The following is the Physical and slight Background descriptions of War Maiden II aka Bertha Braun, especially written for those who may want to do either fan art or fan fics on her. Remember, she's copyrighted to Stanley L. Alston, Jr. © 2013:

War Maiden
Real Name: Bertha ‘Bertie’ Braun
created by
Stanley L. Alston Jr

Birthplace: Quincy, Massachusetts
Present Place of Residence: Atlantic City, NJ, USA
Race: Horse
Gender: F
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Bertha (FBI Special Agent); War Maiden II (Superheroine)
Known Relatives: Heinrich (Father, FBI Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, Boston office), Greta (Mother, Teacher, History Department, Harvard University), Heinrich, Jr. (Older Brother, Major, US Army, Military Intelligence), Gertrude (Twin Sister, FBI Special Agent); Alfred (Younger Brother, Graduate Student, Columbia Law School), Katherine (Younger Sister, High School Student); Bertha (Aunt, Greta’s Younger Sister), Alfred (Uncle, Greta’s Husband), Frederick (Older Cousin, FBI Special Agent, Philadelphia branch), Mary (Young Cousin, Lieutenant, US Army, Helicopter Pilot), Catherine (Younger Cousin, Undergraduate Student, Princeton University, Queen of Prussia/Superheroine); Twelfth Germania (Great-Great-Grandmother, Officer, Prussian, later German Imperial Amy, War Hero, Superheroine, German National Heroine); Esmeralda Ellsworth, née Grunzen (Grandmother, War Maiden I)
Group Affiliation(s): Bertha (FBI), War Maiden II (None)
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 230 lbs
Measurements: 35DD (Bust) - 24 (Waist) - 36 (Hips)
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Blonde
Fur: Light Grey

Brief History: The youngest of a pair of twin daughters, and the third oldest child of Heinrich Braun, a senior FBI Special Agent in the bureau’s Boston office, and Greta Braun, a Professor of Modern History at Harvard University, Bertha is the direct descendant, through her mother, of the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Germanias, as well as the original War Maiden, who was an active heroine in the United States from the mid-30s to the early-60s. Like her four siblings, Bertha had known since childhood about her family’s heroic traditions, since her great-great-great-great-grandmother was originally named the Tenth Germania by Frederick the Great, the then King of Prussia, after Prussia’s quick capture of the Electorate of Saxony at the start of the Seven Years’ War. Bertha would grow up wondering if she would have super powers like her ancestors, while at the same time following the exploits of her father, who had started out as a FBI Special Agent in the Boston Office, before becoming an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in that same office by the time that both she and Gertrude had entered high school. By then, she would have had very good grades in school, while being active in the Girl Scouts, eventually becoming a Cadette in her scout troop, as well as participating in her junior high school’s Girls’ Soccer and Basketball teams. She would also take a few martial art courses, mostly in Karate, Muay Thai and Judo. As both she, and her twin sister, Gertrude, were entering high school, the two sisters decided to continue with their education, by first going to college and then going on to law school, before joining the FBI, like their father. Bertha would also show an interest in drawing, doing it mostly as a way to stay calm, like her twin sister would do through her own interest in photography, an interest that would be encouraged by her parents.
