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Breaking The Stud

Chapter 2

A little farther down the road...

Tara and her sissy husband breaks in their young Bull... A little
farther down the road...

Delvin sat at the bar... nursing his beer as he thought about Tara and
the things she had gotten him to do. The huge red and white Bull
feeling both sickened and yet aroused, those soft equine lip's on his
hard cock had been wonderful. Never mind that it was a sissy
Stallion's mouth, Delvin took another long drink of his beer. The feel
and taste of that steel cock cage suddenly strong in his mind, the
other males cum on his tongue while the scent of that musky equine
crotch filled his nostrils. The young bull downed his shot of bourbon
in one gulp, and then followed it with a swig of beer to chase. Around
him the bar was filled with music, and the other noises that were
always there. The things they had gotten up to... wasn't something a
country Bull like him would ever have thought about doing. No one in
the place would have, this wasn't some big city fruit bar. He had done
it to get between her legs, to feel that hot pussy on his throbbing
cock... at least that was what he told himself. Delvin shook his wide
horned head, trying to push these thoughts out of his mind as listened
to Toby Keith sing.

"Fuck..." Slowly Delvin licked his thick bullish lips, remembering the
sissy Stallions lip's pressed against his. Tasting and feeling that
equine tongue within his mouth, as he had hammered the other males
asshole like it was a Cows pussy. In that lustful moment nothing else
had mattered to him, the sensations of pleasure shared between two
males. Having a sexy female watching... urging them on as they shared
the pleasures of each other's bodies. That had somehow made it
acceptable for Delvin in that moment, it was only afterwards that he
had felt guilty about how much he had enjoyed it. In truth fucking
that sissy Stallion's wife afterward... had been a bit of a letdown in
a way. The pleasure of her sex had been all he could think about... it
was what had lured him there and why he had stayed after seeing the
other male. It was his reward for doing the perverted things she had
asked... he had fucked another guy just so he could have that. But
once he had cum in the Stallion's mouth and boi-pussy, mounting that
mare sex had seemed... Well it was not the pleasure he had expected it
to be, he had been left thinking that he would rather have just fucked
her husband again. Delvin choked on a mouthful of beer, as that
thought had rolled around in her head. The first time had left him
confused and questioning his sexuality, but it was nothing compared to
the second time they had him over.

Things had gone slightly differently that second time... he had spent
the night in their home. Both equines had rode his cock time and time
again, he had burst a nut seven times in that sissy Horse... Three
times in his ass... three times in his mouth... and then once more the
next morning when he had woken up to the pansy equine sucking on his
morning wood. Delvin had fucked the Mare four or five times that
night, but in all honestly that sex had not been as memorable to him.
The young Bull had fucked a lot of females... but this was the only
guy that he had ever mounted. And no matter how hard he tried to
forget it... every detail just kept popping back up in his mind. The
only thing that was really memorable about the Mare, were the nasty
things she whispered into his ear. And the strap on she had shoved
into his mouth... the third time he had fucked her sissy husband in
the rump that night. She had lorded over the young Bull, ramming that
long rubber equine dildo down his throat like she was a Stallion.

It bothered him that he had just let her do it... that really was kind
of crossing a line of sorts. Delvin hadn't considered it at the time,
but looking back on it now the big Bull realized everything had
changed in that moment. He had went from a virile male penetrator, to
a passive sissy who allowed himself to be penetrated even if it was by
a Mare. He had lay there balls deep inside another guys ass... while
the only female in the room was fucking a dildo down his throat. Her
soft hands gently rubbing over his sweaty head and neck, as she
snickered leeringly; while grunted the most naughty and derisive
things about him into his ear. Delvin remembered thinking at the
time... 'I bet this is how she turned her husband into a sissy wimp'
the spent Bull just passively taking it. He wasn't exact proud of
that... not one of his more masculine moments. But damn it had
certainly been... exciting at the time that it was happening. He
pictured her dripping pussy peeking out from under that huge rubber
toy, could almost smell her sexual excitement in the air. The young
Bull finished off his beer, and then took out his cell phone twisting
his head first one way and then the other. Conflicted by his desires
and shame over the things he had already done, Delvin wasn't stupid he
knew that to go back was to invite even more taboo debauchery.
Glancing down the young Bovine was shocked to see his fingers had
already scrolled down to her number. Delvin stared down at that number
had for a long moment, finally taking a deep breath the young Bull
thumbed the number. His phone dialing Tara instantly, as he suddenly
felt intensely nervous and remorseful about calling. His thumb was
moving to disconnect, when he heard her voice purr into the phone.

