The following is the Physical and slight Background descriptions of WindTide aka Brunhilda McEqqus, especially written for those who may want to do either fan art or fan fics on her. Remember, she's copyrighted to Stanley L. Alston, Jr. © 2009:

Real Name: Brunhilda ‘Brunne’ McEqqus

Birthplace: San Jose, California
Present Place of Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Race: Horse
Gender: F
Age: 21
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Brunne (Graduate Student); WindTide (Superheroine)
Known Relatives: James (Father); Eva (Mother); Hans Pferd (Uncle, Eva’s and Katherina’s Older Brother, General, Engineer, German Army); Katherina (Aunt, Eva’s and Hans’ Younger Sister, Head of the North American Branch of Pferd Motor Company and Germania); Helga (Grandmother, Head of the Board of Directors, Pferd Motor Company), Edward (Uncle, James’ Younger Brother), Helen (Aunt, James’ Younger Sister), Maria (Aunt, Hans’ Wife); Edith (Aunt, Edward’s Wife), Jacob (Uncle, Helen’s Husband), Robert, Thomas, Edith, Fritz, Helga II, Maria, Jr., Peter and Marian (Cousins); Edward (Boyfriend)
Group Affiliation(s): Brunne (Graduate School, University of Pennsylvania), WindTide (None)
Height: 6’5”
Weight: 260 lbs
Measurements: 38DD (Bust) - 26 (Waist) - 38 (Hips)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Chestnut (Red)
Fur: Lt. Brown

Brief History: Brunhilda is the only child of James and Eva McEqqus, a couple of equines who work in both the porn industry, mainly at DoeMare Productions, where Eva is the company’s co-owner, as well as its Chief Financial Officer, and in the wrestling ring, as a pair of wrestlers at the Western California Alliance Wrestling, where Eva is both the league’s founder and its present President. Being a very energetic, naturally strong, and somewhat mischievous young mare, her parents decided to divert her energies into sport at a very early age. Starting first with Baseball, Brunhilda, or Brunne for short, very quickly became interested in several different kind of athletic activities, including Basketball, Swimming, Soccer, Track and Field, mainly in running events, and some Gymnastics, in fact being sent to several Basketball and Baseball training camps during alternate summers starting at the age of seven. Her mother taught her several wrestling moves, mainly for self-defense purposes, after Brunne had reached the age of ten, before her mother had her placed in a martial arts school of a friend of hers when Brunne had reached her late pre-teens, mainly to help with her body’s coordination when her body began to develop. In high school, she would become the captain of her high school, San Jose Senior High School, baseball and basketball teams, leading the later to a pair of state championships during her junior and senior years.
Also being a very intelligent girl, Brunne got very high marks in school. She was especially interested in classes that were related to history, math and science, while she became very well versed in German, Gaelic, thanks to both of her parents, French, Italian, Spanish, and a little Japanese, as well as her native English. She also developed an interest in the paranormal, but as a skeptic, becoming a member of the Skeptic Society at a young age, and in fact, along with a few of her local friends, help solved several local paranormal occurrences, proving them to be nothing more than hoaxes, with most of them being perpetrated by criminals. The young mare was also highly respected in her part of the city, being seen as the leader of the kids that live in her neighborhood. Brunne graduated from San Jose Senior High School with high honors, while accepting a basketball scholarship from the University of Pennsylvania, where she plans to graduate with a B.A. in Modern European History.
While taking courses at the University of Pennsylvania, Brunne would spend her weekends with her aunt, Katherina Pferd, presently the head of foreign sales for Pferd Motors, who is secretly the German National Heroine, Germania, something that Brunne has known since she was a little filly, and has so far been able to keep a secret, when she wasn’t involved in practice sessions with either the University’s Women’s Basketball team, which she was made the team’s captain towards the end of her junior year, or the Baseball team, or studying for exams. Brunne took courses that would lead her to eventually graduate from Penn with a B.A. in European History, as she holds an overall GPA of 3.65, and is presently, in her last year of eligibility, fielding offers from several WBA and NBA teams, as well as offers from a couple of major league baseball teams, along with having applied to several graduate degree programs in history in case she decides to forgo a career as either a professional basketball or baseball player.
