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Danil's Revenge

Danil grinned to himself, as he held up the new invention he'd been
playing with the last few weeks. The nerdy stallion was a bit smaller
and scrawnier than most of his species, but the equine more than made
up for his size with his intelligence. He pulled out a small
screwdriver, adjusting the rings a bit and then sat them back down on
the lab table, plugging them in to charge them a bit.

To anyone looking at the seven bands of metal-streaked, nano-circuitry
covered latex, they appeared to be... well... cock rings. And Danil
had designed them to work as such as well, since that played a part in
his plans. But really, they were a sophisticated series of portals.
Since the portal technology had been invented several years ago, the
applications had been endless, but nothing quite like what Danil was
planning had been done. Or, at least, no one had fessed up to it as
yet although there were certain rumors about the predator owned

Danil smiled to himself, as he pulled a little baggie out of his
pocket that contained his roommates... who was a much larger, properly
hung equine jock named Carson's own cock ring. That the overly proud
stud used at the clubs on weekends, and with a sly grin Danil tugged
it out he looked at it for a moment.

He and Carson had nearly the same fur pattern, which made other
comparisons between the two--big and small, hung and average, muscular
and scrawny--the normal things Danil heard each and every time furs
spoke about the two of them. That and Carson's attitude of embracing
the general comparisons had pushed him to this moment, and with a
cruel smirk, he slid one of the portal rings into the baggie, nodding
to himself. This weekend, when Carson headed out to the club, the
small stallion would enact his plan.

In fact, he'd already gotten in touch with a big, handsome looking
predator... and spelled out exactly what he wanted to have done.


The big jock stallion smiled gloatingly... already more than a bit
tipsy before he'd even walked up. It was late in the evening on
Friday, with practice over he'd began drinking shortly after
showering. Now he was fairly lit up as he stroll down the street
towards the club, seeing Danil waiting for him just outside. Carson
waved to his small, scrawny roommate the big jock stallion lurching
over awkwardly. "Heh hi ya runt..." He greeted clapping the smaller
equine on the shoulder roughly, making Danil wince slightly at the
rough pounding on his back.

"Owww hey Carson... I brought your.." The big jock snatched the bag
out of his hands, flashing his smaller roommate a glare to silence
him. The big jock not wanting his friends to know about the cock ring,
because as he'd told Danil in the past... 'Only fags wear cock rings.'
Quickly he peered into the bag smirking as he saw the big ring,
crumpling the bag closed the big stallion went straight towards
restroom. Once in the restroom Carson went into one of the stalls,
closing the door he took out the cock ring while unzipping his jeans.
Taking out his long floppy stud stick, the big jock stallion awkwardly
stuffed his limp cock and hefty balls through the ring. That huge
floppy equine hose starting to stiffen as he did, Carson smiled
faintly as he thought about dancing around with a fat chubby all night
at the club. Slowly the big horse working the ring down his thickening
cock, until it was settled firmly around the base of that mighty
fucker. Just a half inch from his groin, once that was done the big
jock shoved the whole thing back into his baggy jeans. Zipping back
up, he rubbed one hand down the leg of his jeans... feeling the length
of his throbbing organ. When suddenly he felt a odd tingling raced
through his huge organs, making Carson grunt and stagger into the
wall. "Wha... what the fuck?" He grunted feeling his big organ again,
fingers tracing the throbbing organ through the fabric of his jeans.
Something felt different... was his cock smaller shorter... no he
wasn't fully erect that was all... Wait something sure felt odd... but
the drunken stud couldn't put his finger on just what it was. "Fuck
it..." The drunken jock snorted, stumbling out of the bathroom stall
he wandered off towards the dance floor.

Danil sat back admiring that massive new organ that dangling between
his thigh's, gone was the slender cock and undersized testicles. The
small, scrawny stallion was now hung like a stud should be, slowly he
explored those mighty organ with nimble fingers. Watching it flex and
stiffen at his feathery caress's, knowing that Carson was experiencing
the sensations. Danil grinned slightly as he licked his lips, looking
down at that huge shaft, excited for what was to come... Dragging his
trousers up the slender young horse buttoned them closed, before
heading out of the restroom stall. He had a date with a big sexy
predator, who was going to enjoy the treat Danil was bringing him...

He breathed in and out slowly, then nodded to himself, getting out his
phone and texting the predator. Asking him where he wanted to meet--
only to get a location notification rather than a specific place. It
looked like a residential house, and Danil grinned as he rubbed a paw
over 'his' heavy nut sac, imagining it.

The young stud called an Uber, knowing that the other would be
surprised if he drove home easily after this. He grinned to himself,
imagining feeling his cock sliding into a tight pussy at the same time
that Carson... Well... hehe the jock would be feeling other things.

He arrived at the place--a nice, wide ranch style home that brought a
grin to his muzzle--and climbed out, walking up to the front door and
knocking, turning his ears when it was opened by a handsome, older
looking wolverine. There were flecks of grey around his muzzle, but
his chest and shoulders looked powerful and muscular. He might be in
his forties, but he still worked for a living--and the natural,
predatory musk radiating off of him made Danil shiver slightly in

"Hello," The wolverine greeted with a tight lipped smile that was
designed to hide the other males needle shape teeth. "Danil, right?"

The handsome young horse nodded, blushing as he felt the lusty
predator looking him over. "And you Kurr?" He asked softly feeling his
excitement grow, his modest equine organ rock hard in Carson's baggy
jeans miles away.

Kurr nodded his broad head slowly, and then stepped to the side,
ushering the horse into the house. Before closing the door and
dropping a big paw down, cupping then squeezing the other's backside
slowly. "So, you're the naughty lad who wants to be punished, hmm?"
The big older pred questioned slyly, it was rare to get prey so
willing to give themselves up.

Danil closed his eyes tightly, panting for breath as he felt his heart
racing. "Yes..." He moaned softly, enjoying the wolverines groping and
powerful dominant manner. "Err... no, but..." He blushed flashing a
wicked smile, while looking up at Kurr over his shoulder as the big
predator grinned showing his teeth this time. "Yes..." The slender
horse whispered quietly, knowing that it was far to late to try
backing out now.

Kurr grinned sensing his prey's reluctance, savoring the scents of
sexy excitement and fear coming from the horse. "Nervous, huh?" The
wolverine observed in excitement and sympathy, he wasn't heartless of
course yet they both knew this was going to happen now no matter what.

