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Cara's Jock

The sleek curvaceous female squirrels sat sullenly at her table,
glum that her life had gotten so boring! As she surveyed the club,
he could see only tired old muzzles. What she needed was new
conquests, fresh meat on which to vent her cruel lusts! Tonight
particularly she felt pressured to relieve that sexual tension that had
been building within her all week long. She was just thinking, that
perhaps she should move on to another club. When he walked in to
the bar Jerome Firemane, star running back for the local collage
football team. As normal, he was covered in girls; empty-headed
blond bimbos who the big equine actively ignored and treated like
crap. Unless he wanted something from them, and it was pretty
obvious what he would want! Right now he was in the mood to

Cara watched slyly as the big jock downed a half dozen or so shots
chasing it with dark beer. At this point the big stud had loosened
up. And was talking and joking with his admirers, as the bimbos
hung all over him. The tall sexy squirrel stood and slowly sashayed
across to the pool table across from him. Taking down a cue stick,
she bent over the table and began to sink shots. Smirking she
watched in the mirror as the big jock admired her heart shaped
rump. As it swayed seductively exposed under her big bushy high
lifted tail. The big equine licked his lips, shrugging off the well-used
bimbettes. Ironically thinking the same thing Cara was
`Ammmmmm fresh meat!' Strutting over preeningly, the big stud
pressed his massively bulging crotch over the lip of the table.
"Looking for fun why don't ya play with me!" The big jock offered,
making Cara smirk as she thought. `Oh I will!' But she just
snickered at the big horse, and answered.

"That's the worse pick up line I've ever heard." "And believe me I've
heard them all." She snickered derisively mocking the big jock stud.
Jerome blushed and snorted, obviously not use to rejection. He
was a winner the big stallion was instantly hooked! He had to have
this uppity squirrel he would have her he would show this pretty slut
hole whatever it took!

"I don't have to use pick up lines" The big stud bragged, gesturing
to the brigade of bimbos.

"I can see that." Cara observed following his gesture. "Just waving
a twenty would get you any of them." She smirked.

"I've Never paid for it in my life!" Jerome snorted angrily. Cara
smirked at his brigade of sluts again.

"I should hope not cuz none of that lots worth paying for" She
sneered insulting the stud and his conquests. Only further fueling
his desire for having her. Leaning over she smacked the cue ball
hard on the bottom, making it bounce across the balls in front of it.
And right into the stallion's huge nuts, that were dangling over the
table lip and onto the felt surface.

"OOOFFFA!" Jerome grunted as the hard white ball made his nuts
bounce against the table lip.

"Ohoooo oh dear I'm so sorry!" The sleek sexy squirrel exclaimed,
moving around the table. Her paw dropping down to rub and
fondled the big stud's bruise orbs gently. "Oh my!" She purred
playfully as she felt his sheath thicken under her roving paw. Half
hunched over his guts still knotted from the nut shot. The big
equine nickered lustfully into her ear, as she rubbed his stallion

"Now wouldn't you like to have that?"

"Oh I think I will." Cara purred back, as she looked not at his
package but his firm round rump. "And I've got a few things for you"

"Then why don't we go out to the parking lot" Jerome grunted.

"My place is close and that way I can take my time." She purred.
"And savor it the way I love to."

"Oh your goina savor it baby!" The big equine jock smirked lewdly;
not realizing what he was thinking wasn't what she was. Jerome
pressed himself into her groping paws, suddenly very aware of the
tightness of his jeans. "Well ok if it's close sure." He agreed,
thinking if they went to her apartment; he just might do her in the
rump as well as her sex.


Cara called for a cab and they rode to her apartment. The cab
dropped them off, and it was a short elevator ride to her floor. With
a jingle of the keys and a turn of the knob, she finally had her big
musclie prey cornered. She quickly locked the deadbolt with the
key before stashing it in her purse. Jerome glances quickly around
the place, as he's stripping, taking in his surroundings as he pulls
her towards the bedroom.

"Why don't we get you out of these." He grunts, tugging her low cut
blouse off over her head. Letting her big bouncy breast fall free, as
he kicks off his jeans and tighty whitie undies. The naked stallion's
massive oozing stud hood slapped against his belly, as he fondled
her big bouncy breasts. Soft feminine paws fondled and stroked
him to even higher levels of excitement. His big rough hands
pawing at her tits, as he craned his neck and kissed her nipples.

