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The Woodlands 2
The Broken Stallion - Grimora!

                             Grimora                            Atyr                              Rayen                            Delvar                     
                    (Grim - The Stallion)          (Fire Stallion)                    (Demifox)                      (The Stag)                  
                                      The Donkey  Father     The Donkey's Son 1    The Donkey's Son 2                                     

Message 15537
From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Thu Jan 6, 2005  11:45 pm
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The fire stallion's eyes glimmered before a bellow of laughter rocked his belly. "You
insinuating that I Atyr of Flame molest and take a turn at this slave of yours?" he chuckled
wipping a tear from his eye before resting a hand upon his foxfriend's head lightly scritching
behind his ears. "Nay... for he is unworthy to be seeded by even me..." he said with a sudden
hiss in his voice, "You arrogant impudence..." he growled lowly, "You never can keep your loins
under control can you... do you not think word of you mating my precious sister mare wouldn't
have reached my keen ears??" he smolted then spat on the cold hard floor, "Yes... Rose shall be
pregnant soon with YOUR child... and it is almost umberable to think that a such proud
arrogance as yourself dared to take away her frail flower..."

Message 15543

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:31 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grim's mind drifted back to sweet Rose... and how he's used a magical amulet to put her in
season so that he might have his way with her! Knowing of course that once she was with foal
she would have to could join his herd! Not that he cared one way or the other it had all been
to hulmilation Atyr his hated rival.

Message 15540

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:04 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He smirked at his friends reaction and smiled at the soft rubbing of his head. Never having
known the background of why this was happening he smirked as finally this secret was revealed
and he laughed. "Oh yes... that is a really bad thing to do slave..." he said grinning.

Message 15543

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:31 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Master please!" The helpless stallion begged, but it was of no use!

Message 15537

From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Thu Jan 6, 2005  11:45 pm
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The stallion of flame walked away before turning back, "No my dear carnivorus vulpine... he is
not fit to be a noble stallion... so... let us see how he fairs as a mare..." he grins as his
eyes blaze with fire as a mightly flame burns the midnight stallion's massive mightly cock and
testicles burning in pain as they are transformed shriveling up into nothing except a thick
velvety mare sex lips of hot flesh inside. A flame washes over Grim's chest as it grows filling
into a pair of nicely sized tits. Then with a mighty neigh the fire licks over his blackened
body fining our his masculine curves making them sleek and sexy and oh-so feminine.

Message 15543

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:31 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grim's big body withered and spasmed in pain as his male organ's were burnt away...vanishing to
ash. Only to be replaces by the tender delicate flesh of a mare's sex! "NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!"
He... now she screamed her voice going higher and higher as those male organ's were destroyed

Message 15537

From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Thu Jan 6, 2005  11:45 pm
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

With a smile Atyr opens his amber eyes with delight to see the mighty grim now a most beautiful
mare of a lushious youth... so soft and slender and thick in all the right places. "There
now... what say you to that my vulpine freind hmmm" he said with a wink.

Message 15543

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:31 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora shifted around on the ground her slender new body feeling light and tingling with
strange sensations.

Message 15540

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:04 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Watched in awe what his friend did to the stallion on the floor. He watched as the once mighty
stallion was transformed into a very beautiful and busty mare and his smirk grew even more as
he thought about all the things he could do with his new toy, the fox rubbing his paws and
wagging his tail. "Hmm a really nice idea my friend. I think this mare here will be very
satisfieing for me. Maybe I will bring her to your new herd and show her off to show them what
happened to their former leader"

Message 15543

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:31 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora's eye's widen in stark terror and ultimate ignominy she thought about begging the Fox
not to... but knew he would do whatever pleased him... and that she would do whatever pleased
him as well!

Message 15546

From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:48 am
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Thus is the curse Im place on you Grim, stallion of the midnight sky. You shall bear no
children for I shall seal your womb, this is the one drop of mercy I bestow upon your
suffering..." he said before turning around with a hiss "But if I catch wind that you have been
unfaithful to the demifox so help me I'll take away that barrier and have him breed you by the
litters!!!" Grinned before he ran his hand along the fox's belly scritching it lightly.

Message 15627

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  5:41 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora shook with terror at these pronouncments, for as a former male giving birth was her
greatest fear! "I shall be his good and faithful mare!" She promised knowing that now she
really had no choice!

Message 15546

From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  12:48 am
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"I assure you that as with any beast of the forest... there is only one way to please them and
that is to give them what they hunger for..." he said before grasping the black mare's hand and
guiding it to the long thick red shaft hanging between the fox's legs stroking it nice and slow
back and forth. "Your resistance will only make him angrier and thus more violent, if you let
him take what he wants there will be no need for TOO much abuse..." he chuckles before sitting
back."Now then... does your sex burn with need my sweet little mare? Don't worry it shall burn
much more in the future..." he smiled

Message 15627

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  5:41 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The ex-stallion qauked at the Atyr's words for a strange tingling and burning did fill her
feminine sex, then she caught his lewd meaning! It could only be one thing...she was in HEAT!
Quickly her big three fingered hand's took up the task Atyr had set for them. One fondling and
caressing the Fox's furry ball's while the other massaged his sheath and long thick red shaft
hanging from it.