It would be during her first year in high school that her powers would finally kick in, as Bertha was involved in a soccer game, acting as her team’s goalie. As she was trying to block a goal attempt that was kicked into the air, and to her right, she thought that she could feel herself flying into the air, before she felt her hand batting the ball away, keeping it from entering the goal. This would happen a few more times during the game, with one of them being of her hitting the ball away rather hard. When Bertha mentioned it to her sister as the two were heading home, she saw her older twin looking to both sides of the school bus that they were on, before she finally whispered to her that she needed to show her something when they got home, which made her curious, although she agreed to wait. After the twin sisters had gone into their family’s home, she asked Gertrude what she had wanted to show her, as she closed the door behind her. It would only be when she had turned her head that Bertha would see what Gertrude was being so secretive about: she saw her ‘older’ sister floating in the living room. Bertha then heard her sister tell her that her own powers had kicked in a few weeks earlier, but that she had decided to keep it a secret as she wasn’t sure if the same thing had happened to her or not, and from what she had seen occurred on the soccer field, it was quite obvious that her powers were indeed kicking in. The young filly, as she continued to look at her twin sister, decided to see if she could fly as well, so Bertha started to concentrate and she soon found herself floating in the air, just like her older twin, Gertrude. It would be not too long after this that the two sisters decided to tell their mother, Greta, about this, by showing the older mare that they could both fly, when she came home from work. After this, they both asked her if she had any suggestion about what they should do to control their powers. When the sisters asked her their question, she suggested that they both talk with her mother, Esmeralda, who was the original War Maiden, about it, which the two did that night. They spoke with their maternal grandmother that night, and after she had listened to them, she suggested to Bertha and Gertrude that the two of them should both come over to her house on weekends, so that she could teach her granddaughters the proper way to use their incoming powers. The sisters thought her suggestion over, before bringing it up with their parents, who, after some thought, both agreed to the idea. So, for the next several weekends, Bertha and Gertrude would go to Grandmother Esmeralda’s house near old Salem, and allowed her to show them both how to properly use their super powers. The two young fillies listened to and did everything that their grandmother told them to do, with Bertha being the more enthusiastic of the two sisters, especially when she taught them what she thought was the best ways to outthink an opponent, including those who had super powers that was more powerful then theirs. This would continue until their grandmother thought that she couldn’t teach them anything more, which would occur towards the end of the summer before their senior year in high school.
Not too long after they had finished their last training session with their maternal grandmother, Gertrude and Bertha, now in full control of their powers, talked to each other about what they were going to do with their powers. During their conversation, they both learned from each other that they both planned to go to college, then law school, before finally trying to join the bureau in their father’s footsteps. The two sisters also decided that neither of them would register with the BOS, and for the same reasons, which included them not thrusting that neither the BOS nor the government wouldn’t accidentally let known that they were related to the original War Maiden, making them targets for their grandmother’s still living enemies. They both also decided that they would wait until after they had at least graduated from college before deciding upon whether only one, or both of them, would follow in their grandmother Esmeralda’s footsteps, and become a heroine.
After the two had graduated from high school, with Gertrude having a 3.55 GPA and Bertha with a 3.75 GPA, the two mares went off to college, with the older one going to Harvard, while the younger one went to Yale, with the two mares going to both universities via scholarships. Bertha entered Yale University with a major in political science and a minor in art, while taking other courses that she knew would help her when she decided to go on to Law School. The young mare showed herself to be a very good student in all of her courses, especially in the law related courses that she took during her four years as an undergraduate. During those same four years, when she had free time, Bertha would work on her martial arts skills, as she took courses in Tae Kwon Do and Jujutsu, while at the same time she would secretly work upon improving her super powers. Bertha would also help keep the campus safe for her fellow students by secretly using her powers to stop mostly low-level crime, before anonymously calling campus security or the local police, as well as helping to keep small fires from becoming more serious. Bertha would finish her four years at Yale with a B.A. in Political Science, having a very high 3.85 GPA, before entering Yale’s Law School, planning for a J.D. in Constitutional Law. As she stayed at Yale, her sister graduated from Harvard with a B.A. in Economic, with a 3.75 GPA, before going on to Harvard Law School, working towards a J.D. in Corporate Law. While she was at Yale Law School, Bertha would spend her spare time working on her art, as well as continue working on her powers and to continue stopping low-level crime.
