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Ending a line...

A big brutal bear traffics in sex slaves... and a handsome young
equine and his father and mother fall victim... Garr the bear as
himself. All characters are of legal age in the furry world in which
they exist

Ending a line...

A lazy Thursday afternoon's fading sunlight filtered hazy orange hues
through the dusted covered windows of Last Chance's all in one truck-
stop. Outside, the dusty stretch of road trailed off infinitely into
barren mesas in one direction and sheer desert sprawl in the other.
With only a couple cars sparsely scattered through the gas station
pumps, the only thing that kept the place populated. Was the sole
saving grace of a not totally destroyed air conditioner, that
desperately kept the 105 degree weather at bay like a jock sucks
coaches dick to get a chance at playing quarterback. Inside, the
barest of barriers separated out the food court from the depressing
array of junk-food, energy drinks and booze that dully reflected the
occasionally flickering fluorescent lights of the 'convenience'
store... And it was at a wobbling table, with graffiti covering a
bland brown booth, that a dark shadow loomed over a sandwich. A dark
green trucker cap sat between two ursine ears, providing a roof to
stormy white brows that creased as thick blunted canine teeth tore
into a sandwich that needed a hell of a lot more than just mayonnaise
to be considered food. A single dark brown oak of an eye scanned the
room until it settled upon the kind of lingering eye that could only
mean one thing. Fuckbait. Today, it belonged to a young roan stallion
that sat a few dozen yards away. Jerome had finished his meal quickly,
the young Stallion bored as his sire sat chewing slowly and studying
the road atlas. Taking out his phone the young equine, thought about
playing a game. And then reconsider, he had a naughty App that might
be just the thing for this kinda place. He had just opened it up, when
it informed him that someone else with the Tailstar App was close by.
Bringing up the profile the sneering young Horse jock, was awed to see
the big nasty daddy predator. He scanned the very rudimentary profile,
not much information but a half dozens pictures. Body pic's mostly
with plenty of dick pics mixed in, slowly the young Stallion licked
his thick rubbery lip's. Glancing around until their eyes met, the big
Bruin setting his greasy sandwich down.

The bear slowly settled back into his seat, those broad shoulders
flexing as elbows hiked onto the edge of the booth... Putting all the
goods on display. All the bait would need was the slightest
invitation... of course this horny Equine boi just might be dumb
enough to invite himself. Jerome shared a long steady look, and then
his thumb flicked across the screen of his phone. The big bear
smirking as he took his phone out, looking at the App for only a split
second before connecting back. 'Restroom.' And with a sharp jerk of
his head, nodded his head towards the back that grin slowly carving
across his muzzle like a knife, exposing the ivory of his fangs in a
predatory sneer. That grin said... 'I can make all your dreams come
true, bitch.' Jerome nodded sending back a open mouthed emoji, before
putting the phone back into his jacket pocket.

"Gunna hit the head." He muttered to his father, as the older Stallion
grunted 'Ok' around a mouthful of food. Standing up the young roan red
stallion, pretended to stretch as he gave the watching bear a little
show. Before moving past the barriers separated out the food court
from the depressing array of junk food, energy drinks and booze that
dully reflected the occasionally flickering fluorescent lights of the
'convenience' store. The short dirty hallway lead down past the
kitchens, the restroom and shower room where at the very back of the

Finally the young stallion, pushed through the nasty old white painted
door and into the restrooms. The place was filthy of coursed...
strongly reeking of stale piss that made the horse wince. Strolling
over the young equine saw why... as the urinals where mostly all
backed up. Filled almost to overflowing with nasty old yellow piss,
slowly he walked down until he found one that wasn't full. Pulling
down his loose fitting basketball shorts, and jock strap the young
stud took his long horse cock out standing there pretending to piss.
Outside the big black bear strolled up to the door, shoving a
hesitantly scribbled 'Out of Order' sign on the door before stepping
inside. Kicking a wedge under the door, before turning to step around
the privacy wall. The thump of the wooden wedge sticking in hard and
fast under the door still reverberated through the bear's boot, as he
slowly turned away from the door and lumbered into the bathroom while
interlocking his fingers. Seeing the smirking young horse standing
there with his shorts down around his ankles. That long equine fucker
jutting out proudly, as he slowly licked his full lip's and stroked
his proud erection. His arms cording with tensing muscle as he
stretched them out in front of himself, knuckles crackling like grisly
gunfire. As if walking in on a hard cock and eager excitement written
all over a young teenage stud's long muzzle wasn't even a factor. "You
lookin' for something... you sure got hungry eyes daddy bear."

Instead of answering, there's a low guttural rumbling chuckle as those
oaken eyes fasten in on the roan fucker, that penetrating gaze like
undertow as the horse's words came out with practiced, if a little
confused, timbre.

"Izzat whatcher favorite porn-hub actor says in the vidja ya beat off
to erry night?" The bear's head cocks at a cruel tilt as he steps up
to the stallion, the sound of those steel toed boots resounding off
the tile walls.

"No..." Jerome stuttered defensively, at the big older males mocking
question about his porn watching. "So... you wanta trade blowjobs?"
The teenage horse questioned as the big bear cocked his head, sneering
at the obviously horny overconfident equine. "Cuz I gotta say those
pictures of your cock have got my mouth watering." The sheer size of
the bear had been hidden somehow.. but standing before the looming
menace of a beast that stood a head taller than Jerome. The horse had
an incomprehensible lump forming in his throat, before the Ursine's
huge paw became a blur of gasping agony. As the clench of calloused
pads clamped down like a vice around the medial ring of Jerome's cock
and tugged just enough to pull the horse off balance. That oaken stare
suddenly a lot closer as the smell of his breath and the heat of his
body flickered around the hazy fog of pain that had the roan's nuts
tucking up in fear.

"Awww... fuck not so rough dude!" Jerome squealed as that big paw
gripped his throbbing erection, it was more painful than the young
stud wanted to admit. But for some reason that only made his cock
harder than it had ever been, as the sneering bear looked down at him
a pearly drop of pre-cum snaked down that marbled pink and brown

"You truly... Don't know... The first note... Of the music that moves
me, gelding." Those words, they spill from the bear's lips like stones
shattering the placid surface of a dark moonlit lake. Each one
deliberate and calm, deeper and deeper, until the meaning of the words
trailed a second behind the very sound of them... And by the time the
horse had started to realize he wasn't a gelding, there was a blur of
motion as the bear's face melted. An oil slick blur into the flicker-
shock agony of the bear's forehead smashing into the cartilage of his
snout, with the loud crumple-muffled 'Scrunch' of a broken snout.

"Wha... music that moves you? Hey I'm not a gelding... fuck use yer
eyes old dude." The young jock countered grabbing the big predators
wrist with both hand, trying to get loose from that grip as 'Wham'!

Heat and dizzying flashes of incendiary yellow and red firework pain-
spark blotting out his vision, the splatter of blood arcing through
the air in vivid streaks that ultimately splashed drops of hubris
across the dingy tile in stark scarlet scatter-bright making quiet
patter as they landed. The Pain unlike anything that Jerome had ever
felt make the horses knee's half buckle, as the smell of blood filled
his senses as the incendiary yellow and red firework pain spark
blotting out his vision. The horses leg's kicking and scrabbling
wildly, his shorts and jock strap kicking off as he subconsciously
tried to escape. Blood dripped off the bill of the bear's cap as he
reveled in the aftershocks of the blow, feeling his own blood begin to
boil with anticipation. The seductive surge of adrenaline pumping
through his veins as the horse scrabbled pathetically, whose only gift
to standing was the aching strain of his cock threatening to be ripped
out by its roots from the mooring of his prized manhood that whipped
Jerome around in a dizzying circle.

