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Benny's Yiff Tube Premier

The hefty young Boar leaned up against the Bus station wall, watching
the line of cars rolling slowly by. As one by one young hustlers were
beckoned up and then climbed into those cars. Benny had been playing
this game long enough to know how things played out. That was why he
was dressed in an old football jersey and baggy sweat pants. The big
Boar had never played the game, or any sports for that matter. But now
he was playing to fantasy, he'd been at this long enough to read a
John by now. Most of his, were older married males looking for a hot
young jock stud. Some of them were ex-jock's themselves, who wanted a
jock like themselves who was also into gay play. Others were just
wannabe's, who had always wanted a big jock to play with. Some were
nerds who had been abused by jocks, and now wanted to top and fuck a
jock. They were looking for a measure of revenge, and prefer that he
be straight. So that he was hating everything that they did to him.
Benny had learned how to play it all... horny young gay jock...
lustful stud jock. And straight jock who was hating what was being
done to him... but just couldn't help getting off from it. The big
Boar loved it all really... whether pleasuring or being pleasured it
all got him off. It gave him wood just thinking about it... that long
twisted cock tenting his loose fitting sweats.

A long black sedan slowly rolled to a stop in front of him, the dark
tinted side window sliding smoothly down. Inside a big handsome roan
red equine smiled, and gestured for the big Hog to come closer. Benny
pushed off the wall and jogged over like he'd seen jock do in
practice. Bending down slightly he leaned in the window and looked the
old stud over, gay ex-jock he knew at once. This one wasn't married to
his high school sweet heart, no he'd came to terms with his own

"Hi ya." The stallion greeted, as the bulky Pig leaned in his window
and looked him and the car over.

"Yer not a cop are you? Cuz you gotta tell me if yer a cop, otherwise
it's entrapment the judge sez so." Benny repeated the hustlers
standard disclaimer, he didn't know if it was true. But he'd never
been busted, so kept using if just encase it was. The big equine
grinned, flashing his large square white teeth at the Boar.

"No I'm not a cop." The big equine chuckled good naturedly, as he
invited the big Boar to get in. Benny opened the door, and sat down on
the plush leather seat. But didn't close the door yet, as he wanted to
get the price settled. Not that this guy looked like he would have
trouble affording anything he wanted.

"K... its forty for a paw off... eighty for a blow job... and I aint
taken that big thing of yer's up my ass."

"Hahah... it's not like that." The big red stud laughed easily, as the
big Pig looked him over surprised.

"Then its forty for a pawing me off... eighty for blowing me and I'll
pound yer tail hole for a hundred. I know its a lot, but I go a really
long time so its worth it."

"I'm sure it is... but I got a different offer for you." The handsome
equine snorted, letting his big three fingered hand wander down.
Groping Benny's huge Porcine ball's, fondling and rolling them around
inside those baggy sweat pants. "I make fetish video's..." The big
Boar frowned, and automaticly began reciting the things he would not
do. The big stallion listened patiently, his smile growing wider and
wider as Benny ran out of kinks. "Well that's not a problem... you see
my viewers like big balls." The handsome stallion explained, still
rubbing those fat Boar balls. "More to the point... they like watching
big ball's being abused."

"Abused?" Benny asked, looking at the big stallion sharply, as the
smiling stud jiggled those huge testicles.

"Big guys with big ball's getting racked a bit..." The stallion
explained farther, as he saw the Pigs reaction.

"No predation!?" Benny snapped, wondering if the equine was a shill
for some big hungry predator. He'd seen enough of them in his time on
the streets, big hungry preds getting guy to let them snack on their

"No nothing that extreme... just big jocks taking some hits to his

"I... I'm not sure..." Benny snorted not liking the idea of having his
big nuts pounded, but realizing it would be much less degrading than
sucking dick for money.

"It pays two hundred a session... and you don't always have to be the
guy getting racked."

"Make it five hundred, an you can rack me or be racked by me as much
as you like." The big Boar grunted at last, as the big stallion looked
him over.

"Show me what you got." The big roan stud demanded, licking his lip's
as the big Pig tugged down those stretch sweat pants, while lifting
his loose fitting jersey.

