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Rain Furrest 09
#1 av Con tales

The pearly Gray mist swirled thickly in the cool morning gloom. And
then slowly the mists thinned, two graceful equines being revealed as
it vanished. One midnight black with gleaming silvery white tail and
mane. His eyes a blazing scarlet hell, as he glared around the hotels
park like arboretum. The second was a stark glittering white and black
striped Zebracorn. "Hasn't changed much." Hooves observed as the
strolled into the Lobby and approached the front desk. The small pale
human at the desk, blanched even whiter as he informed the majestic
pair that there were no rooms ready for them. Nyteshado's gleaming red
eye's sparkled dangerously at the desk clerk making him even more

"I'm sorry but we won't have any available for at least an hour." He
stammered as the big black Unicorn lowered his golden horn
dangerously. But just then a ringing voice hailed them from across the
noisy room. Turning the two mythical stallions found themselves in the
company of companions from the year before. Dixie Vixen and her
boyfriend Todd Ocelot came bounding across the room, and instantly
pounced the pair.

"We've already tried checking in." The sleek sexy Vixen explained, as
she hung around the big Black Unicorn's neck.

"We've been here thirty minutes already... getting drunk in the bar!"
The slender handsome young Ocelot explained as he hugged them both.
"Why don't you guys join us and whoever gets a room first we'll hang
out there..."

"Sounds like a plan..." Hooves snickered softly one of his big three
fingered hand already cupping the Ocelots butt cheek. As he allowed
himself to be lead across the Lobby and into the bar area.

"Oh oh oh..." Dixie exclaimed as she lead them to a small table, by
the huge windows over looking the arboretum. A lone figure was already
seated at the table, and she looked up as they drew close. "This is
our friend Tandy Palomino." The Vixen explained as the pretty golden
Palomino mare looked up the at two Unicorn's with a big friendly

"Hi." She exclaimed excitedly, as they all took a seat around the
small wooden table. "Nyte..." She greeted the big black stallion
softly, holding out her delicate hand which he took and nuzzled
softly. "And Hooves..." She smiled and offered her hand to the
Zebracorn who greeted her the same way.

"Tandy's sharing our room." Tad explained slyly to the clearly
intrigued Nyteshado, who was sniffing the air softly. The friends both
old and new settled into a cheerful conversation. The hour passing
unnoticed as they laughed and drank...


Tandy the Mare sat on the hotel bed smiling, as the two horny males
strolled out of the bath room. The stallion was big, dark and
powerfully built, while the feline was willowy slender and tawny. The
big Unicorn's silky black fur seeming to swallow light, his long
golden spiral horn and broad hooves burning like suns. The Ocelot's
spotted coat a stark contrast with its tawny tan and white, even the
black shining next to Nyteshado.

The big Black Unicorn stallion's red eyes glittered lustfully as he
looked over the Palomino mare's semi naked body. She was clad in long
silken stockings and frilly light pink panties. Her large pendulous
breasts swaying freely before her, as she grinned wickedly at the
horny males. Tandy's big three fingered hands fondled herself as the
two males looked on lustfully. "Well... you boys appear to like what
you see." She chuckled reaching out to teasingly fondle their erect
organs. Nyte nickered excitedly as her soft hand explored his velvety
smooth male flesh. While Tad moaned loudly and leaned forwards as her
fondling hand tugged on his drooling erection. "One for each hole...
front and back." The Palomino mare purred huskily as she tugged on
those two fat cock's. Pulling them both up onto the bed with her as
she slipped back. "Come on now." "Don't be shy boy's." The big pale
golden mare chuckled excitedly, as she teased the two horny males.
Looking from one to the other appraisingly she licked her lip's and
moaned. "Ummmm now how are we going to do this." Then she giggled and
shoved the big black Unicorn stallion over onto his back. She watched
as his huge black cock sprang up, pulsing hotly and drooling sparkling
Unicorn pre-cum.