"Hullo honey... What can I do for you?" A powerful jolt shot up his
spine at the sound of that voice, the Bull could feel his cock
thickening within his sheath. Delvin suddenly found himself panting
for breath, shivering as he sat there on the bar stool. Everything
that had happened replaying in his mind, ending with him starring up
into her eyes as she pounded that strap on down his throat. Hold the
sides on his muzzle in her soft hands, while smashing the rubber
testicles against his chin. She had been soooo powerful in that
moment, while he had felt strangely passive and willing to allow her
almost anything.

"Uhu... Ummm." Delvin grunted as he lifted the phone to his floppy
Bovine ear, struggling to find the words to explain why he had called
her. "Hey Tara... I... I.. was just wondering... that is if yer not
doing anything... Would you mind if I came over for... you know maybe
spent the night." The young Bull hadn't felt so awkward and
uncomfortable since he was school Calf asking a Cow out for the first
time. Now here he was asking a married Mare... if he could come over
and mount her pansy Stallion again. 'Wait what?' Delvin flinched as
that thought just popped into his mind, he was angling to have sex not
with her... but her husband. A kind of strangled sob escaped his
throat, making Tara chuckle lewdly when she heard it.

"You want to fuck my sissy husband some more." She wasn't asking a
question, plainly she knew that he was really enjoying the taboo
nature of what he and Jerome were doing. "It's ok he loves you big
hard cock... why don't you come on over." The gloating Mare invited
with a giggle, she could hear the music in the back ground. Plainly
the Bull was hanging out in that redneck roadhouse, that she had
picked him up in a few weeks before. Back then all he wanted was to
bed a female that he hadn't before, most of the tail in the place had
either been spoken for. Or had been covered by the horny young Bull
already, so when the pretty new Mare had stroll in he had been all
over her. And his charm had worked perfectly, they had danced for
hours until at last she had invited him back to her place. And that
was when everything had started to change, they were already half
naked by the time they had stumbled through the bedroom door. And he
had spotted her husband kneeling there beside the bed, all locked up
in that chastity cage. 'Was he waited to be used?' Delvin had thought
that the Horse had been waiting for him to use him at first, later the
young Bull had figured it out... that the sissy Stallion was waiting
for her to use them both.

"Yeah... yeah alright I'll be right over." The young red Bull snorted
into the phone, hearing the wicked Mare snicker knowingly. She knew
that he would say that, knew than he wasn't going to resist the lure
of pleasure. All three of them were aware, that Del couldn't bring
himself to stop what was going on. Even if it bothered him on a
certain level, even if he was finding his old straight self slipping
away the more time he spent with the equines.

"Alright honey... I'll leave the pouch light on for you." Tara
chuckled huskily, as she listened to the handsome Bovine panting for
breath in need and anxiety. "Jerome is going to be so glad you're
coming over tonight." There was a hint of something nasty in her tone,
that made Del shiver as he heard it. Yet as he thought about the sexy
Stallion, the big Bull couldn't help licking his thick bullish lip's.
Jerome had provided him with so much pleasure, they had enjoyed each
other's efforts so very much.

"Alright see you in twenty minutes..." Delvin snorted as he
disconnected, standing up to head towards the door.

"Ya gunno bed that pretty Mare again?" Tom the bartender snorted, as
he stood there smiling broadly at the young Bull. "When are you gunna
let her come in here... give someone else a chance to get between
those sexy legs."

"Not sure you'd want to." Delvin snorted as he paused to look at
himself in the mirror behind the bar, ashamed to see just how excited
and yet worried his muzzle looked. Something was going to happen,
something unnatural and perverse that would ruin the young Bulls self
image no doubt. Del had already done things that he had Never thought
he would do... kissed another male on the mouth... tasted his cum on
the metal of that cock cage. Sucked on a big fake cock... let the Mare
fuck his muzzle with it while rutting a guy up the butt hole.

"Hahah..." Tom laughed lewdly, licking his furry Goat lip's as he
smirked at the Bull. "Oh sure... I'd enjoy the hell out of that sexy
Mare!" The bartender assured with a curt nod, even as he moved down
the bar to take a drink order.

