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Coming Out

The Frat party was going well, even in the confines of the house. It
was even more crowded that they had expected... as friends of friends
invited they're friends half the people Cam didn't even know! 'Well
maybe I'll get luck with someone for once.' The big striped zebra
though as he wandered through the over crowded house.

A sleek, slender, ring tail was dancing to the music that was blaring
through every room in the fray house. His long tail swaying
seductively as he did so. Having a good time and maybe a drink to much
he was so relaxed and happy.

Heading to the restroom to relieve himself of all the beer he'd drank.
Cam bumped into the high flying ring tail as he capered down the
darkened hallway.

"Oop sorry dude." Cam grunted as he caught Raccoon before he could
fall. Terry smiled up at the big equine looking very cute.

"No... prob... gorgeous." The Raccoon slurred a bit and giggled as his
paws patted the big equines hard athletic body. Then began to explore
it more intimately...

"Ammmm." Cam cleared his throat and smiled back... the cute little
ring tail excited him. But he didn't want to take advantage of someone
who was drunk. Of course the zebra was pretty drunk himself... giving
in to his desire for a moment Cam leans in and kissed Terry gently.
The sleek little Raccoon eeps in surprise, but then kissed back

"Hmmmmm you are a big horsie." He slurred again, not really
remembering what a zebra was. But taking note of the Jersey the big
equine was wearing. "Hey are you on the footb... Ammm." The Raccoon
moaned as the big equine silenced him with another kiss.

"Ssshhhhhhs." The big Zebra grunts pulling him farther down the
darkened hallway. "You're a sexy little ring tail." Cam grunted his
lusts flaring within his sheath, the kiss had been a mistake! He
realized as his sheath bulged, now he was aroused and would have to
fuck someone. As he kissed the Raccoon a second time, his big hand
slipped down to grope his groin. "Wanta come up stairs with me?" He
asked a bit to excitedly. The Raccoon nodded and giggled again, his
body grinding sexily against the zebra jocks. As he wraps his arm
around the big equine for support.

"of course I want to cum up with you!" He answered leeringly. The
zebra smiled lewdly, knowing that the ring tail would probably feel
differently if he was sober. But he was now to horny to care, as he
leads his conquest up the narrow stairway to the private rooms above.
The ring tail follows Cam, his cock already hardening and out of his
sheath. As he daydreamed about sucking on the big horse cock and
getting cum blasted in his muzzle. Finding an empty room, proves
harder than Cam expected. And at last he's forced to take the Raccoon
into a small storage room. Locking the door behind his conquest as he

"Ok pretty boi." Cam grunt pulling the Raccoon to him as he fondled
that soft furry body. "Strip!" Terry smiled as they enter the storage
room. And at zebra's order he starts to strip and soon he stands in
front of the big Jock fully nude and aroused. As he watches the
Raccoon strip, Cam quickly shucks off his own jersey and shorts. So
when Terry is naked he is as well... stand with his long black organ
hanging half aroused out of his sheath.

"Hoooo you are a pretty boi..." Cam grunts as he steps up to embrace
the ring tail fondling that hard cock playfully. Terry's eyes are
glued to the zebra's cock and he wraps his soft paws around it, that
is he tries to and slowly rubs it.

"So... big!" He purrs as his hard organ leaks pre-cum all over Cam's
big three fingered hand as the zebra rubs and strokes it.

"Yeah." Cam snorts proudly as the little Raccoon fondles his huge stud
stick as best he can. "And it's all for you." The zebra assures, as he
lays them both on a old blanket. That is spread over old wrestling
mats on the floor. Quickly Cam lays 69 with the Raccoon and begins to
nuzzle between his leg's. The Raccoon smiles and lets Cam move him
into the position the big Jock desires. And as soon as that huge
floppy hose is in view, he laps at the tip and jerks on it. His soft
paws fondling Cam's huge low dangling balls sheath.