"Climb aboard and take a ride sweet thing." Nyteshado snickered as he
reached up to fondle the pretty mare with one big three fingered hand.
Even as he slowly jacked his own huge throbbing love muscle teasingly
slowly with the other.

"Ohooo I get to ride the belly rather than the back huh... that sure
is some saddle horn ya got there." Tandy nickered playfully as she
watched the big Unicorn stroke himself for her.

"Its going to be a rough ride so you better hold on tight!" Nyte
teased as he pinched her thick knob like pink nipple.

"Ammm I'll do my best stud." The smiling Palomino mare assures as she
straddled his powerful body. Rubbing her soft furry belly against his
throbbing erection. Nyteshado could feel a hot creamy dribble in his
sheath and smell her growing arousal. As Tandy press her quivering sex
against him, slowly lifting herself up. Caress in the big blunt tip of
his mighty equine organ with her scalding hot sex. Her gooey
excitement mixing with his sparkling silver pre-cum. The big midnight
black stallion inhaled sharply as he felt the heat of her sex slowly
swallow his massive equine pleasure scepter. His breathing growing
deeper and more rapid as that hot wet velvety vise closed around his
needy organ.

"Like that hmmmmm." Tandy snickered as the muscles of her sex began
squeezing and tugging on his mighty male hood lustily.

"Ammmm yeah!" The big black Unicorn stallion moaned softly, as he
reached up to fondle her big pendulous breasts with both hands. As the
pretty mare looked back over her shoulder at the horny Ocelot.

"Ok your next sweety." She moaned, lifting her long flowing tail up
and to the side to expose the big round pink donut of her anus. "In
you go... sexy kitty." She purred gesturing to that tight taboo
orifice. The Ocelot moved up behind her, his pale pink organ standing
up stiffly against his flat belly. Pressing up against that firm round
rump, Tad guided his rock hard feline cock between her ass cheeks. The
sharp spiky tip nestling into the pucker of that smooth hot orifice.
As Tad smeared his pre-cum over the taunt plucker and began to press
his rock hard organ into it. Tandy inhaled sharply as her smooth hot
sphincter muscles relaxed slightly. And the Ocelots hard little feline
fucker slowly sank within her depths.


"Ahem... I'm not really..." The big Zebracorn stammered as the cute
little red Vixen shoved him down on the bed. Hooves was intoxicated...
but not that intoxicated! "That is I don't do..." Hooves tried to
explain as the grinning Vixen knelt down beside the bed and rummaged
around under it.

"Don't worry I know what you like..." Dixie Vixen giggled as she
slipped off her panties and wiggled into the harness.

"Uhem I'm not like Nyte..." The Zebracorn tried again, but then the
grinning Vixen stood up... Dangling from her crotch was a long black
equine dildo, the mighty tool hanging from a red leather harness.
"Whoa!" Hooves grunted as the sleek red Vixen jacked the huge rubber
fucker playfully with both her small paws.

"See I know what you want..." She repeated grinning wickedly. "We got
this for Tad so he could practice taking it for you two guys." She
laughed. "He's really gotten to like things up his ass... I blame it
on you!" Her smile widened as the Zebracorn looked worried. "He's
gotten really good at taking it... and I've discovered I really like
giving it to him and now You!" She took out a tube of lube and began
spreading it around that big blunt head. "Now roll over little pony
and get ready to be raped until you squeal!"

In the next room they could hear Nyteshado snorting and whinnying.
While the little ocelot yowled loudly as the big bed banged
clamorously against the wall. "Sounds like the boy's are having a good
time with Tandy that slutty mare." Dixie snickered as she rolled
Hooves over onto his belly. "Time we started enjoying ourselves as
well." The passive Zebracorn spread his long striped legs and lifted
his short bony tail up and to one side. "Ohooo little mare wants it
bad." The slender Vixen chuckled as she traced the hot outline of his
tight black equine anus with cool creamy lube. Then Hooves felt that
big blunt rubber cock head pressing against his taboo orifice. It hurt
more than a real stallion's cock... just because it was harder and
less springy than that male flesh. And the rubber even lubricated
grabbed at the soft tender flesh of his tail hole.