"WEEHEHEE!" The young horse screamed, suddenly finding the back of his
neck ridge grabbed savagely by a huge paw. Even as he opened his mouth
trying to scream again, only to have his nuzzle shoved into one of
those over flowing urinals. Half opened mouth hitting the metal drain
plate in the old urinal hard, there is a grind 'Crunch' as pain flares
in his mouth. Suddenly the horses long slotted nostrils are burning,
as that dark cloudy gold fluid poured into both his bleeding nose and
gaping mouth. As the big bear held him there for a long moment, even
as the horse began to feel light headed. Realizing that he was about
to drown in piss, there really was only one thing he could do. The
young horses eyes rolling in terror and pain, until Jerome was forced
to start gulp down that rank waste. Until he had emptied that whole
urinal, the taste of piss and old cigarette butts foul in his mouth...
as he gasped for air.

Its with a sadistic sneer, that a strategically placed boot tips the
roan into the porcelain of the urinal. The bear's massive paw like a
snakebite that clamped the fangs of those thick digits into the
stallion's nape and condemned his muzzle to the acridly bitter grave
of the gas station's urinal. The strength in that paw unyielding, the
weight of a world of cruelty crushing until only the wet gasping
wheeze of the equine's retching whimpered for mercy. "Please...

"Thirsty little bastard aintcha..." There's a sudden wrench of that
mane, the strain of those hairs like searing needles in his neck. And
then the young horse gets wrenched aside, flopped over and half
sprawled into the next urinal over so that the back of his shoulders
cradle the rim of the urinal.

"ARGH!" Jerome gagged in agony, as his body slapped against the hard
porcelain of the urinal. The young horses mouth gaping open, showing
that one of those big squared white teeth was missing. Even as he
choked and gagged as stale urinal poured out of his nostrils and down
his chest. It took a half second for the pain of his yanked mane to
get to his brain, even as that huge booted foot smashed down in those
exposed testicles. His mane twisted and wrenched in the iron grip of
the sneering bear, as he runs his hand down to the zipper of his
bulging jeans. The whispered ratchet never more clear in the equine's
ears than in the dimming echoes of his whinny, his whispered prayers.
As the smirking bear took out his phone, take a half dozen pictures of
that piss soaked muzzle. The sight of the jocks missing front tooth
making Garr snicker, as even more urine runs out of those long slotted

The bite of a rubber sole crushes down onto the youths sack as the
parting of the bear's button unveils a girthy, vein riddled cock neck.
The sable sheen of that blackjack utterly pulsating with virile heat,
as deep woodsy spicy musk wafted into the stud's nostrils. Clawing its
way into his skull and irreversibly attaching itself to the site of
the eight inch cock that flopped heavily from its prison, the heavy
sagging balls behind like dark furred plums as he chuckled once more.
The young equine big eyes widening in shock, as tears streamed down
his furry cheeks as the grinning bear unzipped in front of his eyes.

"God its fuckin' huge." Jerome moaned weakly, as the nasty bear
sneered at his reaction to seeing that hard organ.

"...Since ya asked so nicely." The bear's drawl swaggers about with
self satisfaction as that small grin carves across his muzzle once
more, his shoulders squaring back and his eyes shutting for a moment.
His paw cupping the base of his twitching cock... and sighs, head
tilted back just so... eyes closed... and then deepening that grin as
he looked back down. Just n time to watch the start of that golden arc
of whiskey-stained piss begin to drench the equine's pretty muzzle,
the heat of it steaming on his fur. And then the hot gush splashed
over that roan muzzle, making the young horse wince as even more foul
fluid splattered over him.

"ACK... Ack sick... no..." That hot piss rolling off his letter-man
jacket, but soaking straight thought his basketball jersey. As the big
bear shifted his weight, to further crush those naked horse balls as
he adjusted his stance... Emptying his bladder and feeling the rush of
relief course through his veins... reveling in the pathetic sight of
the wretchling beneath him.

"Drink up, bitch." Garr invited as he aimed that rank yellow stream,
playing it over that long narrow equine muzzle. As the helpless young
equine choked and gagged in protest as the grinning bear hosed him

"Ouch... OWWW fuck my balls!" Jerome squealed out loudly, as that huge
booted foot mashed the young horses balls savagely. As he squealed and
protested the last of that hot piss, filled his mouth running out over
his thick lip's. As that rank salty fluid made the hole of his missing
tooth ache, as the big bear slowly finished up emptying his bladder.
"Oh god... oh god... oho..." The wounded and frightened equine chanted
over and over again, breathlessly plainly in shock at the brutality's
that had been visited on him.

"Ain't nothin compared ta what I'm gonna do to yer daddy." The
smirking bear chuckled darkly, smashing those fat equine orbs under
the rough sole of his boot roughly. The you horse flopping over onto
his side let out a pitiful little sob, gagging as he vomited up his
lunch and that stale piss he had been forced to drink. There's a loud
hock and then a glob of spit smacks against the bloody mess of the
horse's snout.. the bear making a point of tucking his cock back into
his jeans after shaking it a couple of times.

"Wha... wha... to my Da..." Jerome repeated in surprised, thinking
that his father wouldn't be falling for the trap that he had. "You...
you better watch out... the cops are guuna." He started to threaten,
only to hear the big Ursine chuckle in amusement. Plainly he wasn't
afraid of the police, and that thought scared the young horse more
than anything.

"You... you sick fucker..." He sobbed out defiantly, and then grunted
in pain as the big bruin stomped on those naked balls even harder.
Crushing and grinding that big rough boot sole on that velvety nut
pouch, as the young Horse whimpered and sobbed.

"But that's why I'm savin yer ass fer later, boy. Betcher old man's
got about as much tread as a bald tire... Breakin you in is gonna make
fer a nice second course. But don'chu worry... I still got one last
little last promise ta make good on." Hunkering down onto his
haunches, the bear let out a whistle as he used a paw to casually flop
the horse's cock over from side to side before smirking. "...Mmh.. I
guess it is a little bigger n usual." The comment as casual and
cavalier as the weather before hooking his right palm up under those
weighty cods, his thumb latching over the thin velvety neck of those
heavy balls as he eyed those balls, appraising them.

"Wait huh... saving my ass for later?" Jerome choked as the big
predator rolled his eyes, the young horse realizing that he was
starting to sound like a broken record. Clenching his mouth shut
Jerome refused to repeat the bear next statement, laying there
watching waiting for his chance. Planning to make a run for the door
as soon as he could, even as those wide fingers toyed with his naked
male organs.

Maybe a pound a piece, judging by the bear's hefts that softly plapped
the pair against the calloused pad of his hand. His eye tracing over
the thin pulsing veins that shone through the silk-down of that light
fur. Smiling darkly as the rise his claw made, before the slow grip of
his fingers slid over that pale fur, his twilight fur stark as he
began to crush. Before pressing a couple of claws up through the back
of the stallions scrotum. There was a wet ripping sound, as that big
claw tore through the soft flesh of that scrotum with ease. His long
claws piercing the scrotum now and spilling blood down that creamy
valley between those dense spuds. "These here..." The bear waited for
the equine to meet his eye and then look down with a gulp. "...They're
mine now."

"IEIEIEEE!" The teenager screamed as those huge needle sharp claws
ripped through the leathery flesh of his scrotum. The big Bruin
grabbing up those discarded shorts and sweat strained jock strap, he
stuffed them into the young horses open mouth to muffle his squeals.
Jerome screaming and choking into the cloth, as the helpless equine to
met his eye and then look down with a gulp. Jerome trying to lift his
body upwards, trying to keep those claws from doing even more damage.
Tasting his own sweat and musk on that cloth shoved into his mouth,
the young horse horrified and at the same time aroused.