"Ummm well ok. But you've got to follow the script in the letter, and
take any direction I give you."

"For five hundred I can do that." Benny agreed, with a shrug of his
broad powerful shoulders.

"Alright... close the door and I'll drive you to the set." Jerome
explained, as he removed his big three fingered hand from the Pigs
crotch. And gripped the steering wheel as Benny closed the car door,
instantly the big car took off. Gliding down the dark streets, lit
only by the faint orange glow of street lamps and the big sedans
headlights. As the rode... the big stallion pressed a bundle of papers
into the big Boars hands. "Sigh those... they're just standard release
forms for using your image on screen." Jerome explained, as the big
Boar looked them over before hurriedly signing his name on the
release. By the time he had gotten that done, the long black car was
pulling into the parking lot of a small Doctors office. "We're filming
in a real Doctor’s office, its a friend of mine's place." The handsome
red equine explained, as he saw Benny's questioning look. "He allows
us to use his exam rooms after hours, just so long as he gets to watch
the action."

"So he's into this too huh?" The big Hog snorted as climbed out of the
car, and followed the horse inside.

"Oh yes we've got a pretty big fan base... its amazing how many
guys... and some females really enjoy watching big studs get racked."
Jerome explained as they moved through the outer offices and back into
the examination rooms. There were four other fur's in the room, one
was a small nervous Fox dressed in scrubs. Obviously that Doctor
friend the big horse had been talking about. Then there was a Raccoon
who was fumbling with a digital video camera. Behind him was a tall
gawky Goat, who was struggling with a big fuzzy boom mic. Last,
dressed in a long white Doctors coat, and very little else was a tall
statuesque Palomino mare.

"So what is this about?" Benny asked, the big sleek roan red stallion
as he looked the exam room over.

"Well it’s a simply little play for our website, Pamela will be
playing the Doctor today and you play the patient. But it varies from
vid to vid sometimes its female on male... other times its male on
male. we've got a lot of fans, some prefer one some prefer the other."
Jerome pressed a script into the Boars big hands, it was little more
than an outline. But then story and acting really wasn't that big a
concern, for those who would be watching. "As you can see... you are a
patient who has some concerns, so you get an appointment with Doctor
Gloria Trampleberrys." Benny snorted, and ran one big meaty hand
through his bristle of rough black fur. As the big mare trotted over
to look the Boar over with a wicked smile.

"Ammmmm yer a big boy." She whickered as she admired the obvious huge
bulge within those baggy sweat pants. "Gunna need the full treatment I

Benny grinned kind of nervously, as the pretty mare licked her full
lip's. "That means you’re gonna bust my balls... right?" Pamela
shrugged her wide shoulders, she was a bit taller than the hefty Pig.
Those lip's twisted up into a dark smile, and Benny could smell her
excitement. Those black panties under her short skirt growing moist,
and her thick nipples obviously protruding under the fabric of her
tank top.

"I'm going to do my best sweety." She answered with a bright wicked
grin, even as she reached down to feel up the Boar huge balls.

"Well then... lets get this on the road... I've not got all night."
The huge Pig snorted as he walked out of the exam room door into the
hall. Jerome looked over at the Camera Coon, and asked pleasantly.

"Are we ready to roll?" The Raccoon smiled and nodded his head
quickly, giving the big roan stud a wink. "Alright... action." The big
roan red stallion called loudly so that Benny could hear him out in
the hall.

Pamela was standing in the middle of the examination room, reading a
medical chart thoughtfully. Benny following the rudimentary script,
knocked on the door waiting until he heard Pamela call for him to
enter and then strolled in. The pretty golden mare looked up in
seemingly mild interest as the huge Boar stomped into the room.

"Ammm hello Doctor." Benny grunted a bit stiff and uncomfortable
acting out a scene for the first time.

"Why hello Benny..." Pamela answered in that slow sexy southern drawl,
that was her specialty. "What brings you here today honey?"

"Errr Well Doctor Tramplberrys... I have a Ummm... problem." The big
Pig grunted, still having a little trouble getting into his roll.

"Oh dear... what can I do to help sweety?" The tall buxom mare
inquired with mock concern, as she guided the Boar over the
examination table.