During the summer between their first and second year of Law School, both Bertha and her sister Gertrude told their father that they both wanted to follow in his footstep and become FBI agents, and they both needed to know what they would need to do to join the bureau. Although he was a bit taken aback by their telling him that they both wanted to join the bureau, he quickly told them what they needed to do if they were really serious about joining. The two mares told their dad that they were, before they followed their father’s advice during both that and the next couple of summers. The sisters applied to the FBI, while also passing their physicals with no trouble. As they waited to hear back on their applications to the bureau, the two sisters would finish Law School, with both of them finishing in the top 1 % at their respective schools. During the month before they were both to receive their J.D. degrees, the two heard back from the FBI on their applications, with them both being informed that they were being accepted, and that they were expected at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, once they had been given their clearance, and had both signed the non-disclosure form, which would occur during the week of their graduations from both New Haven, Ct. and Cambridge, Mass. While the two sisters were home, as they got ready to go to the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, to begin their training, Gertrude told Bertha that she had been thinking about what to do as far as her powers were concerned, and she told her that she had decided to not use her powers and to just become an FBI agent. Bertha was disappointed to hear her sister’s decision, but she was willing to accept it, especially after she had heard her twin tell her that she would be willing to offer her advice if things went wrong. The sisters then went off to Virginia for training. The two mares would go through the 21-weeks course with ease, with the two of them ending up near the top of their training class. Because of their high performance, several branches would request that the twins be posted to their offices, but they would end up being posted at the Atlantic City resident branch for the Newark, N.J. office, with the sisters arriving in Atlantic City early in July.
After their arrival in the city, and finding themselves a place to live, the two mares were introduced to their immediate supervisor, Special Agent Alice Lambert, a goat sow who was a 10-year veteran of the bureau, who had at one time worked in the Boston office, under their father, before being transferred to Atlantic City. During the rest of the month of July and the first two weeks of August, Bertha and Gertrude would spend their off time getting to know the layout of the city, including where its high crime areas were located, while Bertha would put together her costume, which would mainly consist of: a white face mask that covers most of her face; a red costume which covers her body, except for her shoulders, part of her cleavage and about the middle of her back; gold opera gloves; below-the-ankle, medium-heel black boots; and a white utility belt with a silver belt buckle which shows the outline of the old Prussian Eagle, paying homage to their great-great-grandmother (Twelfth Germania), her mother (Eleventh Germania) and her grandmother (Tenth Germania), as well as what she thought that she needed to carry inside the pouches of her utility belt. Once she had finished putting together her costume, and had put it on for the first time, the new War Maiden went out on her first patrol.
Things would be quiet her first time on patrol, until towards the end of it, when she caught sight of some fur breaking into someone’s home within the more fashionable part of the city. The young mare then went onto the ground, and after getting out of sight, she waited for the crock to exit the building with his loot, before attempting to stop him, while she made a call to the police to inform them that someone’s home have just been broken into. She did not have long to wait, ‘cause, almost as soon as she had finished informing the cops, the person who had broken into the house came out of it, carrying with him a loaded sack. War Maiden quickly exited her hiding place, telling the thief to surrender. The criminal instantly turned to face her, revealing himself to be Mountaineer, an old enemy of Helvetia, Wilhelm Tell and several of the Swiss Little Sisters, whom she knew, from FBI reports that she had read after arriving in AC, had broken out of the Swiss prison that he had been sent to earlier that year, before suddenly disappearing, thus making her shocked to find him in the U.S. The shock only lasted a couple of moments, as her powers kicked in, warning her that he was about to throw the sack that he was carrying at her. War Maiden instantly got out of the way of the thrown sack, before she started to fight him, as he tried to overpower her, being able to either block or counter every move that he made against her thanks to her tactical foresight power. When he tried to punch her face, War Maiden countered it, before she grabbed his arm and then quickly arm dragged him onto the ground, and then placed him into an arm bar, which soon forced him to give up. As soon as he did, War Maiden took a pair of handcuffs out of her utility belt, and snapped them on his wrists. As soon as she did, she heard sirens, telling her that the police were finally arriving. Once she did, War Maiden took to the air to leave, since she had no idea how the local police would react to a nonregistered super being the one to have stopped the bull. After she had found a place to hide to see what happened next, the mare watched as several police cars arrive, with the police officers soon taking away Mountineer, who was telling them that he had been stopped by a young mare in a red, gold, white and black costume, although the police didn’t listen to him. War Maiden watched the cars leave, before she continued with her patrol, in which she next stopped someone who was attempting a carjacking, ended a drug deal and then stopped someone who was under the influence of alcohol from driving over a couple of pedestrians with her car, before finally heading back to her apartment, soon listening to the news reports about her deeds, before going to bed. The second War Maiden wouldn’t come to public notice until the time of Hurricane Sandy, during which she would help save several local furs from drowning during the worst of the super storm.

