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Favor For A Friend

Jeffery was somehow even more nervous, taking Mara his girlfriend to
Jordan's massive house for the second time. The first time it had
still seemed like just a fantasy to the stallion, he wasn't even sure
if Mara would go through with anything; even if he was hoping she
would. This time was very different, he was sure that he would soon
be watching his girlfriend get fucked for the first time. Jeffery had
helped Mara get dressed to the big black Bull's instructions, and even
sprayed the perfume he had requested onto her.

When they got to the mansion, Jeffery had the feeling the older red
Steer butler somehow knew he was bringing his girlfriend back to be
fucked by another male. He seemed to smirk as Jeffery asked for
Jordan, even as he eyed Mara up and down in her slutty little outfit;
as if imagining what she would soon be doing. They were quickly lead
up stairs and into a massive bedroom, as they walked into his personal
bedroom the big Bull was all gentlefur. Shaking the young stallions
big three fingered hand, and then giving Mara a long lustful kiss.
The fat Bull had Jeffery pour them drinks while Mara settled into his
lap, when the young stallion brought the whiskeys to them Jordan spoke
a toast to Jefferys girl and how beautiful she is.

As they all enjoyed the drinks Jordan's flabby hands explored Mara's
amble body and they kissed from time to time. While Jeffery sat
across from them, watching nervously his mouth dry and his erection
already straining at his trousers. Finally the big Bull finished the
last of his drink, and then had Mara to stand up. "My... my you are
such a big sexy mare." He moaned to Mara as she playfully turned
around in front of him slowly. "Why don't you remove that sexy little
dress for me my dear?" He big black Bull asked, watching leeringly as
she stripped down to her bra and panties for him. While her stallion
boy friend watched as Mara with a mix of shyness and eagerness strip
off her dress, along with Jordan admired what a sexy body she had.

Jordan made his approval clear as she modeled her lingerie for him,
the Bull's massive erection clearly outlined under his soft robe now.
"Would you lose the bra my dear?" Mara unbuckled to sexy red bra and
revealed her small tits for him, the horny Bull motioned for her to
bend forward. When she complied Jordan took a nipple in his mouth,
and she moaned as he sucked on it. Jeffery stood there dumbly,
placing his half finished drink down beside him and staying out of the
way. Jordan enjoyed her tit a while as she stayed bent forward for
him, then released her and motioned for her to stand upright. Jeffery
could see from the look on Mara's muzzle, that she was already very
turned on by what was happening.

"Jeffery." The big black Bull grunted, addressing the young stallion
across the room. "Why don't you come over and lower your girlfriend's
panties for me?" Jeffery gasped when he heard the request, but became
even harder, even though part of him knew this was demeaning. He
looked at Mara who made no objection, and then he stepped in closer to
his girlfriend and knelt down to slowly lowered her panties, which he
noted were already a little wet. The young stallion's hands were
shaking a little with excitement, as this panties slid down her long
sexy legs. Mara lifted her hooves so he could strip her completely,
and then Jordan smirked as he admired her nude body. "Ohoooo my...
could you turn for me again sweet mare." He asked her, enjoyed the
view of her tight ass awhile, before asking her to bend over for him.
Jeffery watched his girlfriend bend forward so her bare ass was raised
for another male and could feel his cock pushing against his trouser
pre-cum racing down his leg.

"Jeffery be a good fellow... come over here and spread her ass cheeks
for me." The fat black Bull ordered, watching the clearly enormously
aroused stallion give in to his own lust. Jeffery hesitated and for a
moment wondering if he should even do this, but the big Bull repeated
himself firmly and Jeffery saw Mara look over at him expectantly. The
young stallion was still on his knees, so he crawled closer then
placed a hand on each of her ass cheeks and spread them apart. Jordan
quietly enjoyed the view of the sexy mare's asshole and pussy,
murmuring his approval. Jeffery looked at Mara's muzzle and saw she
was biting her lower lip, as she does when she is very horny he
noticed her pussy was glistening with wetness now.

"You know what I am going to do to Mara now don't you Jeffery?" The
big Bull ask as he stood up to sunbelt his robe, letting it drop to
the floor behind him. The young stallion nodded dry mouthed, but
Jordan insisted he say it out loud.

"You're going to fuck her." The young stud admitted quietly, from his
subservient position on his knee's. Jordan smiled and told the young
stallion to ask him nicely, Jeffery looked up from under that hefty
Bull belly. "Please... Errr that is... would you please fuck my... my
girlfriend while I watch?" The young stallion begged breathlessly,
the whole time keep his girl's ass spread for for their older friend.
The big black Bull smiled broadly at his young friend, angling his
hips so that his long red bull cock bumped the young stallion's chin.
The submissive equine opening his muzzle and licking down the big
Bull's throbbing length, wetting it for his girlfriend's waiting sex.

