and that is the game artwork section. The drawings there, was earlier in The Maze but thanx to Argon they are now moved to the new Misc Game Artwork section. You can check it here:
Next update will be the artist section A-C. /Aradd


The Maze is now updated. I use a software to check for duplicates on my harddisks but I have a feeling that sometimes this program is not working correct if you have a lot of pictures. I decided to upload some drawings and you can use the button here to take a look: Notice that in the woman section just use the latest addition button as there is only a small update in the equine section. /Aradd


You know if you have something, you should shear it with your friends and I got since last weekend I terrible cold. I decided to share it with Argon, so now he also have it. So don't say Black Unicorns is greedy!
This update is possible because of Argons hard work and for those that have following it in The Forum already knows that. I have added some things also, but mostly of the information is from Argon. Before you go and take a look there is a few things I shall point out; First, there is nothing more for the english japan comics to add. It seems that people that translate have problems to do it. Maybe they have not the time... or so...
The second thing to point out that this means problem, big problems:
Either there is needed to take a look at the men with animal comic section.
Or, a artist update in Ellgar. Both these works are not small. I shall see what I will start with and information will be added in The Forum.
Also it can be needed with a lesser update for The Maze here in Ellgar. So, now it is really time for you to get lost!


For those that have visited The Forum already knowns the reason for the long delay for the updates here in The Forgotten Empire. Unlucky it is needed to start the update with some very bad news:
Julius Zimmerman died in november the 4th 2017. He will be missed by many people and I hope it will be possible to make a special update here dedicated to him later this year. However for those that don't know Julius Zimmerman, but I think all of you already know him if you have being here in Ellgar before, well, notice that he have done at least 40 000 drawings and I am not sure how and/or when I shall got the time to check all this drawings. But I will do my very best.

So now to the update information: Argon have worked hard both in The Mazes here in The Forgotten Empire, but also in the comic section here in Ellgar. That means that it is time to add a very old DVD that I download for a long time ago. You need to use the button here:
and go and take a look yourself.
Next update will also be in the comic section, I hope it will be possible to do it soon. /Aradd