Message 15618

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  4:45 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Rayen, the demifox, grinned at what Atyr said and when he moved the mare's paw to his cock and
made her stroke it he grinned and murred softly. "Oh, I think he.. no she will learn fast what
it means to be my toy. Total submission and obedience or feeling my claws, teeth or even some
of the nice devices on that wall" he said with a big smirk, waving his paw towards the whips,
canes, small daggers and more strange stuff on the wall. Then he looked at the mare and
grinned. "Why don't you demonstrate how to use your mouth, mare? Take my cock in your mouzzle
and suck it. And if my friend Atyr agrees then you will give him a nice pawjob too, and thank
him for what he has turned you into" he said as he slapped his cock over the mare's muzzle,
smearing the black fur with strings of foxy pre.

Message 15627

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  5:41 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Quickly her mouth dropped to the fox's hard organ and tho' as a stallion she had never pleasure
another male orally she began to lick and suck on the Fox's cock slutishly. In the past Grim
had both females and geldlings please him in this manner, desperately she struggled to remember
every way they had used. Sudden the Fox was chuckling with pleasure and thrusting his groin
against her suckling lip's. Grimora hoped the Fox had forgotten his other order, but suddenly
he pulled out of her mouth and frowned down at her. "Thank Atyr for what he has turned you
into!" Grimora looked up at her master then over at her old rival... "Th...Than...I...can not!"
She whimpered knowing this would earn her punishment...

Message 15640

From:  QM3 Deleon
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  8:12 pm
Subject:  RE: [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Atyr sighed and shook his mighty head, "Grim... I mean... Grimora... I am supprised at you, you
just dont get it do you... very well I have been merciful in vain..."he turned to the fox,
"Rayen go... do what you must, torment her and molest her but do NOT give her what she
wants..." he said getting comfortable, "Do you mind if my watch?" He smirked.

Message 15641

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Fri Jan 7, 2005  11:12 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

A shadow blacker than midnight slipped along the dark corridors. Finding the dungeon room
within the massive manor house, the black figure watched all that was happening. Watching as
the stallion was tricked and threaten, chained and fucked, and in the end broken. It was highly
erotic entertainment, especially send the dark figure had no love for the stallion. But at last
he began to realize just how dangerous a spot he was in, and turned to make his silent way out
of the Mansion. And then out of the forbidden forest and back to the safer woodlands.....

Message 15652

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  8:13 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

As she is teased and torured by the Fox...Grimora rolls her eye's up and notices the dark
shadow sneaking along the dark corridor just outside. Glancing around she saw that the Fox was
to distracted with his teasing torture to have noticed the dark figure...and indeed it was
possible that it was just one of the Fox's slaves.

Message 15646

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  12:18 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Rayen smirked up at Atyr and moved back from Grimoras muzzle and with a grin moved behind her.
"of course Atyr, get comfortable and watch" he said as he knelt behind Grimora and traced his
paws softly over her ass. "you want it, don't you? my fat cock in you?" he asked her with a
grin as he ran a paw over her hot pussy. he moved two fingers at her lips and slowly spread
them and pushed two fingers of his other paw slowly in.

Message 15651

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  8:05 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Ohohooooo!" She moaned her hip's humping the Fox's fingers as her hot sex drenched his fingers
in thick juices. "I...Yes!" "Oh gods YES MORE!" She begged.

Message 15646

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  12:18 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"You want to feel it spread you, fill you" he said as he gave a sharp pump and then pulled out
again, his paws running over her hips and down her legs. hearing her whinny he grinned and
leaned in to teasingly lick and suck at her pussy and clit, reading her signals to keep her
from cumming. "you really want to cum..."

Message 15651

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  8:05 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The mare screamed and squealed bucking and pumping her hip's in a frantic desire to reach
release. "M..Master please I..i.. fuck me making me cum!" She begging and pleaded, as the flame
of her season burned hotly within her dripping dribbling sex!

Message 15646

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  12:18 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

well you know what you need to do" he said murring softly. As she
still resisted he grinned and teased her pussy with his cocktip,
rubbing it over her pussy and slipping it in, only to pull out
again. "Tell him, slut"

Message 15651

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  8:05 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"I...Oh Gods!" "I...Ahem...P..Ple..please..master!" Lunges back at his teasing trying
desperately to capture his long pointed cock! Struggling to get her hands free to rub herself
but still tightly chained in place... "Tha...than...th..ank.." Panting like a bellows she drops
to the cold damp stone floor. "Just fuck me PPPPPLLLLLEEEEAAASSSSSEEEE!"