Dixie gripped that long flexible black shaft in both paws, keeping it
straight as she pushed in hard against his tight little plucker. Those
taut muscles relaxed slowly... and that taboo opening began to swallow
the glossy black head of that huge dildo.

"EEEEHEHEE." The Zebracorn squealed as the leering Vixen wiggled that
big flexible shaft and worked it into him. Hooves lifted his rump and
thrust back opening himself for her.There was a loud 'Slurp' as the
big blunt rubber cock head was forced past his sphincter.

"Ohoo like that..." Dixie smirked as she watched his tight tiny anus
swallow the whole length of that big strap on.

"Ummmmmm!" Hooves moaned breathlessly as the long rubber shaft was
forced into him, sinking deeply and smoothly into those hot depths. A
soft furry paw slipped under his belly, feeling its way down to his
big hot black hose that lay pulsing on the cool sheets beneath him.

"Ohoo yeah your liking that..." The sleek shapely Vixen snickered as
her own tangy sexual scent filled the room. Clearly Hooves wasn't the
only one enjoying his pegging! Dixie began to thrust in and out of him
now, her juicy little sex rubbing against the hard base of that mighty
strap on. "Even if ya don't have stud nuggets anymore..." She giggled
letting those soft fingers trail down to the bare patch beneath Hooves
sheath. Then slapped his big striped rump sharply with her other paw.
"See I know what geldies need!"

The smirking Vixen purred as her hip's slammed forwards savagely. Her
movements growing swiftly in speed and power, brutalizing the
Zebracorns soft black tail hole so hard. He was forced to bite down
and chew on the pillow under him. "Pillow bitin' little gelding slut!"
Dixie moaned lustfully into his long equine ear, as her passions grew
with each savage thrust. Even as she watched the big male equine
thrust his hip's back and forth. Meeting her savage rut thrusts
solidly and rubbing his long black cock against the soft damp sheets
beneath them. Sticky clear fluids dribbled from the blunt tip of his
big black fucker. Lubricating those cool sheets as that big organ
humped against them excitedly. The sleek black and white striped
Zebracorn chewed savagely on the pillow he was clutching to his chest.
As loud nickers of pleasure/pain escaped from the big passive equines


The big black Unicorn's upper lip rolled back, as he heard the
whinnies of pleasure coming through the wall. "Sounds like Dixie is
introducing Hoovy to that strap on you were telling me about." Nyte
laughed as he looked around Tandy's swiftly undulating torso at the
equally smiling Tad.

"And it sounds like he's enjoying it a lot!" The Ocelot agreed as he
tried to match Tandy's movements. Holding onto her flowing tail as he
thrust into her tightly clamped tail hole.

"Oh I'm sure he is..." Nyteshado snickered, as he imagined his striped
mate being butt buggered by the sexy Fox female. "Lets see." The big
black Unicorn gestured and the hotel wall shimmered and became
transparent. Revealing the Zebracorn starring off glassy eyed as the
slender sexy Vixen atop him pounded away. "Oh he's just about to
orgasm!" Nyteshado smirked knowing his gelded lover couldn't really
cum until his balls were allowed to regenerate.

"He's not the only one!" Tad panted his excitement growing ten fold as
he watched his mate fuck Hooves with that big strap on!

"Come on boys give it to me!" Tandy squealed clearly have experienced
a number of orgasms already. Taking one last long look at his mate
being butt buggered, Nyte buried his muzzle between those bouncing
breasts and thrust upwards wildly. Tad yowled as the sudden motion
nearly bucked him off the mare's ass. Only the powerful muscles clamped
onto his throbbing cock kept him in place.

