Germania aka Katherina Pferd

The following is the Physical and slight Background descriptions of Germania aka Katherina Pferd, especially written for those who may want to do either fan art or fan fics on her. Remember, she's copyrighted to Stanley L. Alston, Jr. © 2008:


Real Name: Katherina Pferd

Birthplace: Cologne, Germany

Present Place of Residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Race: Horse Katherina (Rhenish/Hanoverian); Germania (South German Heavy Horse)

Gender: F

Age: 47

Marital Status: Single

Occupation: Katherina (President in charge of foreign sales, Pferd Motor Company); Germania (Superheroine)

Known Relatives: Leonardo Pferd (Father, Deceased); Helga (Mother); Hans (Older Brother, General, Engineer, German Army); Eva (Twin sister); James McEqqus (Brother-in-Law); Maria (Sister-in-Law); Brunhilda, Fritz, Helga II and Maria, Jr. (Nephew and Nieces)

Group Affiliation(s): Katherina (Pferd Motor Company); Germania (German Army (Major, Reservist)); Abwehr (Legal Operative); German Government (Arresting Power); Knights of Avalon, former Reserve Member)

Height: 6’3” (Katherina); 6’11” (Germania)

Weight: 155 lbs (Katherina); 280 lbs (Germania (all muscles))

Measurements: 38C (Bust) - 28 (Waist) - 40 (Hips) (Katherina)

43D (Bust) - 38 (Waist) - 45 (Hips) (Germania)

Eyes: Brown (Katherina); Blue (Germania)

Hair: Chestnut (Red) (Katherina); Blonde (Germania)

Fur: Brown (Katherina); Grey (Germania)

Brief History: Katherina: Katherina is the second of a pair of twin sisters, by several seconds, and the youngest of three children of Leonardo and Helga Pferd. Like her older siblings, she would grow up in the lap of luxury as her late father, the son of a former count, was the son of the owner, and later the actual owner, of one of the largest automobile makers of post-war West Germany. While this would bore and alienate her older twin Eva, Katherina would enjoy it. It was mainly because it would allow her to get involved in such activities as ballet dancing, dancing, fencing, horseback riding, skiing, skating, playing the piano, swimming (Eva is the better swimmer of the two sisters), learning such self-defense techniques as karate and judo and general exercising, as well as being taught the social skills needed to get along within high society. After graduating from the Gymnasium (High School in Germany) in Cologne with a 3.6 GPA, she would continue her higher education studies at a local university, majoring in business administration, as she planned on eventually helping her father to run the family business, Pferd Motor Company. After three years of hard course work, Katherina would eventually graduate from the university, also with a 3.6 GPA. After a short internship at the company’s automobile assembly plant near Munich, where she would work as the administrative assistant to the plant’s manager, she would be sent to the Wharton Business School in the United States to help further her business education. She would eventually graduate from the school with high honors, with her thesis being on the history of the German Automobile Industry before the start of the Third Reich. After graduation, she would be called back to West Germany, to help with the setting up of a new branch in West Berlin, this one involving the selling of the company’s cars within the Warsaw Pact countries and the Soviet Union, with a particular emphasis being placed on East Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia. She would be in West Berlin for six years, helping the branch grow, while seeing firsthand the final collapse of the East German regime and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Several months after seeing the wall being dismantled, she would be transferred back to the home office in Cologne, where she would be told that she was being sent to United States to become a member of the company’s North American branch, working in its foreign sales division. Reluctant at first to go to the US, she would eventually take the position, quickly seeing it as a challenge, as well as an opportunity to work on her English speaking skills. Working out of Philadelphia, she would quickly move up the division’s ranks, soon being made the V-P in charge of foreign sales for the American branch, and several years later being made the President in charge of foreign sales. She is presently the V-P in charge of foreign sales for the whole company, although still working out of the American branch’s Philadelphia headquarter.

