What's New in Ellgar


Now the artist section N is online. I add this already now and information about the amount of artwork and so on, will be added as soon as possible. You can use this button and go and take a look: /Aradd


I decided to make this update in two parts. Now the sections that is already online resorted and updated. Thanx to Argon for his help as it takes much time to search for artists on internet. Also the correct amount of artist / artwork and so on is now updated. This time all buttons on the artist section will take you to the correct artist so just use the button here and go and take a look yourself:
Next update here in Ellgar will be artist section N. /Aradd


It is needed with a update in the artist sections here in Ellgar before we add someting new. Argon have found several artists websites and thanx to that, the update have being little bigger than it was mentioned from the beginning. Thanx to Argon for his help and I shall point out that when I started this site, for 23 years ago, the idéa was to only have artist that I was searching for but before the site was launched, I send some mails to artists and got their permission to have artwork made by them here. Now I suggest that you fix a very big cup of coffee and use this button here:


It was a very big work to get the artist section M here in Ellgar online. I will not add the correct amount of drawings yet as I noticed that it is some drawings that is of topic for this section and they will be sorted out. So notice that if you want to have the of topic drawings, you need to take a tour and download the in the nearest time. Next update will be section N here in Ellgar. I also think it will be needed for a update in the sections that are online already. Also notice that teleporter buttons and other things is not working, that will be fixed when the most of this large work is done. In the Forgotten Empire there is other kind of dangerous things, but in our world we have Covid-19 so be very careful. /Aradd


I read a notice that Klaus Doberman couldn't upload one of his new drawings on FurAffinity and to give some help, I send him a pm about to add his drawing here in Ellgar. That could have being a easy fix, if the artist section K was online. Now it wasn't that so it have taken some time to fix this as some resorting work must be done. I hope you will enjoy the new artist section K with 67 artists and mostly of them you will not find at FurAffinity. Here is the button: /Aradd


So time for a update. We shall start to take a look at Hooves. He have done little over 200 stories and some of them is here in Ellgar. I noticed that 3 stories that could be here, was missing. They are now added and you can take a look here:
As usually these days the update in the artist section is to big to add all links here, you need to go on your own. So be brave and remember that your mother can not help you this time. Here is the link and also notice the new artist section H is now online: /Aradd


Now the artist section P is online. 251 artist is there and I hope you will find something you like...
Use this button if you are brave enough... /Aradd


Time for the artist section I to go online. I do not have time to add the information how many artist and drawings that it is in the I section. I will fix this as soon as possible. Also notice that the button to tumblr on the main index is removed. Today nearly no one uses that kind of sites anymore so it is no idéa to use it myself either. Well here is the button to the I section. /Aradd


So first update for 2020... It is needed to make a update to the artists sections that are already online, before I add some more. The button will take you to the artist index and from there, you will be on your own as your mom was not brave enough to enter Ellgar... /Aradd