Towards the end of the winter semester of her senior year at Penn, Penn’s Women’s Basketball team was sent to Colmaton, California, to play an exhibition game with Union University’s Women’s team. Penn’s team would arrive during the weekend that the local unregistered superheroine Lady Liberty was implicated in the murder of the head of the Berlin, Germany, branch of BoS, Major Panzer (whom it would eventually be revealed to have turned rogue years earlier and to have been killed by another party while he was going after LL to retrieve information from her dealing with an earlier case in Bolivia). During the team’s first night at the local Savannah Hotel, Brunne’s super powers would activate when she was almost swept down the hall by a sort of freakish wind (actually Crimson Cur, who was at that moment secretly leaving the hotel using her super speed) as she was planning to buy herself a can of soda from a vending machine. It wouldn’t be until the following day, after a group of bounty hunters had been prevented from undressing her and several other members of the basketball team, and the cheerleading squad, who had all decided to spend some time inside the hotel’s pool as most of the city had been shut down because of the repercussions from the bounty that had been placed on Lady Liberty’s head by the now late mayor of the city of Colmaton, that Brunne even noticed that there was anything different about herself. Or rather it had been noticed by her best friend Cathy Smelt, the head of the cheerleading squad, and Megan Nundah, one of her teammates, who had both noticed that her body wasn’t dripping water after she had left the pool. Quickly pretending to be sick, she allowed them to take her back to her and Cathy’s hotel room. After exiting the elevator, the trio quickly noticed the deep groves that Brunne’s fingers had left in the wall next to the vending machine to keep herself from being blown towards the wall. Then, inside the hotel room, the others, as they were all trying to figure out what was going on with Brunne, watched her discover that she could fly. As this was going on, the magical heroine Super Genie, appeared before them, soon offering to help Brunne discover her powers as well as to help teach her how to properly use them. After thinking it over, the young mare quickly accepted the older heroine’s offer, just moments before she and the other two found themselves transported by Super Genie into another dimension.
While they were in that dimension, Brunne and the others quickly learn why her body had not been dripping water earlier, as her body has actually been absorbing the water from the pool through her pores. Moments later, after Brunne had mentally corrected things so that her body could once again release water, they then discovered why her body had been absorbing the pool water in the first place; after revealing that she was able to release some flames from her hands, Brunne showed that she could release water from both of her hooves, quickly followed by her showing them all that she could also release strong winds from her hooves, as well as being able to release water from one hoof and winds from the other. Once that, along with their earlier learning how strong she was, had been taken care of, Brunne was put through a couple of training exercises by Super Genie, with the help of Starlight, and her young daughter Dreamlight, where they eventually discovered that there was a limit to the amount of water that Brunne could actually release before she felt dehydrated, and had to solve it by drinking more water. But, before they could continue with her training, Super Genie’s evil ex-husband, Viccan, attacked, as he was trying to reenter the main dimension so that he could go after Lady Liberty and the two magical entities trapped inside her body so that he could drain their powers from within the mighty mare. Brunne’s quick plan of attacking the, at the time, big evil wolf’s feet while he was busy attacking the two adult females, caused him to fall down, which slowed Viccan down long enough so that he would eventually be defeated and then be sent back to Qward. But, his attack would make the other dimension unstable, and Brunne and her friends would be sent back to the home dimension, after she had decided upon a superhero name, her costume and how she would activate it, while she knew that she would eventually need to continue working on her developing powers. A few months after the Major Panzer incident was finally resolved and the true murderer revealed, Brunne would graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, while deciding to continue with her studies by taking up the M.A. in History degree program at Penn.
