Go back to Hooves Index 1
Notice that chapter 1 - 4 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.

Chapter 05
Judus Filly

Astraeus lifted his long narrow head... the mighty Unicorn stallion's
silvery white fur seeming to almost glow. The powerful myth's long
slotted nostrils flared, while his upper lip rolled back as he scent
tasted the air. A soft chuckle escaping the handsome stud, the scent
on the breeze spoke of a female in rising need. The sweet spicy scent
of her heat telling him that she had no stallion, the mythic stud
nickering in excitement as he planned his conquest of this new mare.
Astraeus would find her... breed her and add her to his herd of
females, the handsome myth vanished from the high rise he had been
stand upon. Only to reappear on the forest paths far below, moving
through the over growth at a trot at times using his magic to advance.
All the time following that spicy scent on the breeze, at last he
sensed her lingering near a pure deep well spring in a lonely forest

Carefully the guarded myth circled around the glade, cautious and
cunning the Unicorn worked his way closer to his prey. Until at last
he was peeking into the clearing, the sight both shocked and excited
the big stud. As he watched the small black and white striped mare
shifted, changing from her feral form into her anthropomorphic shape.
Before slowly wading into the clear cold water, plainly trying to use
the cold water to ease her heat. Astraeus smirked realizing this must
be a very young filly, if she thought that could quench the fire
within her sex. It had been centuries since he had the chance to break
in a virgin female, the myth's mighty rut stick was rock hard...
bouncing up and down eagerly. Quickly he melted into his anthro form,
before strolling into the clearing slowly. The small female's head
jerked up... and she looked around in shock and fear as she saw the
big powerful stallion.

"Oho!" She squealed eyes rolling around in her head, yet he saw her
nostrils straining to drink in his masculine musk. "I... I'm sorry."
The little filly stammered as she scrambled out into deeper water, her
lush young female body trembling as he approached her. The experienced
stallion clearly moving to cut off any escape, his magic surrounding
the glade to keep her from vanishing. She could still run of course...
but he would chase her and sooner or later... no matter how reluctant
her heat would make her stand for him to breed her. Astraeus doubted
that would prove necessary, young fillies could almost never muster
that much resistance. "I didn't know any of... our kind lived around
here." She whimpered panting and sniffing more eagerly, plainly his
scent was having just as much of an effect on her. As the sweet spice
of her heat scent was having on him, she began to ramble on about
hiding from her lusty brothers.

Titus loomed over his scrying crystal, grinning to himself as he
watched the action from afar. Astraeus was a perfect specimen, every
bit as stallionly as Hooves had been when he had started. The black
Dragon was pleasantly surprised, that the Zebracorn's shifting magic
had been so complete. Given that he knew, thanks to his research, that
Hooves had raised tail as a female more than once in the past. Titus
smirked knowing the myth had even bore a few offspring to superior
specimens, in fact it was impressive that he could come so close to an
approximation of a young filly. Of course, Titus was helping him there
in part, the Dragon's magic working not on the outside but on his pets
mind. Turning him loose with a wear glamour on his broken mind, one
that would make his thoughts match his actions... Well... it was the
perfect trap, the former herd stallion didn't just look like a horny
little filly... for the moment he believed himself to be one.

Titus waited for the Unicorn to step into the water, and then began
casting his second spell... One that would tighten the snare the
mighty Unicorn had set for the 'Filly' he was chasing... making his
trap it into a much more efficient cage. Of course it was up to Hooves
to get the stallion to spring it, only the release of sexual energy
could make it inescapable for the cunning magical equine. The handsome
black serpent sat back to watch, as the smiling stallion lingered at
the edge of the pool. Wanting to lure the filly to him, wanting to
have her give herself up his masculine power. It was always so much
more stratifying than chasing them down... although like any true
stallion he certainly enjoyed using a bit of force to get what he
wanted from time to time. Astraeus watched as she seemed to drift
closer to him subconsciously, the small striped Unicorn's eyes huge as
she gulped in his male musk. Astraeus had never seen a Zebracorn
before, she was pretty in a way that most Unicorn's were not. Unicorn
beauty was one of perfection, this little filly had a number of
imperfections from her half mortal heritage. Yet these features far
from making her ugly only added to her exotic beauty, a pure breed
Unicorn like himself should have shunned her. Yet he knew that no male
ever would, for beauty shined all the brighter thanks to the homely

"Come on my dear... I have what you need." The massive stallion
nickered softly, his voice hinting at the pleasure they would find
together. Smiling as he watched the sexy filly sniffling and snorting
as she drifted closer, almost within his grasp now as he struggled to
stay relaxed. Knowing that when her will power broke things would
happen quickly, one minute she would be thinking about running. The
next he would be balls deep inside of her, arms wrapped around that
lush young body hip's pounding away. Soon afterwards his offspring
would be growing inside of her, and she would belong to him just like
the other mares in his herd. It took all of his concentration to keep
calm and wait, so he didn't sense the magic working within his own
barrier. Any other time the cautious myth would have felt something
wrong, would have vanished into the fairy mists and been gone. But
such was the power of the breeding urge, all caution was thrown to the
wind... he would breed his offspring on her.

Slowly she edged closer to nuzzle at his wide flare, as it jutted up
out of the water. Licking at it experimentally the fillies
inexperience obvious from her clumsy efforts, yet he could feel real
excitement and eagerness. This one would be a real whore... once he
had taken her the ancient Unicorn sensed. One rarely saw so sluttish a
female... most of the time it was those weakly bachelor males who
never had a herd who acted like that. Astraeus chuckled as he thought
about them, like most herd stallions he made use of such males when
the mares weren't in the mood. Idly he thought about the brothers she
had mentioned, once she was fat with his foal and safely in his herd.
He might just go looking for those brothers... if they were anything
like this one he knew they would prove to be a fun time. "Ammm yes
that's it... kiss it little filly see how it loves you." The handsome
stallion moaned, as those soft lip's wrapped around his thick flare.
She was proving to have a very talented mouth indeed, Astraeus smirked
as the sexy striped filly sucked his throbbing erection. "Ammm... Yes
that feels so good my dear... but it is here for your pleasure." The
big stallion moaned pulling her mouth off his hard organ, gently
gripping her shoulders to turn her around. The little filly at once
taking up a breeding stance, it was a natural born instinct in
females. The mighty stallion chuckled lewdly as he moved up behind the
smaller female, teasing her leaking sex with his mighty rut stick for
a moment. Before suddenly driving himself deep inside of her, his
strong arms wrapping around her torso as she struggled to pull away
from his painful penetration. That massive cock had utterly shatter
her maiden head in a single thrust, deep inside of her he began to rut
his newest conquest quick and powerfully.

"WEEHEHEHEEE!" The small freshly made mare screamed, as the lustful
stallion rode her small body. Squeezing those pert young breasts in
his strong hands, as his teeth clamped down brutally hard on the
ridgeline of her long equine neck. Powerful legs churning the waters
as he bucked and plunged within her, while unnoticed the magic in the
air grew more and more intense. Titus sat forwards as he watched the
action sensing the growing power, getting ready to use it to his

"Hur hur hur... Yes... here comes your foal." Astraeus moaned between
those clenched teeth on the Zebracorn's neck, his powerful body
droving in as deeply as his massive organ would go. His big blunt
flare pulsing to his full size, as the myth's potent sparkling seed
gushed into the new mares womb. Magic over riding the blocks put in
place, sparking new life inside that female body. Hooves eyes widening
is shock, the Zebracorn knowing that she had just became a mother once
again. The stallion on top of her sensed it as well, tossing his head
back and laughing gruffly thinking that he had a new mare.