Danil nodded a little, shifting nervously from hoof to hoof, as Kurr
smiled while squeezing his backside slowly. "Have you thought about
how you want it done?" He asked not unkindly, there were ways for this
to happen almost without the prey being aware of it. He had a number
of drugs that could knock the horse out, he'd wake up after it was

Danil shifted slightly as if sensing the wolverines offer, smiling and
running his hands over the predator's broad chest. "I... um... I was
hoping something... slow. A little painful, but not overwhelmingly
so... and maybe you'd let me... taste and lick yours while mine are...
you know." The young horse was about to have his first time after all,
surrendering not just to the others desires but his own.

Kurr grinned happy that his date was so willing, the wolverine didn't
really enjoy it as much if they were unaware. "A bander..." He
recommended with a slow eager smirk, it was something he'd enjoyed in
the past with other males. "A little uncomfortable at some points, but
more numb than painful at the moment of truth. And once we get them
on, you can put any part of me in your muzzle that you want." He
promised, reaching up to caress the young equines soft lip's with one
claw tipped finger, smirking as Danil wrapped those lip's around that
finger suckling eagerly.


Carson ordered another round of drinks, the big sleek jock stud
smiling at the mares he and his buddies had picked up. Between the
drinking and dancing his furry body was lathered with equine sweat,
the scent thickly masculine as they drink and flirted. The handsome
stud had a certain reputation, which had gotten him a lot of tail over
the years. And tonight was no different, he had a pretty young mare on
either side of him. Now one of them was supposed to be his buddy
Jerome's date, but there was little doubt that Carson was going to be
mounting them both before the night was over. Tall, sleek and handsome
with a massive member that his buddies all told stories about, he was
sporting a rock hard bulge in the leg of his jeans at that very
moment. His buddies used the legend of that organ to get dates of
their own, which they were more than happy to share with Carson. Hell
Tim had even let Carson rut his long term girlfriend from back home
when she was visiting town. And he had bagged more than a few of his
friends sisters, even railed one of his teammates mothers after a game
one time.

Soon they were staggering out of the club and down the street to
Jerome's nearby apartment. Climbing the stairs to the second floor,
they entered the small place Carson leading the mares into the
bedroom. While Jerome went to the kitchen to make them some more
drinks, the handsome jock sitting on the bed as he watched the girl's
strip. And then stood up shucking off his shirt, before unbuttoning
his jeans and letting them drop. The mare giggling slightly as he
stood there smiling at them, the girls looking him and his famous
member over with barely concealed smirks. Still they had came to far
to stop now, eagerly they moved over to join him on the bed. The three
of them rolling around kissing and fondling each other eagerly, as
Carson slipped between the prettier mare's leg's. Eager to plant his
aching hard organ inside of her... when he suddenly felt a strange
sensation. It was like something constricting around the neck of his
hefty ball sack, he glanced down but saw only the cock ring. But it
couldn't be that... it was much too far back up near his body for
that. Gripping that pulsing shaft he guided the big blunt head to the
sexy mares slit, oddly the sensation of heat and moisture seemed
absent. "Ohohooo wha...." Carson moaned as a second feeling of
constriction squeezed down around the base of his throbbing cock.

"Ummm yeah stud put it in me..." The sexy mare moaned, as the confused
jock at last felt a hot wet sensation on the head of his throbbing
cock. Eagerly Carson thrust his strong hip's forwards, burying most of
his length inside of her hot sex. Strangely he only felt the heat and
moisture on the first dozen inches of his aching hard organ, drunkenly
he began thrusting in and out of her powerfully. "Ahah fux... yeah
that's it stud." The pretty mare moaned loud and eagerly, as the
second mare snuggled against them kissing and fondling both their


Danil lay back watching as the big Wolverine kneeling between his legs
banded those fat jewels, chuckling softly as he watching that huge
horse cock surged and bounce. The slender stallion was holding it up
out of the way, as a gusty moan of pleasure escaped him. "Heheh...
that exciting you huh?" Kurr laughed as that twitching horse cock,
spurted a watery slash of pre-cum all over the young equines chest and

"It's fucking awesome." Danil moaned, not bothering to explain that
what he was feeling was something else all together. The grinning
wolverine smirked at his great good fortune, to find so well hung a
prey that was also so eager to give it up. Danil watched as the big
predator slipped a second band on to that thick cock, the young
stallion actually helping him get it past that huge equine cock flare.
And then as Kurr worked it to the base, the tool released and the
powerful rubber band squeezed deep into the flesh of that mighty filly
fucker. "Ohoo... Ohooo gods yes..."

Danil was only feeling that tight, tight pussy at the moment, but
looked down, he could see those bands. 'God, it felt so amazing...'
Their sensations all mixed together, but with Carson getting the worst
of this... and Danil getting the best of that tight, wet mare snatch!

He breathed in and out slowly, looking down at the wolverine with a
grin as he panted softly. "Could you... could you maybe... l-let me
feel your teeth?" The slender young equine stammered, looking into the
predators eyes with a longing gaze.

Kurr smiled warmly at that request, enjoying the moment all the more
for it. After all, there was no reason to refuse to other that
request, was there? "Heh... Wanting to really feel it... before things
go completely numb?" The big predator asked, feeling the rush of
excitement as his blood lust got up.

"J-just a little..." Danil stammered, proud of how well he was playing
the blushing prey. It was obvious that this was almost a perfect
fantasy come true for the smirking wolverine.

Kurr grinned even wider, flashing his sharp, shining white teeth, and
then leaned in close, opened his muzzle before slowly closing his
teeth at the edge of Danil's flare, nibbling slowly while smirking.
Danil panted softly as he saw a bit of blood oozing down 'his' pecker,
feeling his cock no longer thrusting into the hot, warm cunt he was
experiencing... and then feeling them start again. He smirked to
himself, laughing softly and closing his eyes, leaning back and
squirming in place.

"Thank you..." The young horse moaned, watching as Kurr trembled in
delight while leaned up, licking the blood away with a big, evil
looking grin.

"Anytime colt..."


Carson was thrusting his cock in and out of the mare hard, when he
felt the gnarling sensation at the head of his cock. He was drunk, not
quite thinking properly, and he jerked slightly as there was a
sharpness there. He was about to pull out, but the mare had wrapped
her long, sexy legs around his waist.