Message 15653

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  1:44 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He grinned at that and kept his cock out of her, no matter how much
she thrusted back against him. "Hmm I am not sure that you really
mean what you say" he said and poked his cocktip against her

Message 15659

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  9:23 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora's eye's flew open wide as she felt his hard hot organ prod her pluckered rumphole... As
sore and abused as it was she still eagerly hoped he'd fuck it once again! By thing time thick
spirts of whitish lube were spraying from her burning sex. Her big pink Vulva winking and
twitching like mad as her need grew overwhleming her every though.

Message 15653

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  1:44 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Hmm tell him how grateful you are that he turned you into a mare.
How much you want to be used as the slut you are and getting filled
and covered with cum from whoever I see fit" he said with a big
evil grin as he squeezed her clit softly and then slapped her ass.

Message 15659

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  9:23 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Than...Th..ank THANK YOU MIGHTY ATRY!" She screamed at last breaking for the second time
before the fox's erotic torture. "Thank you for turning me into the sluttly little mare I alway
should have been.. Thank you master for mounting me and showing me what a submissive slut I
am!" "Please..please I need you...need more of...more hard... fucking!"

Message 15653

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  1:44 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He glanced over at Atyr and grinned.

Message 15657

From:  "Jonathan A. Maximillian"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  6:18 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Atyr found himself getting secretly arroused at the sight. His big furry red sheath already
half swollen and thick with his awakening stallion hood. He smiled showing his teeth in his
approval. "Good... very good..."

Message 15659

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  9:23 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Looking up at her once rival she caught sight of his might stallionhood and exploded with
creamy excitement. "P..Pl..please mount me!!!" She begged blushing with shame... Grimora rolled
her eye's up whinning in need, only to notice the dark shadow sneaking into the room from the
dark corridor just outside.

Message 15667

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  11:45 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He had not intended to enter the dungeon room, but the erotic enterainment; was just to much.
Ducking into the room he hid behind a large strangely shaped cabinet. Drooling at he watched
and listened to the new mare's passion driven submission. His long cervine cock which was
already hanging rigidly from his sheath began to drip pre-cum on to the floor. Reaching down he
rubbed and stroked it to even greater excitement...

Delvar grinned as he heard this a perverse hope filling him... as he watched the two males
playing with one another, maybe they would leave her alone in this room... Closing his eye's
the stag invisioned the fun he would have with her if they did so!

Message 15660

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  9:38 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Rayen had noticed the mare looking at Atyrs shaft and when she begged him to mount her Rayen
growled loudly and slapped her ass hard, his claws dragging over it,leaving cuts.

"You stupid slut, have you already forgotten everything? I am the master. I!!! If you want to
fuck someone then you will beg me to be given to him for pleasure. Never... NEVER will you ask
someone else directly, or next time I might do something far worse than just cutting your ass"
he said with a loud growl. "As punishment for that you will receive no climax today" he said
and moved away from her, standing next to Atyr

Message 15668

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  11:54 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"NNNNNOOOOO Master please no!" She wailed begging. "I..I was.. I ment no disrespect!" "I..I was
just trying to please you..both.." She stammered trying desperately to explain.

Message 15661

From:  "Jonathan A. Maximillian"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  9:49 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The fire stallion chuckled with delight as he let a hand wander down the fox's body and began
to stroke his thick fox shaft making sure Grimora can see. "Well... that is a shame isnt it
now..." he chuckled in between strokes, his hands though broad and strong felt like soft velvet
on the fox's cock.

Message 15668

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 8, 2005  11:54 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora watched in tortured desire that the mighty stallion caressed and fondled her masters
huge organ. Drool ran from the corners of her mouth and her hot sex went in to another spasm of
wink and sqiurt!

Message 15669

From:  "Jonathan A. Maximillian"
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  1:07 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Atyr paused for a moment as his ears perked, his nostrils flared as he could smell the staggs
leaking excitements, "Hold on Rayen my friend... we are not alone..." he said gently before
rising to his feet in full height. "Come out now... there is no use hiding yourself for I can
smell your desire..." he bellowed into the shadows, "I know not who you are nor how did you get
in here... but if you reveal yourself you shall not be harmed... or if you like I'll have Rayen
dragg your carcass out for me to see" he snorted

Message 15670

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  1:39 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The stag gulped and knew he was caught, silently he cursed himself for letting his lusts drive
him to get so close. Standing nervously he stepped out, ready to run at the slightest hint of
danger. "I am Delvar... I got here through the forest..." He answered stepping out so that the
three might better see him... his light brown and white furry shining and his ten prongs
looking wicked and sharp. "And I don't take well to threats... unlike that pussified ex-
stallion I won't give in so easily to them!"

