Commissions are done on a first come, first serve basis and take approximately 3 to 5 days to produce depending on size, coloring, and update turnarounds.

As the picture progresses through stages of completion (sketching to inking to coloring and so on), the pictures will be scanned and e-mailed to the customer in order to confirm or to make changes to the final image.

All requests and poses will be considered. All characters in pictures of an adult nature must be considered to be 18 years of age or older, and no childlike characters will be put in situations of a sexual nature.

If an adult picture is requested, an age statement signifying that the purchaser is 18 years of age or older and is legally able to purchase pictures of an adult nature shall be required.

Wolfie's Pack Productions assumes no responsibility for damages to the customer from the purchase of art of an erotic nature and it is the purchasers responsibility to be aware of  local ordinances and social mores in the purchasing, displaying and enjoyment of art of this nature.

PRICES  (3 Character Max.  All amounts are in U.S. Dollars

8.5 x 11 Black and White..............$25  
8.5 x 11 B&W, Matted..................$30
8.5 x 11 Color........................$35
8.5 x 11 Color,Matted.................$40
11 x 14 Black and White...............$35
11 x 14 B&W, Matted...................$40
11 x 14 Color.........................$50
11 x 14 Color, Matted.................$55


PRICES  (3 Character Max.  All amounts are in U.S. Dollars)

8.5 x 11 Black and White..............$35  
8.5 x 11 B&W, Matted..................$40
8.5 x 11 Color........................$45
8.5 x 11 Color,Matted.................$50
11 x 14 Black and White...............$45
11 x 14 B&W, Matted...................$50
11 x 14 Color.........................$60
11 x 14 Color, Matted.................$65

Larger and smaller sizes negotiable (i.e., poster size or con-badge)

Pics with 4 or more characters, minimum size 11 x 14 - $15 per b&w character - $20 per color character. Add $5 for matting.

Prints of many of the displayed works here are available directly from Wolfie's Pack Productions for $5 each, including shipping and handling charges. E-mail for availability and shipping options.

For art commissions, freelance work, or pricing information questions, e-mail yours truly, Wolfie, at All pics, poses and forms considered.