"C'mon, baby, quit holding back..." She moaned encouragingly, nibbling
and suckling on the jocks long equine neck. "Gimmy all that big dick I
heard about... gimmy each and every inch... I want all of it..." She
was begging, as the second mare leaned in kissing Carson's lip's while
rubbing her breasts against them both,

Carson's strong, athletic hips were against her firm, round equine ass
as he snorted lustfully. 'Why wasn't this bitch satisfied?' He grunted
loudly, shaking slightly as he started to really throw his body into
it. The jock stallion couldn't believe her cunt was such a fucking
cavern, she was so pretty really...

Danil lay back, watching as the grinning predator ran his big paws all
over the slender horse's sleek furry body. The older wolverine
pressing his muzzle to the equines groin, inhaling the scent of those
hefty organ. The stallion's musk making the preds mouth water,
teasingly he nuzzled and nibbled on those pulsing organs. While his
own organ stiffened up between his thighs, plainly what he was doing
was a sensual experience for him. Danil giggled as he watched the
wolverines mouth lick all over those fat ball's, while that long thick
stud stick was jerking and trembling in need. "Ahah gods yes..." Danil
moaned as the speed of his slender cock spearing into that mare sex
doubled, miles away Carson was pounding the smaller stallion cock into
that tight pussy wildly. Danil could almost imagine that he could hear
the females squealing and moaning, soon his pleasure was growing. The
young equine didn't bother fighting to hold back, after all it was
Carson who would be disappointing the mare by coming to soon.

"Here..." Kurr grunted, reaching up to pinch that velvety soft ball
sack with his thumb and finger claws. Drawing blood as Danil watched
with a wide smile, the pleasure he was feeling only faltered slightly.
Plainly that sack was numb enough that Carson bare felt the pain, he
watched the wolverine press his lip's to the wound sucking the blood
up. "How did that feel?"

"I hardly felt a thing..." Danil sniggered watching as that hot mouth
lapped at the wound, reaching down he cupped Carson's fat nuts. And
then stuffed them into the big predators mouth, watching Kurr's eyes
widen in delight. "Chew slowly and thoroughly... I wouldn't want you
to choke on your meal." The wolverines lip's twisted up into a
gloating smile, as he used his tongue to position those nuts. And then
began to chew on them slowly, as the slender young stallion lay back
moaning and laughing softly. While Kurr's strong paw rubbed up and
down the length of that aching hard cock, making it drool and drip
pre-cum on to the small horse's furry chest.


"Uhuguh..." The big sleek jock stallion moaned, his guts suddenly
twisting and aching as he was pounding his cock into the moaning mare.
The drunken stud wondering what was happening, he almost felt like his
nuts had been racked. While his aching hard cock was jerking and
trembling, feeling oddly like it was being stroked by a big hot paws.
"Uhu uhu... squeeze me... squeeze me hard." Carson moaned bucking and
thrusting wildly, even as that slender cock exploded dumping a massive
load into that pretty mares sex. Oddly the grunting stallion didn't
even slow down, as he bucked and humped hard into those quivering

The pretty mare looking up at him confused, as the grunting jock
didn't even react to that tensing and releasing. It was very
impressive to the eager mare, a lot of guys would spurt and leave her
unfinished. But this stud showed no signs of stopping, Jerome came
back into the room with the drinks. Setting them aside as he watched
the action on the bed, Carson was really giving it his all. Slowly the
other jock stripped off his clothing, and joined them in the bed
fondling and kissing the second mare. Jerome knew Carson wouldn't want
sloppy seconds so didn't fuck her, instead just finger banging and
getting her ready for Carson.

The twisting feeling didn't stop, and the pleasure didn't really reach
Carson, but he could already feel his cock starting to flag inside the
mare. He flexed over and over, encouraging more blood and power to his
dick, but he didn't even feel anything... 'Was he really that drunk?'
He felt like he had a major case of whisky dick, as his thrusts turned
to nothing and his cock flopped out of the mare's cunt.

He looked down at himself, rather shocked that he'd not gone the
distance, but a glance at her snatch showed him that he'd not only
creamed her--but fucked his own cum up into a hot, eager froth. He
smirked to himself--'So drunk I didn't even know I fucked her that
goo.,' he thought, laughing and reaching down, cupping her dribbling

The mare moaned softly at his touch, her lip's twisting up in a coy
pleased smile. "Mmm.... Next time, you better not hang back..." She
moaned licking her full lip's slowly, grinning softly as Carson pulled
away his semi hard cock looking even smaller and skinnier.

Carson turned his ears slightly as they reddened, not that it was
clearly visible in the darker room, and then managed to laugh. "Yeah,
girl. Didn't wanna break you the first time around..." The confused
jock said softly, feeling oddly pleased with himself for thinking to
say that.

With a soft laugh he turned, flopping back onto the bed panting for
breath. "Get over here, girl." He called, motioning for the second
somewhat less sexy mare to come over to him. "Lick her quim off me,
and we'll get you filled up next..." Carson encouraged, motioning to
Jerome that he could have the first mare's cunt now that it had been
stretched out... The grinning Jerome climbed over on top of her,
guiding his hard equine fucker into that cream drooling cunt.
Although, the watching Carson was surprised when the mare's moan was
hotter and louder than he expected. Plainly she was enjoying the feel
of Jerome's eager... if modest erection quite a bit.

"Oho... Eeehehee thats... more like... that feels so good." She
squealed as Jerome shoved his fat cock into her cum filled sex, he
loved to rut second the feeling of his cum squishing around in Carson
or some other guys cum always turned him on. Once he'd added his own
to it... he'd lick it all out of her. Leaning over, he waited until
Carson's eyes closed and joined the mare in licking that quickly
stiffening cock.


Danil was near tears when his cock finally softened and Carson quit
fucking it into the mare. He'd not expected the horse to fail to stop,
and it had been almost too intense for him to handle. His whimpering
had finally drawn Kurr's attention, but Danil had reached down,
keeping the wolverine on 'his' balls. "D-don't stop... don't stop
until... until I'm gelded..." He begged the big predator, watching as
those needle sharp teeth sank into the flesh of those fat ball's.

Kurr nodded his board head eagerly, nibbling more forcefully as he
looked up into the horse's eyes. He pulled away for barely a moment,
squeezing the other's throbbing cock playfully. "One last load?" He
asked the smirking horse, who was obviously enjoyed watched those
deadly teeth destroy his huge nuts..