"Ohooo FUCK!" The little Ocelot screamed as he bounced back down
hilting himself within that hot ass. "I'm cumming!" He yowled slamming
himself furiously against that big round fleshy ass! Just then a
muffled whinny was heard as the big black Unicorn joined them in
bliss. His huge stud nuts drawing up and that huge equine organ tensed
then erupted deep within the mare. The muscles of her sex milking and
squeezing teasing out every drop of his potent load...


Con tails 08

#2 av Con tales

Con Tails 08

The two big Unicorns sat at a booth in the hotel restaurant, finishing
their meal. Listening to the conversation that was taking place at the
next table. A male human, was trying to explain to his off spring why
there were six foot tall animals wandering around everywhere. He
wasn't doing a very good job, but the kids didn't seem to mind. They
were just loving the unique new experience, the young male was asking
if he could pet one. While the little female was wondering if they
could adopt one and take it home!

"No!" Her mother snapped firmly, as she glared at a big-breasted pink
and white husky bitch. Who was waving to those in the restaurant from
outside the big picture windows? While the father answered rather
unsure that he didn't think they would want to be petted...

Hooves leaned back in his seat and smiled at the brooding appearing
Nyteshado. "Go let'em pet ya..." The Zebracorn encouraged teasingly.
As he sat his empty glass down on the table and looked around. It was
the height of RainFurrest and the furry folk far out numbered the
humans. It felt good... and they both were enjoying it... even the
dark Stallion was in a light amused mood.

"You should go let him pet you..." Nyte grunted in amusement as he
shared a rare smile... with his mate.

"Don't want those grubby little fingers on my fur!" Hooves answered
returning his mates smile broadly.

The big Black Unicorn Stallion's soft mobile equine lips curled up
into a lewd smirk. As he spotted a sleek young Vixen and her slender
Ocelot boy friend sit down a short distance away. "There's one I
wouldn't mind let pet me!" The big handsome midnight black stud
smirked, as the cute little red fox spotted his lusty gaze. Smiling
she returned it just as leeringly... then whispered to the pretty
young cat boi. The pair stood up and strolled slowly over to the
booth. Smiling as they stopped and introduced themselves to the
mythical pair. And instantly got an invitation to share the table, the
busty young Vixen slipped in beside the Black Unicorn stallion. While
her mate was forced to sit next to the big grinning Zebracorn.

"Hi... I'm Dixie Vixen... and this is my boyfriend... Todd Ocelot."
She purred as she pressed herself against the darkly handsome
Nyteshado. Hooves sat grinning as he watched the whole thing play
out... the Zebracorn knew very well how his mate affected both males
and females. And was not at all surprised as the bubbling Vixen made
conversation with his mate. Nyte was bi after all... and unlike the
Zebracorn quite willing to entertain females. But it was the sleek
slender young Ocelot stud that sat next to him that intrigued Hooves.

"Hale and well meet." Nyteshado whickered gruffly as the buxom little
Vixen fawned all over him. The handsome young cat looked decidedly
uncomfortable as he watched the two big equines. One of whom his
girlfriend was obviously making a play for... and the other... was
looking him over appraisingly. The conversation flowed pleasantly
about innocent subjects at first... The parade that had taken place
earlier that day... and what artists were in the den. But the giggly
little Vixen soon guided the conversation towards more exciting
subjects. Explaining that her and her boy friend had an open
relationship... and that he liked to watch her with other males. The
big Black Unicorn smiled softly, knowing what she was hinting at.
Making a show of touching and caressing the sexy little Vulpine's
buxom body, as her boy friend looked on.

"Are you into threesomes?" He inquired huskily as the Ocelot shifted
uncomfortably in his seat. While he watched Dixie fondle the big Black
studs crotch bulge experimentally. The little red Fox female gasping
in delight as she felt what he had there!

"With two females... Ya!" The Ocelot assured a bit loudly... then
blushed as heads turned to grin at him. "I'm straight..." He
proclaimed a bit softer this time blushing... but still quite firmly.
As he looked from first the big Black Uni who his girlfriend was
draped all over, to the lustfully leering Zebracorn.