"HHHHHHHHAAA!" Cam moans as the pleasure of Terry's caress's make his
long black cock grow and stiffen quickly. Instantly the big Jock
buries his muzzle between the Raccoon's leg's, licking Terry's fuzzy
ball's eagerly! Taking them into his wide mouth to suckle on them
playfully, as his big hand jacks the Raccoon's hard cock. The ring
tail murrs loudly at that, and slides a finger into the big jock's
tail hole! While he sucks on that big blunt tip, not able to take it
into his rather slim muzzle.

"Ahem yes..." The Raccoon moans at the odd sensation of having his
ball's sucked and tongued.

"Uhuhuuu Fuck!" Cam grunts, as first the Raccoon's fingers and then
his whole paw! Makes Cam's powerful hip's buck and plunge on it! "That
feels so... sooo good!" The big jock stallion grunts as those loose
wet ball's slip out of his hot mouth. And the Raccoon can feel hot
breath moving up to his tiny pluckered anus! Those hot velvety lip's
press against it in a long kiss, broad tongue tip wiggling and
thrusting. The Raccoon moans loudly as Cam licks his tail hole! And he
teasingly probes at the jock's cum slit with the tip of his tongue.
While he punches deeper into the zebra's ass, rubbing punching against
the hard lump of his prostate!

"EEHEHEHEE!" Cam begins to whinny in excitement, and thrust his hip's
a little more as Terry's fist thumps his pleasure knot roughly! Until
unable to resist any longer... the big jock begs softly... "Fuck me
please!" Shocking himself as he'd been planned to take advantage of
the Raccoon's tiny hole! Terry smiled at the big jocks request... but
quickly moved sliding out from under him. And up to nuzzle and lick at
that big black tail hole as he slowly extracted his paw.
"OhUhohoooo..." The big zebra moaned as that hard paws was pulled out
of him. Laying his head and cheat flat, Cam lifts his ass up for
Terry. Spreading his leg's and holding his tail high and to one side.
Idlely wondering what his teammates would think if they saw him like
this. His long black organ pulsing on the blanket beneath, dribbling
shiny pre-cum everywhere. Terry licked at that big black ring and
stroked that big black cock a bit.

"Hmmmmm please don't cum... I want it all over me!" He half ordered
half begged giggling as he pressed his cock tip against that smooth
anus and pushed it in!

"Oho!" Cam cries as his tight muscles are stretched by your hard on
and his breath grows deep with excitement. "Ok... ok I.... I won't."
The zebra stallion promises, as he leans back pushing against the
Raccoon to take all of that stiff organ!

The little ring tail moans as he starts to fuck the much bigger zebra,
pushing his cock in and out of that hot surprisingly tight ass! His
balls slapping against the zebra's much bigger ones and he fucks
lustfully. With his tail flagging and waving back and forth, Cam
pushes back eagerly enjoying Terry's hard cock thrusting into his
willing body! His hot hole gripping and squeezing powerfully around
that hard masculine organ, as he whinnies and whickers in high pitched
effeminate whinnies. It was only the third time he'd ever been
fucked... and he hadn't planned on ever allowing anyone to do it
again! Fat Moose had said it took three times... and Cam had already
failed twice! Terry was getting highly aroused by the sounds the jock
stud was making! And of course by the tightness of the zebra's sweet
ass! So he humped Cam harder, leaking pre-cum deep into the jock's
tight fuck hole!Feeling the Raccoon's ever thrust growing harder, Cam
whimpers in delight his own passions growing. As that hard little bone
slams roughly against his pleasure knot, making him grow more and more
excited! And with that more and more eager to be fucked! "Oho yes fuck
me hard..." He begged. "Tell me how much you like my sweet little boi

"Oh I love it..." Terry panted lustfully into the jocks ear. "You're
so tight!" He grunted and fucked the big jock as hard as he can! His
damp balls slapping against Cam's, his long tail swishing behind him
at a fast pace! "Squeal for me mareboi!"