Katherina is a pretty looking mare who is at the moment single. She is a very athletic-looking femme, who is well skilled in both horse- and swordsmanship, is a very good skater and skier and is an excellent swimmer. She is also very good at various kinds of self-defense techniques. Katherina is also a very good gymnast and knows how to use weights to help keep herself in excellent shape. Katherina is also very good at playing the piano, especially when it comes to anything that was written by either Mozart, Bach and his sons, Beethoven, Chopin and Shubert. She is also a very good conversationalist as well as a good listener. She can also be a little bit forward, although Germans are known to get directly to the point on things. Katherina can also be something of a practical joker, although the jokes she play tend to be harmless. She is willing to give people the benefit of the doubt, but she is not someone who can be taken in, so, if someone is trying to pull a fast one on her, she can tell almost immediately. She also doesn’t like males who tend to see women as either play things, or as some sort of trophy, instead of as equal partners. She won’t become a battleaxe over it, but she does have more subtle ways of making sure that such an individual is given his just desserts. Clothing-wise, she’ll dress as conservatively as possible, wearing only clothes that won’t make her look serious when she is involved with other people on business. But she will dress as sexily as possible, although in a conservative way, when she is either going out on a date, is appearing at some sort of social function or while she is on the beach. Lastly, Katherina is a very good, highly educated and trained, businesswoman, who believes in honesty in all of her business transactions, so she won’t be fooled if someone tries to interest her in a bad or unethical business deal. She’ll tell such a person from the start that her company won’t do any business with such an individual, as it is generally just bad for business.

Germania: Germania is the latest in a long line of German females who have adopted the name of the national heroine, with the previous one, unfortunately, fighting for the Nazis during the Second World War and disappearing at some point towards the end of the Battle for Berlin. The present day Germania would first appear inside East Berlin during the last months of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), when she helped protect several East Germans as they were escaping into West Berlin near the famous Checkpoint Charlie, while telling those who were trying to stop their escape that the days of their evil regime were numbered and that she was there to help bring it down, before finally disappearing. From that day, until the collapse of the East German government and the fall of the Berlin Wall at the hands of ordinary Germans, she would fight both the goons who supported the East German regime and the common criminal elements within both sections of Berlin, until the communist regime’s final fall from power. After the collapse of Communist East Germany, Germania would concentrate her time mainly fighting the city’s criminal elements who were determine to try and take advantage of the power vacuum left in the wake of the communist government’s collapse and before a more democratic form of government could take its place. The warmare would assist both the local authority and the West German government in accomplishing that, gaining their respect while also getting on the bad side of not only criminals and former communist sympathizers, but also of Neo-Nazis who, especially after the reunification of the two German states, wanted to create a Fourth Reich and would see her as a traitor to their way of thinking.

A short time after the completion of German reunification, Germania would suddenly appear in Philadelphia, stopping an attempted rape of a pair of female college students in the city’s University City section. When asked by a local reporter why she was in the city, Germania, with a friendly smile, simply told the reporter, in her highly German-accented English, that she couldn’t tell her why she was suddenly in the city, for her own personal reasons, but that since she was there, she plans on being in the city for a while, and that she plans on making the lives of those who prey on the weak there a living hell, no matter who they were. Within a year of her move into the city, she would gain the respect and admiration of not just the common citizens, but also local law enforcement and fire department and the city’s political leaders. (Which is also the main reason why the city government refuses to allow its local hero to be registered. It would be considered a slap in the face to Germania after all she has done for the city. Any suggestion brought to City Council’s attention is immediately tabled.) She has been watching over the city ever since, although occasionally returning to Germany, especially when asked by the German government for help.

The present Germania is a sexy looking mare, who is very muscular and athletic, who is presently endowed with both super strength and super speed. She is an excellent swordswoman, horsewoman and swimmer, as well as knowing how to use several different forms of martial arts, boxing, as well as how to use several kinds of wrestling style moves. Although strong, Germania is not invulnerable and can bleed like most people, but has instead a very quick recovery time. She has excellent stamina and can recover very quickly. She is a very intelligent female and is a good strategist, knowing how best to fight an opponent. The warmare has a good sense of humor, and tries not to take things too seriously, but she can get very nasty when the situation calls for it. She will never attack innocent people, especially children, but will become very piss at the criminals who do so. She can get especially pissed when someone either attack kids or tries to use them as shields. Very angry. She tends to get angry when certain males only see her as a sex object, although she mainly uses her wit to help bring down such a person. Germania is feared by the criminal element, but is especially hated by Neo-Nazis, as neither side likes the other, and Germania rather prefers it that way she since it will keep them from even contemplating about trying to convert her to their cause.