War Maiden I: The original War Maiden was the fifth daughter and the eighth and final child of Albert von Grunzen, the second son and the fifth and final child of the twelfth Germania and her husband, and his wife, Fredericka, an American-born mare of German ancestry, whose family had originally moved to the then colony of Massachusetts in the late seventeenth century from the then Electorate of Saxony, settling in the Boston area. Her father, along with his older brother and his two older sisters, moved to the U.S. during the last decade of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth, with him moving in 1897, as he came to the U.S. to enter Harvard College, intending to receive a B.A. in Education. While at Harvard, he meet Fredericka, with whom he fell in love, and would marry in 1902, a year after he had graduated from Harvard, and after having found a job in nearby Quincy. Between 1902 and 1916, the two equines would have eight children, with Esmeralda, their youngest child, being the only one to show any powers, like her now dead grandmother, Germania, who had died two years before her birth, on the eve of the Great War in Europe. The war would cause problems for Albert and his kin, as the four siblings were German-born, although each of them have become American citizens within a year of the European powers going to war with each other, especially because of the wave of Anti-German bias that would grip the U.S. after it had declared War upon Imperial Germany in 1917. This would cause the two stallions to change their name, with both of them dropping the von from their name, before Albert was drafted into the U.S. Army late in 1917. The middle-aged stallion, who would receive the rank of Captain by the end of the war, would serve with distinction on the Western Front, being given both the Purple Heart and the Silver Star for his involvement in the Allied last major offensives against Germany in 1918, mainly acting as an interpreter at the HQ of his division, the 26th ‘Yankee’ Infantry Division, thanks to his being able to speak German. Albert would be part of the American occupation force in Germany, during which he would visit his baby sister and her family in 1920, the last time that he would see her before his death. Upon returning to the U.S. in early 1921, and after being mustered out of the army, the stallion would go back to his job, which was that of a school teacher, while watching his children grow up.
Esmeralda, who would be born in the early summer of 1916, would grow up in a loving household with her seven siblings, (four brothers and three sisters), while receiving a good education within the school system in Quincy, Mass., graduating near the top of her high school class. By the time of her graduation, three things had occurred; 1) the country was struck by the Great Depression in 1929, and although her father was able to hang on to his teaching job, he had lost most of the money that he had been saving over the years, as he had put it into stocks which would vanish when the investment company that had been handling his stocks went out of business, forcing his older children to find work in the Boston area, although one would eventually have to go to California to find employment; 2) the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, promising a New Deal which would get the country out of its present crisis; and 3) in between those two dates, of Esmeralda’s powers first appearing, as she was playing kick the can with a couple of her sibs, when, without warning, she kicked the can several miles before it finally landed, to the obvious surprise of both herself and her siblings. The three children quickly ran home, and when their father got home, Esmeralda told him about what had happened, with her two siblings confirming it. Not sure if he should believe her story or not, Albert gave her a candlestick, which he then asked her to bend. At first she was reluctant, as she knew that at the time the family couldn’t afford to buy a new one if she was able to bend it. After he had assured her, Esmeralda proceeded to bend it, without hurting herself. Alfred stood there in shock, before he asked her to see if she could bend it back, which she was able to do with little effort. After that had occurred, Albert called the children who were still living at the house, as well as his wife, and after asking them to keep what he was going to tell them all secret, he informed them that he was the son of the now dead Twelfth Germania, which would make her their grandmother, and thus the most logical reason for Esmeralda to be showing powers at that moment, although it didn’t explain why she was presently the only one of the children in the parts of the family that had moved to the U.S. (one of his older sister’s daughters had also developed powers, right as the Depression was starting, although she was keeping hers a secret as she was at the time in college.) After she and her siblings had heard his tale, he told her that for the moment she should keep what she was able to do a secret, until she had at least figured out what powers she had, and had learned how to control them. Esmeralda immediately thought about what her father had just told her, and the rest of her family, before telling him that she would keep what she could do a secret, at least until she was able to control it.
