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Drunken Boasts Lead To Drunken Bets
I'll Betcha...

"There aint no way... You'll never get her off with that slender
little thing." The big Stallion snickered, showing off his massive
equine pleasure scepter and hefty plums that dangled beneath it. "Hell
its really work for me to get her off... Even with this mighty
masterpiece, soooooo you aint got a chance in hell Goat boy. And to be
honest with you, I think she only agreed to this so she could laugh at
you." The clearly displeased husband snorted, obviously not really
wanting to see another males dick inside his wife.

"But she did agree to it." The smiling Goat reminded the big Stallion
as he strolled towards the studs bedroom door. "And far be it from me
to chicken out on a bet. Or leave a lady disappointed." The Goat
replied, having already dropped his clothes as well, letting the much
larger stallion see what his competition was carrying; a low-sling and
furry sac that looked almost too large for the goat's thighs, and a
nice sheath for a male of his size. On a horse it'd be an
embarrassment, but on a goat it was maybe slightly larger than normal.
"And of course, you're no chicken yourself, so I'm sure you'll abide
by the terms of the bet. If I do succeed." He reminded the snorting
stomping stallion, as he reach forwards and shoved the bedroom door

The big stallion gritted his teeth as he slowly followed along behind
the confident Goat, his erection sagging a little at his rivals words.
"Look friend I enjoy a good bet... but lets be honest I wasn't
completely sober sooo." The stud snorted, as the Goat swung the
bedroom door open to reveal his sexy wife laying on their bed, he
could smell the scent of sex in the air. She was obviously turned on
by what was about to happen, that mighty erection wilted a bit more.

The handsome Goat smiled broadly at the waiting Mare, who nodded and
smiled back brightly. "Sooo... what?" The smirking Goat replied, as he
strolled towards the bed with obvious eagerness. "I'm willing to put
my malehood on the line, because I'm confident that I can please any
Mare. You put your Stallionhood on the line... betting that nobody
could please your Mare but you. All your friends heard you. Now are
you going to sit in the chair like we agreed, or do I tell everyone at
the bar that you're not that confident in your big cock after all?
That, in particular, you're not even confident you can out-fuck this?"
He turned, smirking while grabbing his furry sheath, and humped his
hand a little, letting his stiff seven inches slide out. A nice size
for a Goat... but laughable for a Horse.

"Ammmmm..." The big sexy mare purred in delight, as she watched the
Goat slide out and erect in front of her. The scent of her increasing
as that big tear sized sex grew dewy before the watching males. Her
husband was glaring at them both his long stud stick a weak rainbow
dangling between his thick thighs. Gods it turn her on to know he
wasn't at all enjoying this, after all it had been the drunken
buffoons idea for her to get goat fucked in the first place.

"Because I can have that conversation... It'll make a great pick-up
line for all the single mare's there, when I tell 'em how you were
worried I was better at pleasing mare's than you are." The horn Goat
smirked at the uncomfortable Stallion who was clearly trapped by his
own pride. "That's what I thought. So take a seat, your wife can make
you as comfortable as she likes, or I can be the one to tie you up,
your choice there."

"Awwww whats wrong dear... after all this was your idea." She taunted,
watching her husbands teeth grind, as he took a seat in the chair
looking very uncomfortable.

"Alright... Alright." He growled at the smart mouthed Goat, and the
sexy mare that belong just to him until this night. "Tie me get it
over with so I can start laughing... Errr we can start laughing at
you." The Goat nodded, and then went to the Stallion's own dresser. He
grabbed a few shoelaces, a few neckties, and proceeded to tie the
Horse's arms behind the back of the chair, and tie the Horse's legs to
the chair legs on the outside, so the stallion had his legs spread
further apart. The hefty stud cringed at the Goats touch, and the
feeling of the bindings being pulled tight around his ankles and
wrists. "There. Now your meat is on full display for your wife if she
decides mine's not doing it for her. Right?" He smirked at the big
Horse, and then turned and approached the bed, his stiff shaft bobbing
before him, his heavy balls swaying between his thighs.

"Yeah... yeah that's right." Jerome grunted, his cock stiffening a bit
as the smirking Goat looked at it admiringly.