And... then there it was the release of power, the lustful magic
swirling uncontrolled and so very potent.

Of course, Titus was sacrificing his favorite way to torment his
Zebracorn for eleven to twelve months, but in exchange, he was
doubling his number of toys. The last element of the spell, the
connection between Hooves and the stallion was complete. He knew the
myth now... the stallion who's true name he instantly learned was
Astraeus, revealed to him and giving him power over the fae stallion--
allowed Titus to complete his spell. And with a snap of his clawed
fingers, the two of them vanished from the lake, a good deal of water
vanishing with them at the same moment.

... And in the blink of an eye reappearing inside the circle of cold
iron runes, which the dragon had prepared. He smiled as the filly
quickly jumped out of the circle, and then snapped his fingers,
activating the runes which instantly bound the massive stallion in
place with a deep chuckle. A grin flickered over his muzzle as he
gazed at the Zebracorn, approaching her and placing his paw against
her stomach. Smirking... before he reached down, teasing a finger over
her clit and then tracing the barely visible metal ring at the base.
"Mmm... You did well, my precious slave." Titus murmured, playing with
the transmuted chastity cage that was keeping her clit constantly
teased and, in spite of the pregnancy that normally turned Unicorns
into monastic nuns, keeping her painfully aroused as well. She reeked
of heat scent, even pregnant, and Astraeus had to know that something
very perverse was going on now...

Titus turned to face the Unicorn, a smirk playing over his lips as he
considered him. "Well, well, well... a nice, big, strong, handsome
stallion. Just like the last one..." The handsome Dragon mused,
glancing at Hooves before languidly gesturing with his paw, sending a
nearly painful burst of sexual pleasure radiating through her body and
letting her crash to the floor in the remnants of the water. "Your
kind are painfully easy to break. Too given to those physical
pleasures to resist... I was even gentle with this one. Slow and
plodding, teasing, warm and gentle with my good little slave..." The
wicked black serpent sneered, laughing quietly as he sensed the
Unicorn stallions disgust at what he was being told.

"But you..." The sexy Dragon said, looking back to the tall powerful
Unicorn stud, eyeing him up and down with obvious delight. "You have
the air of a proper male around you... the kind that Hooves pretended
to be." There was a cruel mocking tone in his voice, as he spoke of
his little pet Zebracorn. "I will give you two options... The first
you will submit yourself to me, place yourself in the bindings I've
designed, and take your place as the official breeder of my collection
of Unicorns. Hooves here is merely the first, after all. I will be
procuring more shortly, especially given how fertile my pet seems to
be..." Titus smirked as he mentioned that, looking over at the
writhing Zebracorn who was still in the almost painful throws of
pleasure. Before dismissing the magic and allowing it to dissipate,
watching in amusement as the striped myth crawled over to him
clutching his leg. Looking up pleadingly with those huge blue eyes,
plainly the former stallion did not wish to be bred as a mare again.
"Please master... not that... please."

"Heh..." Titus chuckled reaching down to stroked the broken myth's
spiky zebra mane with one scaly hand. "Option two... I break you. And
you procure the next stallion... just as Hooves did with you. Coming
home with a nice full belly, with some other studs offspring growing
inside of you." The sleek black Dragon said, a threatening grin about
his scaly lips. He knew already which option the Unicorn would choose,
after all no herd stallion would submit to being turned into a mare.

Astraeus was on his hooves almost at once, the stress of mounting
having left him for the moment weak and sluggish. As the magic runes
of the trap flare, the powerful myth threw his power into escaping.
Only to discover that his magic rebounded painfully, wildly he charged
at the wards bouncing off and landing heavily. Sending out his magic
he searched desperately for an escape, but there simply was none to be
found. Nickering aggressively he paced this cage, listening as the
Dragon spoke to him coldly.

"This..." The proud stallion gestured to Hooves, who was still
clutching the serpents scaly leg and begging soft. "This... slut use
to be a stallion?" Astraeus spat in shock and disgust, at the way the
striped myth was whimpering and begging the reptile. The handsome
stallion lifted his head proudly, he wasn't about to submit to the
serpent. He was a herd stallion and submitted to no one, he was no
one's willing slave. "You will never break me... I am as wild and free
as the thunder clouds over the mountains. Sooner or later I will
escape your trap, even now your wards weaken. I will claim your life
blood on my horn, cleanse the world of your corruption." It was hollow
empty threats... the powerful wards would hold him here for centuries.
Still the sly stallion had already discovered a flaw in the Dragons
trap, while it was true his body couldn't escape. The Unicorn found he
could send out his mind, already he was summoning his mares to rescue
him. The power of a dozen Unicorns would be too much for even this
elder Dragon, the mares would free him in time and he would kill this

As the wicked serpent spoke the second option, the big stallion jerk
in anger and fear. It was the most shameful and humiliating thing one
stallion could do to another, forcing him into female form breeding
his colts on the former male. Now here was the fiendish Dragon
threatening him with that very thing, it sent a flash of anger through
the handsome myth. "How dare you threaten a herd stallion with such a
thing... I would die before allowing myself to fall to so pitiful a
state." He spat on the groveling Zebracorn, who even now was nuzzling
and kissing the smirking Dragons genitals meekly. "I will never submit
to you... I will fight against your bindings. However as a herd
stallion I am foremost a breeder... if you bring me females I will
seed them. But they will belong to me... for with my seed I claim

Titus listened to the Unicorn's furious ranting, sensing that there
were secrets behind the myth's overweening pride. He could sense the
call that the other had put out, and he found himself eagerly licking
his lips in anticipation. Yes... this was a top alpha male if this
weakling species could truly produce one. Proud, properly strong,
properly dominant it seemed... but he had to work quickly. The mares
would come to that call, but they would gather first to marshal
they're strength in their numbers. Unicorns were flighty creatures,
nervous even timid creatures really. They would come en masse, which
meant that he simply needed to plan accordingly... and have their
stallion mewling before they arrived. He pet at Hooves head softly,
dropping to one knee and reaching a clawed hand over, placing it on
the mare's womb as he closed his eyes... He felt the other's state,
grinning as he murmured a cunning spell softly, it was nothing too
powerful. A simple feedback loop, running from the mare into the
stallion. The pleasures she felt would also be his now, and with those
pleasures the feeling of submission the broken Zebracorn naturally

Titus smiled to himself, leaving that particular trap for the moment,
and then rising as he walked to the circle. A second series of runes
were around it, allowing him to manipulate the subject within the
circle easily. He quickly tapped a pair of them, as Astraeus would
feel himself lifted into the air, then rotated backwards, hanging a
few feet off of the ground. Titus smiled as he watched the handsome
equine buck and struggle in midair, looking at him the Dragon then
picking up a bit of chalk. "So much pride..." He murmured, stepping
safely into the circle for he was the master of the magic that was at
work. Moving toward the helpless squealing, bucking stallion and
dropping to one knee below him. The sleek Dragon carefully started
drawing on the floor beneath him, a series of three or four runes:
history, explore, humiliation, shame. When he was done, he smiled,
again snapping his fingers as the runes sparked to life.