"Do you want what's between my legs?" Cara purred teasingly,
knowing it wasn't what the jock was thinking.

"Yes oh gods yes give it to me baby!" The big horse moaned,
pushing himself against her.

"Naughty stop that" Cara snarled as Jerome tried to get her shirt

"What I just wanta" The big jock grunted in heated sexual

"Oh no, I told you if we're going to do this; we are going to do it my
way!" Cara reminded the big stud firmly. "Your to big to mount me
you'd hurt me maybe even crush me under your weight."

"No no I wouldn't" The jock denied. "I've fucked small bitch's like
you before." The jock stallion protested, even as he was pushed
onto the bed.

"But if your unable to control yourself even for one moment" The
sexy squirrel went on, as she climbed over his big muscular body.
"I could get really hurt really fast and easy."

"Unable to" Jerome moaned his eyes rolling wildly in his head.

"An easy solution perhaps." Cara mutters tugging a rope from
under the bed covers, and swinging it thoughtfully. Jerome's eyed
the rope with a surprised smirk.

"You want me to allow you to bind my arms and legs?" He asked,
even more aroused by the erotic nature of the suggestion.

"Sure why not?" The sexy Cara asked huskily. "That way we can
both have fun safely." The big stallion was ready to agree to
anything if it meant fucking this sexy slut!

"Yeah alright sure do it!" He panted thinking of the hot delights of
her small body. As she took his wrist and tied it to the bedpost,
then did the same to his other.
Then stood over the helpless stud, swinging the end of the rope
around in circles playfully. It took the horny distracted stallion a
moment to realize he was face down.

"Fuck I thought you didn't want me to be on top?" He groaned
struggling a little now, as he begins to realize maybe this was such
a good idea!

"Don't worry your not going to be!" Cara purred wickedly as she
dropped her black leather skirt. Watching in amusement, as the
jocks jaw dropped. When he saw the mighty organ hanging fully
erect between her sexy thighs!

"Fuckin' hell!" The big stud shouted stunned by the size and
masculine power of it. "What the fuck is that" He stammered.

"That honey I'd figure a jock like you, would have seen enough of
these in the locker room." "To know it's a cock and I'll give you one
guess where it's going!"

The big stallion begins to scream for dear life, long equine legs
kicking as he tries to escape from the bed. "You said you wanted
what was between my legs." Cara reminded him smirkingly. "Well
here it is baby enjoy!" The big stallion struggled desperately at his
bonds, but the thick rope and heavy iron bed frame held. As fast as
lightening one strong paw darts between the stud's thighs.
Grabbing his big firm male orbs in a coercive grasp, making the big
jocks screams raise in pitch until they were all but inaudible! It
really does not matter as the room is soundproofed enough that the
neighbors won't get suspicious!

"Now that you understand what resisting and denying me gets you."
She purred sultry. "Know that I want I really want you to resist me."
She moves up behind his rump, pulling his flowing tail aside!
Letting her hefty shaft fall heavily between his ass cheeks, and it
takes him a moment to realize what's happening. And he jumps
trying to pull away, but her strong paws on his nuts and tail restrain
him. "Because if you do I'm going to crush these big eggs of yours
and make a geldie out of you!" The big jocks jaw drops at her
words. Was she serious the powerful paw that was squeezing his
jewels like a vise scream that she was! "Awwwwww come on"
Cara teased, as she rubs the drooling head of her massive male
organ, over his big pink donut shaped anus. She placed the head
of her cock on his puckered asshole, and leaned into his hips.
Using her paw holds of flesh to pull him back even as she pressed
forwards! Unable to do more than throw his long narrow head from
side to side, the big horse squealed and whimpered in agony.

"I've never" The big jock whimpered knowing he was about to be
fucked like he was a female! Cara smirked, at how easy it had
been to force the big stud to do as she wanted! Tauntingly she
fondled Jerome's big stiff cock, slapping it around like a toy.

"You won't be able to say that again" The squirrel said with a
gloating smirk. And then slowly started to sink the hefty tip of her
cock into the big equine's taboo hole!