He sat down beside the big Mare, smiled at her, and put a slender hand
on her thigh. "Mmm... You look utterly beautiful." He said to her with
a lusty grin as she looked him over in excitement. "Are you ready?" Of
course, these were hardly the first words the goat had ever said to
her. They'd been secretly talking for some time, behind her stallion's
back; and they'd had an arrangement for mutual benefit. Whether or not
the Goat pleased her, she'd say that he had... and she'd be rid of her
drunkard husband. The big hefty mare shivered as she felt that hot
hand on her fat thigh... a blush on her cheeks at the handsome goats
sweet words.

"Ummm sure am." She reached over to fondle the smaller males hard
cock, her finger teasing it even harder. "My husband here can hardly
wait for you to fuck me... look at his cock."

The sly Goat winked at the big, buxom mare knowingly as she smiled at
him. She was easily double his mass, but he wasn't put off by it. In
fact he was rather looking forward to it, according to his stiff pole.
He let out a pleasured breath, as her large hand gently caressed his
length the stiff shaft warm to the touch. "Hmmm, Maybe he likes
watching a real male rut." He teased, sliding a hand up her bare
thigh, to cup and caress her damp sex.

"Thats not true..." Jerome protested loudly, even as the attention to
his cock making him stiffen up a bit more. The stud was proud of his
junk that was obvious, of close it was getting hard for another male
more than his wife. But then he's fucked her a lot over the years, not
that he wanted to fuck a guy... Or... No! "She'll never even know that
things inside her... unless ya put it in her ass maybe." The big mare
lay easily back on the bed her thigh's wide spread displaying her self
for her husband.

"Or maybe he's just hard knowing that one of us guys is gonna loose
his cock and balls over you. Heh, what do you think of that,
sweetness?" He teased, then smiled and climbed onto the big Mare,
settling himself between her thighs.

"Look about... that I'm willing to let it go IF you are." Jerome
called as he watched the Goat reach between his mare's lags and fondle
her intimately.

"Well I think it's time I made my case... heh, if you're gonna be my
last fuck, I could do a lot worse." He mused as he lays down on her
large body, and with a push slides his shaft into her deep pussy...

"OH DEAR." The pretty mare exclaimed as if shocked and horrified by
what she'd just heard. "You mean if he loses... he loses...
Everything! WHINNY!" The big Mare squealed a bit to loudly, clutching
the edges of the bed as the slender Goat buried his cock into her in
one swift stroke. The Goat grunts, his slender hips jerking forward as
he plunges his stiff pole into that hot, slick Mare cunt, a passage
made for a member much larger than his. The space inside might annoy
some males, but he found it thrilling, it made his balls feel heavy to
be shoving his dick where a larger one should go. A Goat was
cuckolding a big Stallion, fucking his Mare while he watched even;
what's not to love about that?! His cock was every bit as effective as
that Stallion's big slab and he was gonna enjoy proving it. The big
Mare was DEEP inside, he knew he'd never hit bottom; and had so much
room, he could thrust at random and still sink in there.

"DAMNIT!" Jerome swore bucking and struggling to leap up, anger and
humiliation making the stallion blush brightly.

"Nnf, yeah, that's the deal!" The Goat admitted, knowing that she'd
known all along. "We've both bet... out whole package... that we're
better at fucking than the other... and YOU get to choose... whose a
male and who... looses!"

"Ummmm noo noo I can't... won't enjoy..." The sexy Mare moaned loudly
her body buck up to greet the Goats hips as his hard cock sent tingles
of pleasure running through her neglected sex. "But... that's terrible
either way I've doom one of you to gelding-hood." Her lip's brushed
the Goats ear and she moaned lustfully into it, telling him how much
she was enjoying everything that was happening. "Ummm no I can't
please don't make me..." The big Mare moaned, flashing her husband a
pitiful look, making his long hefty cock bounce up harder one again.

"Damnit we don't have to do this..." Jerome panted, watched that firm
round goat ass raise and fall pounding that hard cock in and out of
his Mare.

"Oh yeah..yeah we do, we've gotta do this now, we told everybody we
were gonna, and if we don't we've chickened out on a...bet!" The Goat
snorted in lust as he grabbed the big Mare's breasts and kneaded them
greedily! The goat grunted, hooking his knees around the Mare's to
give himself more leverage, and he shoved in hard. Making sure his
furry groin ground firmly against the mare's mound, to work her clit
as his shaft stroked her inside.

