What's New in Ellgar


Yes, time for a new update. Well, now you will get the artist sections 0-9, X & Z online. Notice that the artist Zhean Li's section is a complete reconstructed. I haven't add the drawings with the new tag as it was a mess to fix and some are new, others, well, they are not new... Also the Animal Attack series Pig, is renamed to Boar, as I think everyone can see that it is not a pig in that serie. For those that have very good memory and only want the see the new artwork, all lates additions buttons on the main artist section will get you there. But now I don't want you to stay here anylonger, so use this button now:
Well it will be a add on update as Argon send me some links and when checking them, it seems that the artist Miltea is correct but not the name Xration. That is now fixed and the artist Miltea's section is updated. Use this button here: /Aradd


Well, now it is time for the artist section K to be online. Put on your seatbelt and use this button here:
Argon is back again and that is very good. He find two uncensored versions of Angelauxes drawings. I have added a version with text, but it wasn't uncensored, I have fixed that. You can see it here:
As Argon is back, we of course, need to make a update in The Maze. But now the newest drawings is added in a own section. You can see it here:
Argon add a note in The Forum that the artist Antarctic Coral and Akr is not the same artist. That is correct and Antarctic Coral's section is cleaned out and a correct link on pixiv is added.
Akr will be added soon, that will be a update it count more that a bug fix. Thanx to Argon for his help.
Information about the next update in The Forgotten Empire, will be added in The Forum. /Aradd


Now it is time for artist section S! Now the sections with artist that, for a very long time ago, did some fan art with my character, The Black Unicorn.
The artist section S have 100 artist and I hope you will find something you like. Here is the button: /Aradd


Well, at last... This update took much longer time and it should take, but the
reason is that I decided to also update some of the sections that already is online.
But we shall start with the section A and there we find Amad No Moto. I am sure you want to see the new drawings and to that, just use the button here:
In section A we also have Asuka Kurehito - Otiherukakusa...
Well his section is now very big with 256 drawings... You will for sure get lost, but that is your problem. To do it, use the button here:
Section F is now online, but the updates and new artist there is not so many, so I will show you. We start with Fang Asian, and there is four new drawings in his section. You can use this button here:
I must say that it is very cool when we can add artist for old times, very old times... Franz von Stuck died 1928 but now he is here in Ellgar! I hope he will like it. Use this button here:
Furronika is a very well know artist and he have being here since the site started 1997. He have now doing some AI artwork, maybe as he like to test it: Furronika is very good at both 3D & 2D artwork so why not AI?! He mentioned that he will still do 2D artwork and from my point of view it is better. But now go and take a look at this:
Faeki is a new artist and I think you should take a closer look at his artwork. Well, unlucky there is not so many. Yse this button here:
The artist Fukidamari have only done one drawing that fits here in Ellgar, but if you like centaurs, this is something for you:
In section I we have one new artist. Idobata Hp and he is doing very good artwork, even as it is only four drawings... Well, go and take a look before you got to old...
In section M there is also some updates. Mazda K have some drawings, I think they are replaced with this high resolution versions. Go and take a look:
I like high resolution! For Meru Nyaa there is the same thing. His artwork serie 68989160 have being updated with high resolution versions. Go and take a look here:
MK 4 have done some new drawing and they are of course in his section. You can go and take a look here: Also don't miss MK4's drawings in Kandor.
Mosha did one new drawing, that means that his section is 100% bigger...
Welll, go and take a look here:
Well, the section G is online. The update there is to big to add information about here so you will only get the button to go there. Section F & G is online as the artist Filly Foal & the artist Gabriel Logan did some fan art for a long time ago with my character The Black Unicorn.
Also don't miss the update in Kandor today. /Aradd


Now the artist section M is online. It was a little lesser work an usually as the section M was one of the sections that was updated before weranimal.net was closing down. But there is a lot of new and updated contents there. Go and take a look:

I was also working with a update with the writer Hooves in the library when The Forgotten Empire got offline. Now Hooves story section have being updated and fixed. Go and take a look here:
The artist Ion's section was not correct. A update is made and some drawings is replaced with higher resolution versions. You can go to Ion's section if you just use this button here:

Also some other errors is fixed in the library section and the orther artist sections. I noticed that my software that check that all links are correct, don't like the new server. That makes some problem, I hope it will be possible to fix it later. /Aradd


Time for a new update. This time the artist section I & J is added online.
In artist section I you will find the artist Isprecolen that made some fan art to me in november 2004 and in the artist section J you will find the artist Jes that made some fan art of the Black unicorn in 2005. Yes, many years ago, but The Forgotten Empire have being online for many years. The update is dedicated to these two artist but of course you will find many new and updated artist if you go to the artist index. Just use the button here:
What artist sections will be update next? Well, information about that will be added in The Forum. You will find the link to that on the main index section for The Forgotten Empire. /Aradd


Better late than ever... It was a annoying error when this update should go online. It seems that it is unlimited server space but not if you want to add png, gif, jpg or movie files. What in that case you should have the unlimited server space for, I don't know. That is now fixed and we start with the artist section A. The reason for it is that some artist there, Aeryn, Aldergames and Anaktis did some fan artwork with the Black Unicorn for many years ago... Now use this button and I hope you will see something you like: /Aradd