"I... I was... Ahem..." Benny paused to scratched his big head self
consciously, one big hand fondling his own crotch. "That is I was
kicked in the..." The big Hog cleared his throat, doing a excellent
job of looking embarrassed. "You know Doctor... in my family jewels."

"Oh my!" The big mare made a little o of shock as she looked directly
into the camera. "I bet that wasn't very comfortable. And now you are
want me to examine you, to make sure that everything is alright down

Benny shrugged his head, getting a little more comfortable in the act.
"Actually it didn’t hurt at all... I didn’t feel a thing." Pamela did
her very best to hide her amused smile, this was going to be good. "I
was thinking that's not right, and well maybe there is something wrong
down there." The big buxom mare nodded her long narrow equine head
slowly, as she pretended to think about that.

"Hmmmm... we will have to run a few tests." The amused looking mare
announced, as she licked those soft expressive equine lip's. "Why
don't you take your clothes off... so I can examine your properly."
Pamela instructed, as she stepped up and stripped the Boars old jersey
off over his head. Exposing his broad hairy chest, and hefty masculine
muscle gut.

"Ammmm ok." Benny leered as he shoved down those loose fitting sweat
pant, and stood there totally naked in front of her.

"Ooooooo yes that good." Pamela purred, as she circled about the big
Boar fondling his hefty pink body. "Ok turn around and bend over the
table please." She requested casually, taking a few steps back as
Benny stepped forwards.

"Alright Doctor Tramplberrys." The big Pig agreed lifting that hefty
muscle gut up as he bent over the examination table. The big golden
mare looked at that big round male ass in lustful delight.

"Ummm yes that's it... spread your legs a little bit more for me." The
big golden mare moaned, as she ran her soft hands over those flabby
pink thigh's. Pausing to admire those massive melon size male orbs, as
they dangled between the Pig's thick leg's.

"You mean like this Doctor?" Benny snorted in pleasure at those soft
touches, spreading his strong legs wider.

"Oh yes that's exactly what I want." Pamela purred in that soft happy
southern drawl, even as she brought one huge flinty gray hoof back.
"Now let me see." She giggled, slamming that rock hard hoof up into
those huge dangling plums. The leading edge of that huge hoof slammed
right into the Hog's vulnerable sack. Flattening those precious
testicles into the Pig's wide pelvis, and making him jump farther up
onto the table. Even as he inhaled sharply, his big hands clamping
onto the examination tables edge.

"How did that feel honey?" The tall golden mare asked in that dewy
honey laden voice, even as she smiled wickedly for the camera.

"Didn't feel a thing..." Benny choked, still bent farther over that
table his thick leg's wobbling ever so slightly. His beady black eyes
tightly closed, as he tried to breathe slow and steadily.

"Hmmmm... interesting." The mare purred obviously intensely aroused
now, even as she tried to look concerned and sympathetic. "Let’s do
that again." Pamela chimed happily, as Benny nodded his big tusked
head weakly. His mouth twitching as he tried to remain calm, and
answer quickly.

"Ok you... your the Doctor." Stepping back she took a little running
start, and kicked those huge danglers again. The curved leading edge
of that huge flinty hoof collided with the Boars impressive scrotum,
slamming them between her hoof and the exam tables metal side this
time. Making the poor Hog let out a soft groan this time, his long
twisted cock jutting up out of his sheath now. Benny's thick
fingernails digging into the padding on the tables top, while his
blunt muzzle reddened.

"Nope..." He whispered breathlessly, slimy Pig pre-cum drool down the
side of that medical table.

"Maybe most of the impact is being absorbed, ya know because your
balls are so danglie. Oh... I have an idea." She noted cheerfully,
reaching over she pulled one of the hefty Pig's hands down. Guiding it
around the neck of his huge floppy nut pouch, and slowly milked those
orbs down. "Why don’t you hold them squeezed against the bottom of
your scrotum like this."

"Errr... ok Doctor Tramplberrys..." Benny whimpered softly, as he
realized just how more vulnerable this made those huge pigglet makers.