Out in the darkened parking lot, Delvin strolled over to his pickup
truck climbing inside. The young Bull checked his mirrors, once again
his mind going back to the last time. Del had gotten super drunk after
the night he spent with the equines, spent almost a week in one bar or
another. Subconsciously he rubbed at the piercings on his chest,
Delvin didn't remember getting the rings in nipples at all. He had
just woke up with them one morning... after a long drunken weekend
spent in the nearby city. It had been a real shocker when he had
spotted the gold rings in the mirror, as he was going to climb into
the shower. Del use to go around with his shirt off all the time... he
didn't do that kind of thing anymore. What bothered him the most about
it... was that he had done it to himself. Sure he had been black out
drunk, sure he had gone out of town to get it done. But it was there
now and he could find the will power to take them out, he had spent
hours fondling them thinking about it. The young Bull shuddered as he
imagined his friends or co-workers seeing the rings, there would be a
lot of joking and kidding of course. But he knew very well that there
would also be a lot of darker stuff, guys around here wouldn't like
nor understand this kinda thing. It might very well get him beaten
up... or even murdered if the wrong guys spotted it. "I really need to
get out of this town." Del snorted under his breath, as he started his
truck and headed over to Tara and her sissy's house.


It was a quiet unassuming little house, in the suburbs a few miles out
of town. It was the kind of place a school teacher, and her dentist
husband lived in bland anonymity. Just looking at it, you would never
know the naughty things that the Mare and her sissy Stallion got up to
inside. Slowly he pulled up into their driveway, turning off his
truck's engine the young Bull just sat there starring at the front
door. A single porch light was on just above the green painted door,
Del rubbed his hand over his bovine nose and mouth. Feeling a high
level of anxiousness as he sat there, Tara was going to push him to do
things. Nasty, naughty, depraved things, the worse part about it was
Del knew he was going to enjoy it on some level. The Horses were
changing him... and some part of the young Bull craved that change...
wanted so much more of it. Yet another part of him feared it... knew
that everyone else in his life would hate him for it. Maybe he could
figure out some way to hide, this Stallion had married a Mare who was
actively finding him males to pleasure. But Del doubted that he could
find a Cow like that, most of the females he knew hated males who did
that kinda thing. Climbing out of his truck, the young Bull strolled
towards the Horses front door.

"You've been over a lot lately." The words were so soft, still the
sound of that voice almost made the big Bull jump out of his skin.
Spinning around, Del found himself looking down at a small middle aged
Canine female. She was looking up him up and down with an amused eye,
as Del shifted from one cloven hoof to the other uncomfortably.
"You're one of Tara's friends... I saw you bring her home that first
night you were here." She flashed him a leering grin, that hinted at
her knowing what he was doing with the Mare. It was plainly an
observation, rather than a question just the tone of her voice said
so. "Tara has a lot of male friends..." Well that was a telling
statement, and it made the young Bull shiver unconsciously.
"Although... they don't seem to come back that often." It was plain
she was thinking Tara was just having one night stands, she was
unaware of what Jerome was doing for those visitors. "You are one of
the few who has come back more than twice. You must be something
special... she is marry you know." She said that last bit blandly, but
Del could hear the judgment in her voice as she asked that.

"Yeah I know..." Del grunted as he turned away from her, hearing her
grunt in distaste as he walked swiftly towards the door.

"Have you ever been married?" There it was that accusing tone again,
it made the young Bull roll his shoulders. Half turning his horned
head, the young Bovine spat his answer back at her coldly.

"No." Del called as he stepped up onto the front pouch, sensing her
eyes boring into his back as he knocked on the green door. Almost at
once the door swung open, and Tara stepped outside throwing her arms
around his thick neck. "We're being watched." Del grunted softly into
her ear, as the sexy Mare kissed his cheek looking over his shoulder.

"Hello Silva..." Tara called out in a merry amused tone, leaning
around Del's thick torso to wave at the middle aged canine. "What are
you doing out here at this time of night." Tara asked with a smirk,
the pretty Mare knew exactly what she was doing out there.

"Why hello Tara... how is Jerome?" The little canine asked in a snarky
tone, as if to say 'You know your Husband.' "Oh I always take a walk
this time of night..." Silva replied as she began to walk away,
plainly having given up on influencing the young Bovine. "The fresh
air always settles my stomach after dinner... You have a nice night
now." The tone of her voice making it plain that she had no doubts
that they would have a very nice night indeed.