"But... but..." Jerome protested weakly unsure of what to do... could
he let the Goat win agree to tell everyone that this Goat could fuck
his wife just as good as he could. "Look I'll tell them your the
bigger guy... that you won and then let me stay intact... Please."

"Heh, and don't you worry lady, it's easy, just choose the dick that
makes you feel best, you win either way! Because you know if you
choose me, I'll be back to screw you silly after your stallion there
looses it all!" The Goat leered lustily, thrusting hard into that hot
pussy, fucking that big mare hard, burying his face in her tits and
lewdly sucking on them... The soft sexy Mare moaning, squealing more
and more vigorously as the smaller male atop her pounded harder and

"Ohoo ohooo gods..." She whinnied, glancing at her husband who was
drooling as he struggled to get out of the chair, his big cock
dripping heavily. Meanwhile the big sexy Mare was moaning and fondling
the Goat atop her lustfully.

"Ohoooooooooo Ohooo would you." She whimpered, her sex dripping onto
the bed, clearly that hard cock was doing a lot for her. "Ummm Ummmm
Jeromes not rutted me in... weeks... he's always out drinking with his
buddies!" The lusty Goat smirks, and laughs into those pillowy breasts
as the Mare states her complaints that Jerome had been ignoring.

"That's not true I fucked you just yesterday." Jerome protested
humping his hip's weakly in the chair, his aching hard cock oozing a
puddle on the floor.

"Hah! Really! Well I can't promise to plow your pussy every night, but
I'll fuck you more then once every two weeks. And then you can always
go to the bar yourself and get another any stud of your choice." He
says, winking at the moaning Mare, and then grunting in lust as he
pounds her hot pussy good and hard.

"Hah... two pumps and cumming aint rutting... not... NOT like This."
The sexy Mare moaned, throwing her head back as her body trembled in
pleasure, clearly she was getting close.

"Mmm, maybe if he's not Stallion enough to fuck you enough... maybe he
deserves to loose his stallion-hood." The Goat teased, as he nailed
the big Mare his sweaty ball-sac slapping her sopping cunt. "I'm gonna
cum in you real soon, you sexy mare... so you'll get to decide

"No she can't I'm her husband." Jerome pointed out weakly, as his eyes
drifted down to the Goats huge balls. "Don't tell her that stop
talking yer just trying to talk her into..." The trapped Stallions
eyes widened as he at last realized his position, just then his wife
whinnied her sex winking and squeezing on the Goats hard cock.
"WEEHEHEHEEEE!" She squealed, as she came hard on that thrusting cock,
her hip's bucking wildly as she lay back as if dumbstruck.

The stallion soon got to watch the Goat's big sweaty balls jumped on
their own, and tighten up against his firm ass; inside the Mare his
stiff pole erupted, firing a thick fountain of his hot cream deep
inside the big mare's belly! "Ahaha, yeah! FFFUCK you can squeeze a
male." The horny Goat groaned, as her pussy grabbed and milked his
hard pole. "Ahh...fuck..." He kneaded the Mare's silky breasts and
ground himself against her groin to sustain her pleasure, wanting to
give the big female two or more orgasms if he could manage it. He'd
already won of course, but why not win big? "Heh... you know Jerome...
I think your wife's gonna choose me." He panted, grinning at the bound
stallion... who was watching big eyed and opened mouthed.

"Oh fuck... oh hell you bastard you could have at least pulled out."
Jerome cursed weakly, his long cock surging up and down as he watched
the Goat cum inside of his wife. Even as she orgasmed once twice and
then one last time as he lay back exhausted. The bound Stallion
gritting his teeth and struggling to flee this time rather than
jumping up and shoving the pair apart... The Goat smiled, and heaved
himself from the Mare's breasts, getting upright with his knees under
him, his shaft still inside the big belly of the large Mare.

"So..what's your choice?" He asked teasingly, caressing her midriff
and hips with his light, slender hands.

"Ammmmm... well that was a great series of orgasms soooooo... I guess
my hubby loses." She giggled rolling back and forth, as she watch
Jerome struggle to get away. "Sorry dear, but you really should have
taken care of me."

The lustful Goat grinned lewdly, as he looked from the satisfied Mare
to her helpless husband. "Well, in that case." He eases himself out of
the mare's sex, his shaft sliding back into its home. He climbed off of
the bed and skips over to the bound stallion, to firmly grab the end
of his long dick. "It's time to geld this stallion. Do you want to
watch, or help?" He asked with a lewd wink, as he gives that horse
cock a firm squeeze.