Germania wears a light metallic suit of armor which covers up most of her upper body and her right shoulder, a pair of woolen sweatbands, a woolen ‘kilt’ that covers up her groin area, a pair of black thigh-length boots which are covered by a pair of metallic leg guards and a pair of woolen leg warmers, a ruby-studded tiara on her head and a woolen cape that covers her back and rear, as well as a pair of black granny panties/trunks which she wears upon her rump, although it is well covered from view by both her cape and her long flowing tail. She owns the following weapons which she will use when the occasion calls for them: an enchanted shield that can stop anything up to a tactical nuclear bomb; an enchanted sword that will cut through anything with very little trouble; a short knife; a double-headed axe and a lance. Germania has a male pegasus named Krieg whom she uses for transportation, since she can’t fly herself. She also owns a large german shepherd dog named Blitz who she uses mainly to help her track down opponent via his excellent sense of smell. Anything else that she might need, Germania will carry inside a pouch that she has placed upon Krieg’s back.

Germania is a reserve officer of the German Army (Herr), trained as an Infantry Captain, as well as, by special arrangement with the German intelligence community, is a member of the Abwehr, the German secret service. She also represents the German government overseas as a special ambassador, which helps to give her diplomatic immunity whenever she has to go into another country to capture criminals.

Unlike other female supers, Germania has, in general, a very good relationship with the press, as well as the general public. Also, unlike other female supers, she has little reason to worry about herself being embarrassed over her public persona being exposed to the public. After one case early in her career, in which she was shown on television, wearing a one-piece pretzel-style bikini outfit that was partly torn near her chest, and trying to cover up one of her breasts so that her nipple would not be exposed to the cameras, and the controversy that it caused afterwards, she decided to tackle the problem head-on. First, she got in touch with the German branch of Playboy Magazine and agreed to do a nude spread for them, but only on the following conditions: 1) the nudes needed to be very tasteful in nature; 2) the photographer must be a professional at his or her job and agreed not to use or sell the pictures for any reasons; 3) they would have to agree to be the only ones to distribute the pictures and that no one else would ever be allowed to use them without their express written permission; and 4) that all the monies made from the sales would be given over to charity. The German Playboy happily agreed to the deal, soon after the success of the first photo shoot becoming the only one authorized to publish and sells any ‘nude’ pictures that Germania would allow to have done of her. She also went and got a lawyer who would help to get her name trademarked and make the trademark so bulletproof that anyone trying to sell to a third party or use a picture that was taken of her without either her permission or that of German Playboy would gets their pants sued off in every court in the world for breaking her trademark. It has so far worked like a charm as almost everyone who has tried to sell unauthorized photos of her, once they have been discovered, have had their asses handed to them in court by either her own lawyer, or by the lawyers working for the German Playboy. Also, she allows only one official website on the net to sell authorized pictures of her, while that same site will allow fan groups dedicated to her to upload authorized pictures of her. Anyone else gets a visit from the lawyer and a shutdown of their illegal site. When asked about it, she said, mater-of-factly, “Look, try as ich might, ich am ne goink to haff der time to chase after every little punk vho think dat dey haff der right to publish nude pictures of me. Better to just simply control der access und let der vorst offenders get hit vere dey live, im deir pocketbook. It should make most off dem dink twice before doink it again.”

Germania has only two major nemesis. One is the Fenris, a super strong she-wolf who for some reason thinks that she is one of Odin’s Valkeyries. The other is a super powered male bear who goes under the name of the Angry Bear, who is a Neo-Nazi, who would just love to kill Germania to show his contempt for the present democratic ideals that the present one represents. Most of her other adversaries has been mainly ordinary criminals and other assorted lowlife. Among her friends are Mega Weasel, the Philadelphia-based Native American shaman; Bunn-E, a lapin doe with a metallic punch; Speed Demon, the super fast lapin buck who is a fellow German superfur who is now retired; Captain Phyllis Afghan, an afghan female, who is an officer of the Philadelphia Police Department; Fire Captain Peter Ursine, a male brown bear, of the Philadelphia Fire Department; her chauffer (or rather Katherina’s chauffer), Otto; and Lady Liberty.

Also: No changing of Germania’s appearance as either Germania or Katherina Pferd.