Message 15708

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  5:56 am
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"You... I know you..." Grimora grunted as she rubbed her thick furry thigh's togather in an
attempt to get herself off. "Your that little buck I caught drunk in the Inn that time and..."
She trembled remembering when she had been male. "OH that was naughty wasn't it." She giggled
watch as the stag blushed with embarrassment. Grimora's sex sqiurted again as she thought about

Message 15723

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  8:29 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"No one will ever have to worry about you doing that ever again tho." The Stag taunted with a
lascivious grin, his blush fading as he thought about the ex-stallion's new life.

Message 15720

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  12:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Rayen murred as Atyr stroke his cock a bit and he rubbed his paw teasingly over his friends
large sheath. Just then he too noticed the shadow and before he could say anything Atyrs voice
boomed out. As the stag came into full view the fox couldn't help but grin, having a love for
handsome and strong willed prey. "I don't like uninvited guests in my mansion" he stated as he
looked him over and when he said that he wouldn't give in as easy as the now mare he grinned.
"Is that a challenege?"

Message 15723

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Sun Jan 9, 2005  8:29 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"I am sorry I tresspassed and intruded...I was just following the stallion looking for a chance
to..." Gritting his strong white teeth the stag blushed in chagrin. "But that is a personal
matter, you two have done more that I ever could... so I'll be going." The brash conifident
young cervine assured. "And that was not challenage... just fact." The stag growled thrusting
out his chest as he met your gaze powerfully.

Message 15765

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:39 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora whimpered as she listened to her masters taunting words to Delvar. Memories of her
former male self fucking the stag as he moaned and struggled in a drunken stooper. Filled her
head as she watched and listen, Atyr and her master would surely ravish the young fool. For he
was either to brave or to stupid to run, she watched as Atyr lead him away. A lamb to the
slaughter no dout, then cringed as the fox turned his attentions back to her.....

Message 15766

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He smiled at her, a evil grin slowly replacing the smile. He slowly walked towards the mare,
his cock still hard and bobbing up and down as he moved. "You have been a very bad slut... " he
stated as he stroke her cheek softly and then slowly moved around her, running his paws along
her side.

Message 15770

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  9:56 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Seeing her Master evil grin Grimora cowered on the floor in her chain's. Still her eye's
watched his hard cock bobbing up and down as he moved a line of drool escaping her lip's. Her
head dropped at his words and she knew her punishment was coming. "I..I'm sooo sorry master..."
She tried knowing it would not be enough.

Message 15766

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Then he grabbed what looked like two huge dildos from the wall and moved behind her. "you
wanted to be filled..." he said grinning as he first shoved one into her pussy and then pulled
it out, working the lubed monster into her ass, until it plopped in place, the knot on the
dildo keeping it inside. He ignored the mare's cries as she was roughly stretched and pushed
the other cock into her.

Message 15770

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  9:56 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"I...OH!" Grimora screamed as he crammed the huge dildo into her sex, her hip's bucking back an
forth on it wildly. "Uhuuu please!?!" She squealed as it was taken out then brutally thrusted
up her abused asshole. Luckily the fox's cum was still dripping from it and lubed the huge toy
very well. "Uhuuuuuuuu yes!" She squealed as the big dildo plopped into place within her abused
ass! "OHOHOOOOOOO MASTER YES...THANK YOU!" She screamed as the second huge rubber penis slid
into her burning sex driving her wild...

Message 15766

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He grabbed something else from the wall and walked back in front of her, a long bullwhip in his
paw. "For your disobedience you will receive ten lashes with the whip.

Message 15770

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  9:56 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Through half closed pleasure filled eye's she watched, not yet as fearful as she should be.

Message 15766

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

After each lash you will tell me what lash that was, the first, the second... if you mess up
you'll get another 5 each time" he said with an evil grin and got back behind her, unrolled the
whip and a it cracked close to her ear, wanting to make her scared.

Message 15770

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  9:56 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

As the long black bull whip cracked by her soft pointy ear Grimora jumped, the seriousness of
her position dawning on her at last! "Yes Master!" She croaked...

Message 15766

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  7:48 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

And suddenly the whip cracked again, this time over her back, right in the middle and across.

Message 15770

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  9:56 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"ONE!" She squeals her huge powerful body jumping and jerking as the pain burned through it,
mixing with the pleasure of the huge dildo's inside of her. The whips danced back then over her
again... "UHU..TWO!" She screamed struggling against the chain that still tightly held her as
her body fought to get away. Then the whip spun and lashed back again and again so fast and
painful she lost count. "FIVE!" She screamed dropping muzzle down on the floor.... As she heard
the Fox chuckle evilly...

Message 15772

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  11:12 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He shook his head and laughed evily at how badly she messed up. "You disappoint me... wrong so
fast" he said sighing. "Four would have been correct. Well that leaves 11 licks for you" he
said grinning.