"Oh don't you worry Silva... we plan to." Tara called right back as
she pulled Del through the door, and closed it behind him as the big
Bull stood there shivering. "It's okay sweetie Silva is just a nosey
old bitch... but she's harmless other than trying to point out her
disapproval." The pretty Mare explained with a smirk, as she began to
strip off Del's clothing right there. Del instantly thought about his
embarrassing piercings, he wasn't sure that he wanted to share that
with anyone yet.

"Ammmm lets go to the bedroom..." Del protested dodging away, as she
was trying to unbutton his shirt. The handsome young Bull trotted down
the hall, ducking into the master bedroom as he unbuckled his jeans
letting them drop. He wasn't wearing any underwear, so that long red
Bull cock sprang right out as his trousers hit the floor. Del froze as
he stood there just inside the door, starring at the Horse who was
laying naked on the bed. The young Bull shivered in shock, for the
first time the sleek sissy Stallion wasn't locked up in a metal
chastity cage. His pierced sheath was exposed, that long, thick Horse
cock lay pulsing weakly on his furry belly, Del's eyes starred at that
throbbing fucker in wide eyed shock. His eyes devouring that naked
body taking in the piercing that Jerome had, realizing that he had
subconsciously mirrored the sissy Stallion.

"Sooooo as you can see..." Tara purred as she followed the young Bull
into the room, arms wrapping around his waist... hands caressing the
fur of his belly. "Jerome has been very good... so he is out of the
cage this time." The pretty Mare whispered softly into Del's floppy
bovine ear, as she nibbled on the edge of it playfully. "He's been so
very excited about the thought of you coming over..." As she purred
those words... Jerome's long Equine cock bounced up and down on his
chest leaking pre-cum. As Del watched that big Horse cock tense and
strain, his mouth began to salivate uncontrollably making the young
Bull grunt and shake his head. Sucking up and excess saliva, gulping
it down nervously as the scent of the sissy Stallions pre-cum tingled
in his nose. "We both have... I want to see how much you've learned."
It really hadn't tasted bad... dripping out of that cock cage, it
wouldn't be so bad to just suck that thick fucker... Del snorted in
shock as that thought popped into his head, he wasn't into males at
all... he wasn't gay... he couldn't... suck a...

"Uhum look... I don't... I'm not..." Del stammered weakly, sickened by
the knowledge that a part of him wanted what was coming next. The
young Bull was so distracted by the sight of that long Horse fucker,
throbbing and dripping as Del edged closer to the bed Jerome was
laying on. That he hardly noticed as Tara stripped his shirt off, the
young Bull completely naked now as he stumbled towards the bed.
Jerome's handsome muzzle twisted up into a smile, his eyes lingering
on the young Bull's board chest. Del glanced down and was shocked to
realize his shirt had been removed, exposing that highly embarrassing
nipple piercings to the pansy Stallion.

"Ohoooooo... I love these." Tara moaned as she saw his nipple
piercing, reaching up to playfully fondle and tug on them. Smirking as
she watched the young bull react, his body enjoying it just like her
sissy husband. "I have just the thing... to take control." The pretty
Mare trotted over to her toy closet, quickly coming back with a
slender chain. It had two clip's on one end, giggling she clipped them
to the rings in Del's nipples. And the tugged on the other end of that
leash, guiding him along as her riding crop smacked loudly against his
rump. "I'm kinda surprised... I thought Bull general got nose rings."
She laughed using the Bovines sensitive nipples to control him,
tugging him up onto the bed as Jerome lay sprawled out there.

"Ammmm gods I love your cock." Jerome moaned as the big Bull loomed up
over his passive body, the submissive Stallion eagerly opening his
mouth. Which was watering just like Del's own, the young Bull panting
for breath as he knew what was coming next. As the sissy Stallion
reached up, nuzzling and licking the dripping head of that rock hard
Bull fucker.

"It is a beautiful cock... and it looks even better fucking into your
muzzle." Tara laughed softly as she reached down gripping Del long red
Bovine fucker; guiding that hard cock into her own husbands waiting
mouth. That eager mouth hot and wet, as it engulfed the young Bull's
throbbing male hood.