The young mare would thus spend her free time after school, both in junior high, and in high school, when she was not doing her homework, and during the summer months, finding out what her powers were, and learning how to control them. Esmeralda also spent what time she could taking several self-defense courses which she believed would complement her powers, including boxing, judo, karate, and Greco-roman wrestling, which would turn out to be flight, upper-level super strength, moderate super speed, high level stamina, a good healing factor, and lastly, the ability to turn matter into any weapon that she could think of. She would also become a very good swimmer and runner, as well as know how to fight with a sword, and to fire a pistol and rifle, by the time that she had graduated from high school in 1934, with a 3.25 GPA. Esmeralda would apply for and be accepted into Smith College, one of the Seven Sisters colleges for women, while she accepted a couple of scholarships that would help to pay for her education. Living on campus, and taking classes for an eventual BA in History, Esmeralda’s first year at Smith was mostly uneventful, as she continued with her training, between classes, while she tried to think up a costume to wear, if she ever did decide to become like one of the mystery people that she had lately been hearing about on the radio and in the newspapers. After a while, Esmeralda would come up with the following costume: a gold chain mail styled collared shirt, with a circular shield placed in the middle of the shirt that contains a pair of metallic grey cross swords inside a red background, a knee-length black skirt, red elbow-length gloves and below-the-knee-length mid-heel Prussian blue boots, as well as a red belt with a gold belt buckle. After putting her costume together, and then naming herself War Maiden, the young mare went on her first case, which would have her stopping a local gang of smugglers from trying to move through the small town where Smith is located, Northampton, Massachusetts, to Boston, some illegally made booze. This would turn out to be the first battle between her and the branch of the mob that was based in Boston, since the gang was moving the booze for the mob. But, she wouldn’t be noticed until later that same year, 1936, when she helped nip in the bud an attempt to assassinate the President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, while he was in that part of the state to make a campaign speech for his reelection. The young heroine would first learn about the assassination attempt when she foiled an attack that was being made on a couple of members of the Secret Service who were in the area to ferret out any possible local threats to the President’s well-being, during which she and the agents discovered that they were supposed to be replaced after the attack, and that one of the two agents’ replacements was supposed to kill the President while he was making his speech. But, when they tried to find out who they were working for, the assassins suddenly died from induced heart attacks. War Maiden then left the scene, saying that she would help make sure that the President made his speech, while stopping the person who wanted him dead. She would thus spend the next few days trying to find out who would want to kill the President, and how he or she was planning to do it. It wouldn’t be until the day before the speech was to be made that the young mare was able to find out where the assassin was planning to attack the President, although she was not able to find out who would be attempting the assassination. She passed this information on to the Secret Service agents, before she got herself ready to stop it.
On the day of the speech, War Maiden was hovering in the air near the area where the President was to make his speech, staying out of sight as she kept an eye on the place where the assassin was to make his strike. As Roosevelt began his speech, the young mare spotted someone inside the building that she had been looking at, getting ready to shot the President. She quickly flew into the building, and hit the would-be assassin from behind, disrupting his aim as she knocked him down, causing the shell that he had fire to miss Roosevelt, and hit a nearby building. As the Secret Service agents moved the President to safety, War Maiden looked at the person who had tried to kill Roosevelt, a male western dragon with black hair and brown scales, who was clothed in a dictator-style clothing which consisted of a cap, uniform, gloves and cape, all colored silver, along with black boots and a red utility belt. As she got into a defensive pose while she watched him get back up, War Maiden demanded that he surrender, as she was certain that his failed attack had attracted the attention of the Secret Service agents and that several agents should be arriving at any moment. Instead, the young mare heard the dragon release a loud snarl, as he looked at her, while declaring that he was going to make her pay for her interference. He then aimed one of his arms at her, which caused her to lift one of her eyebrows in confusion as she didn’t see him holding onto a weapon, before she saw a silver shell leave his arm, aimed right at her. War Maiden immediately flew into the air to avoid being hit by the fired shell, before she started to fly around the room as he fired several more shells at her, while telling her that she was going to be sorry for interfering with Silver Bullet. As she kept on flying to avoid being hit, War Maiden looked for something that she figured she could use to stop the dragon. The mare soon found a box that was a short distance from Silver Bullet. The mare