"No!" Danil answered quick and breathlessly, admiring the wolverines
bloodly lip's as they pulled back into a nasty grin. "No, no... I
never want this dick to cum again..." The slender, wimpy, young
stallion panted weakly... as he stroked Kurr's head fur gently.

Kurr grinned wickedly, his muzzle back on those hefty male orbs at
once. His teeth were cutting into leathery flesh, piercing it,
starting to knick those sensitive organs inside. To Carson miles away,
between it and the numbness from the banding. It was like having pins
and needles running all over his sac--though, the needles seemed to be
getting sharper all the time. His guts were aching oddly, mixing
pleasure and pain in strange ways.

Kurr continued to chew loudly, as Danil started to moan again softly--
feeling that mouth around his own cock. Miles away that mare was
licking and suckling, Danil was having the most fun of his young life.
When the big wolverine was sure the other was mostly numb, he leaned
up, then slid his teeth through the neck of that sack shearing it off.
And then pulled away, he looked down at Danil with a sneer as the
horse looked up at him wide eyed. "Oho gods yes chew them up..." The
scrawny horse moaned in obvious delight, the tone in his voice sending
a shiver of pleasure racing through the wolverine.

The wolverine didn't open his mouth to show him, but it was obvious
what he had between his teeth. He chewed slowly, the soft, wet
crunching filling Danil's ears and making his cock miles away twitch
and drip. He watched as the wolverine swallowed, then worked something
around in his mouth... before spitting the used band out onto Danil's
chest. "Souvenir." The big predator said with a smirk, as the horse
picked up the band and put it on his little finger like a ring.

Danil shuddered slightly, then nodded, remembering why true predators
were so intimidating and still smiling eagerly as he thought about
Carson's junk swimming in the other's stomach acid. He looked up at
the wolverine, turning his ears.

"I... um... I know that we never talk about sex in the discussion,
but... if I were to spread for you..." It was said in the hesitant
manner of a virgin, and even as he spoke Danil saw the corners of the
older males mouth turn up. "Would you... fuck me while my cock dies?"
The young horse finished softly, even while glancing down at the
predators throbbing organ. They might not have discussed it, but as
far as the wolverine was concerned it was always going to happen.

Danil, who had perfected the rings, so knew exactly what parts of
himself had been exchanged with Carson, after all. How would Carson
react to dribbling his load out like a bitch, when Danil got fucked in
the ass good and hard?

Kurr smiled even wider, reaching out and grabbing the dark--almost
burgundy--length of that horse dick. "I better fuck you hard and fast,
then." He snickered gloatingly, knowing there was one last load in the
equine's system and that this would empty it out. "Cause this thing
will need to come off... real soon."

Kurr hooked the young stallion's legs, lifting them up onto his broad
shoulders as he reached down. Grasping his own thick... if much
shorter cock, the smiling predator guided it to the geldings tight
pucker. That eager organ dripping and dribbling pre-cum onto Danil's
tail star, the big wolverine smeared it around with the tip of his
cock. And then pushed that stiff organ against it, that virgin
sphincter resisted his intrusion for a long moment. The young horse
gasping and whimpering, as his asshole slowly opened letting that
thick fucker inside. "Oww gods... Oho fux..." The slender young horse
moaned in pain and pleasure, as his anus at last gave up and let that
hard fucker slide smoothly inside. His eyes bugging out and body
shaking like a leaf, as that firm organ stroked over his magic
prostate gland. "EEEHEHEEEE!" He squealed in shock at the feeling that
hard cock was filling him with, this had been a mistake Danil realized
that now. But it was too late... that throbbing fucker was inside of
him and it felt sinfully good as it battered against his pleasure

With each stroke in and out of him, the slender young stallion thought
less and less about the pleasures of a mares sex... That hard cock was
filling him with feeling of submission and pleasure, he'd thought this
was going to be about ruining Carson's pleasure. But what he was
discovering was something utterly different, his body jerk as a thrill
of pleasure ran through it. Above him Kurr was looking down at him
gloating, the big pred had turned a lot of gelding into cock loving
bottoms. This horse was showing all the sign's, once the wolverine had
pounded the last cum out of him. He would be a broken riding pony...
tamed and eager to please any male who wanted to use him. "Someone is
loving my big cock..." The smirking predator sneered, driving his
strong hip's hard against the young horse's firm round ass. "Go on say
it... tell me how you're feeling."

"Oho Fux... Oho fux yeah! I... I'm loving your cock... it... it's
sooooo big and hard feels soooo good inside of me." Danil babbled
breathlessly as his body shook and bucked, as the chuckling wolverine
slammed that throbbing fucker in and out of him. The sensation coming
from his cock, were lose in the intensity of what was happening to his
tail hole. As he starred up glassy eyed, Kurr leaned over taking that
thick blunt cock flare into his mouth. Danil watched in growing
delight, as those furry lip's rolled back exposing shiny white teeth.
Slowly those teeth punched into the dark flesh of that cock flare, as
the big predator began to eat it. "Oho WOW! Oho yeah... damn that's
turning me go so much watching you eat that big dick... eat it... eat
it all up." Danil closed his eyes tightly as he got his ass fucked,
wondering how much of the prostate sensation was being transferred to
the big jock. But knowing at the same time, that he had seriously
miscalculated just how much would be passed along. He, himself, was
loving every moment of this, something that both shocked and terrified


The mare was slowly and carefully cleaning Carson's length, obviously
not sure that he was getting to full size. Thinking that he must be
flagging after the first mare had gotten done with him, though--as
Danil knew--he was as hard as a rock and at maximum size. Carson, for
whatever reason, could not feel a thing, although he was enjoying the
sights. He shifted, groaning as he felt the mare climbing up,
expecting the sensation of his cock plunging into her to be intense
and perfect, but...

It was more and more like a paw on his shaft, and even that was a
severely muted sensation. He felt a strange tingle in his backside as
she started to ride him, that seemed to race from his tail hole all
the way to the tip of his cock. The hefty mare was expecting him to
fill out the rest of the way like the proper stud she'd heard about,
but it didn't seem to be happening. Although that organ was flexing
and twitching inside of her wildly, as it the stallion was
experiencing a great deal of pleasure.