"AAHHGGG!!!" Jerome bellowed, as his tight virgin sphincter's
were stretched wide open; for the first time! The jock stud squealed
as he felt his ravisher's big thick organ force its way into him. The
pain of penetration only adding to the humiliation he was drowning

Cara murred at the hot tightness of the stallion's hole, the squirrel's
big fluffy tail waving happily. "Ahhhhh ahhhhh Ammmmm." She
moaned in delight at the hot velvety tightness of his virgin rump!
Jerome half panted, half whimpered as he felt his small ravisher's
huge organ part him right up to the sheath Cara purred, as she lay
atop the trembling football star, unmoving for a long moment. Just
enjoying the feeling of Jerome's violated hole around her big rock
hard cock!

"Ohoo gods!" The big jock whimpered for the first time feeling the
pleasure of having his prostrate poked! While above and behind
him Cara bounced up and down, ploughing the stallion's clinched
tail hole savagely. The squirrel slowly sped up; now that she was all
the way in begin to get into a nice rhythm of thrusting into her
captive. Using the studs tight tail hole, while her hefty cock rubbed
over his prostate over and over again. "OOOOOH OHOO GODS!"
The big equine football star moaned and whinnied loudly, as his
long thick cock slapped against his furry belly! Pulsing as hard as
iron, as the pleasure of begin ass rutted filled his senses. Cara
grabbed the horse big organ, jerking him while starting to fuck
harder. Jerome's big body quivered, the pleasure of being rutted;
and jerked off at the same time making him whimper and moan in
desire! Pushing his soft flesh back into the squirrel's hard fucking
thrusts. Reading the big equine like an open book, she thrust faster
making him more and more submissive! She had become an expert
at just such rough seduction! He had already oozed a puddle of
pre-cum onto the mattress.

"Looks like the studs turned into a little mare!" Cara taunted lustily
into his pointed ear as she fucked him harder. She snickered as
her thrusts steadily grew hard and faster. Making the big jock moan
and whimper loudly in pleasure. "Your just as big a slut as those
bimbos at the bar!" She spurted a thick stream of pre up the jocks
tight ass, slickening her path. So she could speed up even more,
humping and jerking Jerome at high speed. Blushing the big jock
panted and whimpered in humiliation as her words burned into his
mind. Giving himself up to desire, Jerome thrust back onto his
much smaller ravisher's hard fucking cock. Then forwards into her
smooth leathery paw as his pleasure grew quickly. "What a cock
slut!" Cara snickered as she thrust harder and deeper into him.
"For all that crying you sure got yourself a hard cock." She purred
grinning wickedly. "I think maybe you like taking it up the ass, better
than you like fucking!" Cara giggled breathless and derisively. Just
as she is about to climax, Jerome's own hard organ jerks in her
paw. The stallion's long thick equine cock erupted; his slick male
seed bursts from his big blunt cock head. Fountaining gooey
semen all over the sheets. She catches much of it in the palm of
one paw until her cupped fingers have collected a pool of his sperm.
Slowing her thrusts, Cara brings the hand out from underneath him.
And rubs the gooey cum onto the thick folds of her vagina, just at
the base of those big floppy testicles. The silky fluid drips from her
fingertips, as she aggressively digs her fingers deeply into her soft
flesh. The stimulation sends her over the edge as she feels the
semen surge into her thick shaft. She yells out as her hefty cock
pumps thick bursts of creamy spooge deep within the bowels of the
helpless jock! He cries out, feeling her hot release flood through his
rectum. Eventually her climax subsides, the last bursts of my jizz
oozing onto Jerome's testicles as she pulls out. Then collapses on
top of the exhausted and mortified stallion. At last satisfied with the
pleasure she had taken from his big powerful body! There was
nothing left to do but clean up the mess. She usually gave her prey
a good whipping, before she knock them out. Then had her Bellhop
Mario drop them off in the alley a few blocks away. But this one
deserved something special, so she reach into toy chest and pull
out a bander. And quickly placed a heavy band around the neck of
the big jocks nut sack! Jerome moaned slightly in pain, but was still
to out of it from the mind shattering orgasm to resist. Chloroform on
a handkerchief over his big round equine nose did the rest! After a
quick telephone call to Mario, she strolled off to the shower and
cleaned up. Laughing as she turned on the hot water, wondering
what story the jock would tell his cronies about they're night
together Or for that matter, how he would explain the banding to
the doctors in the emergency room when they removed his dead


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