"It wouldn't keep you from taking turns in me with these two big
bois!" Dixie Vixy pointed out soothingly as she smiled and blushed at
the pair of equines. "Guess I let the cat out of the bag..." She
giggled excitedly as she sat on Nytes lap, murring as she felt the
steadily growing bulge beneath her. Expertly she pressed the hot soft
flesh of her sex against it, as she nuzzled his broad powerful chest.
The big Black Unicorn decided not to tell her, that he was the only
one of the pair who would be mounting her. And of course, he knew his
mate well enough to know. That straight boi or not, the Ocelot would
be having a new experience before everything was said and done. But
was wise enough not to make a point of it... in fact he honesty hoped
for Hooves success. Thinking about how much fun mounting the Ocelot
would be after he'd yiffed his girl friend!

"We're finished with dinner..." The big Black Stallion grunted in his
low and sexy way. "Why don't we move this up to our room." He purred
into the sexy little Vixen's ear, as he slipped a thick finger into
her panties. Concealed under the table Nyte groped and fondled that
tiny vulpine sex. Finding that fiery hot little hole delightfully dewy
and damp as he stroked it. Knowing that he would indeed be enjoying
those slick hot depths very soon. "We can relax with a few adult
beverages... except for Hooves." "I've got abit of the green fairy
that's oh so delicious." The big Black Unicorn stallion promised as he
easily lifted the curvaceous little Vixen and sits her on her feet.


The little group makes their way through the throngs of furs, and to
the elevators. Quickly riding up to the Unicorn's room on the fourth
floor. Once within the room both the big equines and the fox and
feline quickly strip off their clothing. The Zebracorn, submissively
fixing drinks for the others and serving them the chilled Absinthe.
Nyteshado lying down on the bed nearest the door, while Hooves laid
upon the farther one. Dixie Vixy quickly shimmied out of her tight
jeans and top, climbed onto the bed with the Black Uni stud. As Todd
the slender little Ocelot moved over to sit uncertainly on the other
bed with Hooves. The little feline is still wearing his form fitting
little blue undies. Which were already showing more than a bit of a
bulge, as he watches his girl friend begin to fondle and lick Nyte's
emerging cock! A large wet spot soon stains the front of those little
blue undies. As the little cat watched his girl friend stroke and rubs
the Unicorn's long black filly fucker! The big black Unicorn lies
back, letting the Vixen do all the work of bringing him to full

"Hehe... do you like what you see?" Nyte whickered teasingly, as her
pointed muzzled nuzzled his fat cock. "I bet you... do because you're
all wet down here." Nyte snickered reaching down and playfully tugged
on her hard little clit, which made her squeal in pleasure. While
glittering drops of sexual fluids drip from her quivering little Foxy
sex. The smiling red Vixen ran her paws over his massive striking
midnight black body. Caressing first his velvety balls and then his
enormous hardening Stallion hood. Pulling him close until she felt his
weight over her, the sleek fox rapped her long slender legs around his
powerful waist as he began licking and nibbling at her large pendulous
breasts. Dixie grabbed his long muzzle and pulled it to hers, his soft
mobile lips parted hers as his copious tongue entered her mouth!

"Rut me." She moaned guiding his immense equine salami against her
diminutive wet sex! Nyteshado whinnied excitedly and thrust at once...
driving a foot of his thick organ into her! "Uhuhuuuuu!" She moaned
loudly as that big thick stud muscle penetrated her! As on the other
bed Todd gasped lustfully as he watched that Unicorn take her! The
horny Vixen was so tiny under him Nyteshado almost feared he might
hurt her! And so he almost stopped forcing his gigantic filly fucker
into her, but Dixie's heels pounded on his buttocks. Driving him
forward deeper and deeper into her, until at last they lay with their
stomachs touching. Nyteshado was amazed that her little body could
contain all of him. The little Vixen smiled up lustfully at him, as
her heels thudded into his flanks. "Giddy Up!" She begged. The big
Unicorn began thrusting riding her tight little vulpine body, as only
a lustful stallion can! As his big three finger's hands swept up and
down her sleek soft body. Fondling those big bouncy breasts...
pinching her knob like nipples. Craning his long neck... hot velvety
muzzle lip's teasing those throbbing nipples as his hands stroke her
all over.