"Ohooooo." Cam squealed as his pleasure grows... then remembering his
promise. The big zebra hands Terry a long piece of leather string.
"Here you better tie that around my sac... or.. or I... I'll cum to
soon." He admits sheepishly as his big powerful hip's thrusts his wide
rump back onto the Raccoon's cock. Terry smiles and quickly does that,
making sure the jock can't cum! And then he resumes fucking him hard,
teasingly stroking the zebra's big black cock! "Hmmmmm good stripe

With cumming no longer an option Cam quickly focus's on squeezing and
pleasing the hard cock fucking within him. "Oho oho... yes use me...
use me hard!" The zebra stallion squealed driving his rump back into
the Raccoon's hard fucking hip's! Terry digs his claws into the jock's
hip's and humps Cam harder and faster. Leaking a lot of pre and slowly
getting closer to cumming within him.

"Oh yessssss!" The big zebra screamed and squealed in frustrated
torture, as his body wants to cum so badly. But is unable to do so...
the pleasure of the Raccoon's fucking growing so powerful it's almost
painful to bare. "Yeah... yeah... use me... fuck me... fill me!" Cam
begs helplessly as the ring tail cums hard into him ass, filling him
with cum and humping more and more, moaning loudly and happily! "Oh
gods... oh gods... please gods..." Cam begs and squeals as his orifice
winks open and closed around Terry's hard cumming cock. Even as his
own organ tries to orgasm, but can't and leave him wanting it even
more! The little ring tail finishes cumming and slowly pulls out. Them
quickly rolls the Zebra over, making him sit up. The Raccoon's smooth
paws stroking over that big black pulsing cock, as he removes the
leather strap tied around it's base! Cam leaning back with his hip's
pumping in the air, the zebra screams in pleasure as the pressure
holding him back is removed! As those soft warm paws tease him to
mind numbing orgasm! Hot spurt after hot creamy spurt instantly
erupting out over the Raccoon. Covering his muzzle and chest with
creamy stallion spunk! "Ahahahahaaaaa!" Cam screams in delight as his
orgasm at last fills him with pleasure!

Terry murrs and tries to catch some in his mouth, getting his fur
messed up with cum in the process. He giggles at that and keeps softly
masturbating that big throbbing hard on.

The zebra stallion finds himself unable to stop... now that he's been
unbound. And with each tug of the Raccoon's paws another spurt erupts
from that big black cock. "Ohooo... ohoo gods whats happening?" Cam
pants as wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure washes over his big
body. The ring tail smiles and enjoys all that, his drunken mind not
thinking about cleaning up and such. Only the fact that all that hot
cum splatters all over him is important.

"oh yes..." He giggles lustfully. The big jocks balls draw up, as they
work pumping and pumping out they're load. Until at last they're
totally empty and the zebra stallion is panting and whimpering.

"N..no more please." He begs as the pleasure becomes almost
unbearable. Terry smiles and lets himself flop on his back, his whole
front sticky and white with cum.

"oh yeah... Ammmmm that was good!" Terry pants.

"y... yes." Cam pants breathlessly as he crawls over to kiss and
cuddle close. "Maybe we can do that some more...later..." He asks
hopefully remembering the pleasure the nerdy Raccoon filled him with
as he fucked him!

Terry smiled and nodded. "Hmmmm I would like that..." "Errr... say
whats your name by the way?" The Raccoon asked with a smile. The zebra
grinned embarrassed at not even knowing the Raccoon's name.

" I... Errr... everyone just calls me Cam..." "Whats yours?"

"Terhardious... but everybody always calls me Terry!" The Raccoon
answered smiling as he flicked the jocks nose with his finger

"Terribly... hard... in us... a good name for you." The zebra chuckled
acting like he was trying to bite that finger. The ring tail giggled
at that and smiles at the big jock. As he suddenly he realizes what a
mess he is at that moment.

"Shit... how do i get clean?" Terry grunted looking around the small
room. "Is there a shower here?"

"Well in the bath room down the hall." Cam answers with a slight grin.
"Think we can get there without being seen?"