Message 15774

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  11:39 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Forgive my stupidity master!" She choked breathlessly. "I..I am unworthy of being your slave."
She whimpered cringing as she expected that next 11 licks.

Grimora soon found out that the fox was a master with his whip, as the tip of it exactly found
her clit leaving a blood welk.

Message 15772

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  11:12 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He was surprised that she did count that one, knowing that had really hurt. He gave her only a
second to relax before the next two licks came shorty after each other, both hitting her
asscheeks. He laughed loudly and hit her again and again with the whip, until 9 of the licks
had found marks all over her back and with a very evil grin he moved in front of her and raised
the whip. A maniac laughter escaped his muzzle as the next two licks were directly aimed at her
nipples. Four licks were left and he grinned evily down at the slut of a mare he had there.

Message 15774

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 10, 2005  11:39 pm
Subject:  [The Woodlands] Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

She was sobbing now as the pain over rode the pleasure, she stunned body had given up trying to
resist. So she just sat there taking each strike, burning on her wide furry rump...or cutting
into her soft delicate flesh. All the time counting each strike aloud for her master... finally
he stopped to take a deep breath. She could see intense sexual excitement in his eye's as he
looked over her a maniac laughter escaped his muzzle. "Four more to go." She grunted raggedly.
Walking up he held the whip before her face. "Kiss it." He ordered. Obediantly she reached out
and kissed the instuterment of her torture. The fox giggled and stepped back flicking the whip
to wrap it around her muzzle drawing it tight to hold her mouth shut. He was playing with

Message 15858

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  8:14 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He grinned at her and janked on the whip, forcing her to lean forward as much as possible.
Then, with a really evil grin he removed the whip and leaned down to her. "I think I could fuck
you tonight, until you pass out from please... but it has a prize. I would do it if you beg me
to give you the 4 remaining licks plus 5 extra on your front." While letting her think about it
he moved around her and pumping the handle of the whip on the dildos in her holes, making them

Message 15860

From:  "Black"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  8:38 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

'I think I could fuck you tonight, until you pass out from pleasure.' The words rang in her
head, working on that part of her that soooo needed to be mounted. Still the pain of the whip
strikes burned in so many places... what to do... Then the dildo's began moving within her,
sending waves of erotic pleasure and carnal desire sweeping through her. "Ohooooooooo ohooooooo
Master Please." She screamed in desire.

"Please what slut?" The Fox asked sharply.

"Whip me...master please whip me and fuck me all night!" The whip instantly cracked four more
times burning along her leg's and buttocks stinging her big black donu shaped anus.

"Now roll over." Her master ordered, quickly Grimora rolled over onto her back exposing her
front to him she spread herself out ready for his cruel lashs.....

Message 15861

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  8:54 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

(ooc how can she turn around if she is chained up?)

He grinned after delivering the four licks to her rear and then moved back in front of her, the
whip dangling at his side. he looked at her big breasts for a moment and then the whip cracked
two times, forming an X- patern on her left breast, the nipple being the middle of the X. he
grinned evily as he saw her reaction, so full of pain and agony. he repeated the same procedure
on her other breast and the last lick hit her right between her breasts. he grinned as he put
the whip to the belt he was wearing as only piece of clothing and then unchained her, grinning.
"now slut, if you want to get fucked. Get on all fours, tail raised and show me the hole you
want me in"

Message 15862

From:  "Black"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  9:06 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Whimpering in agony as her thick erect nipples burned in pain and dripped blood. She quickly
dropped to all fours before her master, her tail already raised by the leather collar and strap
he'd put on her when she was still a stallion. She spread her thigh's fully exposing her
winking dripping sex, with it's clit swollen with whip strikes. "Fuck my little virgin pussy
please master!" She begged, thick fingers spreading it's pyffy lip's for you!

Message 15865

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  10:08 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He growled and pounced on her, his cock sliding into her with one fast and hard motion and he
imediately started to hump her roughtly, biting on her neck and shoulders while he pistoned his
cock into his slut, using her, but at the same time torturing her by letting his balls slap
against her abused clit and he rubbed her bleeding nipples and pinched them hard.

Message 15867

From:  "Black"
Date:  Tue Jan 11, 2005  10:21 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"IEIEIEIEIEIEIEIIIIIIIIIIII!" She squealed as with one savage thrust he took her virginity.
Then began battering her soft flesh with his hard powerful male body. The bites on her neck and
shoulders making her lower her head still farther in equine submission. "Uhu uhu uhu uhu uhu!"
She screamed and squealed as the torturuos fuck thrusts filled her with a harsh mixture of
pleasure and pain. She began stumbling forwards along the floor as he rode him, his pinching
tugging on her bleeding nipples and savage ball hits to her aching clit forcing her to move.
Even as her eye's roll in pleasure from his hot hard cock plunging within her depths...
"Uhuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" She wailed half in wanton sexual delight half in agonizing pain!