Brunne is a pretty, intelligent, friendly, quick witted, although at times stubborn, young Clydesdale mare. She has a very muscular build. As WindTide, Brunne has great physical strength, super endurance, flight, great agility and some super speed, as well as the ability to fire some flames from her both her hooves, as well as being able to perform both water and wind attacks. Among her attacks are mini and maximum tidal waves, water block(s), water ball(s), splash fist, manipulation of water (hard/soft), water shield, vertical /horizontal water twister, hot/cold twister, wind manipulation, wind blast and wind deflection, many of which she can use in combo attacks. Thanks to Super Genie she also have the ability to mentally communicate with other people. Brunne also has an added factor that she calls the Melody Affect, which, at times, will cause a male who is looking at her for too long to walk into an object. She is well-trained athlete thanks to her background in such sports as baseball and basketball, as well as being a trained runner. She is trained in hand-to-hand combat, as well as in such self-defense disciplines as boxing, wrestling and kickboxing, as well as being a trained martial artist in such disciplines as Judo, Muay Thai, Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Aikido. Brunne is also an excellent swimmer and horsewoman, as well as being well-trained in the use of various firearms. She has also been shown to be able to use someone else’s ego against them thanks to her uncle (on her father’s side of the family) who used to be a con artist. The young mare is also a well skilled strategist, thanks to her background as being the captain of both her high school and college basketball teams. Brunne’s WindTide costume consists of the following: A gold mask that covers half of her face, a zippered unitard, that is colored green in the middle surrounded by blue on both sides, a cape with the same color scheme as the unitard, a pair of elbow-length blue gloves, a pair of calf length flat boots that is colored blue on the outer side of each boot, and green on the inner side, and a golden utility belt. She also wears a white bra and white ‘granny’ panties under her costume. Within the utility belt, she carries, among other things, emergency money and food, handcuffs, a ‘pokédex’ style blackberry which contains information on every heroes and villains who presently exist, that was created for her own personal use by Super Genie (anyone else who tries to use it will only see a blank screen), a first aid kit, a collapsible baton, a multi-purpose digital camera, binoculars, several lock picks, a small flashlight, and industrial strength soap pellets and lotions for use against Thug. Among her friends are besides Cathy Smelt and Megan Nundah, who are the only non-supers, outside of her family, who knows that she is WindTide, are Georg Wolfgang, the original (reformed) Iron Cross, Germania, her aunt, Super Genie, Lady Liberty, Ranger, Scarlet Bow, who all act as her mentors, Ice Cat, Mega-Weasel, Bunn-E, Ursa Major, Helvetia, Britannia, Riding Hood (the reformed Iron Cross’ oldest daughter), Hildr (Iron Cross’ oldest granddaughter), Dreamlight, Blue Cross, Crimson Cur, Lone Wolf and Ms. Glory, with the later six being heroines around Brunne’s age. WindTide’s enemies include WarMare, the slightly older Clydesdale mare who is illegally using one of her mother’s ring personas to commit crimes, which ticks off both her, her mother and her aunt, for different reasons, Thug, Supercharger, Heatmaster, Fenris, Doughboy, Black Knight, Zeal Marx, Clown King, the Gray Flies and their sister Dottie, Bruiser, Dark Cat, the super powered Terrorist Group, Allah’s Path, and their leader Malmud, Angry Bear, Hansel and Gretel, Ego-Maniac, a male unicorn, who uses his powers to help stroke other people’s egos, getting them to commit crimes for him before they realize what they are doing, who also wants to bed the young mare and make her his wife, and Brick the Slammer, a female serval, who is an ex-wrestler and an expert in Tae Kwon Do, who became a criminal after being kicked out of wrestling for being too aggressive with her ring opponents, as well as regular criminals, terrorists, drug dealers, gang members and the Philadelphia branch of the mob. She also keeps an eye out for Mr. Bordick, the leonine businessman, who tends to be on the prowl to bed the female supers for his own enjoyment and Tom Matthews, the perv newsman who tries to show female supers literally with their pants down on his show, which Brunne personally hates with a passion.

Also: No changing of WindTide’s appearance as either WindTide or Brunhilda McEqqus.