This kind of magic was tricky, but it would be effective against a
being who had so convinced himself of his own superiority. "Let's see
if all that pride is deserved then, shall we... hmm?" The wicked
serpent snickered, finishing the spell that would allow him to explore
Astraeus's past... But only the events that the stud was ashamed of,
times when he'd been humiliated. Shamed. It was a perfect little
trap... as he would be viewing it with the stallion himself.

Astraeus's long narrow head snapped back, his eye's flying open wide
as the spell reached all the way back. He was a colt still suckling at
his mother's teat, he had followed two of his older brothers away from
the herd. The teenage colts had slipped off into the forest, hoping to
find females they could mount. Non Unicorn females were always rather
easy for young Unicorn's, things had not worked out for them this
time. They had ran into young bachelor Unicorn stallions, males too
old to stay in the herd they were born into. But not old and powerful
enough to take mares of their own, they were much stronger than
teenage colt however. Cringing the young Astraeus watched from hiding,
as his two older brothers were bullied and forced. The older
stallion's using them sexually... like they had planned to mount the
non magical females they were hoping to find. One of his older
brothers was using his soft mouth, suckling on those huge male organs
like they were his momma's teat. While his other older brother allowed
himself to be mounted from behind, the older stallions laughing as
they fucked the weaker male like he was a mare. There were maybe half
a dozen of the older males, and they were taking turns on the captured
colts. Astraeus watched it all in shock and fear, until the
unthinkable happened one of his brothers broke. Agreeing to gender
shift into a filly, as the shocked and frightened colt watched his
brother became a sister. The older bachelor males laughing derisive as
they got really to breed their young conquest, the shame and
humiliation was delicious. The young Astraeus watching lost control of
his bladder, pissing onto his forelegs as the stallions fought to
determine who would impregnate the sissy.

Just then Astraeus's sire arrived, chasing the young bachelor
stallions away before looking his son's over in disgust. The proud
herd stallion ushering his offspring back to the herd, slipping away
Astraeus never spoke of what he had seen. "Uhuhu..." The big Unicorn
moaned as he came out of that memory, panting and sweating heavily as
the sleek black Dragon chuckled softly.

"Whatever happened to your brother... the one who agreed to play the

"He... he's a mare now..." Astraeus answered not wanting to, but
unable to keep himself from admitting it. The Dragon's magic was
powerful and insidious, working its way into the myths brain.

"And the other... the one who sucked all those cocks?" Titus asked
with a derisive chuckle, thinking about the young watching colt
wetting himself.

"He... he lives in a bachelor herd... pleasures the other males."
Astraeus admitted weakly as his body jerked again, the magic throwing
him back to the next event. The Unicorn was older now, perhaps a bit
older than his brothers had been when they were molested by the herd-
less stallion's. His sire fighting another male, taking the lesser
stallion's herd away Astraeus watched his father run the defeated
stallion away. And then the horny young colt was forced to watch, as
his sire began to breed the defeats males herd. There was a teenage
mare just coming into her first heat, his father was distracted by the
older mares. The air was so full of heat scent... the young males body
intensely excited by the smell. The young filly was teasing him,
rubbing against his excited young body. He wanted to mount her so
badly, but as he watched his sire rut the young male felt a powerful
sexual inadequacy. His organ looked laughably small compared to his
fathers, the chagrin bitter in his mouth as powerful feelings of
ignominy made his erection wilt. The eager filly was very
disappointed, and the younger colts pointed and laughed making fun of
him. Even his sire later teased him about missing his chance to breed,
the older male certainly didn't hesitate in mounting the needy filly.
The memory would plague Astraeus for years afterwards, even after he
began to form his own herd.

"No... no no... no more." The sleek handsome stallion muttered weakly,
fighting against the magic as it jumped to the next memory. The young
stallion had his first two mares, both were fat with his offspring in
their bellies. Yet he was eager for more sexual fun, they had no
interest in providing it and he had found no more unherded females. So
the young stallion had made his way to a bachelor herd, he knew was
nearby the sissy males greeting him eagerly. Offering to service the
new herd stallion, hoping that he might allow them to mate one of his
daughters one day. So that they could start a herd of their on... of
course he had quickly learned that the best pleasure came from the
older males who didn't wish to mount mares at all. Mortifyingly he had
discovered that one of his older brothers was such a sissy male,
Astraeus had found himself watching his brother suckling cock after
cock again. And the young herd stallion had slipped back into that
memory, without warning he had lost control of his bladder. Hosing
down the young bachelor Unicorn that had been playing with his hard
organ, the shame and embarrassment had been intense. He had play it
off as casual cruelty, but in his heart he knew the truth now so did
the smirking dragon.

"Heh... did you have your brother pleasure you?" The wicked Dragon
teased, as the helpless myth whinnied and whimpered in shame. Titus
sensing there was something the Unicorn was even more ashamed of that
cumming in his older siblings mouth.

"Stop... stop it..." Astraeus panted bucking and kicking his long
curved legs, as they were once again back at the bachelor herd. The
herd stallion rutting passive male after passive male until he was
exhausted, drifting off to sleep after breeding dozens of weaker
males. He woke sometime later the feeling of weight on top of him, his
tail hole quivering around the hard organ sliding in and out of it.
Astraeus knew he should have struggled, should have bucked the other
male off and attack him. But he don't move, he just lay there letting
the horny young male rut him like he had done to most of them.
Pretending he was asleep as the young stallion pounded harder and
faster, until suddenly he felt that hot seed flooding his insides.
Once the young male had pulled out and trotted off Astraeus had
instantly teleported away, the next time he had came around the young
males had all snickered behind his back.

Titus grinned broadly, finding each of those deep, burning
humiliations more amusing than the last as he let the magic subside.
He chuckled low and softly in deep amusement, moving around the
Unicorn, looking down at his handsome muzzle, back at his expression.
He reached a scaly hand down, rubbing along the myth's furry cheek in
faux gentleness. "Hmmmm... So your father is really the one I should
be pursuing, is he? He seems like a proper herd stallion... A shame
that you were produced from some inferior broodmare... who wasn't
worthy of his seed..." The wicked black Dragon mentioned, reaching
between the stallion's legs, finding his sac and tugging it slowly,
firmly, rubbing his thumb over those heavy orbs playfully.

The Dragon smiled even wider, as he reached back into those shameful
memories. He looked for those feelings the Unicorn had experienced in
the bachelor herd... using them against the proud male. With a
gesture, Astraeus was turned over, hanging upside down in mid-air
instead of on his back. And a moment later, the Dragon traced along
his back and rump slightly as a phantom weight seemed to form there.
"You would have stayed, wouldn't you?" Titus demanded accusingly, as
he listened to the helpless myth grunt from the phantom sensations.
"If your father hadn't taken pity... helped you find those first
mares, and then allowed you to breed them..." The sleek Dragon
continued planting the though in the Unicorns mind, tracing Astraeus's
thick doughnut with one finger tip.

"Wha... Wha... No Nooo... He never helped me... I found those mare...
I took them, bred them, put my colts in them." Astraeus protested, as
he struggled to move away from the serpents cool touch on his hot

"It's a shame you're not a proper virgin, Astraeus." He said with a
lewd sneer, playing into the things the myth already felt about
submissive males. "But I don't mind my toys with more experience..."
He chuckled leeringly, as suddenly the Unicorn would feel that
pressure... so long hidden in his subconscious, so long denied. Before
the ghost of penetration started, sliding into his ass slowly and
carefully. A thick, fat stallion cock... one that belonged to a
bachelor male he hadn't mounted... young, horny, eager to rut.