The big statuesque mare looked down at the Hog's long twisted cock.
"Get your dick out of the way... please." She requested brightly, as
the Pig's beady dark eyes rolled around in his head. "We wouldn't want
to damage it... Now would we?" Pamela asked cheerfully the big Boar
nodded weakly, and reached down pulling his hard cock up. So that it
rested on the padded table top under his big soft round belly. And
then spread his thick legs wide once again and looked at the mare as
she smiled down at him. "There hopefully that will do the trick."

Benny nodded that huge blunt Porcine head slowly. "I sure hope so
Doctor." The tall golden mare snickered, lustfully as she pranced
forwards once more. Sweeping that long sexy equine leg back, so far
she almost struck the camera behind them. Nickering excitedly she
brought that long powerful leg swinging in. There was a sickening
'Thump', as her steel shod hoof collided with Benny's crotch. Landing
squarely on its target, and crunching both of the Hogs nuts dead on.
Followed in rapid brutal succession, by half a dozen swift hard bone
jarring kicks. Benny let out a hoarse cough, and struggled to keep his
hands in place. Even while he doubled over slightly, and closed his
eyes very tight. Silvery tear drops forming in the corners of his
beady eyes, and then streamed down his pink cheeks. "Nothing." The big
strong Boar gagged, a bit of bile splashing on the floor behind the

"Amazing." Pamela moaned, one big three fingered hand finding its way
into those lacy black panties. Benny meanwhile was struggling to catch
his breath, his own big hand easing its clenched death grip on his
sack neck. Reaching over she turned him around, Benny's long twisted
cock sprang up. Splattering slimy wet Porcine pre-cum up onto the
pretty mare's long smiling muzzle. Pamela quickly backed away and ran
her big three fingered hand over her cheek, where a trail of sticky
Boar pre-cum was running down.

"Ammm I'm sorry Doctor." Benny moaned weakly, as he lay back panted

"Ohooo that’s okay baby... perfectly natural." The sleek golden mare
giggled, looking down at her cum smeared hand. And then stuck out her
long equine tongue, to lick her palm slowly for the camera. "Your
semen seems to be okay." She chuckled reaching out to bat that stiff
cock around teasingly for a moment. While Benny bit his thick lower
lip, his hip's bucking feebly as she taunted him.

"Ahem well that's a... a relief." He croaked dry mouthed, as he
watched the powerful equine grin and ready herself once again.

"Spread your legs sweety." She ordered again more aggressively
lustful, as the Boar watched her his big cock pointing at the ceiling.
Its twisted tip glistening and wet with a shiny rivers of pre-cum. His
large balls were hanging low in their bruised darkening sac, and they
looked enormously swollen. "That looks painful." Pamela observed
looking lustfully amused as her finger rubbed over the lip's of her
own puffy sex. "You should feel something..." She joked, knowing full
well the big Boar was feeling an incredible amount of testicular pain.
The big aroused Pig looked miserable, but he stuck to his role.

"I can’t feel anything... down there." He lied weakly for the camera,
as the big mare shook out her long mane and smirked.

"Alright..." Swiftly she brought his leg back, and plunged a powerful
kick into those huge naked nuts. That flinty gray hoof slammed into
Benny's tender plums, and lifting him up onto the exam table.
Flattening them with a loud smack that echoed within the small
examination room. Benny whimpered doubling up and rolling over onto
his side, clutching those wound orbs so hard his fingernails dug into
that delicate flesh, almost drawing blood.

"Nno... nothing." The big Hog whimpered... drooling saliva and bile on
to the paper covering the padded table top.

"Did you hear that sound?" Pamela asked grinned viciously, as she
paused to stroll over and feel up the Boar's bruised balls.

"Ummm wha." The hefty Pig grunted confused, and weak as he looked up
at the golden mare. Who was playing with his aching balls and rock
hard cock both.

"Sounded like your nuts just cracked." Pamela snickered, as she
stroked that swollen black and blue sack. While tugging playfully on
the Hog's long curly diddle stick.

"No... no they didn’t." Benny moaned, rolling back over and sitting up
on the table. Those hefty jewels dangling way down over the edge, as
the tall mare's smile widened.