"Fuckin' hell!" Carson moaned throwing his hands out to either side,
one hand landing on the edge of the bed. While the other landed with a
loud smack on Jerome's pumping rump, the other jock glanced over at
his buddy. But Carson seemed to be lost in the pleasure of the fat
little mare riding his cock. Again, the pain tickled at his cock, but
it was so numbed that he barely noticed it. 'How drunk was he?' He
thought he'd sobered up a good bit when he started breeding that first
mare, anyhow, but he convinced himself that he had to still be pretty
drunk to be performing with such a lack of... erhm... conviction. He
felt a tightness around his cockhead, but it vanished quickly, and
then, a tugging sensation that also disappeared almost instantly.
'What the hell was going on...?' Carson lay back starring up at the
fat little mare riding his cock, the big jock gripping the bed with
one hand and Jerome's ass with the other. As the tingling within his
ass made him feel oddly passive, he could feel something gripping his
head and tugging vigorously at the head.


"Ahaha..." Danil groaned out loudly, as he watched those teeth mangle
that huge cock flare. Kurr was chewing slowly just as requested, and
the slender stallion hoped Carson was enjoying the effect. The
wolverines strong neck muscles strained, as his head twisted and
tugged at the bloody meat. The scrawny stallion exhaled sharply, as
those teeth clicked together as that cock flare was bitten off. "Ohoo
huhuh yeah." Danil moaned breathlessly, as the big predator sneered
down at him while slamming his hip's in and out even harder. The older
pred obviously getting off on emasculating the horse. as much or more
than just rutting his virgin asshole. "Ummm Gods... it feels so...
super intense..." The slender equine squealed, sounding more like a
wimpy gelding slut with every breath.

"No need to ask if your enjoy... Hahah." Kurr laughed gruffly as his
hard cock pounded that clenching slut hole, the skinny horse screaming
and squealing like a mare in heat now. Licking his lip's the big
predator leaned in and took another big bite, feeling that hard cock
flexing and trembling wildly. Someone was really feeling the hard
pounding of that magic button, it made the wolverine smirk even wider.
"I'm going to empty your sheath..." He promised hotly, as he gnarled
savagely on that quivering fuck stick as the young horse squealed and
whinnied loudly.


Carson bucked his hips up into the homely little mare, as she rode
that rock hard cock faster and faster. As it at last began to dawn on
the jock what he was craving, those sensations he was feeling in his
rump making his anus open and close. Shame burned on his muzzle he
realized what that feeling was, carefully he slipped his off hand down
under his own ass. Thick fingers first rubbing at his tail hole, and
then one slipped inside followed almost at once by a second and then
third finger. Soon the big jock was finger fucking his own tail hole,
even as that soft mare bounced up and down on him. His other hand
sliding down Jerome's sweaty ass, cupping and fondling the other males
ball's. Before moving even lower, gripping the base of that pulsing
cock as his friend shoved it in and out of the pretty mare.

Jerome grunted in surprise when he felt his balls played with,
assuming it was Carson's mare having been flipped over. But a short
glance showed him the truth--that the big, alpha jock was toying with
his smaller friend's junk! Jerome found himself strangely turned on by
the big male passively toying with him, and when he felt the paw
squeezing at the base of his shaft, he gave a hot moan and shivered.

He hadn't yet notice Carson's fingers, although the homely mare seemed
to have realized she wasn't quite taking care of the stallion's needs.
Her eyes glancing back at what he was doing with surprise, as she
noticed half his hand up that taboo hole. Was she riding a fairy


Danil shuddered at the fucking, feeling bite after bite of 'his' cock
taken away--largely by the flecks of blood peppering his chest and
stomach. The feelings in his ass, though, were far more intense that
fat cock slithering in and out. He rocked and squeezed, working Kurr's
fat dick, when he suddenly felt... the intensity of that pleasure
redouble. It was easily twice as intense than before, the young
horse's squealed even louder. He moaned intensely as he realized what
it had to mean--that Carson's ass was being worked. He flushed darkly,
thinking of the big jock fingering himself, or better yet, getting
fingered by one of the girls he was trying to fuck. His eyes rolled
back, and in a few moments, Danil started to cum... disappointing the
little mare riding 'Carson's' dick.


She glanced down at the so called stud, surprised to find him hardly
reacting at all. It was puzzling to her that he could be cumming, and
yet hardly reacting as that hard cock jerked and trembled. She could
feel the flare expanding... as it gushed thick greasy stud milk deep
inside of her. Yet the big jock below here was bucking and thrusting
like he was unaware of his own orgasm. Which was fine with her because
she was nowhere near a orgasm herself, still it shocked her as she
watched Carson's muzzle contort. The yanking and tugging on his cock
was growing more violent, even as the tingling pleasure running from
his anus along the underside of his cock. As those finger tip's rubbed
and pressed that magic button within his rectum, the handsome equine
jock moaning and panting louder. If he was a fairy... he certainly was
a queer with staying power because he just kept rutting. The only
trouble was his cock didn't seem to be on the same page, it began to
shrink and soften even as the big jock thrust... He kept working and
bucking, until that limp cock dropped out of the mares dripping pussy.

"What the fuck?" She demanded looking down at the embarrassed Carson,
the big jock looked up trying to stammer an explanation. "So your one
of those kinds huh... well you got your orgasm." The fat little mare
snapped, sliding up his body to straddle his handsome muzzle with her
fat thigh's. "Now you're going to give me mine!" She growled pushing
her wet, cum filled cunt against his mouth, while Carson looked up at
her in shock.

Jerome snickered as he watched the mare feed Carson his own cum, even
as Carson's fingers explored his cock. Jerome suddenly spotting his
buddy fingering his own tail hole, a sly smile sliding across his
expressive equine lip's.


Glancing down Danil watched as the stub of Carson's big cock
shuddered, the last spooge those organs would ever product bubbled
weakly out. Filling Kurr's bloody mouth, as the eager predator gnarled
that thick rut muscle even shorter. The big wolverine paused, lifting
his head to lick his cum covered lip's while chuckling wickedly.
"That's it the last of your spunk..." He purred in a low husky voice,
slamming his hip's in hard and fast as his thick cock erupted. Filling
the young horse's tight hole with creamy pred spooge, as the scrawny
stallion moaned loudly.