"AHAHA..." Del let out a gusty moan of pleasure, as he felt those soft
equine lip's wrap around his pulsing shaft. "Oho gods your mouth..."
The young Bull moaned out loudly, amazed once again by the skill of
the passive sissy Horses lustful muzzle. Del found himself on his
hands and knees above the faggot Stallions body, his own cock sliding
deeper and deeper into that submissive mouth. The young Bull's melon
size nuts slapping softly against the Horses furry muzzle, even as
Jerome's long blunt Horse cock bounced up stiffly. Del flinch as that
shockingly hot cock flare smacked against his cheek, splattering
drizzles of hot pre-cum onto the young Bull's blushing muzzle.

"Alright baby... show momma what you've learned." Tara purred huskily
into Dels floppy bovine ear, as she moved up beside him to grip his
horn in one hand. While her other grabbed that big throbbing Horse
cock, Delvins nostrils flaring as he gasped for breath. The musky
masculine scent of Jerome's organ sharp in his nostrils, even as he
watched Tara grip and stroke that fucker. The young Bull knew what she
was wanting him to do, and so without being told he opened his mouth.
Letting her push that big blunt cock flare into his mouth, thick
rubbery lip's sealing around that pulsing staff. Just like she had
done with her strap on, Del had focused on her teats last time. This
time he was starring at Cameron's balls, those fat equine nuts that
had not been emptied in months. "Ohooo yeah... you know how to do
this... just suck on it like you did my strap on." Tara snickered as
she heard the faint 'Slurping' as those thick Bovine lip's slid
farther and farther down Jerome's throbbing erection.

"I'm not a cock sucker..." Del moaned weakly in protest, even as his
mouth embraced that pulsing Horse cock. Down below Jerome let out a
gusty moan, even as his mouth took Delvin's hard fucker balls deep.

"Hahah... of course you are... Honey I trained you to suck cock...
Your sucking cock right now!" Tara pointed out with a teasing giggle,
even as Del's mouth sucked even more of that throbbing fucker into his
throat. "Ammm... there is nothing I love more than watching two sexy
males pleasure each other." Del watched as the sexy Mare lay back on
the bed, rubbing her tear drop shaped equine sex excitedly as she
watched them. The young Bull snorted through their nostrils, gulping
in more of that strong male musk as his lip's kissed the Stallions
sheath. Soon Del was moaning and grunting in pleasure, as the Horse's
mouth expertly worked over his throbbing fucker. "How do you like the
taste of your first real cock?" The young Bull moaned softly, plainly
he was enjoying both the taste and sensation of that throbbing cock in
his mouth. "Or is it your first?" The pretty Mare teased gripping that
horn, as Del tried to pull back off of Jerome's thick fucker to answer
her questions.

"Uhu uhu uhu... tastes... tastes good." Del moaned around that big
throbbing fucker, his tongue licking and lapping all along that hard
cock. 'Sissy bitch... Pansy cocksucker... Ass loving shit dick...' All
these slurs, that he had heard his whole life... racing through the
young Bull's mind. "Ma first... first real cock." Del whimpered in
shame, yet a thrill of sexual excitement raced through him as he
admitted it.

"Hahah... well I can tell by the way your lip's are working it... that
it's not going to be the last." Tara taunted letting her hand trail
down his blunt Bovine muzzle, soft finger tips tracing his smooth
rubbery lip's as they wrapped around her husband's thick equine cock.
"Does he suck cock good baby?" She asked Jerome, who was taking that
long Bovine fucker deep into his throat.

"Ammhumm." The passive Stallion moaned, plainly more interested in the
fucker in his own mouth than what Del was doing to his cock. Jerome
reaching up to grip the Bull's buttocks, pulling them forwards so that
they speared that cock even harder into his mouth.

"Hah... see you're a fine cocksucker." Tara giggled harder, making Del
roll his eyes as he gripped Jerome's meaty thigh's. The pretty Mare
slipped off the bed, moving over the what Del had come to understand
was their toy box. A moment later the pretty Mare was pulling on her
strap on, Del watched out of the corner of his eye as she set it in
place over her crotch. 'What the fuck?' The young Bull wondered
silently, he already had a cock in his mouth so it wasn't like she
could rut his muzzle. A sudden shudder ran through his body, as the
pretty Mare looked down at him with the same wicked smirk she had when
Del had taken Jerome's cock head into his muzzle. Taking out the same
tube of lube, she had used to grease Jerome's tail hole so the young
Bull could fuck him. The smirking Mare squeezed out a glob of clear
lube, 'Gluck' onto the big blunt head of that equine dildo. Before
moving up behind Del's big black Bovine body, gripping his ropy Bovine
tail she pulled it aside.