"I certainly hope so!" The little Raccoon said blushing as he drips
cum. They get up, and grab their clothes peeking out of the door...

"It looks clear... you go first!" Cam grunts as he scans the empty
hallway. "And I'll be right behind you." The little ring tail nods and
bolts out of the door, along the hallway and into the bathroom. He
didn't notice the pair of eyes watching from the shadow at the stairs.
Following a few yards behind, Cam is slower to get there. Not wanting
his hard hooves to make to much noise on the hard floor. Of course his
big dangling organ leaves a trail of glittering cum drops! Those
watching eye's widen as the see this, and then squint in amazement as
they notice the cum oozing from his black rump hole! Once inside the
bathroom, Cam shut and locks the door behind them.

"Made it!" He breaths in relief not realizing they had been observed.
Terry smiles and presses his front against the zebra's backside again.

"Hmmmm now how about we clean each other?" He asks smiling and kisses
the stallion's lower back, because while standing up the zebra jock
towers over him!

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Cam admits shivering in pleasure.
"You want to start the water, while I get some towels out of the
closet." The ring tail nods and steps into the shower, starting the
water and soaks in it. As he waits for his zebra to come and join him.
Cam lays the towels out quickly, and then climbs into the shower with
his new lover holding up a bar of soap.

"Here I'll wash you first." He volunteers... wetting the soap and
rubbing it over his big hand's. Meanwhile in the hall the dark shadowy
figure climbs atop a chair, to look into the transom at the top of the
door. Grinning as he watched Cam kneel before the ring tail and begin
soaping him up! Terry smiles at that, and runs a paw lovingly over the
zebras head.

"Ammmmm yes, you do that." He grunted chuckling and then moaning
softly. "With you I woudln't mind dropping the soap." He snickered
grinning wickedly/

"Hehehe oh really?" Cam snickered squeezing the soap so that it slips
out of his hand and falls into the tub! "Oops!" The zebra grunted with
a lewd grin. From the transom their watcher lifts his cellphone camera
and silently begins to take video of the pair.

Terry smirked as the soap made a hollow 'bong' as he hit the tubs
bottom. "Why don't You bend over to pick it up?" He asks grinning
wickedly, his cock already hard again!

"Oh... Oh sure!" Cam grunts innocently as if he had no idea what was
to come next. Squatting slightly with his back to the Raccoon. The big
zebra jock bend over to pick the slippery bar up, his leg's wide
spread giving the unknown watcher a great shot of his abused cum
leaking tail hole! "It's so slippery." Cam grunted playfully as he
tried to grasp the slippery bar.

The Raccoon smiled and stepped up behind the big jock stud, sliding
his cock into that oozing tail hole to slowly start fucking him!
Ammmm... I'll say it is..." "Keep on trying..." He snickered teasingly
as he hilted himself in the big jocks rump!

"Ye... yes sir." Cam grunts his eyes half closing in pleasure, as that
hard cock slips into his slut hole once more! Making his own cock
begin to harden slipping for it's sheath...

At the transom their watcher was joined by another... quickly he
instructed his buddy to hook his blackberry up big screen TV down
stairs. Then he when back to recording video of the pair in the

Terry murred and sped up his thrusting leaning forwards up on his
toe's! "Hmm how about you suck me this time?" "You haven't had your
muzzle cum marked yet!" He grunted. Feeling very submissive from his
ass pounding... Cam instantly agreed to the request! Even as his hip's
thrust back on the Raccoon's hard cock... Neither of them noticing as
the party down stairs suddenly grows quite... And then very loud with
laughter... as their watchers camera sends his video through the
blackberry and into the TV! Terry leans back against the shower wall
as the submissive jock knells in front of him. The Raccoon slaps his
cock over the zebra's muzzle and then slides it into your that hot
mouth! "Ammmm yeah... suck my cock and jerk yourself off!" He orders
the big jock stud gruffly. Needing no farther encouragement Cam's
lip's lock around Terry's hard cock. And his long tongue curls and
laps at it, as his long head bobs up and down it's length! His big
three fingered hand's fondling and stroking his own massive stallion
hood lustfully. Terry moans and starts to leak pre-cum down Cam's
muzzle, not aware of the crowd that is forming outside the bathroom,
ready to burst in! The big jock stud jerks and fondles himself with
one hand, the other reaching up to cup and squeeze the Raccoon's ass
cheeks. As the zebra's mouth suckling hotly on Terry's stiff throbbing
organ. From his place at the transom, their watcher gets close ups of
the zebra's lip's sliding up and down the nerdy Raccoon's hard cock.
Even as behind him the crowd swells as party goers sneak up from
watching the action on TV.