Danil lay back, feel that thick, creamy pred-spoo sitting in his ass,
making him pant softly as he felt him slowly tugging out and patting
the horse on the hip. "You really took it like a champ..." The big
wolverine said, grinning down at him and rubbing his arm almost
tenderly. "The cock ring was a good idea, too, I think. Made sure you
stayed... erhm... nice and full for me." Kurr snickered, adding a wink
as he casually fingered the gelding--or, at least, he thought he was a
gelding--in his ass.

Danil grinned, moaning softly, and then laughing as he winked at the
big predator. "Maybe we can do this again sometime..." The young
equine suggested with a grin, as the older predator's mouth twisted up
into a nasty smirk.

The older wolverine laughed, almost uproariously as he heard that. "I
hate to tell you this punk... but we only get to do this once." He
said with a wicked chuckle, wondering just how dumb this gelding was.

Danil smirked slightly, already thinking about a certain other guy he
wouldn't mind taking down a peg or three. "We'll see..." He promised,
laughing a little and rubbing at the wolverine's hip as the other gave
him a few pain pills in a baggy, told him about a clinic that would
clean things up a few miles away outside of town. While helped him put
on a few bandages, before sending him back out of the house and toward
his car. Eager to be rid of the prey--just in case someone were to
stop by or be eager to report him.


Carson had cum pouring into his big round equine nose and lip's, cum
he wasn't sure he entirely recognized. He closed his eyes, moaning
softly as it poured into his maw, it smelled and tasted all wrong.
That wasn't his--not that he'd ever have admitted to tasting his own
cum, of course. He shifted and worked his tongue, being forced to tug
his fingers out of his ass while he finished getting her off. It took
a bit of effort, and her demands were generally rough with him,
bruising his lips with her ferocity grinding.

When she was finally satisfied, the hefty little mare sighed and
rolled off of him, settling in next to the other mare who had gotten a
proper breeding from Jerome, at least. At the moment however, Jerome
didn't look very interested in breeding the homely second mare at all.
His eyes were on Carson... as the big jock lay back panting for breath
through his cum smeared nose.

Jerome moved over, looking down at the strangely passive jock and
smirking as he grabbed Carson's ankles, pulling them apart. "Wait...
wha... wha..." The handsome jock stud moaned weakly, as Jerome lifted
those ankles up onto his own shoulders. "Heh... If I'd have known
getting you properly drunk would make you a fag..." The black and
white paint stallion snickered, looking down at his roan buddy. "I'd
have been pouring it down your throat..." Jerome sneered, laughing as
he lined his cock up his rock hard cock, smirking as Carson shuddered
and struggled ineffectively. Shaking his head back and forth, but not
making an effort to really stop it as Jerome shoved his fat pecker
into the stud's ass.

"OOWWW FUCK!" Carson let out a sharp whinny of pain, panting softly as
he couldn't help but moan out loud and sluttishly. "No... No... It...
it's too big." The roan jock squealed out, making Jerome's lip's split
into a wide leering grin. The first mare winked at the second, and
then moved to straddle Carson's muzzle. Looking down at him with a
taunting sneer, rubbing on his head as she ground her leaking cunt
down against him. Letting both 'Carson's' cum and Jerome's slowly pour
into the star jock's protesting mouth, as he got his ass properly
fucked by the gloating paint stallion.


Danil jerked slightly, gritting his teeth and gasping for a moment as
he felt the ghost of pleasure and pressure in his own ass. He closed
his eyes tightly, shuddering and having to pull the car over for a
moment. He was close to the clinic by then however, which was good
because he was feeling light headed. He breathed in and out slowly,
and then licked his lips, slowly pulling back onto the road.

He knew that feeling of course, he'd just experienced it back in the
wolverines bed, though this one was slightly different. He was moaning
by the time he pulled into the parking lot, realizing that someone was
ass-fucking Carson. Was his jock roommate really gay? Or had the
predator's ministrations really worked that quickly... could the jock
somehow sense he was a gelding now? He doubted that... of course it
wasn't like Carson was going to have much of a choice in the future.

The scrawny young stallion climbed out of the car hurrying into the
clinic, explaining it was an emergency to the nurse. And then was
quickly shown into the back where a large panther looked at him and
shook his head, walking over as he noticed the padding in the front of
the horse's pants. "What's left?" The sleek black feline asked
casually, he sounded bored like this was something he saw all the

Danil turned his ears, realizing instantly that he was definitely not
the first that the panther had treated. "J-just a nub... I wanna go
with... with just a sheath... and a neat, even scar for my sac. Is
that alright?" The young horse asked softly, as the handsome black
predator's lip's twisted up.

The panther smirking broadly, looking amuse at the young equines
frank, detached manner. "That's perfectly fine..." He assured calmly,
leading the horse into the next room, chuckling as he saw the cum
leaking from Danil's exposed ass. He took off the bands--letting Danil
keep them--and completed the work before cleaning him up. Stitching up
a nice, straight line where that shredded ball sack hung, while
leaving a loose, empty sheath above.

"Should I... erhm... remove the cock ring as well?" He asked looking
at the ring curiously, unsure how it was staying on the gelding's

Danil shook his head quickly, thinking now wasn't the right time for
the reveal. "No, definitely not... I'll do that when I get home...
thanx." He answered pausing to look the tall feline over slowly,
smiling softly at the obvious excitement bulging in those loose
fitting scrubs.

After a moment of thought, he rolled over onto his chest and exposing
his leaking hole to the panther. "Do you want to... take seconds on a
fresh gelding?" He asked looking back at the panther, flashing the
handsome pred a coy grin over his own shoulder.

The panther smirked as he stood up and undid his scrubs, letting them
drop to the floor. 'God... geldings made perfect fags...' The handsome
feline thought with a derisive snicker, even as he moved over to rub
his barbed spike in the creamy cum leaking from that hole. "I think we
both know I do."


Carson's muffled, gargling, whinnies almost drown out by the mare's
giggles and Jerome's loud knickers of pleasure. Closing his eyes
tightly, shame burning on the big jocks muzzle as Jerome mounted his
ass brutally hard. Carson's long tongue buried in that sloppy pussy,
he whimpered sluttishly as the fucking suddenly felt even better. Like
his prostate was getting twice the stimulation as before, like a
second hard organ had been added to his well fucked tail hole.
"Uuuuuhu." Carson moaned as a strange trickling sensations filled his
hole almost like that second shaft had barbs, Carson gurgled louder as
those sensation filled him with pleasure. He closed his eyes tightly,
shaking and biting his lip for a moment... before the mare slapped at
his cheek to get his attention again.