"Oh my god... oh my god... I was asleep couldn't resist, he was
already inside of me." The helpless stallion protested weakly, as he
was rolled over to hang there limply in mid air.

"You reminded him of your brother... laying there with that shapely
ass thrust up." The Dragon whispered softly, leaning close and smiling
as he felt the herd stallion's body quake. "How did it feel? Being
taken by that thick, proper stud rod? How did it feel to be one of
them?" He grinned and bit the Unicorn's ear gently, while reaching
down to stroke his fingers lightly down that long organ as it jutted
out stiffly. "One of the faggots... taking a big hard cock like the
mare boi you really are?"

"Wha... my brother." Astraeus sobbed in mortification, as the Dragon's
words cut him in more ways than one. "Horrible it felt nasty and
terrible..." The proud stallion crying openly now, as he was forced to
relieve what was plainly a incredibly traumatic experience. "It hurt
me so much... I couldn't... couldn't get hard for days afterwards... I
was sickened by... by my inaction." The stallion confessed making the
Dragon laugh out loud at his impotence, this only adding to the myth's
deep self-consciousness. "I... I'm not... not one of them." The proud
stallion denied helplessly, as he felt the dragon's finger tip's
rubbing down his rock hard stud stick. "I'm a herd stallion... I'm a
breeder... I'm NOT a faggot... not a mare boi."

The sleek Dragon laughed again, his voice twisting with mockery as he
flicked the other's shaft, smirking and standing at his side. He
brought his paw along the stallion's back, up to his neck, scratching
softly at his mane for a moment. As he twisted and squirmed, glancing
at Hooves and casually gesturing toward the slave quarters.

"Go now, Hooves. Service Auros." He ordered, smirking slightly as he
stroked the Unicorn's tear streaked cheek slowly, rubbing at him as
the phantom shaft slowly worked inside him. Auros, his loyal Pegasus,
was still fully male and Hooves would be tasting the other's potent
manhood very soon...

While Astraeus hung there humiliated, he suddenly felt a taste
blooming over his tongue--musky and hot. As he hung there the sleek
stallion began to lick his lips, his muzzle contorting in a look of
confusion and disgust. "You say that and you say that, but you've
never believed it, have you?" Titus said firmly, making it plain from
the tone in his voice what the serpent believed.

"Of course I believe it... because it IS true." Astraeus's long head
jerked back, as the image of a huge equine cock pushing against his
lip's flashed into his mind. "ACK." The proud stallion gagged spitting
on the floor, still he felt that throbbing cock flare on his lips. The
taste of it strong on his tongue now, the scent filling his nostrils
making his stomach churn.

"Did you think about joining them?" Titus asked teasingly, as he
watched the big stallion choking and spitting. "About joining their
group? Being like your brother?" The Dragon questioned, chuckling
softly as his watched the Unicorn bucking and twisting. Titus using
his magic to slowly subvert the straight male, delighting in the shame
and self loathing he was producing in the helpless myth.

"Wha... what joining THEM? NO... no never." The sleek myth bucking and
twisting fighting to get away from the phantom cocks raping him.
Corrupting him... making him like his sissy brothers... he screamed
and struggled not wanting to be like his shameful pansy siblings. "I
would sooner die... Never be like my brothers... I don't want it...
don't want to feel those huge... hard... powerful cocks pounding into
me..." The proud stallion's voice growing weaker, more uncertain as he
felt that phantom flare slid over his tongue. Slimy salty equine pre-
cum tingling on those taste buds, the sexy myth choking and gagging a
look of utter horror mixed with intense shame.

"Did your imagination make your cock go soft? Or did it restore it to
its hardness, hmm?"

"Wha... wha... my imagination..." Astraeus sputtered confused as to
what the serpent meant, until it suddenly dawn on him what the Dragon
was asking. "My... my mares restored my hardness..."

"Your mares did, hmm? Did they come to you, feigning concern over your
soft... flaccid... hanging dick that no longer longed for their sex?"
The serpent asked sneeringly, laughing as he saw the effected his
mocking was having on the so called alpha male. "I imagine that they
were all pregnant already... like the stallion you imagined yourself
being would have done. And thus when you returned, they were thrilled
for your... impotence because it kept you from bothering them." Titus
mocked, the word hanging in the air like a curse as the Unicorn could
feel an intense sensation in his muzzle, the musk getting stronger and
the taste of that pre-cum growing more potent.

"Errr... well yes most of them were pregnant..." The sleek silvery
white Unicorn stallion whimpered, blushing hard as the Dragon seemed
to read his mind knowing that he was lying. "No... no they were not
thrilled..." Astraeus moaned his lip's quivering, tongue licking and
lapping at that phantom cock as the taste and scent of it overwhelmed
him. That powerful equine body jerked as the Dragon spoke it...
'Impotence' suddenly that long thick erection quivered. The Unicorn's
eyes widened in shock... it was as if the Dragon saw into the darkest
recess's of his soul seeing his every secret.

"I bet they had a nice, long, relaxing pregnancy... no requests for
their muzzles to please their stallion. All of them quite delighted by
his inability to service for months and months and months..." The
Dragon continued mocking, rubbing the spade shaped head of his hard
cock against the equines soft chin.

"It was not months and months... I was fucking bachelor males again in
a few weeks." Astraeus confessed desperately as the wicked serpent
mocked him, suddenly his head snapped back as the memory came rushing
out. The stallion back with the unherded stallion's, eagerly letting
them pleasure him over and over. Aware that the bachelor males were
laughing behind their hands, the male who had mounted him having told
his buddies about treating the herd stallion like he was a mare. The
lustful young stallion's doing they best to wear Astraeus out, until
the exhausted stallion lay down to rest... He feigned sleep listening
to them deciding who would mount him first, Titus chuckled as he
watched the memory. This time it was plain they used magic to freeze
him in place, the spell couldn't hold the fully conscious stallion for
long. He might not even realize that it had been place on him at
first, if woken from a deep sound sleep however. That explained why
Astraeus had been unable to react that first time, Titus saw it but
the Unicorn didn't know. The faking herd stallion lay there, feeling
weak and helpless from a spell he knew nothing about. One young
stallion after another quickly took a turn, as the herd stallion laid
there breathing slow and deep. Until his long equine cock jerk and
spat out a thick load all over his own chest...

Titus laughed as he watched the stallions long cock jerk up and down,
slapping against that soft furry belly. Long strings of slimy equine
pre-cum spurting out to leave shiny trails over the myth's pristine
chest fur. That eager organ throbbing hard, as the Dragon's cool
finger tips teased it's hot, hard length. The Unicorn whinnying and
nickering loudly, his body starting to buck back like he was fucking
himself on that hard cock. "S-Sstop it..." Astraeus moaned out weakly,
his mouth gaping open in a O as if wrapped around that phantom Pegasus
cock. The sleek handsome black Dragon circled around the helpless
stallion, enjoying the show of the big myth being raped by phantoms.
Although was it really rape if the myth was clearly enjoying it...
Titus felt a warning tingle from his outer wards. The mares were
massing outside of his territory, gathering their courage it would
still be sometime before they tried a rescue. Moving up to the pretty
stallion's head, gently grasping the equines cheek. Looking down into
the myth's wide eyes, the dragon caressed those soft velvety equine
lip's with one finger. The two of them sharing a look, the Dragon
displaying his own sizable erection stroking it with his other hand.