Message 15909

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  8:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He moaned at the mare's hot and tight pussy and rammed harder into her, now moving more behind
her, instead of on top of her. He grabbed the base of the dildo that was still in her ass and
janked it out, looking at her spread asshole and he grinned evily as he inserted two fingers
into her and soon three and then four, short of fisting the mare.

Message 15911

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  9:01 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"FFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK." Grimora moaned reversing her course and pressing back into the fingers
moving up her tormented asshole. Even as the first waves of many orgasms shook her body.
Covering the Fox's huge organ in her hot slick fliuds.

Message 15909

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  8:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

His balls kept slapping against her clit as he finally forced his whole paw into her stretched
asshole and fisted her hard while working his massive male organ into her pussy. "hmm scream
for me slut... shout how much you love it" he said growling in pleasure.

Message 15911

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  9:01 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The mare's eye's half closed with orgasmic please shoot open wide as the Fox's big paw forced
it's way pasted her gates and began fisting her big equine asshole. "OOOOOOOOOOO

Message 15909

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  8:20 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He moaned and as he noticed that she was enjoying it so much he grinned and sped up, spreading
his fingers a bit to stretch her even wider, ramming deep into her, his arm in her asshole up
to his elbow. He felt his balls tense up soon and he kept on pumping the slut, knowing that he
would fill her with his cum soon.

Message 15914

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  9:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" She screamed in loss as the huge hard cock and fist were pulled out of her
quivering orifice's. "MORE PLEASE MORE MASTER!" She begged squealed.

Message 15912

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  9:13 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Oh... hmm" he grunted and then pulled out his cock and arm and moved in front of her, jerking
himself until he came, spurting the cum on the floor in front of her, grinning at her

Message 15914

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  9:31 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora's jaw dropped as she watched the Fox spurt his orgasm onto the floor a look of horror
and loss but also one of lust and desire ran over her muzzle.

She wanted his cum. "You want it right? Well you can lick it all up slut, but first you have to
clean the mess you made back there" he said and pointed to the puddle of her juices on the
floor. "clean that up and then you may lick up my cum and clean my cock"

She fell to her belly and slithered meekly back to the puddle of her own cum and lube. Her
muzzle dipping down as she obediantly licked and lapped the fliud from the cold stone floor.
Then she turned and slithered back looking up as her master in total surrender. until he nodded
for her to lick his cum up. Eagerly she lowered her muzzle once more licking and suckling the
thick greasy male milk up. Then looking up at him her eye's begging for permission to clean his
huge malehood....

Then he pulled out and went over to a drawer and took out a box. "I think you deserve a little
reward, slut" he said and opened the box, a long sleek needle inside, along with different
sized cold piercings. "You earned yourself your first piercing slut. Where do you want it? Your
nipple? Your clit? Or your labia?"

Message 15917

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Looking down at her bleeding nipples and clit, she trembled it hardly matter where it was
placed so she whimpered. "As it pleases you master...place it where you will." As shiver ran
down her long equine spine as the Fox knelt in front of her. His leering eye's looking over her
abused body, clawed fingers teasing first this spot then that.

Message 15915 & 15916

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:11 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"I gave you a choice... it is not something I will often do!" "Now make it." He growled
grinning evilly. "Th..the Labia master." She muttered at last picking the spot she was least

Message 15919

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He nodded as she finally made her choice. "Sit back and spread your legs" he said and when she
had done that he reached for the needle and pulled her labia a bit to stretch it and then he
slowly let the needle move to it, making sure she could see it and as it touched he rammed it
trough, pulled it out and quickly put the golden ring in that he had chosen.

Message 15925

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:43 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Uhuhu!" She cried biting her lower lip's and wincing as the needle was roughly and forcfully
speared through her tenderest of flesh! Trembling and weak from pain blood loss and her own
orgasm she fell back in a swoon on the cold stone floor.

Message 15919

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:32 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Then he licked the blood from the needle and put it away, looking down at her piercing with a
grin. "hmm now that looks very nice"

Message 15925

From:  "Black"
Date:  Wed Jan 12, 2005  10:43 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Yes master thank you for giving it to me." The room spun as she lay there and darkness
suddenly pounced upon her. And she knew nothing....

Message 15990

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Thu Jan 13, 2005  9:34 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He grinned as she passed out from the pain and the immense energy her climaxes had burned. He
moved over to her, pushed her on her side and sat next to her, leaning against her, using her
as a couch. He relaxed and tried to listen to what was going on in the other room.

Message 16005

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 14, 2005  12:49 am
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora awoke to the sound of muttering voices, she lifted her head

slowly and look around. The black fox that was now her master and owner stood a short ways off
talking to a short gray furred Donkey. She reconized the ugly equine as the begger who had told
her...then him of the short cut through the Fox's forest!