"Eat, stud." She said with massive, obvious derision as she looked
into the helpless jock's eyes. Slowly the helpless jock opened his
mouth, pressing it to that sloppy wet sex taste the mixture of strange
spoo. It made his strong body tremble hard, even as his long slotted
nostrils blasting hot, panting air onto her naked flesh. While his
long slick tongue pushed inside, tasting Jerome's fresh cum all the
way. Along with the after taste of that strange cum, he had tasted in
the other mare. The big jock was sure it wasn't his own, yet he knew
that before he'd fucked her it wasn't there. It was bizarre like
something out of one of those old TV shows... 'You've just stepped
through the spooky door.'

His ears were filled by the steady 'Slap slap slap' of Jerome's fat
balls smacking against his ass. This was all just so unreal to to the
star jock, how could he be just laying there eating cum as one of his
buddies fucked him like a mare! A tiny bit of rebellion burned within
his chest, he should jump up and punch Jerome in the nose... Yet as
that big equine cock slide in and out of him, it seemed to take all
his masculine willpower with it. "Fuck... it feels so good." He moaned
into that quivering pussy, even as the mares thigh's clamped down hard
on his long narrow equine head. He could feel her sex clamping down
tightly on his tongue, and soon was tasting his juices as she orgasmed
hard. And then she climbed off of him, grabbing her friends and their
cloth she snorted back over her shoulder.

"Come on Marcy... let's leave Jerome to enjoy his faggot." The two
mare's left the room chuckling nastily, as Carson looked up at his
smiling friend. The huge gloating grin on Jerome's muzzle said it all,
yet Carson had to stammer.

"I... I'm really not... You... you're not going to tell anyone
about... about this. Are you?" The handsome paint stallion's smile
widened, even as he gripped Carson's floppy semi hard cock.


Danil watched the handsome black feline slide up behind him, felt that
stiff barbed organ rub along his taint. Coating it's self in the
wolverine cum leaking from that debauched tail hole, even as the
panther gripped his sleek furry hip's with those still gloved paws.
The young horse breathed in deeply, as that strangely hard feline
organ pushed easily into his stretched hole. As the handsome young Vet
let out a gasp of pleasure, as that winking orifice swallowed his cock
as easily as any female. "Gods..." The panther moaned in pleasure, his
silk ball pouch thumping soft against the line of stitches where the
young horse's testicles had once hung. "Let me know if this is causing
you any pain..." The horny feline moaned even as his hip's began to
thrust, sawing that barbed organ in and out of Danil's squeezing bitch
box swiftly.

"Oho Doctor... I feel nothing but pleasure." The scrawny young equine
moaned, pushing his firm round equine rump backwards eagerly. And it
was true enough, there really was very little pain from that lusty
rutting. His tail hole seemed eager for more... and his mind slipped
deeper into submission with each thrust of that spiny cock.

The horse rolled his eyes in his head a little, loving these new
feelings. He hadn't expected to enjoy them as much as he had, but the
mixture of ruining Carson by effectively watching himself get gelded
was having a deeper psychological effect than he thought it would. He
closed his eyes, moaning over and over as he felt his cock--the fact
that he had one was shocking to him--grabbed and squeezed made him
gasp and moan quietly. He bit his lip, shaking slightly as he felt the
big, strong panther battering his bitch button over and over, drawing
moans past his lips constantly.


Carson quietly staggered back into the dorm room, three more of
Jerome's loads leaking from under his tail as he grabbed a towel off
the floor, and then pressed it under his sore tail hole, letting it
soak up the worst of that slime. He'd been roughly fucked several
times, and his strangely small cock refused to soften entirely. He
stripped himself down, before flopping back onto the bed, sighing and
looking up at the ceiling. Trying hard not to think about what had
happened, but try as he might memories of the pleasure and humiliation
filled his mind.

'What had really happened tonight?' It couldn't have been just the
booze, no matter what he had thought earlier. He turned his ears
quietly, sighing when he heard the door opening, and he saw the
silhouette of Danil walking in. He grunted loudly in a tone that
normally would have made the scrawny Danil obey, but tonight it was
lacking real authority. "Don't turn on the light..." But Danil did
anyhow, and Carson was met with a wide, amused smirk.

"You look like you had as good of a time as I did..." Danil snickered,
gesturing to Carson's used and leaking tail hole as he turned and
shucked off his own clothes, revealing his own a few moments later.
"Though, I bet you didn't enjoy it nearly as much as I did..." The
smaller equine added, laughing softly as he turned around and--
suddenly--Carson was able to see that his roommate's sheath was loose
and floppy, emptied, and his sac was gone--with just a cute row of
stitches remaining. The urge to get up, to mock, to even mount and
humiliate started in the big jocks mind, but ended between his legs as
he felt like he couldn't for some reason.

Danil grinned at the passive jock, it was amazing how quickly being
gelded changed a stallion's outlook. "What's wrong?" The small
stallion asked in mock concern, moving over slowly to the edge of the
bed. "You don't like my new look?" Reaching out he guided Carson's
hand to that ruined crotch, as the big jocks fingers fondled those
stitches he jumped in shock.

"Wait... wha?" The comically look on his muzzle made Danil burst out
laughing, as he watched Carson fondle his way up to that loose limp
sheath. "Why... why..." The passive jock stammered in shock, as Danil
reached over and turn off the portal function on Carson's cock ring?
Instantly their organ's returned to the right place, Carson found
himself fondling Danil's small cock which began to stiffen almost at
once. "Wait... what... how?" The big jock choked in horror, as he
looked down as the stitches and empty sheath between his own leg's.
"OHMYGODS... OHMYGODS! I knew it... that wasn't my cock... wasn't my
cum it didn't taste right at all."

"Oh you know the taste of your own cum... verses someone else's?"
Danil laughed loudly as he stroked that stiffening cock, smirking as
he saw Carson's hand still fondling it. "And here I thought you were a
straight stud... turns out you were a cum hungry sissy this whole

"Wha... I am not." The shocked Carson quickly sputtered and stammered,
his cheeks burning red as Danil climbed up onto the bed. "This... this
is impossible... it can't be happening..." The big roan jock sputtered
looking up wide eyed, as his nerdy roommate tapped his cock against
the once-stud's lips with a hot, eager grin.