"You can jack off while you watch... if you like." Jordan panted, as
he humped against the young stallion's hot tongue as he fondled
Jeffery's girlfriends pussy. Jeffery's heart was pounding wildly as
he watched Jordan finger Mara's dripping sex while the mare continued
to bend over for him. The sexy mare making it clear she was ready to
be fucked, but Jordan took his time teasing her with his fingers.

"Ummmm please baby... I need it sooooooo bad." Mara begged, as her
boyfriend took out his long equine cock and started to stroke himself,
mesmerized as Jeffery watched another male make his girlfriend his
slut. Finally the big black Bull moved up closer behind Mara, rubbing
his cock head still slick with Jeffery's spit over those quivering sex
lip's. Jeffery heard his mare whimper a little in anticipation, and
then watched Jordan suddenly push into her lustfully. The big Bull
grabbed her hips and started to immediately fuck her hard, Jeffery
felt his muzzle flush when he heard Mara's loud grunts and moans, of
course no one was paying attention to him now. The young equine
watched Jordan's hefty cock push in and out of Mara, as he heard that
heavy body slap against his girlfriend's ass again and again. Jeffery
stroked himself faster and faster, as he watched another male breed
his girlfriend. That big Bull cock unsheathed, uncovered, throbbing
and ready to pump buckets of potent male seed into her even as he
watch. 'Would the big Bull sire offspring on her?' The idea sent
shivers of sexual excitement through the young stallion, making him
stroke his on aching cock all the faster.

"You know... my record is pretty good." Jordan moaned as if reading
his young friends mind, pausing he pulled out of that sloppy mare sex
to fuck Jefferys muzzle a few thrusts before sliding back into her.
"I'm nineteen for twenty... there are nineteen males raising calf’s
I've sired on their females."

"Oh Gods...Oh Gods." Jeffery moaned, the big Bulls bragging about
cuckolding nineteen males making the young stud even more excited.

"Mmm, sounds like you're looking forward to it." The big Bull added
with a smirk, not even looking at the kneeling stallion as he spoke.
He knew Jeffery would be watching his every thrust, his every
movement, and the heavy Bull was giving him plenty to look at. His
fat belly pressed up against the mare's sleek round rump and his wide
hips shoved against her with a soft, rhythmic clap, the stallion
getting glimpses of the Bull's long shaft before it plunged back into
his mare's wet pussy.

"I... I... Ahem." Jeffery stammered unsure, maybe he was looking
forwards towards it having every one see that he'd been cuckolded.
'Damn that was sooo hot.' The sounds of that thick cock sliding in
and out of his girls sopping wet sex making the young stallion stroke
his rock hard cock longer and faster.

The huge Bull's massive black sac swung between his legs, smacking the
mare's thighs as she held herself bent over. Smirking in delighted
pleasure, Jordan caressed Mara's back with a heavy hand. "And how
about you, my sexy mare. Do you want it to be me that makes your
belly heavy, and not your kneeling stallion?"

"Ummm I... oho ohoo yeah." Mara moaned breathlessly as her strong
body shiver in pleasure from the fat Bull's hard fuck thrusts.
"Well..." She stretched the word out teasingly, knowing her passion
boyfriend was getting off on the idea. "Yes I think so." And then,
before anyone could say anything else she inhale sharp and trembled
hard obvious having the first of many orgasms on that heavy Bull cock.
Jordan grunted as he felt Mara's pussy squeezing his hard shaft, and
he held himself still inside her, biting his lip and letting it wash
over her. When he felt her calm down, still panting, he started
thrusting again, and her pants for breath soon became pleasured moans
once again. Jordan grabbed Mara's mane and pulled her head up while
he pushed into her from behind, Jeffery thought she might protest how
rough he was, but she bucked against him gratefully.

"Ummm what a big, sleek, mare you are. When was the last time you
were rutted good and hard like this?" Mara seemed almost disoriented
from the pleasure surging through her heated loins and so simply
answered. "NEVER!"

"There are conditions." Jordan announced as he stuffed his stiff
bull-hood deep inside Mara's wet mare sex. "One, I get access to this
pussy anytime I want it. You'll come home and see my bare ass fucking
your mare in your bedroom; you'd better get used to that. Second, if
you want it kept a secret that's your problem to keep people from
finding out I won't be discreet about it. Thirdly..." Jordan
grinned, reaching under the mare to rub her belly even as he planned
to fill it up with his seed. "If it's a boy, you're to service his
every sexual need. If it's a girl, you must do the same, and raise
her to expect abject slavery and devotion from all males. Are we

Jeffery looked up clearly stunned by all of this... honestly he'd
known what to expect more or less, still it was shocking to hear it
said so plainly. "Well... well alright." The young stallion
stammered far to turned on by what was happening to even think of
stopping it, besides the idea of coming home to find the Bull fucking
Mara was very exciting. "Errr... ok ok." He moaned weakly thinking
how embarrassing it would be for his friends and neighbors to find
out. "Wait wha... me service him...Errr her?" Just then Mara moaned
in, with a question for the Bull who was rutting her so well.

"Ummm I... I heard you nutted some of those cuckolds as well." Mara
moaned, clearly very much aroused by that from the sound of it, the
pretty mare biting her lower lip cutely as she pushed back into the
fat Bulls strong fuck thrust.

The fat Bull snorted, and bent over the big mare, sliding his hands
under her, caressing her belly, reaching back to fondle her clit.
Even as he slid his hard meat through her folds, and reaching forward
to grope and knead her generous breasts. "You've heard right." He
replied in his deep, rumbling voice, which was all the heavier with
pent up passions. "Not all, but some. I confess, I was pondering
whether we should have your stallion gelded if you gave me a daughter.
But perhaps we should geld him in any case... heh, it sounds like he's
mot much use as a stallion, if he can only get off y watching me fuck

"Huhuhu." Mara laughed slow and wickedly as she looked down at
Jeffery, who had stroked his cock so fast that it flew out of his
slimy fist and slapped against the floor between her and Jordan's
hooves. "Well that would be one way of keeping the blood line pure."
She laughed huskily again, as the young stallion below them looked up
a little wild eyed. "What about it honey? Wanta be a gelding cuckold
for sure?" Shockingly the handsome young stud didn't answer, but
instead grabbed his cock and jacked off furiously, until I couldn't
hold on any longer and shot all over the floor. "Oooo I think that's
a YES!" Mara laugh riding that long throbbing bull dick for all she
was worth, that tight pussy squeezing and milking her heavy lover

The big black Bull snorted, as the cuckold stallion shot his equine
load all over their hooves. He straightened up and gripped Mara's
hips firmly, and with a lusty grunt threw his shaft forward into her
squeezing cunt, fucking her spasming pussy hard until his fat black
sac jerked and jumped, and he shot his proud bovine load deep into her
belly. Jeffery watched Mara climax hard, her muzzle crunched and
mouth open slightly as she suddenly fell quiet. The big Bull didn't
let up, which seemed to drive Mara crazy with intense pleasure,
finally Jordan slowed his thrusts as he came.

"Oh gods..." Mara moaned her big sexy body trembling hard all over as
multiple orgasms washed over her, leaving her knee's weak if Jeffery
hadn't been there to hold her up she would have collapsed. "Damn...
we have got to do that again... Soon." She giggled in obvious good
spirits, as the big Bull filled her needy heat tingling sex with his
seed. Even as Jeffery craned his neck to watch cum slowly ooze from
around that thick red bovine cock.

"Ummm Ummm wow." The cuckolding gasped in delight watching another
males big cock seed his sexy girlfriends quivering sex.

Jordan took a few deep breaths to help him calm himself; and kneaded
Mara's rump, that was a very satisfying mounting. After another
moment he slid his dripping shaft from her pussy, held it out in front
of Jeffrey, and then deliberately wiped it off on the kneeling
stallion's muzzle. "Oho Gods!" The young stallions spent cock
flagged up at once as the scent of his girlfriends cum and rich thick
male seed filled his senses. Taking the big cock into his muzzle he
suckled the slimy cum off of it even as his mare watched smirking.

Jordan Ammmed and grinned as he looked down at the subservient horse,
and enjoyed the extra pleasure he was getting from him. He chuckled
and lifted has fat scrotum, and stroked the musky, velvety sac against
Jeffery’s muzzle. "There you go, now you can take my scent with you
for a while. Mmm, you're not new at this, are you Jeffrey? Why don't
you tell your girlfriend how many cocks you've sucked on..." The
young stallions eyes widen as he realized that the bulls musk would
linger for days on his muzzle and that made him blush hard.

"Errr wha?" Jeffery choked as he understood that the big Bull had
caught him, his muzzle dropped and he mumbled. "Not many... a few is
all can't really say the exact number." Mara snorted and shared a
grin with Jordan, as she draped her lush body against his. The big
black Bull turned his attention to the obviously happy mare, her hot
lush body reeking of sex and heat. "Mara my dear why don't you look in
that drawer over there." Jordan pointed to the drawer of a ornate
nearby desk, she found a small wrapped gift box, in it was a gold
ankle bracelet studded with emeralds.

"Ohoooo!" She squealed in delight, raising her leg onto the arm of a
chair, still naked she clasp the jewelry around her slender equine
ankle. "Thank you so much."

"A small thing for the joy you have given me." The big black Bull
smiled, as the sexy mare fondled his already stiffening organ
suggestively. "Is the lady feeling like she needs another breeding?"

"Ummm yes Please."


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