flew towards the box, picked it up, and threw it at him. The dragon used one of his shells to destroy the box, but as he waited for the debris that it created to get out of his line of sight, War Maiden burst out of the debris, and started to smack him around for a while, although feeling him hit her a couple of times. Soon, she had gotten the upper hand, as she knocked him onto the floor, just as she heard some footsteps coming towards the room that they were in. The mare then looked at Silver Bullet, telling him that he was done, as she was sure that it was the Secret Service coming to take him in. The male dragon, after releasing a snarl, raised one of his hands, and fired a shell at one of the beans that was holding up the floor that was over the door, so that the boxes that were above it would fall onto the incoming agents. As she watched the shell hit the beam, War Maiden flew towards the beam, planning to grab it, to keep the floor from collapsing onto the now entering agents, while the dragon took the opportunity to get away. As she released an angry snort, she vowed that she would bring the dragon in to face justice. After the incident, War Maiden would meet the President in person, as he personally thanked her for saving his life, which would end up with her shaking his hand, a picture of which was taken, with the picture appearing in most national newspapers the next day.
The young mare would continue fighting crime from Northampton, as she continued going to Smith, until she finally graduated with first a BA in History and then an MA in Education, before she started to teach courses at the college, while fighting bad guys such as her main nemesis Silver Bullet, the first Boobytrap, Night and Fog, local gang members, and various members of the Boston Mob, along with corrupt politicians and police officers, which would include her helping both Queen Justice and Pirate Queen to stop Silver Bullet and Boobytrap from trying to disrupt train service along the ‘Northeast Corridor’ in 1940, until the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. She would spend the next several months helping to fight saboteurs, which would include her participating in the fight between several heroes and heroines and the Nazi Germania and some Nazi saboteurs in New York City in early 1942, before she decided to join the WAVES in late summer 1942, becoming an officer by the end of her training, before being transferred to the Boston Port of Embarkation. The mare would be a member of the WAVES from 1942 to late August 1946, working out of Boston, in which she would help move troops and supplies from that particular east coast port to the fighting fronts in North Africa and Europe, ending up with the rank of Lieutenant Commander when she’d resigned her commission. As she served in Boston, War Maiden spent part of her time fighting against local criminals and members of the Boston Mob who tried to take advantage of wartime shortages through the black market, as well as the occasional saboteur, as well as cooperating with several other heroes and heroines in a couple of still classified missions against the Nazis inside Europe near the end of the war. She would also fight with a number of supervillains, capturing several of them, especially Silver Bullet when he tried to assassinate new President Harry S. Truman, several days after he had returned from the Potsdam Conference in Germany. War Maiden also tried to stop the dragon when he was able to break out of prison a year after the assassination attempt, after he had been found guilty for his crimes, sentenced to be executed, but was unable to. After she had left the WAVES, Esmeralda went back to Smith College, to continue teaching courses in Education at the college, before she was offered a job teaching Education courses at Harvard in 1947, which she would accept, a job she would do until she retired in 1981, while being involved in a lot of solo adventures, as well as participating in cases with such fellow heroes as Sekhmet, the original Riding Hood, Phantom Ferret, the first Queen of Prussia, who was her older cousin Hilda, Medic Mouse, Battlestar, Hollandia, Pirate Queen, Helvetia, Britannia, Marianne, Calypso and Princess Hun, fighting such villains as Silver Bullet, Boobytrap, the first Master Clock, Night and Fog, the original Baron Plague and Dark Water. She would remain an active heroine until 1964, when she retired from active heroing, although the last time she would put on her costume would be in the late ‘70s. In 1948, she would marry Robert Ellsworth, a Shire of British descent whom she would meet during the war, in late 1943, as he was a junior grade officer in the 26th Infantry Division, while he was on leave visiting his sister, who was a member of her WAVES unit in Boston, before he was shipped out to France with the rest of his division, in late Summer 1944, before seeing action as a part of Patton’s Third Army, from October 1944 to the end of the war, participating in several battles, including the Bulge and the crossing of the Rhine River, while being among those who would liberate the Gusen concentration camp, thus witnessing first hand the results of the Nazis’ final solution. Ellsworth, who would be wounded twice in combat, would receive a couple of Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star, before leaving the army in Summer 1947, and after finally returning to the U.S., joining the FBI, being sent to the Boston bureau after completing training. The two would have five kids, three sons and two daughters, the youngest of which, Greta, would be the mother of Gertrude and Bertha, both of whom would gain superpowers through her.