"That's it..." The skinny stallion smirked, as he watched the new
geldings lip's pucker up around the head of that long slender stud
stick. "That's a good geldie... suckle on a real males organ." Danil
ordered sneeringly, watching as Carson's mouth slowly drew more and
more of that hard cock inside. "Nothing down there a female would care
about now, and in a few weeks, nothing that anyone other than a male
desperate to breed--or a gelding lover--will give two shits about..."
He laughed while slowly worked his way down Carson's body, as more and
more of that hard fucker vanished into the jock's mouth. "You're done
as a male... you are just a sissy cock slut now." He whispered into
the big jock's ear, as he felt his cock flare pushed down Carson's
trembling throat. "No way it's coming back... no way you're ever going
to be anything more than what you are right now... From here on out...
you're going to become less and less and less..."

Carson's muzzle blushed even brighter, but at the same time, he could
feel a wetness forming in his pitiful sheath and his scent rose into
the air, weakened though it was. Danil grinned as he smelled the
others weak arousal. "Someone is getting off on that fact, huh?" He
taunted jokingly, while licking his lips slightly as he watched Carson
sucking on his hard cock. "Well... let's see if a foot of horse dick
is better than no horse dick at all, huh?" The slender horse
mentioned, dragging his hard organ out of that plainly eager mouth.
Before sliding down between Carson's thigh's, pushing those leg's
wider apart as he did so.

With a wry smile, he brought his throbbing pecker to the gelding's
empty sheath, and then started to push inside slowly, feeling that
loose, hot flesh around his pulsing cock. It wasn't as good as the
pussy from earlier that night, but it was important for Carson to
feel. He worked himself down, grinning as ten inches of cock was able
to slide into Carson's sheath like that. The scrawny stallion
snickering softly, as he ground his flare against the slightly sore
root that was all that remained of Carson's once huge organ. "Don't
worry... When what's left of it shrinks down? I'll be able to plow the
whole thing... your new pussy with feel so good for me to fuck." Danil
promised with a derisive snort, looking down into Carson's eyes with a
leering grin.

Carson panted softly, swallowing hard, turning and looking away from
what was happening between his legs. Fear and dread gripping his
heart, as he thought about what his teammates would do once they
discovered his new condition. But as Danil started to roll his hips,
the new gelding couldn't help but softly moan and shudder, gasping at
the feelings happening inside him. Danil rested his chests on Carson's
broad chest, fingers toying with the jock's tiny male nipples. Even as
he rolled his hip's pumping in and out of that limp sheath, the skinny
stallion leaned forwards to plain a powerful kiss on the jock's
velvety lip's. They looked at each other startled for a moment, both
of them shocked as they kissed a second time. Their mouth's pressing
against each other passionately, gaping slightly so that their tongues
could dance and flick against one another. Panting for breath Danil
pulled his mouth back, starring into the geldings eye's deeply as he
thrust harder and faster into that empty sheath. This time it was
Carson who lean in, planting his lip's on Danil's kissing the nerdy
stallion gently.

"You're my mareboi now." Danil grunted as they broke that second kiss,
licking his lip's as Carson nickered softly. "I'm going to use all of
your hole... as much as I want from now on." The scrawny stallion said
firmly as he planted a third savage kiss on those soft thick equine
lip's while rutting even faster. "You're going to tell everyone you
know... all your jock friends... all your ex-girl friends that your my
gelding bitch." Danil said firmly, as his hands gripped and squeezed
Carson shapely pec's while pounding in and out harder.

"Yes... yes anything... anything you say." The new gelding whimpered
weakly, feeling the sexual excited at what was happening to him
growing steady. Even the act of submitting to his small weakly
roommate was turning him on more and more as Danil spoke down to him.
Something that the big jock stallion had never allowed his weakly
roommate to do in the past, but now it just seemed like his right as a
true stud.

"Heh... you know without the hormones those fat nuts of yours
produced, I doubt you're going to be much of a athlete anymore. While
means you're going to have to start paying your own way through
school, luckily for you gelding whores can make a lot of money. And
you do have a very shapely ass... and I know just where you can shake
it to find customers... Hahaha."

The threat seemed to arouse Carson even more--and Danil could feel
more of his own pre-seed sloshing around in that sheath. But the truth
he was already thinking that he wanted to keep Carson for himself, to
keep him his personal mare toy, to make him into his foremost bitch
mare forever. Even with those submissive feelings that had been fucked
into him earlier, he knew there would be a way to sate his needs...
and procure the money Carson would need.

"Who fucked you tonight?" The slender nerdy stallion asked sharply,
making Carson submit to his will. "Who took my mare's virginity?" He
questioned, his voice deep and firm, the new gelding shivering as he
was forced to answer.

"J-jerome..." Carson stammered meekly, already completely under the
stallions control. "My teammate... used to... used to mount mares with
me..." The big jock stammered, not wanting to reveal what their
relationship had really been... or how exactly Jerome had changed it!

"Mmm... Well, that's not acceptable to me..." Danil snarled lustfully,
laughing softly as he thought about things. "You're going to get him
nice and drunk... then you're going to ask him to let you suck his
dick... But when he can't get it up, you're going to give him a cock
ring for me..." Danil snickered soft and wickedly, the geldings eyes
widen in shock he understood what that meant.

"Y-you... you mean... you're gunna..." Carson moaned weakly, he didn't
really want to help Danil geld his friend. But he really was in no
position to refuse the scrawny stallion anything, his own will had
utterly vanished.

"Oh, yes..." Danil said, close to emptying his nuts for the third time
that night, twice in mares and now once in his personal mareboi.
"You're going to have... a cute... little... geldybro..." He moaned,
starting to cum heavily and pump his seed down, pooling it around
Carson's cock root. And then slamming his hips forward and making it
erupt from that sheath, like a mockery of Carson's lost ability to

"Any questions, my pretty little fagmare?" Danil asked, leaning down
to kiss the gelding savagely on the mouth for a moment.

Carson shook his long narrow equine head, while his body trembled with
a strange pleasure. "N-no, sir..." He stammered in utter submission,
all of his will power and personal drive having been fucked out of him
by Jerome and now Danil.

Danil grinned to himself, as he thought about the fun he would have
giving away Jerome's cock and balls. He knew he couldn't go back to
Kurr, but... he suspected it wouldn't be that hard to find another
hungry predator. Would it...


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