The bear grinning a little wider now as he slowly rose, his boot
slamming down against the side of the equine's knee with a loud crack
as he continued to rise. Until the cruel bears heavily booted foot paw
smashed down, dislocating his knee as the horse's muffled screams grew
louder. The tension in that sack getting tighter and tighter, the
cords pulling tighter and tighter, the inexorable give of skin
beginning to tear. Rippling through the now panicked horses core
racing against the precipice of his dwindling masculinity. Its only
moments but it feels like forever, the way that the bear then twists
his palm and yanks. Like plucking fruit, the sudden twist and tear of
that sack that then rips away from Jerome's body with a rush of hot
blood pooling against his thighs. While the young horses long cock
tensed and jerked, a long white string of cum shooting across the
floor as his balls ripped loose. The cold outside air chilling the
void of his destroyed lineage, the pain and horror never more powerful
and potent. The pain so intense the horse really should have passed
out, but for some reason he couldn't seem to manage it. His whole body
jerking as those fat potent male orb's at last ripped away from his
body, that long hard horse hose slapping against his belly spurting
his last load onto that piss soaked shirt. And than watching the bear
stand with his grisly trophy... a thought that occurs to him only to
fill him with horrific dread as he recognizes that trophy as his own
balls, the bear waggling them back and forth with a taunting grin. The
look of horror and sickness on that long equine muzzle comically, as
the new gelding watched his former balls dangle from that big bloody

The older stallion glanced around looking for his son, Jerome had been
in the restroom a long time. Cameron finished up his coffee, folding
the road atlas up to slip into his jacket pocket. Licking his full
expressive equine lip's, he waited about five minutes longer. Before
finally climbing out of the booth, walking along he followed the signs
into the hallway. The handsome older roan stallion walked slowly down
to the restroom doors, females on the left... males on the right.
Cameron paused in confusion, as he stared at the 'Out of Order' sign
on the door. Walking up to it, the older stallion pushed on the door
gently for a moment. "Jerome." He called out, loud enough that he
could be heard in the ladies room just encase his son had gone in
there. Finding that the door wouldn't open, and hearing no response
the older stallion turned around, heading back up towards the front to
find someone who worked there.

"The next time ya wake up... It's gonna be to the feelin' of yer
asshole bein' torn open, gelding." The young gelding's pointed ears
swiveled, he heard someone pushing at the restroom door. Quickly
Jerome moaned out into the funky jock strap stuffed into his mouth,
even as the big bear back handed his hard enough to stun him into
unconsciousness. And smash another tooth out of the young equines
mouth, one of his lower teeth skidded out onto the dirty tile floor.
The bear waited a moment, until he heard the footsteps walking away.
Picking up the young gelding, he strolled over to the door kicking the
wedge out from under it. Before opening the door to look out into the
hallway, seeing that it was empty the big bear quickly carrying the
young horse out the back door. Moving across the back parking lot, to
the trailer of his massive big rig.

Cameron ask about the restrooms being out of order, only to have the
ratty looking middle aged coyote look at him in confusion. "Listen I
know the urinals are backed up k..." The old coyote grunted rolling
his eyes, plainly he had heard a lot of complaints about the stopped
up urinals. "But tha last one still works and the toilets both work
jest fine." The truck stop owner explained tiredly, he didn't need
every tourist nagging him about his crappy restrooms.

"Then why is there a out of order sign on the door, and why is it
locked." The big roan stallion asked, as the coyote grumbles moving
out from behind the counter. Cameron followed the older male down the
hall, the coyote taking one look at the hand written sign on the door.
Reaching up he ripped it off the door angrily, turning to look back at
the horse he growled.

"Some joker put this up. Everybody wants to be funny." The old coyote
grunts pushing the restroom door open wide with one paw, looking back
over his shoulder suspiciously at Cameron. "It aint lock... doors got
no lock on it see."

"Well it wouldn't open a minute ago." Cameron countered angrily, as
the two of them stepped into the entrance.

"Aha..." The older coyote grunt, bending down to pick up a old wooden
wedge off the floor. "Maize wedges the door open when she cleans... it
must have gotten under the door jammed it." The old coyote guessed as
he pocketed the wedge, flashing the big horse another suspicious
glance. "Anyway there you go." He grunted leaving the big roan
stallion standing there confused, slowly Cameron walked into the nasty
restroom. Thinking that Maize hadn't been in here in about ten years,
slowly he looked around spotting a line of vomit and urine slowly
running across the tile to vanish into the floor drain. Stepping
around the mess, he walked slowly down to the last two urinals. The
last one was completely empty, while the next one up had just a tiny
puddle dark yellow piss. Something white and square caught his eye,
reaching down into the urinal he picked up what was plainly a equine
tooth. Looking at it closely, he saw a tiny bit of pink flesh still
clinging to that tooth. And he began to worry about his son, something
wasn't right here... he knew that door had been locked.

'Any minute now.' That thought alone made the bear's cock swell with
aching frustration in his jeans, as he took a drag off of a cigarette
and exhaled. It was so hard to be patient... he had been at this game
a long time still the waiting was hard for him. But it would all be
worth the wait... creating the right set of circumstances took time
Garr knew.

And when an older equine pushed his way out of the building, the bear
felt a twinge of adrenaline flicker through his veins. The two horses
were going to make quite the pair, as he stared at the powerful
haunches that stretched the old heavyset roan's jeans.

The look in Cameron's eyes were a little wild, alert with rising panic
that his offspring was missing.

"Jerome?! JEROMMMEE!" The tall handsome older males called out,
glancing around like he expected to see the young jock just come
running up at any second.

Garr said nothing, watching the equine march up to a vehicle that he
must've come with and peer inside before turning his head a few times,
scanning the parking lot before catching sight of the bear's form.
Storming up, there was a kind of apprehension in the stallion's eyes.
Not that... herbivores had anything to fear from carnivores these
days... but the thought lingered.

"...Hey... You wouldn't have happened to have seen a-" The handsome
roan stallion started to asked, as the big black bear casually glanced
over at him with heavy lidded eyes.

"...Yer boy?" The bear dropped the cigarette to the asphalt and began
to mash it beneath his heavy boot.

"...How did you..?" The stallion grunted as the ursine smirked,
Cameron unsure what to think about the big stranger. For a moment
suspicion flared on Cameron's long muzzle as the bear snorted and
hocked a wad of spit off to the side, before making a point of locking
eyes with the stallion.

"I saw y'all together in the diner. Don't take a rocket surgeon ta
figure out what's goin on. Didja know yer son's a tail-raiser..?" The
bear couldn't help but grin at the look on the old hoss' muzzle, the
stallion flinched as if he'd been backhanded. Before the big bear
turned on his heel and beckoning offhandedly, the roan equine still
looking stunned by the reveal. "C'mon.. I know the guy I saw him
chattin up with, a real rump hound if ya know what I mean. Take ya
right to him."

For a moment, rage flashed through Cameron's cheeks as he felt his
fists clench and then Garr looked over his shoulder to chuckle darkly.

"Unless... Ya wanna knock on the door of every trucker's cab and
let'em know there's another boi-whore on the loose."

"Don't talk that way about my son." The big roan stallion grunted
between clenched teeth, feeling the tooth he had picked up pressing
uncomfortable against the palm of his hand. As he trailed along behind
the big bear, slowly moving across the dusty littered parking lot.
Past a row after row of parked semi's, some sitting there idling
others with only their running light on.

"Why not... tha thruth's tha truth... Sure truths can be hard... but a
male has the need ta know'em." Garr snorted not bothering to look
back, as he just kept taunting the horse as the walked along. "So what
if he is... so what if he begs to suck cocks. Plenty of fine sissy's
in the world... went on to be big successes." The bear could almost
hear the horse seething, his fine athletic son couldn't possible be a

That big rig was parked in the far corner, well away from any other
vehicles. A jet black sleeper cab with plenty of shiny chrome,
strangely the bear didn't head towards the front. Slowly he swagger
over to the big trailers doors, Cameron joined him looking curiously
at the bear.