Bertha is a pretty, intelligent, friendly, quick-witted, at times witty, and at other times sarcastic, young mare. As War Maiden II, Bertha has a muscular build. Her powers include flight, high-level super strength, moderate super speed, high agility, a rather strong endurance, a good healing factor, telekinesis, good hearing and eyesight, calculated strategic/tactical foresight, which gives her the ability to anticipate 7-9 times out of 10 what her opponent(s) next few moves will be and to figure out the best way to counter them, and lastly, concussion/explosive punch, which gives her the ability to throw a punch that is strong enough to knock out most opponents when her punch connects, while it help to weaken stronger opponents. War Maiden II is also a very good swimmer and runner, an expert on most modern weapons thanks to both her father and her training at the FBI academy, and an excellent hand-to-hand combatant. She is also highly trained in constitutional law, as well as a good artist, both of which have helped her solve cases as both an FBI agent and as War Maiden. She is well trained in such fighting disciplines as boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, karate, muay thai, kickboxing, tae kwon do, jujutsu, aikido and judo.
War Maiden II’s costume consists of a white face mask that covers the upper part of her face, a red outfit which covers her whole body, except for her shoulders, part of her cleavage and about the middle of her back, a pair of elbow-length gold opera gloves, two below-the-ankle, medium-heel black boots, and, lastly, a white utility belt with six pouches, a brown pistol holster on the left side of her utility belt which contained a Glock pistol and a silver belt buckle which contains in black the old Prussian Eagle, in homage to her ancestors, the Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Germanias. In the pouches, she contains such items as extra money, snack pouches, water bottles, flashlight, lock picks, a miniature tape recorder, small binoculars, miniature writing pad and pencils, a couple of clips plus extra rounds of ‘mercy bullets’ for her Glock, a few smoke/gas grenades, several zip ties and hand-cuffs, a cell phone, a small camera with memory stick(s), and a first aid kit.
Among her allies and friends are her twin sister, Gertrude, who have helped her both with her powers, although using them secretly, and without her powers, FBI Special Agent Alice Lambert, Slue-Foot Sue, Daniel Morgan, the present Germania, WindTide, Bunn-E, Mega-Weasel, Super Bunni, Mistress Draco, Ava Scent, Sky Squirrel, Sekhmet II, Britannia, Helvetia, Marianne, Fräulein Berne, Italia, Ursa Major, Mother Russia, Hollandia, Bo Peep II, Rising Sun, Patagonia, Queen of Prussia III (her cousin Catherina), Norge, Wilhelm Tell, Misty-DJ, Ms. Strike, Psyche and Starflare, Brown Lotus, Quiver, Ranger, Blauer Demoness, Perchta, Riding Hood II, Ice Cat, Polonia, Hildr, Iron Cross II, Medic Mouse, Morningstar, Lone Wolf, Phantom Frog and Calypso. Among her enemies are Mountaineer, the second and third Master Clock, Hansel and Gretel, Goldilocks and her three bears, Heat Master, Dark Cat, Ego-Maniac, Brick the Slammer, Lorelei, Fenris, Supercharger, Silver Rune (Ocelot), Dr. Geek (Gerbil), Cyren (Bear/Lioness and Ranger's Half-Sister), Wheelie (Pine Marten), Crosshairs, Iron Bolt, Smashing Rebel (Alligator), Lineman, King Creole, Devil Doe, Clown King and Top Dog.