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An Acquired Taste

"I have a confession to make." The flustered bovine admitted to his
equine friend, the big red Horse leaned back on his lawn chair next to
the Bull. Watching as their other work friends played in the big
horse's back yard pool.

"Oh? And whats that Ray?" Jack asked with a slight smirk on his soft
expressive equine lip's, watching as his nervous bovine plucked his
courage up.

"I... Errr that is, your wife." The big Bull gulped and took a long
drink of beer before trying again. "I was in the bathroom and... and
Diann came in... and before I knew it well she... she..." Much to the
young Bull's surprise, his roan equine friend just laughed.

"Hehe yeah, she likes to do that." Jack admitted, to his stunned
friend as the two of them looked over at the Stallion's cute mare
wife. "Did I ever tell you, about the first time I knew we were
prefect for each other?" The young Bull shook his horned head
necessarily, the horse took a sip of his beer and then began. "Heheh
well obviously I didn't." Jack chortled, licking his lip's even as
the two of them watched the horse's wife lead another of their office
friends off into the house. The young Stag was looking eager, as he
trailed after the big sexy mare. "We met in college and began dating,
on our fifth date I took her to the colleges football game." Ray
couldn't help noticing, that his friends already full shorts were
getting fuller and fuller... as he told the story.

Jack paused to adjust his bulging crotch, clearly the big horse was
turned on by his wifes actions. "Anyway... as the game went on, I
noticed she had to go off to the restroom a lot, and then she'd come
back all excited. We'd make out for awhile, and then she'd go off to
the restroom again for a bit. I started noticing the taste of her
mouth seemed to get more and more musky and salty." The young Bull's
eye's widened, and Jack knew his friend had figured it out a lot
faster than he had. "I've never had a dick in my mouth in my life."
Jack explained with a faint smile, even as his young friend shifted
uncomfortably. "But... I have tasted a lot of guy's cum." The big
red Horse confessed, as he went on tell the horny Bull his story of
becoming a cum eater.

"Anyway the next time Diann went off to the rest rooms... I followed,
you know far enough behind so she wouldn't see me. I wanted to see
where she was going... funnily enough she went straight to the rest
rooms. Only it wasn't the female rest room she went into, it was the
males room. I waited outside for a minute or two, before peeking
inside to see what was going on. And there she was right in the
middle of that huge statuim males room, down on her knee's with guys
of all ages clustered around her. Dripping cock jutting out as she
sucked on two or three at a time, it was shocking to me of course."
The big red Horse flashed his young friend a lusty grin, which the
startled bovine returned nervously.

"Suddenly I understood why her mouth tasted so different, it was
because dozen's of guys had dumped their load in there. Every time
I'd kissed her... I was tasting all those loads of cum, sucking it off
her tongue." Jack looked up a little shamed-faced at his Bull buddy,
even as Ray nodded in wide eyed shock. "I guess I should have been
angry, after all she was coming back all eager... tongue kissing me."
The big red Horse blushed a bit self conciously, as his Bull buddy
winced knowing he'd just cum in the horses wife's mouth himself. "But
you see I didn't... in fact I popped the biggest hardest boner of my
young life. Standing there watching her take load after load of cum
into her mouth, knowing that soon I'd be tasting that cum in her

"Good gods... what... what did you do then?" Ray asked breathlessly,
as he listened his his older friend tell about his humilation. The
young bovines own cock had sprand back to full aching erection within
his shorts.

"Heheh... Well I'm not ashamed to admit I stood there a good long time
trying to decide... I first I wanted to run off back to our seats.
And yet I just couldn't take my eye's off her pretty muzzle, with all
those strange cocks sliding into her mouth. As more and more guys cum
and then left to go back to their seats, I was drawn in closer and
closer. Until looking down I watched my own hard cock slip into her
mouth, she was blowing me and two other guys. Our eyes met, as she
suck on mine and those other cocks, I smiled at her as she pulled off
my cock to take one of the other guys loads. Watching her swallow up
close, and then go back to sucking on my cock as another strange male
stepped up eager for his turn." The big red Stallion explained, the
lustful excitement clear in his voice.

"At last I fed her my own load, and then before leaving bent down and
whispered into her ear. "Hurry back to me... I can't wait to taste
all this on your tongue." Jack watched his bovine friends eyes widen
in shock and surprise chucking lewdly. "Hahah... yeah that was her
reaction as well." Jack laughed, as he suddenly reached over feeling
Ray's erection through those loose fitting shorts.

The young Bull's beady little eyes almost popped out of his head, as
he felt his older equine friend feel his throbbing erection up. His
mouth gaping open comically, as those strong fingers rubbed along her
pulsing shaft. "Ummm I... I... don't... I'm not into." Ray
stammered, as the big red Horse stopped fondling him and pulled his
hand back. Clearly afraid, that his older horse buddy was wanting to
get ahold of that long bovine cock himself.

"Awww me either... I was just thinking that yer ready for some more of
Diann's attention." Jack laughed easily, even as the young Stag
stumbled out of the house followed by the widely smirking Mare. "Hey
sweety." Jack grunted calling his sexy wife over to them, she trotted
over and leaned down sharing a long passionate kiss with the red
Stallion. "Ammm..." Jack moaned, as their mouths parted at last,
Diann smiling leerly. "Ray here is ready for a bit more of your
attention." Jack explained, as the young Bull blushed heavily as the
sexy mare looked down at the throbbing hard on plainly outlined in his

"Haha so I call see... alright come on big boy lets go inside." The
pretty mare giggled, grabbing Ray's arm and pulling him to his hooves
to lead him off into the house. Even as the young Stag, now with a
fresh beer in his three fingers hand staggered over and flopped down
in the Bull's chair.

"Ummm Jack... I... I have a confession to make." The flustered young
Stag admitted to his equine friend, the big red Horse leaned back on
his lawn chair next to the Deer. Watching as they're regular work
friends played in the big horse's back yard pool, these other guys had
already gotten to know Jack and Diann's little kink.

"Hahah let me guess... Say have I ever told you about the first time
I knew we were prefect for each other?" The young Stag shook his
antlered head unnecessarily, the big horse took a sip of his beer and
then began. "Heheh well obviously I didn't." Jack chortled, licking
his lip's even as the two of them watched the horse's wife lead Ray
the Bull off into the horse's house.


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