"Well... that's astounding... because that would have gelded any
number of stallion's." Pamela shrugged carelessly stepping back, and
throwing another half dozen kicks or so. Those steel shod hooves
crashed into Benny's tender swollen ball's, nearly flattening them.
The big Hog wailing and collapsing onto the cold tile floor, lying on
his stomach to dazed to protect his junk. "That was painful... huh?"
The tall mare purred in that low husky voice, that signal the height
and depth of her arousal. All Benny could manage was a low soft
groaned, and he withered on the floor. "Well... that's a start." The
big buxom mare giggled, as she looked down as the helpless male on the

The big Hog's rock hard cock was sticking out between his legs,
peeking out between his ass cheeks. Pamela looked at that long
twisting Porcine dick, its tip was leaking slick slimy pre-cum.
Snickering wickedly, and then took a step forward, stomping on the
Pig's cock. Benny wailed in pain arching his powerful back, and
bucking his crotch against the floor. "Oops sorry honey." The sexy
mare snickered, as she took a step back her huge hoof leaving a big
dirty hoof print on that hard organ. "Seems to me that you are
regaining your sensitivity down there... Huh big boi?" She laughed out
right this time, as the helpless Pig whimpered on the floor.

"Uuhuuuuu please Doctor." The Boar whispered barely audibly as he
tried weakly to rise.

"Alrighty then... let’s finish this treatment big boi." The golden
palomino mare grinned evilly, and stomped down hard on Benny juicy
nuts. That were just lying there vulnerably on the floor between this
thick thighs. The Boar shrieked in agony this time, his big powerful
body flopping limply back to the floor. "Ummmm yeah... that's right
sweety your treatment is almost over." The big Buxom mare had those
panties shoved down around her knee's now, and big three fingered hand
working magic on her pink tear drop shaped equine sex. Planting a big
hoof in the center of the Pig's fat orb, she grinned shifting her
weight. Grinding that big flinty hoof down on Benny's bruised nuts, as
the Boars cock began to twitch violently.

Pamela twisted her hooves back and forth, stomping those massive Pig
balls into the hard floor. Benny screamed at the top of his lungs, as
the big mare lifted her hoof and immediately brought it down onto
those nuts with devastating effect. Benny's long twisted cock jerked
and bounced uncontrollably, and then started to erupt with long spurts
of thick, white cum. Leaving a big messy puddle of Pig spoo on the
cold sterile tile floor. And then suddenly those massive Boar jewel
ruptured like over ripe melons, Benny wailed and screamed wildly.
While Pamela trampled those broken nuts into a smooth liquid within
that big bruised sack. The big mare squeezing the last cum out of
those ruined nuts, with her big dirty steel shod hooves. Even as she
buck and squealed herself, caught in the throes of a powerful orgasm.
Those big three fingered hands stroked and touching herself in ways
only a female knew how to do. When the Boars orgasm and screaming
subsided, Pamela looked down at him and grinned. Kneeling down and
dipped her fingers into that sticky mess that Benny had left on the
floor. And brought those finger to her thick pouty equine lips, and
licked at it playfully for the camera. "Well Benny... I guess you are
cured." "Are you feeling pain now?"

"Uhum Hummm." The neutered Hog moaned, as he drifted in and out of

"Ammmm wonderful... I’m happy I could help you." The sexy palomino
mare chuckled, slapped the Pig's big naked ass as she strolled off

"Cut feed." Jerome shouted, the big roan stallion walking in to lift
Benny up on to the examination table. "Alright buddy..." He turned,
looking at the little Foxy Doctor who was just finishing pawing off
for the third time that night. "Get him fixed up before he bleeds out,
and we'll dump him off at the Mission house same as the others." And
then he turned to the Raccoon, who was tapping on his laptop.

"Switching to premium members only viewing..." The Raccoon announced,
as the camera zoomed in on the Fox's paws removing those ruined orbs.
"Five minute delay same as always." The little Raccoon growled as he
looked up at the big friendly equine darkly. "Now go out there and
find one for my Goat boy here to pop. Or you'll be starring in our
next show." The slender Raccoon threatened as the big stallion
shivered and hurried out of the room.


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