"Ohohoooo!" Todd watched in astonishment as his sleek little Vixen
girl friend took that huge organ! The sleek Ocelot just couldn't
believe she was giving herself to the huge stallion. But the erotic
spectacle was quickly turning the front of his undies into one huge
wet spot! It was more than a little disturbing and emasculating for
the young feline. After all the equine's cock was easily as big as
Todd's forearm. But he still found it very exciting to watch. In fact
he couldn't tire his eyes away from this astonishingly erotic
exhibition! The Ocelot was breathing hard... his heart reverberating
within his chest pulse pounding. As his own hard male hood rose up,
carelessly he shoved his tight blue undies down. A rhythmic pulsation
in time with the stallion's Herculean thrusts vibrated his whole body!

Dixie was howling deliriously as if being tortured, but the fact that
she was licking and kissing the stallion's long face loudly announced
otherwise! The lustful Vixen cringed under the vigorous pounding, but
was soon pushing up to meet Nyteshado's extraordinarily deep fuck
thrusts! She kept slamming her sex back into the gigantic Unicorn's
hard rutting body. They met one another halfway, and the resulting
collisions repeatedly crushed the breath out of her lungs in loud...
‘Yiff...Yiff... Yiffs!' Still she kept at it, offering up her open
cunt and receiving his lengthy stud stick in one body jarring thrust!
She closed her eyes and gurgled deliriously as explosions of ecstasy
racked her senses!

Todd bit his lower lip and gripped the edges of the bed tightly. As he
watched his girl friend getting so thoroughly rutted, his erection
ached with pent up need. The big Zebracorn smirked as he watched it
all, knowing now was the time to make his move. Slowly he slid over to
the felines lithe body and lowered his long striped head.

"OHOOOOO!" The young Ocelot moaned loudly as something oh so hot and
wet engulfed his raging erection... Glancing down he was startled to
see the Zebracorn's black lip's wrapped around his big pink kitty
stick. He'd been so wrapped up in watching Nyteshado breed his sleek
sexy girl friend... The young feline had forgotten all about the
leering lustful Hooves. "Dude!" The Ocelot half shouted half moaned as
those hot velvet lip's slid up and down his throbbing length. His
softly furry little paws reaching down grasping the Zebracorn's head.
"I'm not... I don't do..." He tried to protest, but that hot suckling
muzzle just felt so good! As the Ocelot watched open mouthed, Hooves
swallowed him entire length! Suckling powerfully all the way in and
then reversing the suction growing even more powerful as that pretty
mouth pulled back. "Ohohoooo FUCK!" The Ocelot's sleek muscular body
began to react on instinct... humping those hot smooth lips lustfully.
Even as he watched the big Black Unicorn pinned his mate down and
pound her brutally! Hooves hummed softly on the hard rough feline cock
as it slid in and out of his throat. Sending the attractive little
kitty boi into bucking twisting fits. "Fuckin' hell Dude!" The sleek
cat boi was grasping the Zebracorn's long floppy ear now, as he rutted
that searing muzzle. Eye's glazed as he watched Nyteshado and Dixie
Vixen squealing and humping in the next bed. Hooves rejoiced
inwardly... knowing he had the straight boi now!


The horny little Vixen was no longer in control of herself, her eyes
rolled back in her head as orgasm after orgasm thundered through her
mind! "Ohohooooo fuck me!" She panted huskily as her body thrust up to
met his huge organ.