"Wait... wait... you won please I'll tell everyone." Jerome babbled,
as the Goat gripped the end of his long dick making it throb harder
that ever. The proud Stallion enjoying another males touch perhaps a
bit to much for the straight Stallion he claimed to be.

"Hmmmmm... I'll watch for now." The sexy mare snickered, as Jerome's
pre-cum drooled into the Goat wrist as the proud stallion bucked in
the chair. The horny Goat smirked knowing the mare wanted to see it
all happen.

"And now we have the 'begging to keep his cock and balls' phase, it's
always the same with you horses... That's right, you're not the first
Stallion I've cuckolded, or the first I've gelded. Although, it
usually goes the other way around." He laughed and then wanders over
to the bedroom door where the tool is stored. "Now, what did you do
with the tool we agreed to use?" He opens the door and is gone for a
moment, before returning with a heavy-duty branch cutter. It had long
handles for plenty of leverage, and a thick blade to chomp through the
toughest tree limbs. "Here we are." He opened the jaws and closed them
several times, before placing his own jewels between those jaws.
Letting the big Stallion watch open mouthed, as the Goat half closed
those Jaw. "Hahaha... bet that's what we thought you'd see, thinking
it'd be you holding these handles." The smirking Goat slipped his junk
out of those steel jaws, walking over to stand between the big
Stallions knee's. "Now I'll tell you what stud." He offers, and rests
the heavy end of the tool on the horse's crotch for emphasis. "I'll
let you keep your parts if... and ONLY if... your wife asks me to do
so. But I don't think she's gonna tell me to do that. Instead, I think
she'll tell me which part of you comes off first... your cock, or your
balls." He grinned back at the Mare, who was looking very amused by it
all. "What will he loose first, sexy?"

"Balls." The smirking Mare exclaimed instantly, as Jerome looked over
at her in shock, his long cock spurting a little.

"Pammy no... you can't please tell him to stop." The big stud whimpers
sounding very small in that moment, making both the Goat and Mare

"You got it babe." The Goat replies, grasping the horse's cock again
and lifting it up out of the way. "He's pretty hard, want me to jerk
him off before I geld him?" The Goat asks, before he opens the big
branch cutter and slides it down under the horse's dick, carefully
positioning the open blade around the stallion's balls. And then
grabbing those firm horse plums and jerking them through the gap of
those jaws...

"Yes." The two of them looked surprised at Jerome, as the big Stallion
stopped struggling and looks up at the Goat.

"Hahaha you heard him." The big Mare snickered flashing the Goat a
leering grin. "Make him go off, once more. Besides he need to get use
to the touch of a Male since he's going to be a gelding and no use to

The smirking Goat looked back at the mare, than back at Jerome, and
grinned. He grasped the horse's dick and started tugging at it firmly,
using both hands to work the glans and the shaft. "As soon as you cum
you're getting gelded." The Goat teased the helpless Stallion as the
two of them shared a moment that the Stallion never expected. "And I
bet you're hard from watching me fuck your wife, aren't you pretty
boy..." The big Stallion lay his head back, his hip's trying to stay
still; but bucking a little as that big organ strains to hold back.
Those big heavy orbs quivering, orgasm building within them soon to be

"Ammm... Ammmm no noo nooo NOOOOO." Jerome denied, struggled to hold
back forcing himself not to release... and then that big hose spurted
slashing thick sticky cum across the room. The smiling Goat laughed as
the Stallion's last cum splattered across the floor.

"Ha! Goodness, you were really turned on by watching me fuck your
wife. Well, no more of that for you GELDING." The lustful Goat
snickered, and then grabbed the handles of the branch cutter and
shoves them closed, 'SNAPPING' the blade closed around Jerome's
velvety scrotum. The Horse's eyes bulge as the metal blade bites his
balls off, but he only has a few seconds before the Goat puts those
bloodied blades around his cock as well. "Well lady, does he loose his
dick too?" The lusty Goat asks the giggling Mare, and quickly she nods

"Oh of course... I won't have him getting any sympathy gelding sex
from any of my friends." She teased, with a smirk and a nod the Goat
closes the handles again... this time chomping the gelding's long,
beautiful penis off at the base.



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