He laughed, his voice tinged with cruelty as he glanced back down at
the runes, smiling slightly as they flared and glittered. "You were
happy to take a filly you thought was experiencing her first heat...
is that because you knew you would be a disappointment otherwise?" He
worked over the Unicorn's ego cruelly, using the shame and submission
to dismantle that pride. The answer to the questions didn't matter
really, it was the effects these question were having on the myths
mind. It was the fact that he was being forced to consider them, so
shortly after being forced to relive his greatest failures as a male.

"Huh..." Astraeus grunted in shock at that question, plainly this idea
had never accrued to the proud stallion. Now however he had began to
doubt himself, the Dragon's words and insidious magic working together
to deflate the myth's ego. "I'm a herd stallion... a herd stallion...
a herd stallion." The handsome myth repeated over and over, his voice
becoming weaker and weaker. Suddenly he felt that phantom thrusts in
his tail hole speed up, the male was getting ready to fill him up with
hot seed.

Titus continued to stroke his own cock, rubbing the stallion's lips
slowly, and then laying his tip against the other's lips. "Suck." He
ordered simply and powerfully, looking deep into the handsome equines
stunned eyes.

Astraeus felt the burning heat of that spade shaped cock tip, against
his lower lip as the Dragon sneered down at him. The myth's eyes were
the size of dinner plates as he heard the Dragon's order, there was no
way he was going to suck a cock. "FF-FF-FUCK YOOOO..." 'Slurp!'
Suddenly, the handsome stallion follow his lip's wrapped around the
smirking Dragon's hard cock as Titus stroked his shaggy mane gently.
The wicked black Dragon gripping the myth's horn, using it as a
handled as he began to fuck that soft mouth.

The naughty Dragon's lip's twisted up, grinning from ear to ear as he
watched those soft lip's caress his hard male organ. "Yes, you're a
herd stallion..." He chuckled mockingly, feeling that eager, fawning
mouth working up and down his shaft. "A herd stallion with so many
sissy secrets... Pretending to sleep to get his first taste of dick...
so intimidated by real displays of manhood that he pisses himself...
With all his brothers so unspeakably broken by their father's manhood,
that they either became mares or became total fags..." Titus
continued, enjoying the effect his words were having on the formerly
overly proud male. "What makes you think you're the one to escape that
fate, hmm? Because you bred a mare... because you bred a dozen mares?
Do you really think that procreating proves your manhood? It just
proves how desperately you were lying to yourself, how afraid you were
of... this... This moment... submitting to another male." The serpent
sneered derisively, smiling and licking his lips slowly as he subtly,
gently, started to work his magic in through the Unicorn's horn.
Astraeus was nice and distracted, hopefully more than enough, so that
he didn't notice what was happening... As his large, impressive sac
started to deflate slightly... his silvery pre-cum growing more thick
as his cum was forced from his body.

Astraeus tossed his long handsome equine head, shaking it slightly as
the wicked black serpent's words crushed his self image more and more.
"Uhmmmmm..." The big stallion moaned in protest, even as his soft
lip's slid up and down that thick Dragon cock. His powerful equine
body shook and quivered, as his mouth tasted the Dragon's coppery pre-
cum. He wanted to protest... to argue the points his wicked molester
was making. Astraeus hip's bucked as he felt a strange squeezing
within his loins, Titus sense the stud was beginning to notice. So the
cruel Dragon moved on to the next step of distraction, reaching into
the stallions mind finding the myths link with his mares. Connecting
with it Titus began to share the stallions secrets with those mares,
sending along not only the memories... but also the things the
stallion was experiencing at that instant.

"Hahaha..." The wicked Dragon laughed as he felt the females
reactions, they ranged from disgust to amusement even sexual
excitement. The helpless stallion fought to close off that connection,
but he was already far too passive to successful resist. The Dragon
let them taste and feel everything, exposing Astraeus's passivity as
the myth's fawning mouth work harder and harder to pleasure him, mouth
eager to feel that big organ explode on his tongue. Slowly one by one
the mares closed themselves off, only the two who was sexually excited
by their stallion's sissy pleasuring of other males remained.

"You wished your father hadn't saved your brothers, don't you? You
wish you'd been found by those bachelor stallions... stolen...
indoctrinated..." Titus murmured teasingly, pulling back as he asked
so that the myth would have to answer his questions.

"Oh fuck no..." The helpless Unicorn moaned, struggling to get the
Dragon's hard cock back into his mouth. Titus speared his thick cock
back into that eager mouth, fucking it hard and fast for a moment
before pulling out again.

"You missed your chance to breed later, after all... unable to
withstand true malehood..." He smiled down at the sluttish myth,
slowly working over the other's body. "What would you look like...
what would you be like... if you were able to relive your life... as
you truly wish you had, Hmmm?" He forced the image into the helpless
Unicorn's mind, Astraeus as a meek sissy his fur tinted pink as he
serviced a herd of bachelor males who were all more male than himself.

"NONONONOOOOO..." Astraeus squealed, as he felt the two watching mares
scornful amusement at the image they had no way of knowing it wasn't
his thought. They would think he had pictured himself like that, when
it was the Dragon forcing the image into his mind.

"Oh no your right... that's not it." Titus laughed out loud again,
pushing the next image into the myths mind. Astraeus slowly
transforming into a mare, taking up a breeding stance in front of a
massive stallion that looked a lot like the Unicorn's sire. The
massive stallion circled slowly around the smaller female, sniffing
and nipping her here and there before moving around behind her.
Astraeus tried to protest, but the cruel Dragon choked him on that
hard serpentine cock. The mare Astraeus lifted her tail out of the
way, and the mighty stallion rear upon her back. Sinking his huge cock
into her waiting sex, taking her virginity as fast and lustfully as
Astraeus had taken the Zebracorns. "He is going to breed his colt into
you... just like you really want. It's honestly amusing, Astraeus..."
Titus mused, grinning as he watching the stallion raise his tail in
the same sluttish manner as the female in the helpless stallion's
mind. The memory and sensation of that cock spearing into the
Unicorn's phantasmal cunt, built out of myth and memory, but easily
manipulating him. "With Hooves, even though he loved being the mare
for studs and the stud for mares and the faggot for... anyone,
really..." The sleek black Dragon confirmed, smirking slightly as he
thought about his slutty Zebracorn slave. "...he kept his pride, until
I forced magic on him to ruin him into the mare he is now."

Titus licked his lips slowly, gripping the myth's horn firmly in his
scaly hand. "It took work... it was difficult... a challenge. Weeks
and weeks of careful training, mental conditioning... I took him a
dozen times, paraded my slaves around... Still, he fought, he
struggled... was on some level, a proper male, in spite of his sick
perversions." The serpent licked his lips slowly, letting the Unicorn
experience that massive, ephemeral cock railing him. As Hooves slowly
entered the room again, with a belly full of Pegasus cum and lips
still glistening with saliva. "I have to say... I expected more from
you..." The Dragon chuckled coldly, as he felt the last of the
stallions mares cut themselves off what was happening. They wouldn't
be coming to his rescue now, they were going to be looking for a new

He looked down into the other's eyes and suddenly there was a bloom of
heat between Astraeus's legs. The phantom stallion seeding the mare,
filling her quivering sex with that potent powerful Unicorn seed. And
in that moment, the Dragon softly chanted, grinning maliciously as he
extended a paw toward Hooves... Instantly transferred the pregnancy to
Astraeus, manipulating his body around it nicely to give it a home.
Letting the other feel the life blooming inside him suddenly, just as
he'd felt it on the other side... less than an hour before.

