What's New in Ellgar

Part 2

I noticed some errors in the update...
Fapplejackoff section is now updated. One drawing have a larger filesize. And another drawing that was missed, is now added.
One artist, Flyger, was not added online, that is now fixed.
Frosted Fire Fly's section is completely replaced with high resolution versions of his artwork...
Then I also found a old story that some people thru the years have asked for. The writer Daedalus
made some stories for many years ago. Unlucky he is not us anylonger. That also reminds me the age of this website... For those that wanted to read this old story, from 2003, you can use this button here: /Aradd


Time for the last update for this year. The artist section E & F is now online and I hope you will find something you like. Notice that for Furronika's section it is only added 'changed' not updated. The reason is that it was not easy to resort his artwork and it is 11 years since the last update... Now I recommend that you go to the artist index and take a look yourself.
I wish you all a Happy New Year! /Aradd


Well... I hope you travellers here will enjoy the new S section that is now online. I also hope that some of you will see some new artist that you not have seeing before. Also 340m Sec is updated in the 0-9 section. It is not easy to update at the Forgotten Empire as many artist do not do this kind of artwork so often. As an example is 340m Sec. His last update was 8 years ago... Now, enjoy the show and here is the button to the artist section:


So back again... This time with a update for artist sections 0-9,
V & Z. Notice that the artist section X have no new artwork to add. You can use this button to go to the main artist index:
Next update will take some days and it will be the S section with around 80 artists. /Aradd


So, as the site is back online, it is really time for a update. As those of you that have being on the forum already known, I noticed a error in several artists artwork as they was not in the correct resolution. Here there is no filezise or resolution restrictions so of course it was needed to fix that. This means that this and the next update, will have a update with the artist that already is here in Ellgar. What? New artists? Yes, of course there is some new artist added also. I hope next update will be already tomorrow or so. If you have put on your seatbelt you can use this button to go the the updated version of section A: /Aradd


So time again... Now the artist sections A & Z is online. The button here, will only take you to the artist main index and from there... Well, you will be all alone. I wish you luck... /Aradd


Well, as the site have being down for several months we can now hope that it will be online. If so, the updates here will continue, of course. The new index in the artist section is one of the biggest changes that have ever being done here in The Forgotten Empire. It is not possible to add any specific update information here, so all travellers need to go and take a look themselfs. Now, you will be on your own and I wish you luck with your travels and here is the button: