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Change Your Life

The Goat's bed creaked quietly as it shook back and forth; the lanky,
shaggy caprine throwing his weight forward into the backside of the
heavy brown Bear girl, his hands on her wide hips. He grunted softly,
she moaned loudly; her glasses laying askew on the pillow beside her
chubby muzzle, her heavy breasts jostled, nipples grazing the blankets
as they hung and swayed beneath her. "Ahh, yeah." The Goat muttered
quietly as he plunged himself into the plump Bear's hot pussy,
savoring her snug squeezing of his throbbing shaft, and the heat of
her deep, slick love tunnel. They weren't boyfriend and girlfriend or
anything, just friends; in fact some of their other friends were still
in the other room playing smash bros, after their weekly game session.
And not that any of them out there playing video games, would not have
wanted to be in here buried in this pussy, and some of them had been,
in the past. Wanda just tended to prefer him most of the time. Was it
the Goat's natural charm? He wasn't necessarily the best-hung, that
was for sure and he knew it. Whatever... He was here to enjoy her
pussy... as his heavy balls swung and lewdly smacked the big Bear's
thighs, the lusty Goat felt his enjoyment coming to a climax...

At the half opened bedroom door, Tony the soft pink Pig peeked into
the darkened room. The dim light of a bedside lamp, showing the
envious Pig all of the action, Derek sure was nailing her good. The
chubby young Hog was rock hard in his cargo shorts, watching as that
sweet ursine pussy was given up to the shaggy Goat. Tony was feeling
more than a little jealous, the Goat seemed to be getting layed all
the time. While Tony hadn't cum inside anyone else in almost three
years, reaching down he fondled his aching erection. Making it leak
into his shorts, feeling disgusted with his own behavior, but still
unable to stop watching his friend rutting. Wishing it was his long
porcine cock sliding into that hot sweet Bear sex, in the room she was
beginning to bellow in pleasure as the Goat brought her off with his
lustful pounding. "Fuck." Tony hissed under his breath, bouncing from
hoof to hoof wishing he'd had the nerve to come looking earlier.

The horny Goat thrust hard, pulling his hips back and shoving in
powerfully, his balls lewdly swinging and slapping the big Bear's
thighs, his triangular tuft of a tail raised, showing off his flexing
ass... The big Bear opened her mouth wide, and then bit down on the
pillow hard to muffle her pleasured roar. Tony could hear it, and see
the reaction on Derek's handsome muzzle; he leaned his head back, his
horns almost touching his shoulders, and bucked forward hard, pumping
his load into that hungry cunt. Tony could see the Goat's sweaty
stones jumping in their sac as he came inside the big Bear sow...
Gradually the two slowed down, grinding a bit... and then untangled,
the white Goat pulling out to wipe his cock off on a patch of blanket,
then they began reaching for their clothes.

The hefty Hog lingered in the doorway a moment longer, enjoying the
sight of that gaping red sex oozing Derek's spoo. And the strong scent
of the sex in the air, damn it made him so hard it hurt. The Goat was
up and dressed before Tony realized it, and so he had to stumble
backwards down the hall. As the half opened down pulled open wide and
the handsome smirking Goat stepping out into the hallway. "Errr I was
just getting something from my... my room." Tony explained far to
quickly, looking from the bedroom door to the smiling Goat who was
looking at him surprised. The chubby Hog gulped, as he heard his own
guilty sounding voice.

Derek raised his eyebrows and nodded his long horned head for a
second. "Your room... at... your place?" He asked slowly, and nodded
at the Pig's crimson blush as he spread. The Goat couldn't help but
smile, so his buddy had been watching him and Wanda rut. "Anyway,
we'll be out in just a sec, Wanda needs to get home to do some work on
her position paper. Then if you want I'll help you find that...
thing... you were looking for." As he spoke, the pretty Bear appeared
in the doorway, dressed in a snug-fitting black t-shirt and jeans. She
blushed a little when she saw Tony in the hallway; and wordlessly
followed the Goat as they walked back to the living room. A short time
later, goodbyes having been said, shoes having been put on, and doors
have been closed, leaving Tony the last of the Goat's guests. Derek
can't help but smile at the fat, blushing Pig, and beckons him over.
"Tony... heh, you look like you're smuggling a pool rack in your
pants." He teased, pointing to the triangular bulge in the heavy Hog's
shorts. "Were you watching me and Wanda fuck?"

The heft Pig strolled up blushing as he realized Derek was right, his
erection was very plainly outlined in his shorts. "Errr... Errr I...
I'm sorry about... about this." Tony apologized, as he tried to cover
his erection up with his flabby hands... blush burning even brighter
on his muzzle as he heard the Goats next words. "Whaaa... watching you
to fuck? Naawww... I... I wouldn't... only a real prev would do that."
He denied, so unconvincingly that he winced when he heard his own
voice, and saw the look of his Goat friends muzzle. "Yeah... ok I was
watching... because well because I NEVER ever get to... well you know.
I just can't seem to get girls to... not like you... damn your rutting
someone all the time."

The handsome Goat chuckled, and grinned at his porcine friend. "Well
then I'm flattered you enjoyed the show so much." He said with a wink,
reaching down to grope and rub the hefty Pig's tented shorts. "Ahh,
you poor guy... feels like you really need to get off. Don'tchya? Well
I'm not a girl, but I'd let you fuck me if I was." Derek said, giving
the heavy Pig a lewd smile, and putting a hand on his belly.

"Ummmm damn Dude." Tony exclaimed in surprise and shock, of course he
didn't move to pull his aroused junk away from the same sex groping.
"Don't... don't say that..." The chubby Hog moaned, sounding even more
lustful and needy. Slowly he looked down at his Goat friends hand on
his belly, finding himself wishing it was back down on his junk.

"Tell you what, let's go back to my room and fool around, it still
smells like pussy back there, and we can talk about lewd stuff, guy to
guy." He led the horny Hog back to his bedroom and closed the door,
sure enough, the whole place smelled like Wanda's sex, and the goat's
lusty musk. Derek smoothly peeled off his shirt and jeans, climbing
onto his bed and laying nude, beckoning for Tony to join him.

"Well... well ok maybe just this... this once." Tony moaned, gulping
for air as he followed along behind Derek back to his bedroom,
inhaling that spicy female scent in the air deeply. "Damn that sure
smells good... it looked like it felt super good." The hefty Pig
babbled, as he struggled out of his tee shirt and tan cargo shorts,
his thick porcine prick jutting out stiffly in-front of him. While
those heavy Pig balls dangled way down between his short pink leg's,
slowly he climbed up and lay beside his friend. "So.... so what now?"

Derek smiled knowingly, and pressed himself up against the fat Pig.
His wet, slick goat dick was draped across Tony's chubby thigh, along
with the Goat's sweaty cummers. He reached over and rubbed the Hog's
belly, then moved his hand down and grasped that hard prick. "So now?
Whatever." The Goat replied, and started stroking the needy Pig's hard
throbbing cock. "And yeah... it did feel SO good, man. Wanda's a big
girl, but she has a nice, snug pussy... Mmm." He snorted in lust, and
licked his lips, tasting her scent still in the thick moist air.
"She's nice and deep, gets really wet... hot all around my dick... I
fucking love cumming in her pussy."

That heavy body lay there stiffly at first, a look of slight disgust
on Tony's muzzle as he felt that wet Goat cock on his warm pink skin.
But as he friends smooth hand rubbed down his belly and then grabbed
that aching hard on. Tony inhale sharply and his eyes half closed,
that hard erection jerking within Dereks firm grip. "Ammm fuckin'
hell." The horny Hog moaned, his hip's starting to thrust and grind as
the Goat stroked his dripping rut stick. "Oh fuck... Ohoooo fuck...
nice snug pussy." Tony repeated, licking his thick rubbery lip's as in
his mind he saw Derek pounding Wanda sexy slit. "Ammm Wow... I wish I
could feel it. I just bet... I'd give about anything to feel that."
Tony panted, his heavy body bucking and thrusting into his friends
fist, without even realizing it the Hog had reached over and began
fondling that wet Goat fucker. The lusty Goat grinned as Tony started
to stroke his shaft, still warm and slimy, but getting firmer in the
Hog's hand. He squeezed the Pig's leaking shaft as well, giving him a
firm grip to hump into. "Yeah, Wanda really enjoys my dick too...
Lotsa girls do, as you pointed out heh... But what can I say, I like
lotsa girls... like you, you're not un-cute; I'd fuck you if you were
a girl... I bet all the guys would want to."

Tony panted and gasped for breath more and more excitedly as that hand
on his hard on tightened and stroked. "Ammmm gods." Tony exclaimed,
listening to his friends words... even as the Goat gloating about the
girls liking his dick was making the fat Hog excited. "But why... why
do they love your dick so much?" The big Pig asked looking down
stunned to find his Goat buddies hard cock in his own hand. 'When had
that happened?' He watched his fist slide up and down that slick wet
fucker, as if he were watching someone else jerking the Goat off.
"Errr... Errr like me? I... I'm not? Wait what... if I were a girl all
the... the guys would want to?" Tony choked, shocked at where this had
ended up going, he wasn't a girl after all. "Yeah well girls never
have any trouble getting laid... Do they?"

"Heh, not around me." Derek boasted, grinning and giving that stiff
Pig dick a few more pumps. Then he paused to slide his hands down to
Tony's melon-sized balls, and lewdly rolled them around between those
thick thighs. "Mmm, nice nuts, Tony, I can't believe we've never
fooled around before... Maybe it's just because we're all living on
campus, but there's like two guys for every girl around here... I mean
like Wanda? Other places she might not get much attention because
she's a big girl, but here, everyone's interested. You've seen the way
everyone's eyes follow her when she's at the gaming table. She'll
never have trouble getting cock, we'd all fuck her... Yeah, everyone
wants to empty his balls in a pussy." He muses, rubbing the Hog's
stones firmly with both his hot hands. "But not every guy gets to,
most girls just choose a few guys to get lucky... Heh, how many guys
would you choose, I wonder?"

Tony's glassy eyes rolled around in his head, as that tight grip
stroked his aching hard fucker. 'Damn he wanted to cum sooooo bad.'
His breath rasping in and out of his wide up turned nose, the scent's
of rutting in the air making Tony whimper in desire. "Gods... I'd
agree to about anything to cum." The horny Pig babbled, as he felt
that hot hand release his cock and fondle those huge Pig balls. "Yeah
well... ya know I... I'm straight." The hefty Hog grunted, realizing
that he still had his Goat buddies hard cock in his hand. "Well maybe
I'm a little bit bi." Tony stammered, hoping the Goat was going to
offer to trade blow jobs or something like that. "Wha... if I was a
girl I'd be... be rutting every guy I could get my hands on I guess."

Derek nodded, chuckling lewdly as he heard the Pig admit that, a
naughty idea forming at once in the Goats brain. "Yeah, I knew that
you were bi. I mean I could sorta tell." Derek lied teasingly, giving
the Hog's fat testicles a gentle squeeze. "I know what you mean
though, I love fooling around with guys; if I was a girl, I'd
definitely slut around, heheh. But I'm having a good time fucking
girls myself, I don't wanna take the girl pill right now or
anything..." He grinned at lustfully Tony, toying lewdly with the fat
Pig as he imagined him as a sow. "You wanna suck my dick buddy? I bet
it still tastes like Wanda..."

"Girl... pill?" The big Hog grunted confused... was there a pill that
could turn a guy into a girl he wondered. Suddenly Tony's eyes shot
open wide as Derek ask if he wanted to suck that hard dick. The fact
of the matter was Tony didn't really want to suck a dick, but the idea
of tasting Wanda's pussy was really hot. "Yeah ok." He mumbled, as the
Goat released his hefty balls, slowly the fat Pig slid down until his
muzzle was even with the Goats crotch. Derek lay back grinning down at
him as the Pig slowly leaned in inhaling Wandas scent off the Goats
throbbing dick. Up close Dereks hard on was a lot more intimidating,
Tony gulp as his mouth began to water. Leaned down he took that hard
organ into his mouth, letting it slide into his muzzle. That soft skin
sliding over his tongue, as that big throbbing fucker pushing deeper
and deeper inside. The taste of Wanda's sex still surprisingly strong
on that aroused organ, as Tony began to gently suckle on it as his
tongue explored.

The lusty Goat sucked in breath, then sighed in pleasure as the fat
Pig's chubby muzzle started to work down onto his firm cock. "Ahh,
yeah... Go down on me, Tony..." The Goat gently bucked his hips,
pushing his pulsing rut pole into that exploring mouth. That dick did
indeed have the honey-sweet flavor of the Bear's hot pussy still stuck
on to it, of course the more the Pig licked off, the more it tasted of
the Goat's own earthy musk. "Play with my balls, Tony; make me want to
cum in your mouth... Do a good job and I'll let you suck my dick every
time I have her... Oh, yeah, the girl pill." The lusty Goat snickered
as he closed his eyes, and enjoyed being sucked off by his fat male
friend. "It's not legal in your state yet? It's like, for guys that
had their junk amputated; they can't grow it back... but they can give
'em a pussy."

The horny Hog puffed for breath, as he suckled on that hard pulsing
cock loving the tastes of Wanda's pussy. Barely noticing as the taste
slowly went from pussy to horny male Goat, the Pig slightly sickened
to realize he was enjoying. "Ummmm 'Slurp slurp'." Tony's fingers
moved up tentatively to first rub and then fondle his buddies heavy
orbs, passively doing exactly as he was told. His mouth growing more
and more fawning and eager to please as Derek promised to let him suck
on it every-time after he did Wanda. "Ommm oho." Tony mumbled around
that throbbing fucker, as it was being pushed down into his throat
now. So he could be a girl where it counted... all he had to do was
have his junk removed. "So where would I get... get... Errr have that
done?" Tony stammered around that hard throbbing cock in his muzzle,
not believing that he was even thinking about it.

Derek bit his lip, humping the Pig's snout a little faster... frankly
he liked where this was going and it was exciting him all over again.
His fat, furry stones churned as Tony fondled them, he'd be shooting
down his friend's throat in a few minutes at this rate. He put a hand
on Tony's head, and reached another hand under the Pig to fondle his
flabby chest and man-tits. "Mm, where to get it done? Well as it
happens, I have a friends in pharmacology who can get me samples...
and the other part, well that's twice as simple. I could even do that
for ya, if you don't want to go down to a clinic..."

Tony snorted and inhaled deeply his wide nose buried in his Goat
friends furry crotch, that musky male taste and scent now filling his
senses. "Ammm... 'Slurpslurpslurp'." The heavy Hog moaned around the
cock in his mouth, it was the whole of his world by this point. That
hot mouth suckling more and more eagerly, as he felt his friends needy
organ throbbing more insistently. "You... you would do that for... for
me." Tony mumbled, while his fingers caressed those heft balls as if
he were juicing them for all his friend had to give. Dereks soft
finger on his hard little male nipples, feeling amazingly good to the
horny Hog.

The lusty Goat couldn't help but grin, things were working out better
than he'd expected. Tony was a natural at this...and it sounded like
he was halfway convinced to give up his dick for a pussy. And Derek
would be more than happy to break that new pussy in, and deeply enjoy
having another friend with benefits. "Oh yeah Tony, I'd do that for
you... I'd set you up with that pill, I'd help you get rid of your
dick... I'd help you get a pussy... ohh yeah, and I would SO fuck you
when you're a girl." The Goat bit his lip and humped firmly into
Tony's snout, grunting, his fat balls jumping in the Pig's hands as he
shot a thick load right into Tony's throat. "Nnng... Ahh yeah...
Fuckin' make me cum in you, Tony..."

The glassy eyed Pig was moaning and puffing into the horny Goats
crotch, as that long sleek cock fucked his muzzle eagerly. "Ammm...
Ammm thank you Derek." Tony mumbled around the Goats prick, as his
buddy pounded that musky crotch against the Hog wide nose. And then
Tony felt that throbbing organ tensing harder and harder within his
muzzle, until a scalding hot blast of goo blasted against the back of
his throat making him swallow automatically. That long thick porcine
tongue going crazy, licking and lapping on Dereks fuzzy goat balls as
Tony did as he was told making his friend cum inside of him. Soft
grunts of pleasure escaping him as he gulped again and again
swallowing his goat buddies hot cum. "Thank you... Thank you..." He
moaned breathlessly, as Derek just lay there with his pulsing fucker
as deep as it would go on the Pigs submissive muzzle. Hot sweet goat
cum oozing down the pigs throat, as that hard goat cock lay throbbing
on his tongue.


A few nights later Tony was back at his goat buddies house, the lusty
Pig excited by what his friend had told him. Derek had gotten the
pill's from his friend in the pharmacology department, there were two
as it happened. One had to be taken before hand, the second one was
for afterwards. The first one got his male body ready, the big Hog had
taken that one as soon as he'd came in the door. Two very noticeable
things had happened, first his huge balls had shrank to about half
their normal size. The second was that his already soft chest, had
grown into even larger softer breasts. Derek had loved that, and spent
about thirty minutes just fondling and playing with those big bouncy
teats. Tony could tell that his Goat friend was getting very aroused,
the male musk coming off him was intense. And Tony couldn't help
starring at the very noticeable bulge in the front of his friends
cargo shorts. Even as Derek pinched his thick nipples, and then leaned
in close licking and suckling on them. "Ummmm damn dude that feels
sooooooo good." Tony moaned, as Derek's tongue went crazy on his thick
new nipples. While inside his body the tiny nano-machines reworked his
hormone levels, and transformed body tissues.

Derek sucked firmly on Tony's thick nipples, and chewed gently on his
fatty breasts. Already they were getting softer and bigger, more like
a girl's tits... and it looked like they were going to be a pretty
nice set at that. The Goat couldn't hide it, he loved a big chest on a
girl, and he was loving this. But even more than that, he was loving
the lack of a bulge in the Hog's shorts. He already had the pig's
shirt peeled up, and was fondling Tony's soft, smooth belly, now Derek
attacked his shorts, shoving them down off the Pig's hips and exposing
what remained of his manhood. The Goat's furry hands greedily grasped
the Boar's shrunken sac, and Derek felt his own shaft throb. "Mmm, man
that pill works a treat, doesn't it? Wow, you had such huge balls...
now they're all small... you know Tony, it turns me on that you gave
up your big boys for me." Derek said into the Pig's tits, as he
fondled those badly shrunken testicles. "Mmm, and just think, soon,
it's gonna feel so much better when I shove my hands down your

Tony leaned back panting for breath as Derek nibbled and sucking on
his hefty new tits, the Pig had been worried at first that he wouldn't
like this. But it was turning out to be about the most arousing thing
he's ever experienced, as his Goat buddy fondled his smaller balls
that tiny organ of his grew half hard. "Yeah... yeah it works..." Tony
agreed weakly, he was feeling strangely emotional as the two of them
sat there on the sofa enjoying each other. "Yeah well ya know no point
in having them, if I never get to cum." The Pig mumbled, the Goat had
been the one to talk him into this after all and so he wanted Derek to
be enjoying it. "I can hardly wait... I'm gunna get laid every night."
The heavy Hog moaned, he'd been thinking about it a lot... ever since
they had first talked about it.

"Ha ha, too right, your cunt is gonna get SO fucked. Everyone's gonna
want to take your pussy for a test drive." Derek said encouragingly as
he pulled on those pale, shrunken Pig balls, and toyed with his stiff

"I... I hope so." Tony grunted, he'd been jerking off four to five
times a day to the fantasy of having guys wanting to mount him. The
goats tugs on his shrunken nut, and fingers stroking his pitiful
diddle stick making the Pig hump his hip's weakly.

"You're gonna be our best slut, I bet. You'll never turn down a male
wanting to stuff your cunt, will you?" He leered, giving that small
prick a stroke or two quickly. "Why would you, it'll feel so good...
Mmm, should I make your little prick spurt, before we get around to
removing it?" The horny Goat asked, pulling on the Pig's shrunken
manhood playfully as they cuddled together.

"Heh heh... yeah... I'm gunna ride you guys raw." Tony's hip's bucking
a bit faster as his tiny fucker was rubbed, he was wanting this very
badly at that moment. "If... if you would please... one last spurt
before I turn into your cum dump." The Pig moaned lustfully, his own
dirty talk getting him ever more excited by the idea of letting any
guy with a dick rut him.

Derek leered, even as lecherous thoughts arc between his Goat horns.
"Yeah... one last time. Kinda special, isn't it? Let's do this right,
Tony... let's make your last cum good and final." The Goat leaned over
to the nearby table, where the emasculator and knife were waiting, and
picked them up, along with the shallow bucket they were in.

"I... I hope so." Tony grunted, he'd been jerking off four to five
times a day to the fantasy of having guys wanting to mount him. The
goats tugs on his shrunken nut, and fingers stroking his pitiful
diddle stick making the Pig hump his hip's weakly.

Derek set the tools down on the seat cushion beside him, and put the
bucket between his legs...Then, with Tony watching, he slid his pants
off, letting his firm cock jut up lewdly, while his hefty caprine
ballsac tumbled into the bucket, almost filling it. He sat back down
and thumped his hip invitingly for his friend. "C'mere Tony... sit in
your horny boyfriend's lap like a good slut. I'll make you cum for
me... and then I'll cut your junk off."

"Damn..." Tony grunted as he stripped his shorts all the way off, and
then climbed over to straddle Derek's hip's. Feeling that hard
throbbing goatish cock against his firm round ass-cheeks, as he looked
down at his grinning friend. "I've been thinking about this ever since
the last time I was here." He admitting reaching down to fondle
Derek's big hard cock, clearly he was wanting to feel it inside of

The horny Goat grinned, and rocked his hips up, grinding his stiff log
into the fat Boar's chubby hand. "Alright Pig. Breathe in deep, and
guide that missile in." He and Tony had fucked around before -- he'd
always topped -- but he was pretty hung and Tony was pretty tight.
Slick pre-um oozed from the tip of Derek's cock, as he felt his crown
kiss the fat Boar's trembling asshole. "Yeah, now sit down, Tony, sit
riiight down... take it slow and enjoy, and mmmmm... fuck yeah." He
grunted, as the stout pig started to sit down on his fat throbbing

Tony inhaled sharply as he push against his buddies fat cock, feeling
it slowly wedging his tight sphincter open wider and wider. "Yes... oh
gods yes..." Tony moaned out loud and sluttishly, Derek's words
inspiring him to force that thick fucker up inside his tight hole, a
long slow groan of pleasure and pain escaping from the fat pig.

"Take that whole thing in your beautiful sluthole. Oh yeah I'm gonna
take your ass... fuck you in the ass... then cut off your junk... then
fuck you in the pussy." He reached around the chubby Boar's body,
grabbing his new tits from behind and kneading them hard, all while
keeping up his lurid commentary..

"I want you to fuck my butt... and then use my new cunty." Tony half
moaned, half begged as he sank down that big hard cock until his soft
round ass was resting on he Goats crotch. While those strong hands
cupped and squeezed his big soft teats, sending trembles of pleasure
down the hogs heavy body.

Derek took a deep breath himself, feeling his fat friend's big ass
hugging his hard cock was quite pleasurable. It always was; that
smooth Pig was nice and hot inside, and pretty tight; plus that big
ass was nice to look down on and watch his cock disappearing into. And
this was somehow even hotter, knowing what was coming after the Pig
did. "You know Tony, I've gotta confess... you're cute, but every time
I've fucked you in the ass, it's because it's nice and round and looks
like a fat girl's ass. I've always wanted you to be a girl, and this
is just too hot.

"Ammm... Ahumm... well soon it... I will be." Tony moaned, he was
really enjoying having his friend inside of him... it always made him
feel wanted and special.

"Fuckin' ride me, yeah... you might be a boy right now, but my dick's
gonna make you cum, and then it's the big snip. That's right... I'm
gonna fuck you so hard your dick will fall off." Derek then reached
over to pick up the emasculator and slid it between the Pig's thigh's,
and grabbed his stubby prick with it. He began squeezing that small
member hard... not hard enough to do damage... yet... but enough to
squeeze that piggy prick like a vise.

"Ohooo... gods the big snip." Tony moaned hotly, his tiny little cock
still not completely hard was quivering and trembling as tiny drops of
pre-cum oozed out. "Yeah... Ummm... Yeah make a girl out of me... with
your big cock and I'll love you forever." The big soft Pig moaned
right back, all of this was driving him crazy... as his hot body
bounced up and down faster. "Damn I feel it... I feel... fuck I'm not
lasting like I use to." Tony confessed, normally it took him forever
to get off... but with the pill taking effect in his body. And all the
stimulation from the Goats words driving his arousal, along with that
fat cock pounding into his clenching ass. "I... I'm gunna cum really
soon... I can't help it."

"Nnf, that's right, cum you big slut." Derek grunted as he thrust up
into that big pale pig ass, one hand holding those jiggling hips, one
hand holding the emasculator clenched around Tony's prick. "I've
always wanted to cut your junk off when I was fucking you, and now
we're gonna do it. Shoot your wad and I'll cut off your pecker."

"Fuck... fuck fuck fuck." Tony swore loudly, his hole clenching down
tightly as that big hard cock shoved in and out of him wildly. Strong
hands sliding over his big soft body, pinching his thick nipples and
tugging on them harder. The hefty Pig threw his head back, as he felt
his pleasure peaking that tiny dick spurting a weak gush of creamy
Boar spunk. But instead of flying across the room like it normally
would, it just dribbled out down his shaft and on to his shrunken
testicles. "Do it... do it... fuck my dick off." He begged so loudly
that the neighbors could most likely hear him, the guys watching from
the other room certainly did. And they all began to laugh just loud
enough to be heard, not that Tony cared at that moment.

"Ahh yeah Tony... cum, let it all out...YEAHH." The Goat yelled
loudly, and bounced the Boar's ass HARD in his lap, shoving his hard
flagpole deep into that pork rump. As he made his fat friend bounce he
squeezed down HARD on the handles of his emasculator, the sounds of
rough fucking now accompanied by a slow, wet crunching noise as the
Pig's small pecker was crimped off at the base. Grabbing the knife he
kept handy, Derek reached around the fat Boar's chubby waist and thick
spare tire, into his groin, and sliding off the dribbling member. The
Pig's dick tumbled off, bouncing off the Goat's shaggy balls as it
fell into the bucket. Derek grunted, thrusting firmly into the now
dickless Boar's behind, leaving that stump crimped for just long
enough to make sure it didn't bleed, before unlatching the tool, and
pulling Tony's shrunken balls into it. Another wet crunch... and soon
the Boar's testicles fell into the bucket along with his dick.

"Ohohoo damn." The fat neutered Pig moaned, as he lay back against his
friends chest, his whole body shaking so hard Derek could feel it in
his hard-on. "Dude... where's... where." Tony stammered weakly, as
Derek lift that second pill to his trembling lip's. The neutered Pig
gulped it down, his whole body convulsing for a moment, and then as
they both watched his wounded groin began to heal and change. As those
invisible nano machine did their work, soon the hole where his cock
had hung, began to open and spread out into a pink rose of feminine
pleasure. Toni grunted in shock and wonder as her new sex fully
formed, suddenly a cheer went up from the other room. And then their
friends began to come into the room, Fred the German shep, Rex the
thin striped gray Feline, Tim the nerdy Bull, and Jerome the fat
little mini Pony. Toni looked up at their grinning muzzles kind of in
a daze, they were all naked and sporting hard on's, each one talking
very fast and excited. Some of them saying that couldn't believe she'd
really went through with it, others praising her for doing it...
telling her how exciting it was watching it. Promising her that they'd
make sure she got plenty of dick, even as Derek rolled her over onto
her back on the sofa.

Derek grinned greedily down at the flushed chubby cheeks of that fat
girl Pig, formerly his subby male guy friend, now a thick girl to lay
pipe in. He'd already slid out of that fine ass and made sure his cock
was clean with a wet wipe, and now he got the privilege of plowing
that virgin fat sow first. As it should be, since he done the
convincing... smirking devilishly, he slid up between Tony's... 'he
supposed they'd have to start calling her Toni after this' thick
thighs, and pressed his meaty pole against those soft, yielding folds.
"Mm, you ready for this, my pretty pink slut?"

Toni lay back on the sofa looking up at her Goat friend, as he slide
up between her hefty thighs. She could feel the hot throbbing head of
his cock against her sex, even as it began to grow very moist in her
excitement. "Oho damn." The big Sow moaned, as she felt that organ
sliding into her new sex... the sensation was ten times as wonderful
as it going up her ass. "Ammmm fuck yeah buddy..." She volunteered, as
his throbbing fucker pushed deeper and deeper into her body... until
it hit something within her. That sent a jolt of sensation running
through her sex, but also left her confused as to what was going on.
Had the nano machines not done there work? "Wha... whats that?" She
moaned wantonly, as the Goat above her pushed a bit harder and the
blockage within her gave way letting his full length punch into her.
"Owww fucking hell..." The new Sow moaned as a brief pain flashed
through her new sex, and she began to understand.

"Popping your cherry, sweetie." Derek told her gloatingly, and gave
her an almost sweet peck on the cheek as his throbbing pole slid
smoothly into that snug virgin tunnel.

"Wait, it gave her a cherry?! Ha ha, damn that's thorough!" Tim
exclaimed in shock and surmised, making the other guys laugh out loud.

"Aw, FUCK. I didn't know it was gonna build a hymen in there. I
shoulda gone first, I NEVER get to pop a girl's cherry." The fat pony
pretended to grouse, while watching attentively as the Goat's firm
furry ass moved up and down between those smooth thighs. The doughy,
bespectacled Bull's eyes bulged as he watched the Goat grope the fat
Sow's big, soft breasts, those bony fingers kneading the Sow's tender
tits as he pushed his hard pole deep inside her passage.

A stunned look crossed the cute Sows muzzle, she's heard that phrase
her whole life but just now understood it. Toni looked around at the
other guys crowding in around them, four hard cock all eager to rut
her. "Ammm... Ammm..." Toni stammered, being watched by horny guys
making things strange for her suddenly. Even through she was certainly
the center of attention and the center of their lusts was well. As she
looked up watching Jerome's eyes as he watched Derek's ass, she
suddenly got the idea that she would be the only girl soon. Fred, Rex
and Tim on the other hand were looking at her tits, as the bounced up
and down and where groped lustfully. "Ummmm... you sure can rut
buddy." She moaned, as Derek's sleek hip's pounded his long thik
fucker in and out of her virgin sex intensely. Soon she was feeling
her pleasure build within her new sex, and feared that she'd cum to
soon once again. It wasn't more than a minute before her first orgasm
hit, but unlike what she was use to... it didn't stop. Soon that big
soft body was trembling hard, as orgasm after orgasm washed over her.
Sex was much better for her now than it had been, release after
release filling her brand new sex was pure bliss. "Oho Yes... Oho
wow... Ohooo fuckin' hell dude yer making me cum soooooooo much." She
screamed, covering Derek s furry muzzle with wet sloppy kiss's as the
Goat just kept on pumping his pleasure stick in and out of her.

The lusty Goat grunted into the big Sow's needy kisses, breathing
hotly into her face as he reached down and grabbed her hips, savagely
fucking her brand new pussy. "Ahh, fuck, she's good... Oh yeah, cum
for me, slut. Ngh... God I love it when girls let me bareback. Oh
yeah, you feel GOOD." He grunted though clenched teeth, as he feels
her hot tunnel rippling around him. "Hey Tim... You wanna feel some
power in your hands? Hold my balls." Derek continued to thrust while
the Bull gingerly reached in between the Goat's sweaty thighs and
scooped up the rutting buck's bulky, shaggy, sweaty cummers... And
then he felt them jerk and jump, throbbing in his palms as that lusty
Goat came inside his latest conquest, letting out a loud groan as his
big balls blasted a thick load of ho cream deep into Toni's new pussy.

Toni was squealing and moaning right back as the Goat unloaded into
her, the sensation of all that creamy cum filling her with pleasure.
The Pig not realizing that as a new female, letting a guy cum in her
without being on birth control was a bad idea. "Ummm yeah... oho
gods." She panted out breathlessly, as the smiling Goat slowly pulled
out of her... only to be replaced by Tim the nerdy Bull. "Oh wow...
Tim your soooo huge." Toni grunted lustfully as that long red bovine
cock was slowly pushed into her new sex, that soft female body already
wanting more. Derek panting heavly moved over to a chair to watch the
action, as Tim fucked the squealing Sow lustfully. Slowly Jerome the
mini stallion drifted over to the Goat, leaning against his chair he
asked softly. "So... you think you can get anymore of those pills?" A
big smile forming on the horny Goats handsome muzzle, as he thought of
the full bottle he had in his dresser draw. "For you... sure thing."


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