"EEEHEHEHEE NO!" The former stallion screamed out in a new higher
pitched female voice, as that strong body was changed by his own magic
under the Dragons control. Suddenly the former herd stallion dropped
to the floor, a pregnant mare now as the Unicorn moaned and sobbed
softly. As the smirking serpent plucked a collar out of thin air,
kneeling to lock the restraint around the new mares neck. Binding her
to his mountain home, this new toy was the beginning of Titus's own
private Unicorn herd. Of course he still needed a breeding stallion,
Hooves was utterly sterile so couldn't perform that task. The new
pregnant female couldn't be used as a lure until she had given birth,
of course her sleek female body would be in high demand to whoring
out. Once he had gotten her broke to the idea of doing as she was
told, the passivity that he had already shown making it plain it
wouldn't take long.

Hooves sleek body jerked and trembled, suddenly that striped body
transformed back into a male. That magical restraint on the mares
clit, changing back into a cock cage as the myths male hood returned
to normal. Slowly the Zebracorn looked down at his returning male
organ with obvious delight. "Thank you master." The myth simpered
meekly, bowing deeply to the black Dragon as he stood up. Titus moving
over to grip the Zebracorns horn, sharing the memories he had
discovered in the other stallion's head. Knowing that the Zebracorn
would enjoy the knowledge, plainly the naughty Hooves was excited by

"Not so useful a stallion... but a fine mare for breeding. You will
have to find a better stud... to breed our new mare here from now on.
Of course another mare would help me expand my new whore herd...
either may you will be going out again soon. I know you like playing
the mare more than you admit... because you do it so very eagerly."

"Yes master." Hooves whimpered lowering his head submissively, not
even offering up a hint of denial or resistance. It pleased the Dragon
that his slave had become so broken, there was nothing he could order
the Zebracorn to do that Hooves wouldn't do at once. Titus send a
passing thought, and watched as Hooves dropped to the floor licking
the serpents toe claws. He knew the Zebracorn detested foot paws, yet
the myth obeyed without hesitation licking all over them.

Titus looked over at the whimpering female, still trapped in the
circle, smiling at her as he licked his lips slowly and reached out,
feeling that bond she had with her former herd. Most of them closed
off now out of anger, disgust, or disappointment, but those last two
aroused by the idea of what the Dragon had done. He could feel the
bond starting to break apart and dissolve as the stallion--the center
of the herd--had been altered inextricably. Just as the Unicorns
father had done in the past after defeating a male, the Dragon stole
the bond. And then tugged softly at the magic of it, gently, giving a
soft, smooth pull to it...

...and was delighted to find two of them answering eagerly... while a
few others answering a few moments later. Questioning what the Dragon
could want... he smiled as he did... sending out a vision to them all.
A glittering cavern beneath his mountain--massive in size, miles
across with an enchanter, glittering ceiling and massive trees within
it. No predators, and the only male being the Dragon and whoever he
chose to allow entry.

It was an offer... one to belong to a different kind of a herd than
they had known before. They could refuse and he suspected most of them
would, but it was the chance to avoid the trouble of inferior males...
like their deposed husband.

"Comfort the female, Hooves." The black Dragon ordered, smiling as
Astraeus sat there clutching her growing belly. "And help her pick out
a new name. And maybe, if you get time, tell her what happens... when
a stallion foals." He chuckled softly, knowing the Zebracorn could do
that aptly, and then left them there... as he went to greet the
arriving females who accepted his offer.

Perhaps making a herd wouldn't be so hard... All he really needed to
do was find a stallion willing to be inferior to him... and respect a
herd. Though, he suspected that might be harder than he wanted with
these pansy myths.

Hooves helped the new mare to stand, gently snuggling and cuddling her
as she sniffed at him. Instantly noticing that although he had the
male organs, the Zebracorn's scent was soft and sweet like honey. The
former stallion had seen this kind of thing before, males who had
altered themselves to be more appealing to other males. The Zebracorn
spoke in soft docile tones, calm and reassuring to the former male.
Suggesting that her new name could be Astor, the former male resisted
at first making the runes on her new collar flare up. 'Obedience,
Chagrin, Submission, Willingness' flashed along that metal circlet
over and over beating down the trapped mares will, shaping her new
outlook as the Dragon's slave. "Yes... yes alright call me Astor if it
pleases you." Plainly Titus has refined the spells he used on the
Unicorn, having learned a great deal about their magic from enslaving

"What... what did he mean, tell me what happens when a Stallion
foals..." Astor inquired as the Zebracorn released her from the
circle, gently guiding her to a room the Dragon had prepared for his
new conquests. Hooves softly explaining that no male could ever be the
same after giving birth, it was a experiences that fundamentally
changed one. Plus once the foal was born it had to be mothered, until
it reach an age that it could take care of its self. Astor was going
to be a mare for a long time to come, and in that time she would come
into season again. So that most likely before her first foal was grown
she would be bred again, once you became a female it was almost
impossible to escape the cycle.

"Now, why don't we get you a nice, warm bath?" Hooves suggested,
gesturing to a corner of the room, where slowly an arch appeared.
Through it, the sweaty exhausted equine could see a large, lavish
bathroom... with a huge tub. The Zebracorn casually stepped over,
taking the new mare by the elbow and then guided her into the lavish

Titus descended to the massive glittering cavern, pleasantly surprised
to discover almost half of the stallions herd. Two young mare plainly
impregnated for the first time, two older mares with newborn foals and
older teenage offspring a filly and a colt. And lastly a older mare
who was pregnant and had two teenage offspring, one young colt almost
of breeding age he would have been turned out of the herd soon. The
second was only a year young and looked almost exactly like his sire.
The Dragon's smile broaden from ear to ear, he could find uses for
them all. Given time he knew that he could shape them anyway he
wanted, he would start with the lustful young male. He would be
easy... and quick as well if he were anything like his sissy sire. The
cunning Dragon already had his magic shaping the former stallion, he
planned to add piercings that would keep her in heat and eager to
please. This colt would make a fine passive male whore like his
Zebracorn, Titus was sure he could manipulate the horny teenager into
that position easily. Titus smiled, walking down to the waiting herd
that seemed slightly skittish at his approached. After all, this was a
massive, powerful Dragon, fairly old if his size and the obsidian
color of his scales was to be believed, and his kind had once hunted
Unicorns as food. However, he seemed quite gentle, all things
considered, as the first of the females approached him cautiously, and
he reached out his claws, stroking over her cheek softly.

The rest of them slowly started to accumulate around him, asking him
questions, probing to find out how safe they really were. He explained
about the wards on his demesne, how they would hide any mythic who
entered them from everyone but him... He didn't mention that all of
his wards were designed to make those mythics more subservient to him
slowly over time, but they didn't need to know that. He chuckled
slightly as they seemed eager to explore their new home, and he knew
that having Unicorns there would merely strengthen the resolve of
nature to flourish in this place. It would be a magnificent, magical
hidden glen in a few years. He looked over them as they hurried off,
though the older mare remained, standing somewhat close to him, a arm
around her son as she tugged him close.

There was a conflict there, the mother was worry about her offspring.
She cared about the boy, but she also knew inherently that there was
no way he'd be allowed to stay. Within a few months, Astraeus would
have driven him out--regardless of what the mother did or said it was
the way of stallions. She breathed in and out softly, having known
Dragons and their strange ways for centuries now. Suspecting that
Astraeus's breaking was not entirely his own doing... but she also saw
an opportunity for her son.