"Heheh..." The big handsome black Unicorn half snickered half moaned
as he listened to her begging for his cock. Nyteshado's enormous filly
fucker pulsed even harder, and Dixie could see he was lathered and
panting as he fucked into her! She knew what was going to happen next,
so braced herself for it by grabbing double hands full of his coal
black mane! And curling her calves around his massive thighs, she
could feel his huge nut's slapping her heels as he pounded wildly! The
big Black Unicorn pumped harder, his powerful body out of control with
primitive desire! Bestial lust drove him on, as he buried his equine
pleasure scepter deeper and deeper into her quaking body! Lewd
squishing noises filled the air as the beautiful young Vixen flexed
and withered under the onslaught. Nytes whole body pulsed and spasmed
as he slammed faster and faster into Dixie's hot quivering pussy!
Throwing back his long head the big black Stud whinnied in pleasure
like the animal he was! Thick scalding hot bolts of cum poured into
her, as the huge Unicorn Stallion jerked and pumped. Dixie shook all
over as tremors raced through her loins, she babbled helplessly as she
licked and kissed his soft lips. Then she giggled like a schoolgirl as
his cum spurted out of her salami crammed cunt! Laying back in
exquisitely complete satisfaction, she moaned that if a priest were
handy she would have married the big stud on the spot! Nyte had
collapsed on to the blanket beside her, his long oozing equine fucker
still lying across her leg dripping cum on to her inner thighs.

"RRRRRROROWOWOO!" The sexy little Ocelot howled, as he came for the
first time ever within another male! Hooves expert lip's and tongue
teasing and milking him for every last drop.

"Looks like your boy friend isn't as straight as he thought!"
Nyteshado purred into Dixie's pointed vulpine ear as he stroked and
fondled her sleek sexy body.

"So it would appear..." She agreed breathlessly as they rolled over to
watch the Zebracorn and Ocelot. By this time Hooves had milked the
little feline dry. And was slowly stroking his own long black equine
fuck stick against Todd's silky fur. Smiling as he caressed the
feline's lip's with one big blunt finger.

"No... please not in my... my mouth." Todd moaned slowly as he lay
there passively.

"Ammmmm... I like the other end as well." Hooves assure, gently
rolling the pretty little Ocelot over on to his belly. Spreading those
round beautiful butt cheeks the big Zebracorn straddles the feline.
Rubbing his big blunt black cock head against Todd's tiny pink
plucker. Smearing slick hot equine pre-cum over it as he slowly leans
his weight against it.

"Ohoooooo my!" Dixie Vixen moans as she watches that huge black cock
slowly sink into her boy friend's virgin ass! The little feline moans
and mews softly as Hooves slowly and carefully works himself into that
virgin hole! Until at last the little feline breathes a long loud
sigh, as that long thick stud stick slides home! Hooves dark crotch
settling over those sleek round buttocks as the Zebracorn slides balls
deep! He lies atop the former little straight boi... nibbling and
kissing along his neck. As those striped hips slowly begin to work
that might equine cock in and out of Todd's tight hole! The big blunt
tip of that long stud hood pounding against the felines hard little
pleasure gland. And soon has the cat boi moaning and withering with
pleasure. His little cock growing hard once more and he's humping the
smooth cool sheets.

"You like that sweety?" Dixie Vixy calls good naturedly as she watches
her boy friend learn the pleasure of cock! The little Ocelot could
only moan and mew into the pillows as Hooves rutted him a bit faster.

"He's loving it..." Nyteshado smirked. "Look at all the pre he's
spurting onto the sheets!" The Vixen giggled as she glanced down at
the slick wet sheets.

"Oh dear..." She purred this time because the Black Unicorns hefty
cock was throbbing stiffly against her tail hole. "I hear you Uni's
were quick to recover but..."

"Butt..." The midnight Black Unicorn Stallion chuckled lewdly. "My
thoughts exactly!" Nyteshado smiled as he did the same then to her,
that his mate was doing to her boy friend!


Later that night as the little Vixen lay exhaust and sleeping. Nyte
slid his mighty organ into the little felines freshly cleared butt.
Smiling at his lover... who was laying back with the Ocelot's muzzle
in his lap... As the little feline sucked his first cock... while Nyte
slowly pounded his rump!


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