"Don't get me wrong Sir." The filth donkey was whining meekly, "Coin is always good... I'z jest
thinkin' in this case..." He left it hanging as he starred over at her, licking his rubbery
black lip's. "tha boy's and I... well a male don't life by coin alone." The ugly donkey grinned
exposing his big stained teeth. "And she is a pretty thing... now that all them male parts has
been done away with."

Message 16072

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Fri Jan 14, 2005  9:24 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The fox grinned at the donkey beggar and handed him the coins and then glanced over at Grimora,
a grin forming on his muzzle as he made an inviting motion with his paw. "Then feel free to get
an aditional reward by making use of my new slut here. She is yours for you to climax on or in"
he said chuckling and moved back to Grimora and rubbed her muzzle. "You will be a good pet and
do what he wants from you, or i will introduce you to something that makes the whipping feel
like a caressing rub" he said sharply to her

Message 16075

From:  "Black"
Date:  Fri Jan 14, 2005  10:29 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The mare cringed at her masters threat, but cringed even more at the thought of letting the
nasty old donkey and his son's use her. "Master please...hes soooo dirty an...and... ugly." She
whispered. But saw in his stern gaze that she would have to do as he ordered. Slowly hesitently
she crawled over before the donkey male, her nose wrinkling as his scent. As she looked up at
him she noticed dirt and old manure matted in his fur. Lookinh up into his gloating face she
leaned in to nuzzle and lick his black sheath and ball's....

Message 16076

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Fri Jan 14, 2005  10:35 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He grinned at her. Sure the donkey was discusting and stinking, but seeing his slave taking
that kind of humilation without much more than simple beg to not have her do it made him
actually a bit proud of her and he noted to himself that he would give her some fun with his
cock that night, but for now he watched as she played with the donkey beggar.

Message 16118

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 15, 2005  8:55 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The donkey had let his ragged old loin cloth drop to the floor, fully exposing his bulging
black sheath. The thick blunt black head of his nasty unwashed cock already poking out.
Grasping the mare's ear's he guided her mouth to it, forcing her to lick and lip at it until it
was hanging semi hard from the sheath. Then he ordered her to suck, glancing over her shoulder
at her master she saw the amusement on his face. Opening wide she took the long unwashed organ
into her mouth suckling and letting it fuck down her throat. The bitter taste of an unwashed
stallions cock making her choke slightly. Soon however her own lusts began to override her
disgust and she was sucking hard and bobbing her head up and down his short fat lenght. Grimora
could feel him getting close to orgasm and thought. 'Thank goodness this is just about over.'
When the old donkey's two son's came into the room, and gathered around her.....

Message 16119

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Sat Jan 15, 2005  10:43 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Rayen smirked at the donkeys sons and moved over to Grimora to pat her ass. "I think you two
would love to join in the fun? Same for you as for your father, you can cum in or on her one
time. I don't care how you threat her, as long as she is not permanently damaged" he said
grinning and then sat back on a chair and jerked his cock a bit as he watched his slave getting
used by the stinking trio of donkeys.

Message 16120

From:  "Black"
Date:  Sat Jan 15, 2005  11:26 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The Pair shared a wicked grin and hirried over to look the mare over. "Damn shes pretty." The
first one said as he fondled Grimora's ass cheeks, slipping a thick dirty finger up her ass.

"Ya bet shes tight too." The second one chuckled lewdly.

"Dunno about that but she sure kin sux!" The old donkey in her mouth grunted, suddenly yanking
his thick now clean cock from her mouth to spurt his creamy yellowish spunk all over her
muzzle. Sitting back he grin over at the Fox. "Somethin' like that Sir." He snickers. As his
two boys circled around her, sniffing and grinning.

"She should be eager she's in heat." The first one chuckled kneeling behind her to rub his
short fat black cock over her wet dripping sex. "Whatcha say bitch want my cock in ya?" He
asked teasingly.

"Yes fuck me!" Grimora answered inspire of her repulsion at the donkey's filth stinking body.

"Hehehe...knew she was hot fer it!" The donkey gloated.

"Save her ass fer me." The second young donkey ordered grinning lewdly,as he fondled

Message 16141

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 18, 2005  7:46 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

By now he was greatly amusing himself to see the struggle in the mare between discust from the
stinking donkeys, but it seemed that the horny slut he had turned her into was taking over
every part of her and so all she wanted was more and more sex. He smirked at the donkeys sons
and moved over to them. "hmm how about you share her, one underneith her, one drilling her
asshole at the same time?" he suggested with an evil grin and invitingly lifted the mare's tail

Message 16142 & 16318

From:  "Black"
Date:  Mon Jan 24, 2005  11:07 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

"Hehehehee Haw!" The pair laughted crudely at the fox's suggestion, but in obvious delight.
Quickly one lay down, his short thick black cock standing straight up. With a gesture from her
master Grimora empaled herself upon the thick organ.