"This is my son. Eurus." She introduced, running a small three
fingered hand down his back making him step forwards slightly. "I know
that you will... eventually seek a stallion to sire upon the females
you've accumulated here, and... he is of superior stock, I assure you.
My father was ancient and powerful, our blood line proud and pure. My
place in Astraeus's herd was by choice rather than force..." She
mentioned, quietly guiding the young handsome stallion forward so
Titus could inspect him. He was in his late teens, maybe early
twenties at best, and he seemed at least a little shy. "Ask him,
Eurus." She prompted making the young male look flush and embarrassed
that his mother was interceding in his behalf.

"Mother please..." The young stallion looked to the side for a moment,
then back to the sleek black Dragon. "Will..." He paused blushing hard
as he gathered courage, before pushing on speaking faster and faster
as he did. "Will you train me to be a good stud... for your herd,
sir?" He asked sounding so eager and yet awkward, having no idea what
the wicked Dragon was planning on training him to do.

The leering grin spread across Titus's shiny black scaled muzzle, and
he found himself laughing softly as he reached out a paw. Tugging the
young fellow toward him and putting an arm around his shoulders. "You
asked the perfect question, my boy..." Titus congratulated the sleek
young stallion, smiling at the pretty mare as she nodded her head. She
was a proper prize, he decided with delight, wrapping an arm around
her as well. "You were wise to make this decision..." He whispered
into her ear, it was of course a the truth her son would be much
better off. "He will be the male you hoped he will be..." The Dragon
promised her... that of course was a lie she wanted her son to be like
her sire. Proud... powerful... dominant... he might be strong and
potent, but would be utterly submissive to the handsome serpent. Titus
smirked that was something he decided he could certainly do... he
would train this boy to be the stallion he wanted him to be.


Titus spent a few weeks among the herd, showing them the secrets of
the cave-forest, which in turn--he knew--would lead to them sharing
their own secrets once they created them there. He ignored Astor,
letting her settle into her new life, away from the herd below. It was
weeks before he had her brought to his bedroom one late evening,
guiding her in and allowing her to warm herself near the enchanted
flames that didn't burn... but always bought heat.

"Are you finding things well here?" The sleek black serpent asked her,
smiling and bringing up a paw to trace her jaw slowly and gently. As
the former male looked up at him with big soft eyes, her shiny metal
collar with its powerful runes had been working on her. Malster had
been keeping him informed about the new mare, she had made two escape
attempts. But the powerful magic in the collar and within the stones
had foiled her, after that she had settled into the role of a sulking

"It is indeed a... a lavish prison..." Astor answered with just a hint
of the willful stallion she had once been, her big eyes had begun to
tear up in the way of females trying to get their way. Now the runes
within her collar had dulled, plainly the magic was burning into her.
Titus circled around her looking her over, one scaly hand coming to
rest on her belly which had began to grow.

"I would hope you would see it more than that." The black Dragon
hissed coolly, not letting those tears sway him in anyway. "You have
wanted for nothing... your every need has been seen to... Plenty of
food... the purest of water like your Unicorn like, allowed into the
solarium that you might enjoy the light." Titus pressed himself
against her back, feeling that soft feminine body tremble at his
closeness. "And I have brought you gifts..." The sly black serpent
plucked a box out of the air, before slowly opening it to reveal the
three rings inside. Each one sporting a large blood red gem stone,
Astor looked at the three rings in confusion. She only had to ears...
did he expect her to wear two of them in a single ear?

"Oh... they... their beautiful but I don't understand..." The Dragon
chuckled softly as he read the former males confusion, licking his
lip's as he relished the myths naivety.

"These are piercings... one for each of your nipples... and the third
is for this little button." The smirking Dragon reached down, using
one finger to caress the throbbing button of her clitoris. Astor
inhaled sharply... eyes growing even larger as his touch sent an
electric thrill through her body. Making tensing hip's beginning to
hump against his finger, Titus sneered more and more broadly at her
reaction. "Special adornments... for my most lovely slave..." He said
it plain and honestly, intending to gauge the former herd stallions
reaction to being called what she now was.

"I... I..." Astor moaned fighting to resist, as that finger tip rubbed
her tingling love button more and more insistently. The scent of her
equine arousal growing more intense... as Titus used his magic to make
the pleasure more intense.

"You are my slave... Aren't you?" The handsome black serpent demanded
as he took her up to the edge, and then stopped all pleasure leaving
her wiggling and squirming in need. "I only pleasure those who belong
to me... So are you mine... are you my slave?" Titus grinning wickedly
as the helpless mare, squirmed and rubbed her thigh's together in

"Yes... yes I am your... your slave." Astor blurted out breathlessly,
moaning as his finger began to rub slowly circles on her aching
button. As her tight sex dripped and dribbled her excitement onto his
fingers, the Unicorn panting and moaning eager.

"Yes what?" The Dragon demanded coldly his finger stopping again, as
the confused mare thought about it for a moment before moaning weakly.

"Yes master I am your slave..." She whinnied loudly as he began to
stroke her love button once more, holding that box up in front of her.
She quickly got the idea, and reached out taking the box from him.
"Thank... thank you for this wonderful gift master."

"Heh... you are welcomed my dear." Reaching his other hand up the
Dragon used his claw to pierce her nipple, before pulled one ring in.
Doing her other nipple as she winced, the pleasure coming from between
her thigh's over riding the pain. Still as they went in Astor felt
more and more excited, her need growing as that last piercing was
placed in her love button. She was orgasming on his finger by then,
yet far from being a release her orgasm only seemed to make her need
all the strong.

The two on her nipples would keep her quite eager and delighted to
serve, no matter how far her pregnancy grew. It would have the added
effect of making her suspicious of the mares who were 'no longer
interested' in sexual attention, back when she'd been the one doing
the mounting instead of the one growing gravid with foal. The one
through her clit was constantly tingling, radiating with pleasure, and
was a mirror of the one he'd given Hooves. If she ever did manage to
transform back into a stallion... she would immediately regard her
cock as pathetic, worthless, and broken, just as his Zebracorn slave

"There I have done something for you... I would say it is time you did
something nice for me." Titus smiled at the expression that crossed
the mare's pretty muzzle for a moment. At once confusion, arousal, a
lack of confidence--all writ plainly on her expression. He smiled with
growing delight, stroking over her cheek lightly. "You know what to
do... and you know how to do..." Titus smirked, the rubies glimmering
on her body from the piercings as their magic began to work on her.
The Dragon helped her though, moving his paw to her shoulder, smiling
as she slid down to her knees. And in seconds there former herd
stallion, was leaning forward, taking the Dragon's cock into her

"Ammmm..." This time, there was no choking, no horrified shame on her
furry expression. This time, it was merely... a warmth as her eager
velvety lips kissed his cock tip. A delighted feeling of completion
that ached in her loins, as she started to bob up and down on his
long, ridged shaft. His knot pressing at her lips as she began diving
hot and deep... tongue lapping happy to taste his throbbing malehood.
Needy, he could read it in her manner, eager he could feel it in the
pleasure she was providing. Aching with desire for the pleasure of
breeding, after all, she hadn't been impregnated... she had merely
inherited a pregnancy. Once he was entirely hard, pulsing in her soft
maw, he chuckled and put his paw against the back of her head gently.
Holding her and waiting for her to look up at him, to admire him with
those big, round innocent eyes. Feeling the runes in her collar fade
from the metal, having burned into the very flesh of his enslaved
myth. He a triggered second set 'Eager' 'Whore' 'Happiness'
'Servitude' these new runes flared a glittering fiery red each one
designed to work upon the ones before. It was death really for that
proud independent stallion that had arrived, all that would be left
was the pitiful, sluttish, slave Titus was crafting.