Terry moans loudly and leaks more and more pre-cum into the zebra's
mouth! Murring in pleasure... not knowing that soon the crowd will
burst in on them! With his long cock sticking up between the Raccoon's
thigh's as he jerks it off. Cam began to hum through his long slotted
nostrils, as his own orgasm grew closer... Inside his mouth he could
taste the Raccoon's sweet pre-cum and it excited him all the more!
Intil his hot mouth was fawn wildly over Terry's thick pulsing
erection. The nerdy little ring tail moaned and came hard into the
jock's mouth, filling it up with his salty cum. Even as he teased the
tip of that big black cock with the tip of his tail! Unable to hold
himself back any longer, the zebra stallion opened his mouth and
squealed. As his huge organ tensed, it's big blunt head flaring as he
spurted his pleasure up between the Raccoon's thigh's! Just then the
lock clicked and the bathroom door flew open! Fifty furs peering in
laughing and pointing at the pair!

"He likes it in the mouth, as well as the ass!" The team captain
roared laughing and pointing... Cam's eyes widen in shock!

The Raccoon gasped and he looks down at the passive zebra, his cock
still in that striped muzzle! And then he looked at the crowd,
blushing hard as he desperately grabs the shower curtain and yanks it

"AAAAWWWWWW!" The crowd of jocks and cheerleaders roar with laughter.
"We got it all on camera." Someone shouts as the two of them hide
behind the plastic curtain in embarrassment. The ring tail hugged the
zebra and whispered into his ear.

"Cam... I'm scared!" "What will they say in school?" He asks

"I... I don't know." The big zebra admits then frowns as he thinks of
a few things. Terry just keeps hugging him tightly, scared and unsure
on what to do. The crowd slowly clears away, and in a few minute Cam
peeks out. "Ok they're gone." He snorts hurrying over to close the
door once more, hearing laughs and cat calls from down the hall.
Terry moves out slowly, and takes a towel wrapping it around his naked

"I think we should get away from here..." He whimpers frighten.

"Yeah... but that would mean going through the party." Cam explains

"Oh no..." Terry whimpers as he dries himself off. "I guess we should
hide in that closet until the party is over!"

"No!" The big zebra jock grunts suddenly angry and resolved. "I aint
hiding in a closet ever again!" "I am sorry that this happened to
you..." Holding the Raccoon tightly Cam whispered.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." Terry admitted softly.

"Yeah, but not like this..." The zebra said and leaned his head
against the wall. "This will ruin our reputations." Terry blushed and
stammered for in would indeed mark them.

"Well ya... I guess so... what with the pictures and all!" The ring
tail sighed. "You recognized that guy?"

"Yeah... by Monday everyone at college will know what we did!" Cam had
indeed knew the guy, a nasty wolf who had no liking for the zebra
fullback at all! The ring tail looked at Cam... a small tear on his

"I understand if you don't want to see me again." He mumbled softly.

"What?" Cam asked stunned and confused. "Why wouldn't I... you...
your..." The zebra shock his head and held the Raccoon tightly.

"But I... but your..." He whimpered and then hugged the big zebra back
just as tightly.

"Fuck'em... if we don't have a problem..." "Who the hell are they
to..." Picking up his white tank top tee shirt the big zebra scrawled
'Faggot' across it in big block letters!


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