"NNN... Nnnnna..." The young Bull grunted around that hard cock, which
was slamming in and out of his throat lustfully now. Both Bull and
Stallion were eagerly fucking each other's muzzle, Del fought to spit
that huge cock out so he could scream 'No' however he just didn't have
the will power to do it. Watching out of the corner of his eye, as
Tara rubbed that cold lube over his hot anal pucker. "Ammm..Untah."
The young Bull grunted in protest, even as the big sexy Mare gripped
his hip's as she pushed that rubber cock flare against his anal gates.
Spreading those taboo lip's wider and wider, as Del bucked and
struggled whimpering louder. It hurt to have his virgin ass taken, yet
even as Tara pushed that huge dildo farther inside of him. Something
inside of his head broke, no longer resisting that invasion like he
had before. His clenching anus relaxed opening the way for that thick
tool, 'Slurp.' the young Bull let out a pitiful 'Mooo' as that flare
pushed past the entrance. And then just like that... Tara's hard toy
was sliding deep inside of him. Suddenly that flare struck something
inside of him, forcing a loud groan of pleasure out of him. As an
electric jolt of pleasure raced through his body, which stiffen in mid
thrust as that pleasure made Del's eyes bug out. "Uhuuuu..." Del
groaned in both pain and pleasure, his hefty balls tightening up as
that long Bovine cock began to drool pre-cum heavily.

"Oh dear... you are enjoying that... I can tell." Tara laughed in a
voice that sounded husky with arousal, even as she rolled her hip's
pushing in and out of that shiny black Bovine asshole. Smirking as she
listened to Del's breathing growing fast and ragged, as the smooth
rubber of that dildo stroked against his prostate gland. The pretty
Mare knew from her own husband, just how much pleasure the right male
could get out of being butt fucked. And she just seemed to have
developed a sixth sense about which males would really enjoy it. Del
was going to be the most fun yet it seemed, the young Bull was really
taking to her and Jerome's training. He just might be as much of a
slut as her husband, which meant just one thing to the Mare. Another
way to take advantage of horny males, maybe she would even use the
Sissy Bull to make money for her. Taking a firmer grip on the young
Bovines strong hip's, Tara really drove that big blunt toy up his tail
hole savagely. All the while Del was grunting and snorting more and
more vigorously, his body almost frozen in place now except of Tara's
thrust's bouncing his crotch back and forth. It was obvious that the
tail hole rutting was pushing Del over the edge, the young Bull really
moaning loudly now as he suckled intensely on Jerome's hefty fucker.
His hip's now actively pushing back into those swift fuck thrusts,
until a choked grunt escaped the young Bull's throat. As his huge Bull
balls pulled up within their sack, and then a hot gush of thick Bull
milk blasted don't Jerome's throat. The sissy Stallion gulping that
hot spoo down eagerly, even as the Horse own balls drew up within
their sack.

"Galuk." Del choked as a moment later, a surge of thick Horse cum
explored into his throat. Forcing the young Bull to swallow, as gush
after hot bitter gush filled his throat and mouth. Del yanked his head
back... taking the last few spurt in his muzzle as his own cum was
slowly fucked out by the dildo pounding against his prostate gland.
The young Bull found himself leaning over with a mouthful of hot thick
stud milk, slowly he round it around within his mouth. Tasting it
thoroughly, before at last gulping it down like a hungry calve
savoring his mother's milk.

Over the next few hours, Del traded blowjobs with Jerome a number of
times. Tara watching and fingering herself to orgasm, when she wasn't
using that toy on his tail hole. Until the young Bull just lay there
muzzle down in bed, too exhausted to resist some time Del wasn't
exactly sure when. That strap on was replaced by Jerome's Horse cock,
by the time Del realized he was being fucked by a real cock. He was
feeling far too passive to resist or even complain about it, finally
once Jerome was sexually sated Tara had her husband roll the young
Bull over. Del looked down as the wicked Mare fondled his junk, slowly
working his spent organs into a shiny stainless steel ring. And then
she fit the melt cup over his sheath, Del recognized the chastity cage
of course. It was just like the one Jerome had been wearing that first
night, a part of the young Bull wanted to protest. But he just
couldn't find the will power, and so just lay there letting her lock
just cock away behind shiny steel. "Here I thought you were a Bull...
but it turns out yer just a Cow." Tara laughed as Del curled up beside
Jerome in their bed, the three of them drifting off to sleep.

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