"Ohohohooooo!" She moaned in lustful delight as the short thick cock sank into her sex.

"Damn she so hot and gwooy!" the donkey screamed in pleasure. "You like that don't ya bitch?"
"Nawww you love it... tell me you love bein' my slut!"

"I love it!" The mare squealed. "I love being your slut I love you big donkey cock!"

"Good thing...cuz this one's going up your ass!" The second young donkey gloated as he kneeled
behind her, placing his big blunt cock head to her pluckered hole! Grimora's eye's flew open
wide and her head snapped back as his thick cock assaulted her tiny asshole!

"Ahahaaaaaaa!" She squealed as it as last forced it's way past her sphincters and sank deep
into her butt! Soon she's bucking back and forth between the two thick black cock's inside of

"Hah looks like your enjoying that." The Fox teases her, as he watches the old donkey's cock
stiffen once more.

Message 16345

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  6:41 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Delvar stumbled back into the room still parting under the stallion's hypnosis. A foamy pink
mixture of stallion cum and blood leaking from his abused anus. The stag stared lustfully at
the rutting threesome a dreamy discoonected look in his eye's. Stumbling over the stag sat
beside the black fox, as they watched the spectale of the mare's debauchment.

Message 16346

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  6:51 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The fox was enjoying the show his little slut was making with the three donkeys and he lazily
stroke his cock, an evil grin on his face. then he noticed the stag enter the room again and he
could smell the stallion cum and blood that was dripping from the stags anus and he chuckled.
"Atyr must have had his fun.." he said and grinned. he looked over at the donkey and grinned.
"listen boys, enjoy her in any way you want, cum into her, cum on her ass, hell stick your
cocks into her hair and mess it up if you want. she is all yours to enjoy for one climax."

Message 16349

From:  "Black"
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  7:16 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Grimora shivered in naughty delight as she heard her masters words to the Donkey family. In her
heat this nasty threesome was turning her on, it pained and humiliated her to admit it but she
was enjoying every second. The two young donkeys for they're became even more excited and
pumped away furiously.

"I wanta fill her with ma spunk and knock her up!" The one thrusting into her pussy grunted.

"Now now..." the old father snorted. "Don't go pressin your luck...he's lettin' ya have her."
Aroused once more but heeding the Fox's warning that he only got one climax within her. He was
jacking his huge black now very clean cock off infront of her face. Teasingly keeping his
dribbling cock head just inches from her excited licking lip's.

"Damn...I aint never fucked as willing an ass!" The younger brother grunted battering her big
round hole with all his might...

Message 16350

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  7:28 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Unable to sit on his stallion ravished rectum anu longer Delvar rolled over and lay on his
belly. His little wittle tail standing up as he watched the action. His cock which had been
soft in it's sheath began to bulge under him as he listened to the mare's squeals. "She's
begining to like it." He grunted in a sleepy dreamy sounding voice of one who had been
enchanted. Frowning as something the young donkey said made him feel like he should be mad or
upset for some reason. But it escaped him at the moment, as lusts filled him as he began to
hump his hip's faintly.

Message 16351

From:  "Fox"
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  7:38 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

He of course noticed the growing arousal of the stag and his turning on his stomach and showing
off his ass made it even harder for the fox nod to jump and mount him. He grinned as the old
donkey teased Grimoras tongue with his cock and finally the fox couldn't hold back anymore,
pounced on the stag, taking his neck in his jaws as he slid his cock into the stags abused
tailhole and started to fuck him roughly

Message 16354

From:  asianslutboi
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  8:02 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

Still half dazed by the stallions enchantment...Delvar didn't move for a moment. An so was
speared by the fox's pointed cock, it wasn't until the fox was ball's deep into him that the
pain made the stags mind clear. He was being buggered...butt raped right here infront of the
others! He began to fight and struggle as fast as he could trying desperately to buck the fox
off his back! But the Fox's grip was to tight and the bucking only lodged his cock deeper into
the young stag's abused hole. Then memories of the stallion mounting and using him came rushing
back and Delvar realized he'd gaven himself up...

Message 16355

From:  "Black"
Date:  Tue Jan 25, 2005  9:19 pm
Subject:  Re: Travels... Broken Stallion...

The two younger males were thrusting wildly now as they watched the fox bugger the helpless
stag. "Damn that one looks good to." The younger donkey fucking the mare's ass grunted as his
pounded her mercilessly. Grimora whinnied and screamed in pleasure as the two donkeys rode her
front and back. Her eye's rolling back in her head as wave after wave of orgasmic delight
washed over her. Leaving her little more than a drooling idiot for a second, the self came to
just as the old donkey shoot his greasy yellowish wad into her mane! Even as his son's were
filling her body with their own thick greasy cum. Silently she thanked Atyr for now letting her
get pregnant the last thing she wanted was a Donkey's foal!
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