"E'was a pullin' yer sissy boi in here." The smirking black bear
explained, as he unlatched those doors. Pulling one open to look
inside, as Cameron moved up to join him. The big roan stallion was
surprised to see the trailer floor was lined with a thick rubber
coating. That was not something a semi normally had, nor was the
dangling plastic strips about five feet into the box. The thick
plastic block any view of the front of that long trailer, yet Cameron
could see light coming from behind that dangling plastic curtain. They
both could hear the soft sounds of suckling, the older roan stallion
blushing hard. Not realizing that the sounds where coming from a
concealed speak just behind the plastic strips. "Sounds like
somebody's enjoying some suckin'."

Cameron opened his mouth to call out to his son, and then changed his
mind. Instead climbing up into the back of the trailer, slowly
approaching the dangling plastic strips. The tall roan stallion
vaguely away the bear had joined him, slowly hesitantly that horse
moved up using his hands to part the plastic. Wincing at the light
farther inside blinded him for a moment, suddenly Cameron felt two big
paws shove hard against his shoulder. Making him stumble forwards a
half dozen steps, looking back over his shoulder as the grinning bear
followed in through the dangling plastic. "Where's my son? What have
you done to him?" The big stallion wasn't as brainless as his boy had
been, as Garr watched the older equine shifted into a combative
stance. "You are the one who took him... Aren't you? I found his
tooth... did he refuse to suck your dick?"

"Naw tha bitch wanted my cock... saw pic's of it on that pick up App
Tailstar. Got me into the pisser with tha promise of a blowjob from
them sissy equine lip's of his." Garr flashed the older stallion a big
fanged grin, as he playfully rubbed over the bulge in his pants. "He
only resisted when I wanted more... but yeah yer right I took him.
Keep on walkin' if ya wanta find him... don't wimp out now. Don'tcha
wanta see what I've done to that cock lovin' boy of yer's?" The
smiling bruin almost thought he had talked the stallion into obeying
him, the attack came with surprising speed and strength. That rock
hard hoof caught Garr mid thigh, sending a thrill of pain flashing
through him. As the big horse followed it up with a big hard fist to
the bears jaw, the punch twisted his head and split his lip's. But it
wasn't anything he hadn't experienced before, swiftly he raked his
massive claws over the stallions chest. Easily ripping through that
shirt and jacket, those big claws came away wet with crimson. Garr
heard the horse inhale sharply from the pain, but Cameron don't stop
attacking. Slinging punches faster and harder now, pushing the big
bear backwards a few steps just from the fury. However the middle aged
horse wasn't in the best of conditioning, and so quickly was losing
steam as he started kicking at the big bears shins. Garr knew the
horse had realized he couldn't win, and was trying to get around the
bear so that he could jump out the back of the trailer. Run to get
some help... maybe call the highway patrol to try getting his boy

The big sly ursine played along, letting the tall horse land another
solid kick this time on his abs. Acting like he was falling backwards,
giving the sweating horse the opening that he was looking for. Cameron
ducked around the big bruin, bolting back towards the doors. Garr
straightened back up as the equine passed by him, slapping one huge
paw up between those hefty thigh's. Fingers curling back slightly,
letting the Stallion's own momentum impale his crotch on those long
needle sharp claws. "IEEHEEEE!" Cameron squealed in pain, as his body
weight and momentum dragged the bear a few feet towards the doors. The
stallions neck still craned forwards, mouth open... long muzzle
twisted up in surprise and shock. Slowly Garr pulled the moaning
equine backwards with those claws, until the older horse's back is
pulled up against the front of big bears body. "You aint goin' nowhere
fag daddy." The bear leaned down, licking the frothy sweat off the
roan red fur of the tall horses furry neck. "Not until I finish havin'
my fun with ya, and that sissy ya sired." Garr wiggled his claws
inside that male flesh, enjoying the way the horses eyes bulged out of
his head. At the way his mouth gaped open as he panted and moaned in
agony, while those claw tip's punched holes into his stud nuggets.

"Let my son go... and you can do anything you like to me." Cameron
offered breathlessly, as the big bruin twisted his long narrow head
around so he could look into the horses eyes. Cameron seeing the
amused look on that blunt ursine muzzle, the cruelty in those beady
predator eyes.

"Hahaha... I can already do anything I like with you." The predator
chuckled wickedly, lifting something up in front of the horses eyes.
"Just like I did to yer pansy son." It took Cameron a moment to
realize what was dangling in front of his eye, a pitiful sobbing
whimper escaping from the horse as he figured out they were Jerome's
naked testicles. "Well ain't that real generous of ya. But yer already
at my mercy. Just like yer son was." The bear's voice dipped into a
guttural chuckle as he slowly lifted his trophy and draped them over
the stallion's quivering muzzle, those nostrils flaring wide and
inhaling a scent so familiar it sent a shiver all the way down to the
core of his spirit.

"...No..." The stallion's pupils dilated, his voice cracking and salty
tears springing up into the corners of his eyes, blurring his vision
as his legs uselessly tried to clench in against the bruin's grip,
feeling nausea build up in his gut and then gagging as the bear tugged
down and stretched the old horse's cords to thrumming tightness.

"Yes." Garr grunted, enjoying the way the big strong male trembled
like a scared cub, as he huffed and grunted in pain and horror.

Cameron couldn't stop staring at those naked lumps of flesh, pale
bloodless orbs laced with faint veins. The knowledge of what they
were, what they represented, and where they lay had him transfixed as
the bear's muzzle slowly came into focus behind.

"He had his shorts down around his ankles... before I even came in."
The bear's tongue slowly slid from his muzzle, to swirl round the base
of one of Jerome's balls and Cameron's eyes widened at the sight of
the bear's fangs. The sheer primal fear of looking down the maw of a
predator's muzzle, suddenly disappearing into whimpering darkness as
the bear lunged forward. Pulling with his tongue, and shut his jaws
with a deafening 'Clack', Cameron's eyes clenching closed so hard it
hurt. Tension in his temples, a mind, begging itself to be anywhere
other than where it was, trying to blot out that stark reality.

But there was no mistaking the loud wet squelching 'Pop' that was
muffled behind the bear's fangs, or the smell that every male knows
from the years of his youth... And the way that it mixed with the cold
metallic scent of copper, as the big predator chewed slowly. Or how
much it hurt, to have the stallion's own cock betray him, traitorously
throbbing against his jeans. While his balls churned furiously in
desperation, primal fear begging for another chance to breed.

The bear's snout twitched as the stallion's fear became a palpable
mist, a natural predator aphrodisiac that seasoned his meal with the
salt and sweat and tang of sweat and tears. Together, with the taste
of meat, of those virile organs brimming with vitality, it made Garr
groan as the creamy slurry finally swallowed down into his gullet, his
exhale, hot like hell's furnace, searing the stallion's muzzle with
its damning scent.

"Your boy.... Thought he was going to fuck Me..." The guttural chuckle
that followed was empty of any humor, as his claws clenched ever so
slightly inside those fat testicles. Causing the shaking whimpering
stallion to flinch violently and whinny, loudly unaware that the
helpless Jerome was listening to everything that past between them.
"...That ain't how things work around here."

"No... the colt was foolish." Cameron admitted weakly, wondering how
he could have raised a son both that dense and plainly queer. The
horse felt lips and fur against the side of his muzzle and felt more
tears slip past his eyelids as the bear pulled the next nut into his
muzzle. And let his throat rest against the side of the stallion's
muzzle, before plucking Jerome's fruit from the vine with a neat clamp
of his fangs on the cord. Moving the engorged organ over his tongue,
making a point of swallowing it whole. The bear's groan reverberating
through the stallion's skin, as he was forced to feel the bear's
gullet shift and contract. The way that throat bulged against the size
of its meal, and eventually relax as the inevitable swallow left him
feeling empty and cold. For a long moment, there was silence as they
stood there pressed against one another. The bear still had the equine
by his wounded balls, when the bear's other huge paw slowly slid up to
the horse's throat and clamped around his twitching apple.

"Now, here's how this is going to work." The bear's growling whisper
was suddenly right next to the horse's ear, and Cameron's eyes began
to blink, dull reflexive shutters of the eyelids that sent tears
rolling down his furry cheeks. "You be a good little mare... do
everything I tell ya when I tell ya. And maybe... Just maybe... I let
you walk out of here." Cameron didn't believe a word of it, not after
what he'd just been forced to endure. "But.. If ya don't.. I'll skin
ya both alive and sell yer meat."

Cameron's fingers spasmed as he felt his knees go weak, there was
death in the big predators flat eyes. If he hadn't believed what the
bear said before, he believed the raspy snarl entirely too much.. And
all too suddenly he felt something snap inside of him, his male pride
dissolving like sugar in hot water. Felt everything he knew and had
built collapse like a breeze knocking over a house of cards. "I'll do
it. Do anything you want... when you want me to do it."

"Oh..?" Garr asked with a snort, leaning in to shove his tongue into
the stallions mouth. Giving the older male a taste of his sons nut
meat and cum that was still clinging to that wide tongue. Cameron
could hardly believe the words that had come out of his own mouth, and
the thin whisper seemed to leave his throat feeling raw. As if he'd
spent the last thirty minutes screaming, as his mind hobbled towards
the only inevitable conclusion it could reach.

"If you let us live... I'll do anything." The horse assured sickened
at being tongue kissed by the big predator, and tasting that blood and
nut meat in the others mouth. Somewhere, in a part of Cameron's mind,
he felt rage, shame and fear swirl with the force of a violent
hurricane.. Calling himself a coward, a faggot, and a terrible father,
that part of his mind spiraled with vicious despair at what he was
becoming. But facing the impossible, unable to shake his bonds, he
felt some weary part of himself look at the burden of the yoke he'd
been asked to carry. Realizing, that if sacrificing his dignity was
the price for his son to live, he would pay it a thousand times.

And it was that conviction, that brought a cruel grin to the bear's
muzzle. As he leveled his gaze into Cameron's eyes, knowing it all too
well from breaking so many males before.

"Well then... How bout you drop to your knees.. And start suckin' like
yer life depends on it..."

Cameron had felt a kind of serenity in accepting his new place, but
now, faced with the reality of what doing that would entail left him
feeling... shy... lost... and even a little bit confused as he felt
the bear let go of him. For a split second, the idea of fighting
sparked, igniting the darkening corners of his mind, but one more look
at the bear's powerful musculature... the memory of his previous
defeat snuffed that flame of desire as he shakily steadied himself
with the wall of the truck before dropping down to his knees.

" I... I've... I've never done th-" The big roan horse started to
confess, even as the hefty black bruin's lip's roll back into a
gloating smirk. The bear sneered as his paw came up to grasp the
stallion by the jaw and forced them to make eye contact once more.

"Oh trust me. I can fuckin' tell. Don'tchu worry.. Ya ain't the first
bitch I've broken before. Have you be a pro cock sucker in no time at
all..." Garr assured looking into the stallions bright green eyes,
suddenly trying to remember if the sons eyes been this green. There
was a lot of fear in these eye, plenty of disgust at what the horse
was about to do. But also there was a kind of grudging admiration, the
horse was starting to feel aroused and was ashamed of himself for it.

Looking up into those dark brown oaken eyes, Cameron realized he'd
never truly looked at another male this way before. Not in the way he
was being forced to now, staring up into those handsome grizzled
features and finding a secret, dark pleasure in knowing that. If he
had to submit to anyone, that the raw primal energy the bear gave off
felt as if it could topple anyone. 'What... made the bear choose him?'
What was it like.. carrying that mantle of arrogance.. of supreme
confidence and authority. Was he actually... truly... beginning to
suddenly care about pleasing this big nasty predator? Those thoughts
came to screeching halt, as the bear's eyes gleamed with wicked

"Let's get on with it. I want to feel those thick cock sucker lip's
you horses are so famous for." The bear drawled as he took his time
dragging his paws down to the edge of his pants. Popping the button
and letting the sheer weight of an overfull dark green jock grind his
zipper down beneath the heft of one of the girthiest bulges Cameron
had ever seen. The heat that radiated away from the over-packed,
fraying cotton felt as if it could sear the stallion's unconsciously
licked lips. The smell of the bear's woodsy smokey musk all too
suddenly intense with raw masculine pheromone that made his own balls
shrivel, as if unworthy to exist in the face of the slowly revealed
cock neck; onyx black and bulging with virile veins that stretched
across the bear's length. When the bear's cock-head finally slung
free, it caused the entire ten inch length of the bear's birthright to
bob up and down. The down curve lending a looming presence to the
drooling thread of even more pungent pre-cum that gleamed at the end
of the bear's battering ram of a cock.

"I... It's... It won't fit..." Cameron couldn't deny the whisper of
disappointment in his voice and yet couldn't believe he was beginning
to care. Feeling himself cast adrift on the storming undertow of
feeling a million different things in a million different directions.
Or the chill that went down his spine... 'Was it fear... or
anticipation?' when the black beast chuckled and clapped the side of
the equine's muzzle with a lugubriously patronizing palm.

"...Don't you worry. I'll make it fit." The palm that clapped his
cheek slowly curved around the top of equine's muzzle and gripped,
thick calloused digits vicing down around the bridge of skull and
holding it in place. While his other paw cupped the stallion's chin,
Cameron looking at the bear in dumbfounded confusion as he tried to
understand what was going on. But feeling the hair on the back of his
nape beginning to stand up, as it dawned on the horse that he wasn't
going to like it.

HAWWWWWW." Across the room Jerome's head lifted up, the younger
gelding's muzzle covered in a black leather mask. A ring gag with a
latex pussy gagging his mouth, as the helpless young horse gasp in
horror only able to imagine what was being done to his father. The
young horses panting breath filling the mask, the smell of that piss
still thick on his breath. While he moaned around that jaw stretching
ring gag, being forced to listen to everything that was going on
between his sire and the big predator.

The bear's upper paw clamped harder, even as his lower paw wrenched to
the right, and there was a gunshot crack of his jaw being dislocated
with savage strength. It left tinnitus ringing through Cameron's
suddenly splitting skull, as the complete and total agony of shifting
bones began to compete with furiously spasming muscles. The equine
heaving through tortured lungs, his body convulsed as he began to
choke on some of his own spit in his ragged struggle for relief that
would never come.

"...Call it... Insurance..." The bear drawled lazily, as he simply
slapped his cock a few times against the flaring nostrils of Cameron's
bewildered muzzle. "Can't have ya bitin' down, now can I?" The bear
drawled, as his upper paw raked across the length of the stallion's
muzzle. Before gripping the back of his head and slowly impaling him
down onto the throbbing length of his eager cock. "...Bet you'll find
it fits now, won't ya?" The bear's sneer widened with sadistic self
satisfaction, as the older horse gagged on that thick fucker. "Now I
recommend ya slick this up good... Yer gonna need it."

Cameron's thick rubbery equine lip's wrapping around that thick
fucker, the taste of that powerful male organ sickeningly foreign. The
proud stallion had never had a dick in his mouth before, now there he
was looking up into the grinning bear eyes. As his long equine tongue
licked all long the bears massive length, tasting sweat, musk and foul
fishy smegma. Tears were still pouring down the helpless horses furry
cheeks, as his mouth slowly started creating suction as he washed that
thick fucker. Bathing it more completely than it had been cleaned in
what tasted like ages, Cameron tried to look away but the bears oaken
eyes held his gaze. The big sexy bruin, plainly enjoying what he saw
in the formerly straight horses eyes. "Yeah that's right fag daddy...
lick even single inch of it. Love that big filthy fucker... yer queer
ass colt sure loved it." Cameron's muzzle burned with shame, both at
the thought of his son doing this eagerly and that he was slowly
feeling his own mouth growing more eager to please. The bears taunting
words making the formerly straight male doubt his own sexually. Soon
Garr began grunting instructions as he pushed deeper into the
stallions muzzle, explaining how to take that full length down his
throat. The middle ages roan stallion choking and gagged, fighting
with his natural gag reflex as the smirking ursine punched that cock
head against the back of his throat.

"Ahaha fuck... yeah." The bear chuckled, as Cameron managed to take
his full cock on only the twentieth try. "Damn yar a natural born
cocksucker... now I know where that pansy son of yours gets it from.
Ya hear that boi... yer sire has got my cock down his sissy throat."
Garr called out to the young gelding, who was hanging in a sex swing
only a few dozen steps away. "Tell yer pussy faggot son how much your
loving sucking my cock." The smiling bear snarled dragging his fucker
out of the horse throat, smacking his big round equine nose the the
oozing head of that thick cock.

"I... I love sucking his big hard bear cock... Jerome." Cameron
moaned, his dislocated jaw making his words slurred and distort. As
the smirking bear grabbed the horses ears, using them as handled as he
pounded that thick cock down the helpless equines throat.

"Hahah... coarse ya do... cuz yer just as much of a sissy queer as yer
son!" Gripping the back of Cameron jacket Garr pulled it off, and then
gripped the horses shirt ripping it off as well. "Take yer pants off."
He ordered, even while pumping that thick ursine cock down the
kneeling equine's throat savagely. As Cameron struggled out of his
chinos and blood stained white briefs, that long pink and brown
marbled horse cock jutting out stiffly. Rubbing against the bears
pants leg, as the kneeling horse bobbed his long narrow muzzle up and
down eagerly in that throbbing cock.

"Ammm... Ammm." The middle aged stallion starting to moan softly, as
the bears heavy balls smacked against his soft equine chin loudly.
Anyone hearing the loud 'Whap Whap Whap.' instantly knowing what that
sound meant, across the room Jerome couldn't help picturing his
handsome father being fucked in the mouth. The idea of his straight
father with that fat black bear cock in his mouth, both traumatizing
and staggering to the young horse. Yet as disquieted as he felt, that
long horse cock was throbbing and jutting out stiffly from his body.

"Ummm god yeah... suck it dad." The young gelding moaned out through
that pussy gag, as his mind filled in the images to the sounds that
those pointed equine ears were hearing.

"Hahah... never had a so called straight male that learned to suck a
dick so fast or easily." Garr taunted more for Jerome than to tease
his father, because it was plain at the point the older horse had
broken. Reaching down the big black bear picked up Cameron's pants,
taking the horses wallet out to look through it as the passive equine
sucked away eagerly. "Well... well... well... this yer mare?" Garr
grunted taking the picture out of the horses wallet, displaying it to
him as Cameron nodded. "She's still a looker... must be what ten years
younger than you? Plenty of fine fuckin' left there I bet. I know some
burros south of the border... who would pay plenty for a bit of mare
pussy like that." Father and son both horrified at that thought, even
as the grinning bear pockets the picture along with Cameron's drivers
license. The horse knowing that now the big bruin had his home
address, not that there was anything he could go about it at the
moment. "She's gunna need a new stallion ta stuff her anyhow. What
with a faggot gelding like you fer a husband. Hell I might have a go
on her myself... pussy aint normally ma thing but it might be fun fer
once." The lustful bruin moaned gripping those equine ears, while
throwing his head back grunting in pleasure. "Slurp..." The kneeling
stallion's suckling mouth slobbering on that thick black fucker with
wild abandon, plainly the horse doing his best to get this vile
disgusting act over as quickly as possible. Garr almost chuckling at
the horse thinking he would only be doing this once, not realizing
that the big predator would keep training the pair of them for days
before selling them into sexual slavery.

"Ammm..." Pounding his musky crotch against that wide round equine
nose, grinding the scent of those big masculine organs onto the others
roan fur. Cameron's eyes growing glassy as the horny black bear used
his muzzle more and more lustfully, which in turn made the passive
equine all that more excited. "You've got a really pleasin' mouth."
The thickly muscled pred grunted standing above the moaning horse,
clearly Garr was really enjoying rutting that fawning mouth. Loving
the look of disgust and arousal on the older stallion's muzzle,
obviously the older stud was wishing he could get one last orgasm. The
huge bear letting out a loud guttural growl of pleasure, as he fed the
middle aged married equine what felt like a gallon of thick creamy
ursine milk. Grinding and pounding his sweaty crotch against that
handsome equine muzzle, until Cameron's soft, fawning mouth had
suckling him dry. Jerome bucked and struggled in that sex swing, as he
listened to his father gagging and swallowing as the beat snarled in
pleasure. The young horse knew the sound of the bear cumming, as Garr
had fucked a load down his own throat... before his sire had been
lured into this trap.

"NNNNA.." Cameron moaned in protest trying to pull his muzzle back,
even as the pain from his dislocated jaw began to grow even worse. The
big mean predator was having none of it, gripping the horses head in
his huge paws. Claws teasing the back of that strong neck, reminding
his helpless prey that he could be dead at any moment. Garr enjoying
watching the fear... giving way to hopelessness in those big green
eyes. The old bronco still had a bit of resistance in him, the big
bear could see it as he taunted Cameron about his wife and then came
down his throat.

"Well... well look at that... got a fine bit of wood.. huh faggot."
Garr snickered, prodding that long stiff fucker with the tip of his
heavy booted foot paw. "A pity ta let that go to waste, not when there
is such a eager cock gobbler handy." Slowly he drew that fat ursine
cock out of the middle aged horses mouth, spurting out a bit of thick
creamy bear spooge on to that wide equine tongue. Garr pulled that
thick fucker out of the older stallions mouth, leaving Cameron panting
for breath and spitting in disgust. "Come'on... get that wide ass of
yer's up, lets go have a look at the sissy son of yers." Pulling the
older horse past the bright lights, Cameron's eyes widening in shock
at what he saw. The sleek roan red equine body, that could only belong
to his son hung suspended muzzle down in a sex swing. The chains
anchored to rings in the trailer floor and roof, a shiny black leather
mask had been pulled over the colts long narrow head. Long pink and
white striped stockings pulled on the Jerome's shapely equine leg's,
that long flowing tail having been pulled up over the young horses
back. Tied to the heavy leather collar strapped tightly around
Jerome's long slender neck, exposing that tight little doughnut
between his shapely ass-cheek. Below that quivering hole, Cameron
could see a ragged red wound that had been hastily stitched closed.
While the young equine long cock dangled out limply, swaying and
waving around like a big of pink and brown rope under Jerome's body.

"Uhuuu." The older stallion let out a little sob, part of him had been
thinking... hoping the bear had been lying. But it was obvious his
helpless son was indeed a gelding, the young equine's basketball
scholarship impossible now. Garr grinned licking his lip's as he felt
the older stallion's body trembling... the equine's knee's going weak.
Even as the big predator marched him around in front of the dangling
gelding, chuckling as he gripped Cameron's throbbing erection in one
huge paw. While grabbing that mask covered muzzle with his own huge
paw, the young horse's nose and eyes were covered. But those pointed
equine ears swiveled around, as they moved plainly the younger male
was listening to everything being said.

"Lets give this little pansy a taste of fag daddies dick." The
grinning bear smirked, lining that fat equine cock up with the rubber
pussy gag. Cameron struggled to hold back, but the bigger stronger
predator forcefully crammed that horse cock into the pussy gag. Even
as the older horse struggled to keep it from happening, plainly the
father not wishing to violate his sons mouth.

"Ahahah... fuck." Cameron moaned out breathlessly, as his cock flare
pushed between those soft rubber pussy lip's. And then onto the hot
wet tongue of his own son, the older stallion horrified at the fact
that his hard cock was inside his own sons mouth. And then that tongue
began lapping and curling around his pulsing cock, and he knew that
the bear had not been lying. "Ohoooo Jerome." He moaned weakly,
feeling that eager mouth suckling more and more of his throbbing cock
inside. While behind him the big bruin was chuckling jeeringly, as he
watched the older horse's hip's start to buck and hump that sissy
young mouth. Not even an hour ago, he'd been frantically looking for
his son.

But that was before a certain black bear had simply decided to turn
him and his son into his personal playthings. Somehow, Cameron thought
he would've put up more of a fight maybe even died rather than give
in. If he'd been told that he was going to be gagging on cock this
morning, he would've probably punched whoever had said it straight in
the mouth. But now, the same bear that had pretended to help him find
his son.. the same bear who must've already mutilated his son. The
same bear who had dropped him to his knees and literally snapped his
jaw, the same bear who had forced him to suck not even just his first
cock, but the utter battering ram of the brutal bruin's bitch-
breaker... Was now the same bear who was grinning, as he introduced
the old hoss to a mouth that didn't resist at all.

He couldn't know what Jerome was thinking, as the cock that plainly
belonged to his father lay on his tongue. Cameron didn't know what to
make of the bear, sure he was cruel and yet there was grudging
admiration for him in the horse. In so many ways, his mind had been
bitch-slapped and knocked around so much it felt like an emotional
concussion. Had his son, maybe snuck some glances in the past as he'd
come out of the shower..? Had Jerome ever jerked himself off, thinking
about getting to do exactly what he was doing right now..?

A father was supposed to protect his son... and the thought of that
stabbed like a sharp dagger in his chest. And then that tongue slowly
swirled around the head of his cock... Cameron's body suddenly feeling
warm and tingly.. moaning softly even as he heard Jerome whisper. "Oh

It was like all those fears and doubts evaporated in the hazy lust-
filled bliss, as Cameron's tortured brain simply surrendered to the
pleasure. How long had it been since his cock had been this hard..?
After Jerome, his wife had pretty much stopped touching him and there
were times when he wished he'd been a worse person, able to just.. go
out and have a little one night fling now and again on cold lonely
midnight hours as he hunched in front of a computer screen and
halfheartedly jerked himself. Right now, in the face of everything,
all Cameron could think about.. or rather.. all he could feel, was the
smooth velvety soft silk of a mouth. A warm wet cavern that slathered
his cock in slick saliva, tightening his groin and sending surges of
electrical bliss in feedback loop from his balls to his cock.. feeling
his eyes glaze over as his hands gripped someone's ears.

"Feels good don't it.. Course.. You know what it feels like now too

It took Cameron a dazed moment to realize the bear had to talked to
his son and then him... The sound of a faint clacking echoing in his
ear, before the bear produced a small bottle. Reaching down to unzip
the opening in that hood leading to one of Jerome's nostrils and then
placed the bottle next to Jerome's snout.

"Breathe deep, slut." The bear murmured as he shut one of the horse's
nostrils, shaking as it was over his father's cock, and Jerome all to
expertly exhaled and snuffed the strange bottle, taking a long twenty
second inhale before exhaling hot air over his father's cock and
shuddering as his throat began to relax.

"Yer turn fag daddy." Garr snickered as he watched Jerome's dangling
body tremble and jerked, as the chemicals sent the young gelding into
a drug induced haze.

"What did... Are you doi..?" When Cameron first felt those fumes his
skull, he couldn't explain why he was able to inhale as much of it as
he did... That mouth, his cock, his heart, his lungs, all of them were
suddenly awash in the hyper-intense sensation of heat, like he was
burning up in the most intensely blissful way. And then it hit like a
hammer, just how sensitive his cock was. Just how intensely his son
was sucking on his cock. Just how utterly fucking horny he was to
release what felt like years and years of pent up cum, and how he was
going to fuck this little bitch to give them what they deserved.
Errant thoughts peeking their heads out of long dusted closets..
feeling strong... savoring the sounds of gagging.. of that tongue and
those lips and the faint scrape of teeth in all the right places in
all the right ways. The sound of his balls slapping against that
moaning, trembling chin... each stroke going deeper. Needing to go
deeper, grunting, wanting to push into that wet mouth, eyes shut while
his lungs and cock were on fire.

But then that mouth hung open... Cameron's cock no longer receiving
that extra suction he so desperately needed and craved. That jaw
hanging open and wide, Jerome's eyes wide inside the mask as he let
out a loud whinny. Over the fact that Garr had taken up a spot behind
him in the sling, the bear's greased cock all too suddenly ramming up
against the equine's pucker and bruising the flesh. Tears springing up
into Jerome's eyes as Garr's black furred claws eclipsed his sides,
dragging the boy back away from his father and impaling back onto that
onyx pillar. Bashing down that ring of resistance until with a heavy
grunt, the bear forced his way inside, Jerome frozen, like a deer in

By the time the bear managed to get halfway in, Cameron could only
stare dumbfoundedly as the bear snarled and crashed deeper into that
virgin hole. Forcing that tight hole to mold to the shape of the
bear's girthy cock.. that brutalizing thickness scraping geldings
prostate like a steamroller. And the damned grin the bear wore as he
did it, leering at Cameron, those fangs gleaming like so many pearly
white knives.

"Real nice of ya to pump one into yer mare, jest ta make a cock-sleeve
for me Cam.." The words both arousing and shaming the older roan
stallion, while at the same time turning this from something horrid
into almost an intimate moment between horse and bear. The two males
sharing a slutty gelding, even if that gelding was one that Cameron
had sired himself.

Cameron felt his cock twinge, as if trying to remind the hoss that it
hadn't actually cum yet. However all he seemed to be able to do was
stare at the bear's chest and the way that it rolled back and forth.
Bumping his pansy son's mouth back onto the older horses cock, but
tongue limp and eyes nearly rolling in their skull from the bear's
tool tearing through him. Reaching over the bear shoved the poppers
bottle into Cameron's hand, the roan stallion lowered the bottle to
Jerome's exposed nostril. "Deep breathe bitch." The roan stallion
moaned breathlessly, as the big black bear grinned even broader as his
huge paws gripped the geldings hip's as he thrust that fat cock
deeper. Jerome unable to help inhaling even deep that he had before,
as the bears thick fucker torn his soft little sissy boi-cunt wide
open. Drawing in an enormous breath his body quaking, before exhaling
hot air around his sire's hefty cock and shuddering as his throat
began to relax.

"..Ya like watchin... Don'tcha pony.." Garr's murmured as he hilted in
that ass and then gave Jerome's shapely rump a hard spank, growling in
lust as that hole instantly constricted around him. Choking his thick
throbbing cock with a velvet glove, the bear sneering as he cocks his
head for a moment. Watching Cameron step forwards, lustfully cramming
that long stud fucker down his own son throat. Jerome only gagging a
very little, as the older horse sack that cock balls deep into
Jerome's gulping throat.

"Or do ya just.. find yer self jealous that it ain't you in the
sling..?" Cameron lifted the tiny bottle to his own nose, inhaled that
bitter scent for a long moment. Moaning as he felt the intense head
rush, forced to hold on to his son's pointed equine ears roughly to
keep up right. A moan escaping from his mouth, as his eyes rolled
around in his head even as the middle aged stallion bucked and fucked
down that long throat. A guttural moan filling the air, as Jerome's
slick wet throat milked his cock, Cameron heart slamming inside his
chest like a trapped beast. The roan stallions powerful body tingling
the horse was burning up in the most intensely blissful way. And then
it hit him driving his lustful pumping hip's, that huge sensitive cock
was raping that delightful fuck hole.

"No... no no no." The older equine repeated over and over weakly,
taking yet another deep draw off that bottle eye lid's fluttering.
Hips driving forwards wildly... beating his firm crotch against his
sons trapped and masked muzzle. Beating that big round nose so
brutally that, Jerome's nostrils began to bleed even as he sire leaned
over his head fucking away savagely. The two of them lost in that drug
induced hazy, sharing lustful pleasures as Garr stood there chuckling
gruffly watching it happen.

"Heh ya say that... but no real straight males sires this big a
faggot." The grinning bear countered, as he watched the older horse
snorting poppers like mad. Even as Cameron was now treating his boy...
just like the bear had treated him. Garr smirking knowing that no
matter how much Cameron said no, he was going to end up in that swing
just like his pantywaist son. Maybe the middle aged stallion knew it,
because as he took yet another long huff he moaned.

"Why not... its what... what I deserve! Aint it?" Throwing his head
back the big roan stud let out a squeal of pleasure, his injury
testicles stinging as they drew up within his bleeding sack. The horse
gasping and grunting as that thick cock flared within Jerome's throat,
as that thick stud muscle suddenly gushed... four, five six thick
blasts of thick creamy colt batter straight into the geldings belly.
That making the watching bear burst out laughing, as Jerome gulped
down seed from the ball that had made him.

"Ya damn right... but don'tcha worry fag daddy... I'm gunna see that
ya get everything that's comin' ta ya... And a butt load more!"
Cameron couldn't seem to keep his mouth from feeling dry, his tongue
uselessly flickering over his lip as he stood staring down at his
son's exposed eyes staring back up at him. Panting, wheezing, it was
as if clarity was beginning to dawn once more over the depravity that
had just taken place.

He couldn't believe the reality there in front of him and then
blearily looked up to see the bear. Claws gripped into his son's
sides, drawing blood as the chains from the sling rattled. The big
pred's muzzle locked in tight concentration and then letting out a
terrible snarl as that muscled gut began to contract. The bear's teeth
gritting and hips smacking getting louder, wetter, as he Garr began to
cum in the horse's son.

Cum dribbled out of Jerome's mouth, as he felt his own prostate begin
to kick over the edge. The bear flicking his eye open and grinning as
he took hold of the boy's cock and aimed it at Cameron's muzzle,
before that heavy flow of prostate fluid splattered over the
stallion's long muzzle. His head jerking back as the hot gunk
splattered over him, making him stumble back and fall on his ass,
whinnying in confusion as tried to wipe his son's mess off of him.

"All in the family, eh boys?" The bear drawled as he gave a spank on
Jerome's ass and snorted, hocking a wad of spit to the side before
stepping out of that hole. His blood and cum smeared cock slapping his
palm, still firm, a jet black pillar swathed in pinkish streaks.
Walking over to Cameron, the bear made a point of raising his boot and
resting the tread on the older stallion's ball-sack. "Course.. we
ain't finished yet. Is we?"

chance for Cameron to react to the sheer gut churning agony, of having
his nuts trying to curl back up into his body. Feeling that hard tread
dimple his fat eggs, plastering them to the trailer floor, his arms
feeling weak, his legs twitching, eyes wide open looking up at the
sneering beast. But the bear had only eased his weight forward enough,
to put the hurt on the old stallion. Treating that sack like a gas
pedal, eyes burning with the kind of wrath and sadistic pleasure that
only having another male's pride ground beneath his boot could bring.

"Ain't nothin quite like it... All that attitude, all that strength,
all that... maleness... All in one.. convenient.. crushable place.."

"Staw... STaawwhaawwwp... PlLeasE..." Cameron felt his voice cracking,
almost as much as it felt like his balls were starting to. Knowing it
was all useless, knowing the bear was going to do exactly what he was
going to do and feeling powerless to stop it. "Any... Anything...
money.. my wife.. even my son... Just.. Don't-" And then his breath
caught in his throat, as the bear's blunt muzzle loomed closer. That
weight getting heavier, feeling like blood rushed into his balls,
chest tight and fingers driving into the bed of the trailer, white-
knuckled and feeling like his eyes were bulging out of his skull.

"No." As those nuts laid bulging, sack strained as it shivered around
those tortured balls, it was like Cameron could feel every heartbeat.
Could hear every little sound of dirt shifting beneath the bear's
heel, could see the little pocks and holes in the bear's dark brown

Cameron felt himself convulse and his mouth open, his eyes rolling
back up into his skull as the integrity of his balls utterly
splattered into meaty paste. His proud sack rupturing and skittering
cum and blood and horse-musk everywhere like a zit, his brain in a
complete wash of agony. Obliterating thoughts into nothing more than
shattered primal pain, reduced to nothing more than a squealing
animal, his cock a raging erection that betrayed his feelings.

"There ya are... Much better..." The bear growled, as he slowly
removed his boot to admire the smashed sack with his tread still
imprinted in the remains. Before kicking the gelding over, the ruined
sack sticking to the trailer floor before that thin stretch of scrotum
simply tore. Cameron's fingers weakly scrabbling as he tried to crawl
away only to feel the sudden heft of the bear over him. The coiling
wreath of the bear's arm encircling his throat in a choke hold. And
the alarming weight of the bear's cock already spreading his ass
apart, as he slowly began to hump between those thick mounds.

"How... How are... glkr..... still... hard...?" A deep guttural
chuckle rumbled against his ear, as Cameron felt that thick blunted
head find his hole. His spine feeling a shiver ripple down it, before
the bear bucked his hips and speared into his asshole to earn another
wretched squeal out of the defeated gelding's spasming lungs.

"Because I'm more of a male than you or your son ever were. Now shut
up and take it. I got at least two more truck stops ta hit.." As
Cameron trembled beneath the weight of the bear, forced to feel those
heavy balls slapping against his ass cheeks. And that savage rod
destroy his guts.. he couldn't help but wonder just how many victims
the bear had claimed, and how many more were still to come.. or who
was next.


The pretty middle aged mare hung there naked, trembling with her eyes
down to avoid the bright lights shining on her. Confused as to what
was happening, she had been unloading some things from the trunk of
her car when... Something had hit her and everything had gone dark,
she had woke up naked and chained up like this. In the back of what
she had figured out was a box trailer, the sound of the big diesel
engine letting her know it was a semi. She moaned weakly into the ball
gag, as a short little burro stepped out of the lights slowly circling
around her. His hands fondling her breasts, running down the curve of
her wide round rump as he licked his lip's. Roughly shoving a finger
up her wet slot, feeling it for a moment before pulling it out and
sniffing his finger. "Goooood is good." The gloating fur trafficker
chuckled lewdly, as he swaggered back over to the big bear. "Dos
geldin's father and son a thousand apiece... one fine mare two
thousand... and five hundred apiece for the fox's."

"Ya don't like the fox's?" Garr asked with a snort, as he relights his
cigar while the burro answers.

"Their to well used... fox's always are." The little burro explained
with a laugh, Garr could only nod his head at that.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So the old gelding was the mares husband?"

"Ya that's why shes still so tight... spotted her pic in his wallet.
Knew you'd want her so I made a special stop off... it was on tha way
mostly." The big bear laughed, thinking how much play he had been
letting Cameron watch him fuck that mare.

"Lucky me... Hahaha!" The nasty little burro laughed, as he turned
back to the dangling mare.


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