"You know why you still don't feel... entirely right, don't you?" The
sly serpent asked, watching those big dovish eyes take on a look of
confusion... diminished intelligence was the biggest down side to the
brainwashing. He grinned darkly thinking about what a airhead Hooves
had became, but then his slaves didn't need to think that much.
"You're pregnant... but you've never been truly fucked." The wicked
Dragon supplied the answer for her, smiling softly as he saw the look
of shock on her muzzle. "Now... you've gotten my cock hard.. and I'm
going to take all of you as thorough as I can..." Titus promised,
watching as a look of grudging gratitude spread across Astor's pretty
muzzle at the knowledge he planned to used her. "Your cunt, which is
mine alone to do with as I please forever... and your ass, which I
know you loved giving to as many stallions as you could..." Titus
pulled up the memory of those young bachelor males, joking and
laughing as they thought they were tricking and raping a herd
stallion. While he was in truth giving himself up to them, having a
sissygasm on those hard young cocks. A bit more of the former stallion
died off in that moment, Astor would never be that overly proud male
again the Dragon grinning slightly in that knowledge. "I'll let you
pick which one I take first."

The sexy new filly climbed to her hooves, turning and presenting
herself to the massive Dragon. Taking that breeding stance that
equines preferred, long flowing tail lifted up and to one side
exposing her dribbling sex. Titus smiled seeing the invitation in this
position, but waiting until she answered him. "Please master... mount
me... make a real mare out of me..." The formerly loud and brash male
had became a meek little filly, whose voice was only a soft whisper.
The wicked black Dragon was surprised and pleased, she was displaying
a truly submissive streak. It would make the training of her son go
much easier, already Titus had began conditioning Eurus to follow his
suggestions. Already he had been helping the young myth train for his
duties as herd stallion, by using Hooves mouth and tail hole something
the young stallion had taken too quickly. Of course he had also been
having the young male serve him in a thousand tiny ways, getting him
use to obeying without the young male even realizing he was being
enslaved. The real test would come when he moved on to having the
young stallion mount a real mare, like Astor here the heat scent she
was pulling out would be a powerful call to the youths masculinity. If
the boy was passive enough to resist it and give up the mare in mid
fuck, so that Titus could finish off inside of her... while Eurus
watched and did nothing. The sly serpent chuckled lewdly, it would be
the true test of his mastery over the eager young stallion.

"I would be delighted my dear... after all it belongs to me now."
Titus smiled, taking his mighty serpentine cock into his paw, and then
stepping forward. He pressed it against her quivering sex lips,
grinding it there for a moment and feeling her dribbling wetness
increase for a moment. Before he sank into her hot body, slowly and
patiently filling that sex with his own aching hard maleness. She was
deep, like all mares, but Titus's own magic had influenced her
creation. Tighter than most equine born females, and made for the
Dragon's very own cock. Each ridge that passed her quivering pussy
lips drew another moan past her lips, a gasp from her lungs, and he
savored each sound as the death throes of the stallion she had once

"There it is..." The naughty Dragon snickered, rubbing her hip softly
as his length reached the two-thirds mark within her sleek body. "You
can feel already how much of a failure your stallion hood was, can't
you? You can feel it in how I treat you, how I touch you, how I'm
fucking you..." Titus murmured, working himself deeper and deeper
still, finally pressing his knot against her needy cuntlips with a
grin... while grinding it into her body a few times. "Did you ever
give a female that kind of pleasure? The simple, slow pleasure of a
loving penetration?" They both knew the stallion liked to breed hard
and fast, not giving his females the chance or choice to resist.

"N-no!" The new mare whimpered, her head down as the juices flowed
from her body in thick rivulets. The tiny sliver of former male within
her burning with powerful feelings of inadequacy, Titus felt that male
self tortured by his gently treatment.

"No." Titus repeated triumphantly, chuckling as he savored the
feelings within the former male. "With you, it was a race... cum hard,
cum fast... I was speaking to some of your old mares the other day...
they live within my mountain now by the way. You never made them
orgasm... you never made them ache from pleasure... The only one you
did... was my little striped whore-mare that is trained to do so..."
The cruel black serpent taunted, laughing softly as he pulled back,
and then thrust into her firmly, rocking her slightly eager both back
and forth... making her moan loudly. He could see that she was having
trouble keeping balance, so he spat on her thick doughnut and casually
eased a thumb into her. Holding her firmly like that... as he started
to pick up his pace bucking and thrusting powerfully.

"Oh gods yes... fuck me yes!" Astor begged in a loud breathless gasp,
her slight equine body eagerly pushing back into his strong thrusts.
The little mares leg's trembling hard, as more and more of her creamy
fluids ran down that thick reptilian cock. "Ummm master... Uhum... you
are so much more of a male." The helpless horny mare squealed, not
realizing that her new pussy had literal been crafted to fit that
mighty serpentine organ. Thank to the Dragon's magic and control, no
other organ would ever feel so good inside of her. Soon she was being
batter by surge after surge of orgasmic pleasure, his bumps and ridges
rubbing all the right places within her.

"You are going to assist me in training the next herd stallion, we
will make sure that he is everything in a stallion that you were not."
Titus sneered letting Astor feel his derision at her former male self,
reading in the new mares mind the humiliation and excited pleasure
that humiliation brought. "Hahah... someone likes that idea." The
iniquitous Dragon observed, feeling his little mare growing even more
aroused as his thrust slowly build into a savage pace. "Would you like
to be rutted by a handsome young stallion, as I train him how to serve
me by rutting those I choose." Astor was bucking and whinnying
excitedly, plainly the new mare getting off on the thought of
servicing a stallion. Titus smirked knowing she wouldn't much like it,
once she realized just what young stud the malevolent Dragon had in
mind. Titus slammed into that soaking wet sex, sending stronger and
stronger quivers of pleasure through her. Working the trembling mare
up to a powerful shared orgasm, as she was moaning and whinnying that
she would very much love to have a young stallion train to fuck on
her. "Good... I'm sure Eurus will love learning to rut his sires new
pussy." The cruel serpent moaned teasingly into her ear, as that sleek
female body convulsed in orgasm. Even as he felt her shock and
consternation, at learning that the stallion to be learning to rut on
her was her own son. Titus withdrew his cock as she orgasmed, the
shame and horror washing over her, and tugged his thumb free from her
backside. before he guided his tip against the mare, sinking into her
smoothly--just as all those males had done all those years ago. He
licked his lips, gritted his teeth, while pushing himself smoothly
into her body, listening to her whinnies of surprise and pleasure as
he did so. He grinned, stroking her hips and working himself in deeper
and deeper with casual ease. "Relax." The Dragon said simply, nibbling
at her neck ridge as he savaged her tail hole. "Think of all those
inferior beta studs you let fuck you... and remember whose cock is the
one you finally broke for..." He teased, nibbling along her neck as he
slowly, smoothly, fucked the last of her resistance and shame from her

It would take him hours to cum if he didn't tie her, he knew from
having rutted many males and females. But he had hours to spend and
the energy to spend them. By the following morning, whatever was left
of Astraeus was dust.

Go back to Hooves Index 1
Notice that chapter 1 - 4 have no contents that fits here in Kandor.